View Full Version : Gitmo Terror Detainees Were 'Crushed' By Obama's Failure to Close Prison
red states rule
03-22-2013, 06:10 PM
So reported terrorists loving NBC. Does anyone give a damn what the f'in terrorists think? They have it pretty soft at Club Gitmo and only brain dead libs care what they think <iframe width="520" height="293" title="MRC TV video player" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
03-22-2013, 08:13 PM
We all know. The Detainee's at Gitmo are only surpassed in exclusive treatment by America's Poor, who are the Richest Poor people on Earth.
Let them complain in Gitmo. Let our Rich Poor neighbors, driving newer, more expensive cars, who live in bigger, more expensive homes, with all of the New clothes, Wide-screen's in every room, and cell-phones I PAY FOR complain as much as they want.
Send all complaints to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.
red states rule
03-23-2013, 05:01 AM
03-23-2013, 11:43 AM
So reported terrorists loving NBC. Does anyone give a damn what the f'in terrorists think? They have it pretty soft at Club Gitmo and only brain dead libs care what they think <iframe width="520" height="293" title="MRC TV video player" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road.
03-23-2013, 11:46 AM
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road.
Only you jafar. They are PRISONERS OF WAR. Exactly where members of HAMAS should be....sans the comforts of easy living.
What a hypocrite you are, have been, and will always be.
You should ask for tickets to GITMO. That's a terrorist paradise where the people who complain about it...are on the outside.
03-23-2013, 12:32 PM
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road.
I don't think they are being tortured there, unless you consider living in a small cell like an animal to be torture. Even then, they don't deserve that much. These are the filthiest of the filthy and I couldn't care less if they ever see the light of day again. Slowly but surely, they WILL be having trials - military trials. But I agree, this should all have been avoided - they should have killed every last one of those on the battlefield to prevent people from whining about how we treat them when they are captured instead of killed.
red states rule
03-24-2013, 05:57 AM
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road.
At least these terrorists bastards you shed so many tears over breathing. Unlike the helpless people the terrorist bastards murder in cold blood by cutting their heads of with hacksaws. And what "torture"? The bastards just had a new soccer field installed at taxpayer expense, and more "renovations" are set to take place. The only torture going on is having to read the bullshit terrorist loving bastards like you post defending these known terrorists
03-24-2013, 02:20 PM
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road.
Ahh ... Jafar the Sufist defends terrorists AGAIN.
You've already come out in favour of Hamas, and against Hamas's victims. Now, you want to launch a Be Kind to Terrorists Week ?
How many of those you want to speak up for are either Al Qaeda terrorists themselves, or affiliated to them ?
You want to attack America's 'moral high ground', whilst finding excuses to support terrorist interests ?? Tell me ... how do you square your pro-terrorist sympathies with your alleged Sufism ? Just admit you're pro-Islamic terrorism, and be done with it .. and in the process, by at LEAST FINDING THE HONESTY TO ADMIT IT CANDIDLY, find the merest, barely detectable trace of your OWN moral high ground by being THAT honest us with us !
You really are a piece of work, Jafar.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-24-2013, 02:27 PM
Ahh ... Jafar the Sufist defends terrorists AGAIN.
You've already come out in favour of Hamas, and against Hamas's victims. Now, you want to launch a Be Kind to Terrorists Week ?
How many of those you want to speak up for are either Al Qaeda terrorists themselves, or affiliated to them ?
You want to attack America's 'moral high ground', whilst finding excuses to support terrorist interests ?? Tell me ... how do you square your pro-terrorist sympathies with your alleged Sufism ? Just admit you're pro-Islamic terrorism, and be done with it .. and in the process, find your OWN moral high ground !
You really are a piece of work, Jafar.
Jafar's true spirit, a piece of hideous work in progress. The Three Faces of Jafar's special religious spirit.
I think the short one in the middle is Mohammad.-:laugh2:--Tyr
03-24-2013, 02:32 PM
Jafar's true spirit, a piece of hideous work in progress. The Three Faces of Jafar's special religious spirit.
I think the short one in the middle is Mohammad.-:laugh2:--Tyr:clap::clap::clap::laugh2::laugh2:
Marcus Aurelius
03-24-2013, 11:13 PM
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road.
Prove they torture Muslims at Gitmo, dickhead.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2013, 12:00 AM
Was funny , possibly true and should have been thanked by more people here IMHO.--;)--
Your openly exspressed appreciation of such humor stands as a great testament of your fine character my friend.. Tyr
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2013, 12:02 AM
Prove they torture Muslims at Gitmo, dickhead.
He has no proof but he has never let that stop him before. As it's been forced out of him here by others that he has a very narrow interpretation of Islam but does still support certain Islamic terrorist groups. --Tyr
red states rule
03-25-2013, 03:17 AM
Prove they torture Muslims at Gitmo, dickhead.
Here is one example when it comes to the hard life the terrorists live at GITMO
A Hard Knock Life?
Harry Potter, car magazines, Ocean Spray juice and fresh strawberries.
We are getting a glimpse into life inside Guantanamo Bay's Detention Center. It appears the detainees are enjoying some of the same perks Americans have become accustomed to.
The Daily Mail reports, for example, inmates are able to check out an array of items from the library including Road and Track magazine, and -- as we've reported here on the show in the past -- the Harry Potter DVD collection.
Meal time offers an array of choices based on dietary requirements and preferences including Ocean Spray juice drinks, fresh lemon to put on fresh fish, and fresh strawberries to go along with their iced tea.
03-25-2013, 09:18 PM
Here is one example when it comes to the hard life the terrorists live at GITMO
How horrific ... :laugh::laugh:
If it's really true that Gitmo detainees are having such a cushy time of it .. I hope this is being investigated ! The REAL scandal is if those trash are NOT suffering !!!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2013, 09:35 PM
How horrific ... :laugh::laugh:
If it's really true that Gitmo detainees are having such a cushy time of it .. I hope this is being investigated ! The REAL scandal is if those trash are NOT suffering !!!
They are only suffering that they can not murder more infidels. The rest is freedom loss but that's to be expected as they are prisoners. Otherwise they have much better than many Americans that are struggling to feed their families.-Tyr
03-25-2013, 10:20 PM
They are only suffering that they can not murder more infidels. The rest is freedom loss but that's to be expected as they are prisoners. Otherwise they have much better than many Americans that are struggling to feed their families.-Tyr
Disgusting, Tyr.
This needs to be highlighted. A pity Obama can't be impeached for it. After all, isn't he, as President, supposed to put the interests of 'his' people over those of America's enemies ???
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2013, 10:27 PM
Disgusting, Tyr.
This needs to be highlighted. A pity Obama can't be impeached for it. After all, isn't he, as President, supposed to put the interests of 'his' people over those of America's enemies ???
Da "messiah" can do no wrong, dont cha' know? He brings lite to da world and a free paycheck, healthcare and basma phone
to poor deserving souls that have no damn desire to work--EVER!!!!
Stickin' it to da man.......
Of course these morons miss that he is da man.. :laugh2::laugh::laugh2: --Tyr
03-25-2013, 10:32 PM
Da "messiah" can do no wrong, dont cha' know? He brings lite to da world and a free paycheck, healthcare and basma phone
to poor deserving souls that have no damn desire to work--EVER!!!!
Stickin' it to da man.......
Of course these morons miss that he is da man.. :laugh2::laugh::laugh2: --Tyr
And let's never forget...we have all of this proof as well.....
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2013, 10:32 PM
Prove they torture Muslims at Gitmo, dickhead.
Has Jafar dared to try to prove his accusation??? -NO!!!
He has become more like Gabby everyday and that's a sad testament to the image he portrayed of himself even just a few months ago.
Simply amazing what light even a little truth tossed at him has brought for those here that he had fooled.
Recently had him calling at least a half dozen members here -Nazis..-Tyr
03-25-2013, 10:40 PM
Has Jafar dared to try to prove his accusation??? -NO!!!
He has become more like Gabby everyday and that's a sad testament to the image he portrayed of himself even just a few months ago.
Simply amazing what light even a little truth tossed at him has brought for those here that he had fooled.
Recently had him calling at least a half dozen members here -Nazis..-Tyr
Tyr. Doesn't bother me. That's how the Obama Defenders, and Hillary Defenders always react when they are confronted with TRUTH.
Let jafar call us names. It just proves he has nothing HONEST to say. So the name calling is all part of the act.
You know all of us have been called almost every name in their book. But they never really get close to the truth.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2013, 11:59 PM
Tyr. Doesn't bother me. That's how the Obama Defenders, and Hillary Defenders always react when they are confronted with TRUTH.
Let jafar call us names. It just proves he has nothing HONEST to say. So the name calling is all part of the act.
You know all of us have been called almost every name in their book. But they never really get close to the truth.
Perhaps Jafar can post what rude things I presented that supposedly gave him reason to add to HIS ignore list.
I mean things which were worse than he calling me a damn NAZI!!!!!!
He thinks that his rude crap is honey spread on bread for others perhaps...
By the way , his silence is getting much louder and ever so revealing ..--- :laugh:-Tyr
red states rule
03-26-2013, 04:12 AM
OH, how these terrorist bastards are "suffering"
But libs did win one battle on what to call the terrorists when they arrive at Club GITMO
03-26-2013, 06:15 AM
Does anyone give a damn that there are people being held there without trial and that they are also being tortured? Places like Gitmo are the reason why the US can no longer claim the moral high road. Seriously? So how are your guys treating our prisoners? Oh yeah, that's right. You guys don't take prisoners alive. News Flash for Jafar: The Nazis could have claimed the moral high road over you guys.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2013, 09:42 AM
Seriously? So how are your guys treating our prisoners? Oh yeah, that's right. You guys don't take prisoners alive. News Flash for Jafar: The Nazis could have claimed the moral high road over you guys.
They treat our guys to being sliced on and beheaded. I told my nephew if he was about to be captured over there while fighting(he served two tours of duty) to save one last bullet for himself and make damn sure that it counted. He agreed with me and gave me his word on it. Agreed it was important not to give the damn scum the moral boost and pleasure of having a living breathing American soldier to torture. -Tyr
03-26-2013, 02:12 PM
Has Jafar dared to try to prove his accusation??? -NO!!!
He has become more like Gabby everyday and that's a sad testament to the image he portrayed of himself even just a few months ago.
Simply amazing what light even a little truth tossed at him has brought for those here that he had fooled.
Recently had him calling at least a half dozen members here -Nazis..-Tyr
Short of giving ground .. which he, as someone with a propagandist line to disseminate, just COULDN'T DO .. he didn't really have much choice other than to start demonising his opposition.
It's a last-ditch tactic to use when (a) you're arguing from a position of weakness, and (b) when you completely lack the moral fibre to do anything else.
03-26-2013, 02:16 PM
Seriously? So how are your guys treating our prisoners? Oh yeah, that's right. You guys don't take prisoners alive. News Flash for Jafar: The Nazis could have claimed the moral high road over you guys.:clap::clap:
Couldn't agree more.
03-26-2013, 02:19 PM
Perhaps Jafar can post what rude things I presented that supposedly gave him reason to add to HIS ignore list.
I mean things which were worse than he calling me a damn NAZI!!!!!!
He thinks that his rude crap is honey spread on bread for others perhaps...
By the way , his silence is getting much louder and ever so revealing ..--- :laugh:-Tyr:clap::clap::clap:
red states rule
03-26-2013, 04:06 PM
Seriously? So how are your guys treating our prisoners? Oh yeah, that's right. You guys don't take prisoners alive. News Flash for Jafar: The Nazis could have claimed the moral high road over you guys.
We should have the same policy. We could save alot of money on overhead
red states rule
04-30-2013, 04:43 PM
Looks like a Rev type reporter express his support for the poor terrorists who are on a hunger strike. I am wiling to chip in and have a few hundred bacon cheeseburgers sent over to Club GITMO
<iframe width="520" height="293" title="MRC TV video player" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
04-30-2013, 06:21 PM
looks like a rev type reporter express his support for the poor terrorists who are on a hunger strike. I am wiling to chip in and have a few hundred bacon cheeseburgers sent over to club gitmo
<iframe width="520" height="293" title="mrc tv video player" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
pork rinds will do just fine! 4924
red states rule
05-01-2013, 03:46 AM
pork rinds will do just fine! 4924[/QUOTE]
Who gives a shit what the terrorists bastards are upset about - besides the liberal media?
They do not want to eat - screw em'
The US taxpayers just paid several hundred thousand dollars for a new soccer field for their entertainment and the accommodations are better then your average Super Max here is the US
These terrorist bastards claim to be so damn tough but they whine like a 4 years kid when they have to pay the piper for their actions
red states rule
05-02-2013, 05:37 AM
What a life and all FREE
Well, the US taxpayers pay for it
05-02-2013, 02:56 PM
The NAVY Corpsmen down there in charge of assisting those POW's should help Obama close Gitmo.
Save the nation millions by just allowing the POOR hunger strikers to melt in the heat of Cuba.
Allow them to stay outside until the Buzzards get hungry enough to swoop down, and pick up the frail carcasses as Dinner.
That would solve Obama's problem, and Gitmo could get back to being a Training facility for Navy Ships.
05-02-2013, 03:12 PM
If the hunger strikers there think they've got a grievance ... then let them receive REAL reason to have a grievance.
End the holiday camp conditions. Begin an intensive campaign of waterboarding. I mean .. why ever not ? It's not as though waterboarding actually HARMS the scum (.. unfortunately ..) .. which is a whole lot more than can be said for any of their victims.
Cue hoardes of Lefties to bleat on about how truly 'terrible' that the Gitmo trash aren't living a life of luxury at your taxpayers' expense.
If the detainees really consider that they suffer 'misery', then why not put them out of it.
05-02-2013, 03:19 PM
If the hunger strikers there think they've got a grievance ... then let them receive REAL reason to have a grievance.
End the holiday camp conditions. Begin an intensive campaign of waterboarding. I mean .. why ever not ? It's not as though waterboarding actually HARMS the scum (.. unfortunately ..) .. which is a whole lot more than can be said for any of their victims.
Cue hoardes of Lefties to bleat on about how truly 'terrible' that the Gitmo trash aren't living a life of luxury at your taxpayers' expense.
If the detainees really consider that they suffer 'misery', then why not put them out of it.
Sir Drummond. There is a Liberal, Tolerant answer for Obama and our Democrat, Liberals who feel sorry for those GITMO prisoners.
Establish a Democrat program to Take In Gitmo Prisoners who are NOT dangerous into Liberal homes. Starting with those who can afford to feed, and house them by Obama instructing Democrat members of Congress...from both houses. To open their arms, and homes to take care of, feed, house, and provide Obamacare until the NON-WAR on terror is over.
That's the FAIREST, most Democratic way to solve the problem, and Obama can close GITMO....NOW.
red states rule
05-03-2013, 04:28 AM
05-03-2013, 08:24 AM
Gitmo Terror Detainees Were 'Crushed' By Obama's Failure to Close Prison does that mean we've finally engaged in torture?.......
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2013, 10:24 AM
pork rinds will do just fine! 4924
Who gives a shit what the terrorists bastards are upset about - besides the liberal media?
They do not want to eat - screw em'
The US taxpayers just paid several hundred thousand dollars for a new soccer field for their entertainment and the accommodations are better then your average Super Max here is the US
These terrorist bastards claim to be so damn tough but they whine like a 4 years kid when they have to pay the piper for their actions[/QUOTE]
Our GD government treats our damn enemies better than it does us!!! nuff said, overthrow time has long ago came IMHO.Tyr
05-03-2013, 03:04 PM
[/h] does that mean we've finally engaged in torture?.......
PostmodernProphet. No. It means all of us. We, as a nation. Have been engaged in torture since the FIRST day of the Obama administration, and it will continue after he is finally out of office IF...Nancy Pelosi get's her Dream to come true...with...
4932 this RETREAD, LIAR, and Threat to mankind.
red states rule
05-06-2013, 04:01 AM
red states rule
05-14-2013, 04:11 PM
05-14-2013, 06:38 PM
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America should be preparing GITMO for the arrival of two, very important, permanent guests.
Namely. OBAMA, and HOLDER, with an appearance as the first female...Hillary Clinton.
Now we all know why OBAMA was unable to close GITMO.
It was his idea all along, that it would become his Permanent Vacation Address in the Sun Drenched Cuban Heat!
red states rule
05-15-2013, 03:53 AM
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America should be preparing GITMO for the arrival of two, very important, permanent guests.
Namely. OBAMA, and HOLDER, with an appearance as the first female...Hillary Clinton.
Now we all know why OBAMA was unable to close GITMO.
It was his idea all along, that it would become his Permanent Vacation Address in the Sun Drenched Cuban Heat!
When you have Chuck U Schumer and Sen Dick Turban of IL telling you they do not want these terrorist bastards in their state - you have no choice but to keep Club GITMO open
The next time Harry Reid blames the R's for keeping GITMO open, all the R's have to do is hold a presser and say "OK we will close GITMO and send the inmates to a secure prison in NV
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