View Full Version : What city's culture have you enjoyed the most?
02-03-2013, 01:23 PM
In the US, for me the answer is Cambridge, Massachusetts, the home of Harvard and MIT. I have never seen a nicer, friendlier community in the US. I say that having been to 49 states. When I was doing a contract at Harvard, I learned they REALLY mean it when tolerance is job one. Many knew I was a conservative and Republican and they used that as an opportunity to demonstrate their tolerance. It had the lasting effect to gain an appreciation of how hospitable and friendly the gay community is. While I may have my religious teaching regarding LGBT issues, I learned to explain them in the least derogatory way possible. I also learned that communists and socialists are not fire breathing monsters. It won't poison you to eat lunch under a portrait of Che Guevara. If friend lists are visible on this forum, you will see Windsong for that very reason.
Outside the US, it would have to be Foraleza, Ceara, Brazil, with Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil coming in a close second. You have the beach, the tropical surroundings, and a very approachable population. Manaus has the indigenous influence. I was so impressed with Brazil's indigenous population that I married one of them. My wife looks like someone who jumped out of the pages of National Geographic. I'm amazed how she can adapt to any country, but still be unmistakably an indigenous Brazilian. Anti-feminism is part of her heritage. Anyone who disparages her anti-feminism she considers a racist for belittling indigenous culture. In the politically correct scheme of things being a racist is worse than being a chauvinist. And no I it doesn't bother me that my children's ancestors were likely cannibals.
It's still part of Caboclo slang when they are extremely angry to say "I'm going to eat you" (Eu vou te comer).
However, one of my favorite Caboclo expressions is: "Pior do que homem machista é mulher que não sabe lavar a louça."
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-03-2013, 01:53 PM;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKAA2wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAACBAEDBQYABwj/xAA/EAACAQMCBAIHBgUBCAMAAAABAgMABBESIQUTMVFBYQYUIjJxgZ FCUpKhsdEWI3LB4fAHM1NigpOi8RUXJP/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAiEQACAgICAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMQQTFEFRMkL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMoR1HLpnRU8uvpdj5zQVEde5dM8vyr3L8qNhesWMde5dM8vyo uXRsHrE+XUcunggHhUMgPhRsDxCXL8q9y/CnOX5USxDOcU9hekWSwuHxogkOemFoJbOaJjzInUjuK7jhsqyx KZCFI8KjizRyDBYYxg+z1rm+RLaqOr4cNbs4MpioKVs3aLM2VV RpGAQuM0i0XlXRGdo5Z4XFieivaKa5Ve5dVZOjFClQUpox0PLp WOhYrUaaY5dQUoGrF9NRppgp5VGjypFpixWoK0yUoSlIpMX01G mr9FRoNIuyjTVir7IqStGq+yKljTN7R5VOjypnRXtFKwoW0eVe 0eVNaK9oosKFuX5V7R5U1or3LosKFtHlUaPKmuXU8uix6inLrw jpvl17RS2FQVpEmrM0pC+RqZViW6wXZ4T59KDRtUGOprmzTakB dRw87MJOjtSjxjUcdKcKUHLqlwRLkU5dCUpwx0JSqsjUT5dQY6 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</tbody> ( hZfHSV7tkn26-3Tdm_8UX-1BVLd9mU_wAA-S7btVAAAAA&sa=X&ei=wbEOUbPdNIrD2QX_5oHIAQ&ved=0CNEBELEOMA8) cQCiu6invcFVeTYezHON20 ( 5YWaz5yOi0PHvQyRVHpdUV-TqzhGuLswAfDLdSUAAAAA&sa=X&ei=wbEOUbPdNIrD2QX_5oHIAQ&ved=0CNQBELEOMA8) ( 5YWSyd0soRdv3vn4mFOTMMJOqOrPq04D0AcX5xT1AAAAA&sa=X&ei=wbEOUbPdNIrD2QX_5oHIAQ&ved=0CNcBELEOMA8) iI6e3HPpq-0SBScQRDqSeo ( hZ7Fzg3yITdr1l-a5Lc_nPlGd5KT-6CgBHjfuKUAAAAA&sa=X&ei=wbEOUbPdNIrD2QX_5oHIAQ&ved=0CNoBELEOMA8)
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We plan on going back just as soon as our son's health will allow. Cebu and Boracay both. -Tyr
02-03-2013, 03:30 PM
Lakewood, California.
I grew up there. It was that typical suburbia, everyone knew everyone else. The neighborhood looked out for each other and wasn't shy to speak out when you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing.
I spent a lot of time at my house after school when Mom wasn't home partying my ass off. A bunch of my friends would come over and we'd all kick back up in the best climbing tree I've ever seen. I remember one time the next door neighbor, grandmother of my best friend, came over and had to scold me for lighting off firecrackers in the house.
02-03-2013, 03:44 PM
Lakewood, California.
I grew up there. It was that typical suburbia, everyone knew everyone else. The neighborhood looked out for each other and wasn't shy to speak out when you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing.
I spent a lot of time at my house after school when Mom wasn't home partying my ass off. A bunch of my friends would come over and we'd all kick back up in the best climbing tree I've ever seen. I remember one time the next door neighbor, grandmother of my best friend, came over and had to scold me for lighting off firecrackers in the house.
If you liked lighting off firecrackers, you would love my father-in-law. He makes home made fireworks for my sons. There's no such thing as illegal fireworks, at least anything that get enforced. I cringe because they can blow the branch off a tree. He's a great grandfather so I bite me lip and don't say anything. Even I have fun blowing up bananas on the tree.
02-03-2013, 03:46 PM
In the US, for me the answer is Cambridge, Massachusetts, the home of Harvard and MIT. I have never seen a nicer, friendlier community in the US. I say that having been to 49 states.
I'll take your word for it. However, Professor Gates left me with a bad taste for that town.
For me; New Orleans.
02-03-2013, 04:01 PM
New Orleans for the food and partying. Myrtle Beach for the food and partying. NYC, love it or hate it. Some of the best food and attractions in the world. San Francisco, although I only had time to make it to the fishermans wharf area, or whatever it's called, by Alcatraz. Was nice to see the water, the bridge, and the food in that locale was awesome too. Lots of fruity guys, but if you can block them out... :)
02-03-2013, 04:05 PM
I'd have to say in the US, New Orleans. I love the whole feel of the place and it was always possible to strike up a conversation anywhere. For outside the US, I would say Florence, Italy. It is full of wonderful little places where you are as likely to run into locals as you are tourists.
02-03-2013, 04:30 PM
West coast...
San Diego, Santa Barbara, Solvang, Napa.
Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos.
San Antonio, Galveston, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Charleston.
North / Northeast...
Philidelphia, NYC, Cleveland (yes, that Cleveland), DC.
My international travel has been somewhat limited, business, short trips, no real time to enjoy the culture.
02-03-2013, 04:38 PM
I didn't notice that outside of the US was a part of this too...
That's easy, because I've only been to one place, St. Lucia. Some of the best food in the world in the West Indies, and easily some of the friendliest people on Earth.
02-03-2013, 05:36 PM
Lived in a few states and enjoyed the night life in a number of them. New Orleans has the best party atmosphere, Tampa used to be a great city with Ybor city part of it and awesome night life. Great college system in fact love the Florida system very much!!
Outside the US Dublin Ireland is probably my favorite and fun city, the people are amazing and the food is awesome. Great relaxed living.
For raising a family I have to say good old small town Indiana is the best for family and friends. We have access to top notch universities and vacation spots yet maintain a low tax rate and a solvent state surrounded by.. well you know!! :coffee:
02-03-2013, 06:45 PM
Hands down. KEY WEST, Florida. Nobody cares about anything, or anyone at anytime for any reason.
If you want to be alone. You can. Want to be around people. You can. Want to sleep all day. You can.
Want to stay awake. You can.'s Hurricane Season.
Then. NOBODY CARES as long as you have something strong enough to drink that will make you forget it's Hurricane Season.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-03-2013, 07:16 PM
Lived in a few states and enjoyed the night life in a number of them. New Orleans has the best party atmosphere, Tampa used to be a great city with Ybor city part of it and awesome night life. Great college system in fact love the Florida system very much!!
Outside the US Dublin Ireland is probably my favorite and fun city, the people are amazing and the food is awesome. Great relaxed living.
For raising a family I have to say good old small town Indiana is the best for family and friends. We have access to top notch universities and vacation spots yet maintain a low tax rate and a solvent state surrounded by.. well you know!! :coffee:
Always wanted to visit Ireland and Australia. Wife says we go to Cebu Philippines next trip we make. And I know which side of the biscuit not to bite! Those two destinations will just have to wait. We visit her family next trip abroad..-Tyr
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