View Full Version : Love the old ones

01-19-2013, 04:57 PM
Watching the Gregory Peck version of Moby Dick on TCM. Not sure what I would do without this channel. The final scenes of Ahab's last battle with the whale are truly devastating. Does anyone here realize, by the way, that the story of Moby Dick is actually based on a real event? Look up the Essex. As much as I believe whale hunting today should be eliminated, one cannot help but be impressed with the bravery of men who took on such enormous creatures in hand-rowed boats with hand-thrown weapons.

01-21-2013, 12:09 AM
Speaking of movies with harpoonists, I want to see (again) the old 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with Captain Nemo in the Nautilus, and Kirk Douglas as the French Canadian whaler Ned Land. Good timing --- the recent Kraken sighting. Though it was a lot smaller than the one that wrestled with Ned and the Nautilus.

01-21-2013, 12:29 AM
Speaking of movies with harpoonists, I want to see (again) the old 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with Captain Nemo in the Nautilus, and Kirk Douglas as the French Canadian whaler Ned Land. Good timing --- the recent Kraken sighting. Though it was a lot smaller than the one that wrestled with Ned and the Nautilus.

I read the book as a wee lass, ok, nothing to write home about is how it struck me. Liked the movie even less. The DisneyWorld ride a bit better than the movie.