View Full Version : Is Obama guilty of Treason??
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-31-2012, 10:55 AM
Thursday, 8 November 2012 – 70th Anniversary OPERATION TORCH – World War II Northwest Africa – Casablanca
From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III United States Navy Retired
Robert Swan Mueller, III, Director – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D.C. (ORIGINAL)
The Foreman of the two sitting Federal Grand Juries sitting in Knoxville, Tennessee via William C. Killian, U.S. Attorney for Tennessee’s Easter District
1. OBAMA represents a clear and present danger to U.S. national security, to the U.S. Constitution and to our Republican form of government. OBAMA IS A FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY! OBAMA is working assiduously to destroy America! No document record exists showing Barack Hussein OBAMA to be a United States citizen.
2. OBAMA paid money and aided and abetted Al-Qaeda members and groups that attacked Americans on U.S. territory in Benghazi, Libya on 11 and 12 September 2012. Al-Qaeda is the jihadist terrorist organization that attacked the United States on 11 September 2001.
3. Pro-jihadist and Islamist OBAMA personally denied frantic cries for help from Americans in mortal danger throughout a 7-hour attack by approximately 150 heavily armed known jihadists. OBAMA watched four Americans die in real time. OBAMA is allowing our enemies to slaughter our servicemen piecemeal at the same time ordering our troops to disarm.
4. OBAMA lies to the American people about his TREASON with every opportunity. OBAMA is lying to the American people about the 11-12 September attack in Benghazi, Libya in a cover story intended to protect OBAMA from facing a criminal prosecution and conviction.
5. OBAMA is personally responsible for OBAMA the 6 August 2011 shoot-down of an Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan. 17 Navy SEALS died. All 5 men of the Chinook crew died. 3 Air Force special tactics airmen died. 5 men of a Navy support force died. OBAMA and his gang of outlaws lie to the America people about that.
6. In commission of TREASON In commission OBAMA is engaged in purchasing and supplying guns, heavy weapons, high-powered munitions and explosives to foreign aggressors—AMERICA’S ENEMIES—around the globe. OBAMA has and continues to ship weapons from Libya to Syria through Turkey. Some weapons may be being directly shipped to Syria. Christopher Stevens was OBAMA’s point man of this operation when Stevens was murdered in Benghazi during the attack of 11-12 September 2012. In this TREASON OBAMA is arming America’s enemies: Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood connected Syrian rebels.
7. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA provides safe-haven and sanctuary to those bent on the destruction of the United States, its people, and its form of government. OBAMA encourages, facilitates and arms our enemies to carry out a WAR on the United States from enemy bases set up in the homeland and around the globe. OBAMA aids and abets these known enemy forces to establish and strike from strongholds OBAMA allows established on American soil.
8. OBAMA refuses to pledge his allegiance to the United States.OBAMA conspires with leaders of countries, groups and organizations bent upon the destruction of America. By so doing OBAMA engages in TREASON against the United States in every aspect of TREASON.
9. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA broke into and occupies the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling and deceit. OBAMA is an undocumented illegal alien and spy. Posing as an imposter president and commander-in-chief OBAMA strips civilian command and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors—command racketeers such as Martin Dempsey—are free in the exercise of an extra-military government intent upon the destruction of our Republican, constitutional form of governance. There are dozens of senior military commanders no more obedient to the United States Constitution than is OBAMA.
10. OBAMA is joined in his TREASON by a raft of civilian criminal assistants too numerous to name in this submission. I leave it to the Grand Jury, in the conduct of an independent, autonomous, and unfettered investigation, to assign specificity and particularity to the list of OBAMA’S co-conspiring outlaws.
11. OBAMA is a FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY, an infiltrator, a traitor and a spy. OBAMA installed and operates a government that rivals and competes with our U.S. Constitution. OBAMA operates government not found in our United States Constitution. If not arrested OBAMA will continue to commit TREASON. OBAMA is emboldened now and more dangerous to this country’s survival as a constitutional Republic than any other threat the United States faces in the world.
12. We come now to this reckoning: I accuse Barack Hussein OBAMA of TREASON. I accuse OBAMA’S military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. Their criminal mischief is recognized as TREASON in pure form. I expose and identify OBAMA and his criminal associates as TRAITORS (Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, David Petraeus and Martin Dempsey but a few).
13. It needs be said out loud and relentlessly: OBAMA is aiding and abetting America’s enemies. OBAMA is lying to the American people in every regard going to OBAMA’S TREASONOUNS escapades. OBAMA IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
14. This submission renews and extends all previous filings naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON dating from 17 March 2009. The list of ACTS of OBAMA’S TREASON found in this formal criminal complaint is not exhaustive. Far from it.
15. My sworn duty is to stand against everything OBAMA stands for. The FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY OBAMA IS NOT MY PRESIDENT! HE IS NOT MY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF!
“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Obedient to my oath to the United States Constitution in submission of this criminal complaint for TREASON I remain stead fast and,
I think some of these charges are valid. I know that obama 's loyalties lay not with that of the nation he is supposed to serve!! That is treason right there in that he deliberately refuses to obey and execute his oath of office!-Tyr
12-31-2012, 11:09 AM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-31-2012, 11:15 AM
Yes, again and the evidence continues to mount. Obama continues to cover up his treasonous actions.
I know, many believe that there is no such thing as treason these days but its still exists and is still a crime !
No president has ever been more likely guilty of it than obama!
I dare say a few million Americans if polled would agree!
The fact that he as our president is even accused points to something very bad in his administration IMHO. -Tyr
12-31-2012, 11:23 AM
The fact that he as our president is even accused points to something very bad in his administration IMHO. -Tyr
Being accused only points to being HATED by a portion of the population. The list is a silly, excuse for an "indictment" filled with hate, innuendo, and conjecture.
Patreus is a traitor now too? :rolleyes:
12-31-2012, 11:37 AM
Patreus is a traitor now too? :rolleyes:
Petraeus has worse problems than treason...............
He's a famous philanderer who had to resign in disgrace ---- and then go home to live with his wife.
12-31-2012, 11:44 AM
I know, many believe that there is no such thing as treason these days but its still exists and is still a crime !
Ummmmmmm..........I think it's plain it still happens but I remember well when treason stopped being a crime. I was anti-war myself during Vietnam, but when Jane Fonda went to Hanoi, I had to stop and think that over very carefully.
I realized it was treason, within the meaning of the word. Well, DUUUUH, you are thinking, but I was young, she was a cause celebre, I had to think it through.
But that was the end of treason as a crime. They let her get away with it for two reasons, I think: 1) they were losing the young people of the nation bigtime and may very well have lost the nation in revolution. I think now that this was a near thing; I didn't have the perspective to realize it at the time. So they appeased the war protestors by not arresting and charging her. And then did the key appeasement by stopping the draft, which worked. 2) She was beloved Henry Fonda's daughter and also a sexpot movie star in her own right. It was just culturally impossible at the time to arrest her for treason. It might well have triggered lots of imitators, and a revolution.
And since then, treason has never been a crime. As we see, from the large chorus of "Americans" who promote our becoming weak losers and communists and anarchists and the whole society going up in smoke. That's okay now. It used to be a crime.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2013, 08:34 PM
Being accused only points to being HATED by a portion of the population. The list is a silly, excuse for an "indictment" filled with hate, innuendo, and conjecture.
Patreus is a traitor now too? :rolleyes:
Why are you asking me? I never mentioned Patreus! -Tyr
01-04-2013, 10:03 AM
Why are you asking me? I never mentioned Patreus! -Tyr
It was kind of a rhetorical question designed to expose the effort for what it is... but you did post that blather. :slap:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2013, 10:18 AM
It was kind of a rhetorical question designed to expose the effort for what it is... but you did post that blather. :slap:
I suggest that you read and consider post number 6...
Apathy and ignorance has now blinded citizens to many things and one of those things is the nature and threat represented by treason! --Tyr
01-04-2013, 10:23 AM
I suggest that you read and consider post number 6...
Apathy and ignorance has now blinded citizens to many things and one of those things is the nature and threat represented by treason! --Tyr
15 points and you only refer to #6? :rolleyes:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
Who is our enemy?
01-04-2013, 10:39 AM
Who is our enemy?
Muslims, plainly; and anyone else that Congress designates as our enemies. I won't say anyone the prez designates, since there's been too much pointless adventuring by the Executive for the past several decades.
We have a lot of internal enemies, at this point, obviously.
01-04-2013, 10:44 AM
I suggest that you read and consider post number 6...
Apathy and ignorance has now blinded citizens to many things and one of those things is the nature and threat represented by treason! --Tyr
Read it; and considering it wasn't about Obama, I don't really see the relation. Havent seen the us law on treason presented. Speaking of apathy and ignorance, Obama's was born in Hawaii ; confirmed by Hawaiian officials in accordance with our republican form of government. So item one fails miserably. Maybe we'll just stick with the queen of heart's reasoning; if I lose my temper, you lose your head! So there you go, get mad!
01-04-2013, 10:47 AM
Muslims, plainly; and anyone else that Congress designates as our enemies. I won't say anyone the prez designates, since there's been too much pointless adventuring by the Executive for the past several decades.
We have a lot of internal enemies, at this point, obviously.
Can you point to a governmental document that identifies an entire religion as our enemy?
01-04-2013, 10:53 AM
Can you point to a governmental document that identifies an entire religion as our enemy?
Point of order-- motion to strike the first amendment. :laugh:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2013, 10:58 AM
Read it; and considering it wasn't about Obama, I don't really see the relation. Havent seen the us law on treason presented. Speaking of apathy and ignorance, Obama's was born in Hawaii ; confirmed by Hawaiian officials in accordance with our republican form of government. So item one fails miserably. Maybe we'll just stick with the queen of heart's reasoning; if I lose my temper, you lose your head! So there you go, get mad!
Don't knock anger(passion) too hard my friend. Its saved many a man's life. Mine at least once in my life but that's another story entirely.
"Remember the Alamo" was all about anger and it surely helped Sam Houston's ragtag army defeated the larger and better trained Spanish/Mexican regular troops and thus win the war!
When it comes to real life threatening events/actions my passion has always aided me rather than harmed me.
I pointed out that post (which was not mine) as a good example of why many today can not and will not dare declare any damn thing treason regardless. As was pointed out by its author.
It was about obama in that it explained why so many fail to see his actions as treasonous. -Tyr
01-04-2013, 11:03 AM
Can you point to a governmental document that identifies an entire religion as our enemy?
No, sadly ---- and considering Obama is probably a Muslim himself, we aren't likely to see one.
I would like to see them all deported, though; there is plenty of precedent for deporting problematic aliens over the centuries. It could be done; IMO it should be done. They are violent; they take over countries as soon as they have large enough numbers; we're in a war for cultural survival, and we are worse enemies to ourselves with this foolish tolerance than they are with their primitive and clumsy violence.
This is how Rome fell, too much tolerance and an intolerant religion that was determined to be the only religion was then able to take over.
01-04-2013, 11:10 AM
I pointed out that post (which was not mine) as a good example of why many today can not and will not dare declare any damn thing treason regardless. As was pointed out by its author.
It was about obama in that it explained why so many fail to see his actions as treasonous. -Tyr
Perhaps many won't see it as treason because there was nothing in there that rises to treason. The author :rolleyes: shouldn't blame the people when the document falls short.
I am amused however that you repeatedly deny the document but repeatedly accept its premise.
No, sadly ---- and considering Obama is probably a Muslim himself, we aren't likely to see one.
I would like to see them all deported, though; there is plenty of precedent for deporting problematic aliens over the centuries. It could be done; IMO it should be done. They are violent; they take over countries as soon as they have large enough numbers; we're in a war for cultural survival, and we are worse enemies to ourselves with this foolish tolerance than they are with their primitive and clumsy violence.
This is how Rome fell, too much tolerance and an intolerant religion that was determined to be the only religion was then able to take over.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2013, 12:14 PM
15 points and you only refer to #6? :rolleyes:
Yes, post number 6 by Mundane made a very important point.That our government became so PC and so socialist that it refused to prosecute of even charge treason against Jane Fonda for sure and John Kerry as well. AND ITS ONLY GOTTEN WORSE SINCE THEN!
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2013, 12:18 PM
Perhaps many won't see it as treason because there was nothing in there that rises to treason. The author :rolleyes: shouldn't blame the people when the document falls short.
I am amused however that you repeatedly deny the document but repeatedly accept its premise.
Great to see my success in that endeavor !!!!! -;)--Tyr
By the way, don't cut yourself short in that department yourself, amigo. :laugh:
01-04-2013, 12:54 PM
Yes, post number 6 by Mundane made a very important point.That our government became so PC and so socialist that it refused to prosecute of even charge treason against Jane Fonda for sure and John Kerry as well. AND ITS ONLY GOTTEN WORSE SINCE THEN!
Mundame? Oh, POST #6, not point #6 of the OP. I see your continual denial of the OP continues. She makes an interesting point which does nothing to prove treason as accused in your OP which isn't worthy of reordering btw.
Great to see my success in that endeavor !!!!! -;)--Tyr
By the way, don't cut yourself short in that department yourself, amigo. :laugh:
:confused: My amusement is based on your ignorance. So, yes... you are successful. :dunno:
01-04-2013, 01:24 PM
Mundame? Oh, POST #6, not point #6 of the OP. I see your continual denial of the OP continues. She makes an interesting point which does nothing to prove treason as accused in your OP which isn't worthy of reordering btw.
:confused: My amusement is based on your ignorance. So, yes... you are successful. :dunno:
fj. Which is why we enjoy it when Birds like you admit to Flocking Together. Now that's amusement. If ignorance is your driving force here. NUFF SAID. You have the Power.
01-04-2013, 01:26 PM
fj. Which is why we enjoy it when Birds like you admit to Flocking Together. Now that's amusement. If ignorance is your driving force here. NUFF SAID. You have the Power.
01-04-2013, 01:33 PM
I think he's using me as a brush to tar you with.
In the dark all cats are grey......... [:-)
01-04-2013, 01:33 PM
:dunno: How to use Google?
01-04-2013, 01:34 PM
:dunno: How to use Google?
The interwebs are no good when trying to figure out wtf you're on about now. :)
01-04-2013, 01:36 PM
I think he's using me as a brush to tar you with.
In the dark all cats are grey......... [:-)
I don't think either of us has the ability to psychoanalyze what's going on in there. ;)
01-04-2013, 02:37 PM
The interwebs are no good when trying to figure out wtf you're on about now. :)
The simple fact you call it 'interwebs' tells me all I, or anyone else needs to know. That's a BUSH-ISM.
01-04-2013, 03:24 PM
The simple fact you call it 'interwebs' tells me all I, or anyone else needs to know. That's a BUSH-ISM.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2013, 07:32 PM
Mundame? Oh, POST #6, not point #6 of the OP. I see your continual denial of the OP continues. She makes an interesting point which does nothing to prove treason as accused in your OP which isn't worthy of reordering btw.
:confused: My amusement is based on your ignorance. So, yes... you are successful. :dunno:
^^ This from a guy that would kill a toad and then brag about facing and slaying a mad, charging elephant!
A guy that surely believes his arrogance is brilliance and his contempt is genius..
Your blindness apparently is one of your stronger defenses pedro. :laugh:
Carry on, it amuses me and that's why I told ya don't sell yourself short in that department.--Tyr
01-05-2013, 03:33 PM
^^ This from a guy that would kill a toad and then brag about facing and slaying a mad, charging elephant!
A guy that surely believes his arrogance is brilliance and his contempt is genius..
Your blindness apparently is one of your stronger defenses pedro. :laugh:
Carry on, it amuses me and that's why I told ya don't sell yourself short in that department.--Tyr
So you've abandoned defense of your thread then? At least that's what your silly allegations say to me.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2013, 04:39 PM
So you've abandoned defense of your thread then? At least that's what your silly allegations say to me.
I've abandoned nothing. I have taken a break long enough to toss shat back at the guy that started tossing shat first.
Your silly accusations amuse me and a few times piss me off just enough for me to reply in kind . Only I do not try to hide my shat flinging like you do.-Tyr
01-05-2013, 04:53 PM
I've abandoned nothing. I have taken a break long enough to toss shat back at the guy that started tossing shat first.
Your silly accusations amuse me and a few times piss me off just enough for me to reply in kind . Only I do not try to hide my shat flinging like you do.-Tyr
So the reason you aren't expanding on the treason charge is because you can't do it with crap on your fingers? Learn to multi-task dude.
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2013, 05:14 PM
So the reason you aren't expanding on the treason charge is because you can't do it with crap on your fingers? Learn to multi-task dude.
The concept of taking a break to complicated for you to handle or what???
01-06-2013, 12:21 AM
The concept of taking a break to complicated for you to handle or what???
Taking a break? :laugh: How many posts have you put up in the past couple of days? But sure, I'll wait until you post up some more err, actual evidence of treason.
01-06-2013, 03:13 PM
The concept of taking a break to complicated for you to handle or what???
Tyr. Don't blame fj. His parents never had any kids that lived.
01-06-2013, 03:14 PM
Tyr. Don't blame fj. His parents never had any kids that lived.
:laugh: :laugh:
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-14-2013, 10:23 PM
Obama says willing to assume authority to raise debt ceiling
<cite class="byline vcard" id="yui_3_5_1_22_1358216054122_302" style="font-style: normal; color: rgb(125, 125, 125); font-size: 12px; font-family: Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 2.2em; display: inline-block !important;">Reuters – <abbr title="2013-01-14T23:12:43Z" id="yui_3_5_1_22_1358216054122_303" style="border: 0px;">3 hrs ago</abbr></cite>
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday that he would be willing to take over authority for raising the U.S. borrowing limit if Congress does not want to increase the debt ceiling.
Obama was asked at a news conference about differences he is having with congressional Republicansover raising the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling that the country is expected to hit as soon as the middle of next month.
"This is about paying your bills," he said. "We've got to stop lurching from crisis to crisis to crisis."
(Reporting By Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Mohammad Zargham)
^^^^^^^^^King obama now declares that he is going to just take the "purse".
This after also stating today that he will be using his Executive authority to put into play further gun regulationS, thus attacking the 2nd Amendment!
Didn't I tell you people what this dictator , this traitor , would do if given a second term. All this even before he is even sworn in again!!
What does this SOB have to do for people to see exactly what he is!???????????????????
No president in history has made as many threats as has this bastard... --Tyr
01-14-2013, 11:11 PM
Obama says willing to assume authority to raise debt ceiling
<cite class="byline vcard" id="yui_3_5_1_22_1358216054122_302" style="font-style: normal; color: rgb(125, 125, 125); font-size: 12px; font-family: Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 2.2em; display: inline-block !important;">Reuters – <abbr title="2013-01-14T23:12:43Z" id="yui_3_5_1_22_1358216054122_303" style="border: 0px;">3 hrs ago</abbr></cite>
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday that he would be willing to take over authority for raising the U.S. borrowing limit if Congress does not want to increase the debt ceiling.
Obama was asked at a news conference about differences he is having with congressional Republicansover raising the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling that the country is expected to hit as soon as the middle of next month.
"This is about paying your bills," he said. "We've got to stop lurching from crisis to crisis to crisis."
(Reporting By Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Mohammad Zargham)
^^^^^^^^^King obama now declares that he is going to just take the "purse".
This after also stating today that he will be using his Executive authority to put into play further gun regulationS, thus attacking the 2nd Amendment!
Didn't I tell you people what this dictator , this traitor , would do if given a second term. All this even before he is even sworn in again!!
What does this SOB have to do for people to see exactly what he is!???????????????????
No president in history has made as many threats as has this bastard... --Tyr
The really sad part of all of this is. There are so many Uneducated, Selfish, Ignorant American voters who gave Obama his second chance at destroying this nation.
None of them are willing to admit they were FOOLED on November 6th. So, rather than admit they were wrong about their WONDERBOY. They'd rather let him destroy EVEN THEIR LIVES, and FAMILIES...than ever admit making a mistake.
But...the fact remains. Most of them ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH to know...they made a mistake.
01-19-2013, 12:09 AM
Thursday, 8 November 2012 – 70th Anniversary OPERATION TORCH – World War II Northwest Africa – Casablanca
From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III United States Navy Retired
Robert Swan Mueller, III, Director – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D.C. (ORIGINAL)
The Foreman of the two sitting Federal Grand Juries sitting in Knoxville, Tennessee via William C. Killian, U.S. Attorney for Tennessee’s Easter District
1. OBAMA represents a clear and present danger to U.S. national security, to the U.S. Constitution and to our Republican form of government. OBAMA IS A FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY! OBAMA is working assiduously to destroy America! No document record exists showing Barack Hussein OBAMA to be a United States citizen.
2. OBAMA paid money and aided and abetted Al-Qaeda members and groups that attacked Americans on U.S. territory in Benghazi, Libya on 11 and 12 September 2012. Al-Qaeda is the jihadist terrorist organization that attacked the United States on 11 September 2001.
3. Pro-jihadist and Islamist OBAMA personally denied frantic cries for help from Americans in mortal danger throughout a 7-hour attack by approximately 150 heavily armed known jihadists. OBAMA watched four Americans die in real time. OBAMA is allowing our enemies to slaughter our servicemen piecemeal at the same time ordering our troops to disarm.
4. OBAMA lies to the American people about his TREASON with every opportunity. OBAMA is lying to the American people about the 11-12 September attack in Benghazi, Libya in a cover story intended to protect OBAMA from facing a criminal prosecution and conviction.
5. OBAMA is personally responsible for OBAMA the 6 August 2011 shoot-down of an Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan. 17 Navy SEALS died. All 5 men of the Chinook crew died. 3 Air Force special tactics airmen died. 5 men of a Navy support force died. OBAMA and his gang of outlaws lie to the America people about that.
6. In commission of TREASON In commission OBAMA is engaged in purchasing and supplying guns, heavy weapons, high-powered munitions and explosives to foreign aggressors—AMERICA’S ENEMIES—around the globe. OBAMA has and continues to ship weapons from Libya to Syria through Turkey. Some weapons may be being directly shipped to Syria. Christopher Stevens was OBAMA’s point man of this operation when Stevens was murdered in Benghazi during the attack of 11-12 September 2012. In this TREASON OBAMA is arming America’s enemies: Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood connected Syrian rebels.
7. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA provides safe-haven and sanctuary to those bent on the destruction of the United States, its people, and its form of government. OBAMA encourages, facilitates and arms our enemies to carry out a WAR on the United States from enemy bases set up in the homeland and around the globe. OBAMA aids and abets these known enemy forces to establish and strike from strongholds OBAMA allows established on American soil.
8. OBAMA refuses to pledge his allegiance to the United States.OBAMA conspires with leaders of countries, groups and organizations bent upon the destruction of America. By so doing OBAMA engages in TREASON against the United States in every aspect of TREASON.
9. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA broke into and occupies the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling and deceit. OBAMA is an undocumented illegal alien and spy. Posing as an imposter president and commander-in-chief OBAMA strips civilian command and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors—command racketeers such as Martin Dempsey—are free in the exercise of an extra-military government intent upon the destruction of our Republican, constitutional form of governance. There are dozens of senior military commanders no more obedient to the United States Constitution than is OBAMA.
10. OBAMA is joined in his TREASON by a raft of civilian criminal assistants too numerous to name in this submission. I leave it to the Grand Jury, in the conduct of an independent, autonomous, and unfettered investigation, to assign specificity and particularity to the list of OBAMA’S co-conspiring outlaws.
11. OBAMA is a FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY, an infiltrator, a traitor and a spy. OBAMA installed and operates a government that rivals and competes with our U.S. Constitution. OBAMA operates government not found in our United States Constitution. If not arrested OBAMA will continue to commit TREASON. OBAMA is emboldened now and more dangerous to this country’s survival as a constitutional Republic than any other threat the United States faces in the world.
12. We come now to this reckoning: I accuse Barack Hussein OBAMA of TREASON. I accuse OBAMA’S military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. Their criminal mischief is recognized as TREASON in pure form. I expose and identify OBAMA and his criminal associates as TRAITORS (Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, David Petraeus and Martin Dempsey but a few).
13. It needs be said out loud and relentlessly: OBAMA is aiding and abetting America’s enemies. OBAMA is lying to the American people in every regard going to OBAMA’S TREASONOUNS escapades. OBAMA IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
14. This submission renews and extends all previous filings naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON dating from 17 March 2009. The list of ACTS of OBAMA’S TREASON found in this formal criminal complaint is not exhaustive. Far from it.
15. My sworn duty is to stand against everything OBAMA stands for. The FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY OBAMA IS NOT MY PRESIDENT! HE IS NOT MY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF!
“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Obedient to my oath to the United States Constitution in submission of this criminal complaint for TREASON I remain stead fast and,
I think some of these charges are valid. I know that obama 's loyalties lay not with that of the nation he is supposed to serve!! That is treason right there in that he deliberately refuses to obey and execute his oath of office!-Tyr
To answer the OP
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