View Full Version : Where Is The Tea Party?

12-02-2012, 04:54 PM
Seems in Tennessee:


The first battle of the next Tea Party wave — December 5 rally in Nashville against Obamacare exchange (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/12/the-first-battle-of-the-next-tea-party-wave-december-5-rally-in-nashville-against-obamacare-exchange/) http://legalinsurrection.com/wp-content/themes/legal/images/comments.png (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/12/the-first-battle-of-the-next-tea-party-wave-december-5-rally-in-nashville-against-obamacare-exchange/#comments)
http://legalinsurrection.com/wp-content/themes/legal/images/link.png (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/12/the-first-battle-of-the-next-tea-party-wave-december-5-rally-in-nashville-against-obamacare-exchange/)
Posted by William A. Jacobson (http://legalinsurrection.com/author/bill/) Sunday, December 2, 2012 at 9:52am




Opposition to Obamacare fueled the Tea Party wave of 2009-2010. The next wave will include continued opposition to Obamacare, along with other fiscal issues, The Tea Party tsunami at the gates (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/12/the-tea-party-tsunami-at-the-gates/).

The fight over Obamacare as a law ended when Chief Justice John Roberts enganged in mental gymnastics (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/06/supreme-judicial-activism-in-restraints-clothing/) to uphold the law under Congress’ taxing authority, and then again when Obama’s reelection removed any possibility of complete repeal.

The fight over Obamacare now is over implementation. There are inherent problems in the law itself which will raise popular ire, but the battle now is over exchanges and other aspects of implementation.

One of the first orders up is whether states will implement the Obamacare exchanges, or let it default to the federal government, which will have a difficult time doing so (http://hotair.com/headlines/archives/2012/11/26/obamas-new-challenge-setting-up-obamacare-insurance-exchanges/).

Only 13 states (http://www.themainewire.com/2012/11/states-opt-obamacares-insurance-exchanges-avoid-exorbitant-costs-complicated-regulations/) have taken steps to set up the exchanges, and 17 state governors (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/28/jan-brewer-arizona-health-care_n_2206884.html) have declared an intention not to set up exchanges.

One state where there is a disconnect between the population and the governor is Tennessee, where Governor Bill Haslam is wavering (http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=41B3161C-84A2-4119-8D1E-B4D882E9B7ED). The Lt. Governor has come out against (http://ltgov.tn.gov/2012/11/statement-obamacare-exchanges/) implementation.
In response, a variety of groups led by local Tea Party organizations are organizing rallies for December 5, as reflected in this announcement being circulated by e-mail and on the web (h/t Linda in Tennessee):


http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs061/1102943001013/img/2.png (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001akWlnUz4zPXBa6NkViURUb807rMKywNILgvISm zI4qhd5RfH0qL6uhUABb0U-ZT2RYEYJszTxgZiPyXkYPd-_sEKMaqcKEeThHkDCbxN47IHhxqC-jyPbA==)


Please Join us at the JUST SAY NO RALLY Wed Dec 5, 12 Noon at the Capitol

Your help is needed to stop an Obamacare State Exchange in TN. Governor Haslam must make a decision by December 14 and reports indicate he is still undecided. Please join us as we raise our voices together and petition the Governor to JUST SAY NO to an Obamacare State Exchange. We will have a petition for you to sign at the Rally.

Here is a map link: http://goo.gl/pQXUl. We will Rally on the East Side of the Tennessee State Capitol Building at 12 Noon on Wednesday, December 5.

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/<wbr>events/386327168116347/


Additional Resources

Why Tennessee Should Not Creat an Obamacare Exchange [pdf]


Cato Institute: The Road to Repeal Starts in the States (http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/obamacare-road-repeal-starts-states)[pdf]

No Obamacare Exchanges by Michael F Cannon [pdf]


Obamacare Section 1311 State Exchanges [pdf]


Additional Volunteer Needs: We are looking for someone who can update all of our online presences with events like these (Facebook, FreedomWorks, and our own website calendar). Email eric@sumnerunited.org if you are interested.
Here is the form letter Gov. Haslam sends in response to letters on the topic:

Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about the federal health care legislation and healthcare exchanges. Listening to and learning from Tennesseans is very important to me, and I am committed to better understanding your concerns.
I believe there is a need for real, market-based healthcare reform in America that will increase accessibility while working to control the costs that place an unfair burden on so many Tennesseans. I have actively opposed the unfunded mandates that resulted from the healthcare bill President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010. The law is an incredible overreach by the federal government that will be costly, and it does nothing to solve the crisis of the cost of healthcare in our country. Earlier this year, I joined with other conservative governors in signing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court opposing this law.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court upheld the majority of the law this summer, including the provision that requires states to either participate in a federal exchange or establish a state-run exchange. Because of this, there is not an option to “opt-out” of this law. If that option existed, the decision would be easy.

If Tennessee decides not to set up an exchange, one will be set up for us by the federal government and run out of Washington, DC. There are still a lot of unanswered questions out of Washington about the level of flexibility and control the state would actually have in running an exchange. These and other questions must be answered by the US Department of Health and Human Services before a decision can be made.
I have heard concerns that a state-run exchange could potentially violate the Tennessee Healthcare Freedom Act. That act specifically addresses agents of the state enforcing a requirement to buy health insurance. Because purchasing from the exchange is optional and no one is required to purchase from the exchange, it is not affected by our state law. As far as the exchange is concerned, Tennesseans are still free to purchase their own insurance from the insurer of their choice, or their employer where provided. The individual mandate in the ACA is enforced by the IRS, not the State of Tennessee.

The federal government has extended the deadline for states to declare their intentions until December 14, 2012. While we are waiting for Washington to answer our questions and address our concerns, we will use this time to continue to listen to constituents and consult with legislators and other conservative governors around the country to make sure we have as much information as possible to make the best decision for the people of Tennessee.

Warmest regards,

Bill Haslam
If any readers attend the rally, please send me photos, video and reports.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2012, 05:08 PM
Seems in Tennessee:


If obama doesnt finish the destruction job he started in his first term and we can not put a patriotic conservative in as President in 2016 this nation is finished. More than likely we are too far down than path already or else the lying traitor would not have gotten a second term..-Tyr

12-02-2012, 05:12 PM
If obama doesnt finish the destruction job he started in his first term and we can not put a patriotic conservative in as President in 2016 this nation is finished. More than likely we are too far down than path already or else the lying traitor would not have gotten a second term..-Tyr

I suppose with the post that started this, I'm hoping there will be a country I recognize in 2016, I must say though, I've serious doubts.

I did not and do not think this country could take '4 more years!'

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2012, 05:21 PM
I suppose with the post that started this, I'm hoping there will be a country I recognize in 2016, I must say though, I've serious doubts.

I did not and do not think this country could take '4 more years!'

You have far above average insight and I agree. Obama's plan is to finish the job with a little help from our enemies overseas. If he and his policies can break us economicly, they also get the benefit of breaking our military. Something that they wanted for well over 50 years! Those doing this are wise enough to not have tried a miltary attack upon us, instead working from within they can do it and make trillions in profit while doing so. With the all important benefit of not taking a huge chance of being killed in a fight. Its not conspiracy , its reality and we get to be the victims. -Tyr

Robert A Whit
12-02-2012, 05:43 PM
I really don't enjoy reading caterwauling.

OK, we lost. What did we do better than when McCain ran?

1. I can't say it was all Mitt Romney, but Obama LOST 9 million votes he had during McCain.

Think that over. Somebody did not want Obama to last as president. 9 million voters is not chicken feed.

2. I have to recheck but it seems to me that Romney got MORE votes than McCain had got. Even if I am wrong, the Rs kept more of their votes than Obama kept.

So what do we make of this. When Clinton won, I bought a book by Edwin Feulner, Jr called Leadership for America.

That book was written due to Democrats winning. Though published in 2000, the essays in the book were all composed prior to that. Some of the best conservative thinkers had put down essays and they were included in the book.

As to Obama care, we can't forget that many governors are balking.

While the Feds can force taxes to be paid, they can't force you to purchase insurance. And compared to the high cost of premiums, there is actually no incentive to buy insurance. Roberts gutted that by saying nobody can force you to purchase the product under the guise of the commerce clause.

While we wanted the entire victory, we got more than most seem to believe.

12-02-2012, 05:52 PM
I really don't enjoy reading caterwauling.

OK, we lost. What did we do better than when McCain ran?

1. I can't say it was all Mitt Romney, but Obama LOST 9 million votes he had during McCain.

Think that over. Somebody did not want Obama to last as president. 9 million voters is not chicken feed.

2. I have to recheck but it seems to me that Romney got MORE votes than McCain had got. Even if I am wrong, the Rs kept more of their votes than Obama kept.

So what do we make of this. When Clinton won, I bought a book by Edwin Feulner, Jr called Leadership for America.

That book was written due to Democrats winning. Though published in 2000, the essays in the book were all composed prior to that. Some of the best conservative thinkers had put down essays and they were included in the book.

As to Obama care, we can't forget that many governors are balking.

While the Feds can force taxes to be paid, they can't force you to purchase insurance. And compared to the high cost of premiums, there is actually no incentive to buy insurance. Roberts gutted that by saying nobody can force you to purchase the product under the guise of the commerce clause.

While we wanted the entire victory, we got more than most seem to believe.

So the Conservatives won, just don't know it? Or they won enough and should stop trying for more? I mean man, your point?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2012, 06:03 PM
I really don't enjoy reading caterwauling.

OK, we lost. What did we do better than when McCain ran?

1. I can't say it was all Mitt Romney, but Obama LOST 9 million votes he had during McCain.

Think that over. Somebody did not want Obama to last as president. 9 million voters is not chicken feed.

2. I have to recheck but it seems to me that Romney got MORE votes than McCain had got. Even if I am wrong, the Rs kept more of their votes than Obama kept.

So what do we make of this. When Clinton won, I bought a book by Edwin Feulner, Jr called Leadership for America.

That book was written due to Democrats winning. Though published in 2000, the essays in the book were all composed prior to that. Some of the best conservative thinkers had put down essays and they were included in the book.

As to Obama care, we can't forget that many governors are balking.

While the Feds can force taxes to be paid, they can't force you to purchase insurance. And compared to the high cost of premiums, there is actually no incentive to buy insurance. Roberts gutted that by saying nobody can force you to purchase the product under the guise of the commerce clause.

While we wanted the entire victory, we got more than most seem to believe.

There are those that have a right to bitch and then there are those that do not. The crap being pulled now and during the election by obama and by his bought out media allies deserve to be discussed. In fact deserves to be addressed with far more than just talk. Will it be? Who knows, nost likely not and thats the biggest damn shame. Americans are being shafted all to hell and the going discussion is often --well dont bitch about it!!
Why not? They do and use it to justify their corruption and dirty tactics. Either we demand true justice or we dont. If we dont then we deserve what we get. Not talking about it serves no purpose other than showing a willingness to be ffkked and appearing to like it! The guy is a damn traitor and we are supposed to kiss his ass! FFKK HIM!!--Tyr

12-02-2012, 07:41 PM
Everyone should just pay attention to what takes place in Washington DC, and in the Congress prior to January 1st.

If Congress manages to do the expected, and they do not reach some kind of realistic agreement.

January 1st will become the Beginning of the End for America as we once knew it. No matter whether we are Democrat, Republican, or Independent.

If the CLIFF arrives as I suspect it will on NEW YEARS DAY. The Democrats, and the Dumber than Dirt Americans who follow them, and Obama will just BLAME Republicans.

If the CLIFF doesn't arrive on January 1st. The Democrats will, and should TAKE FULL CREDIT for the Complete Downfall of the Markets, and our Economy that will place ONE MORE TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT on the backs of Every American. And the Democrats, with Obama, will just BLAME Republicans again, as those Dumber than Dirt Americans who voted for Obama....finally learn. Those FREE things they were given, and enjoyed....ARE ALL GOING TO STOP. Thanks to Mister Obama who LIED to them, and LIES to all of us Still.