Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 05:29 PM
What shall we do? Will we make the greatest generation proud of us or will we be like the Romans, lost in our decay and greed?
The Fragile, Rotten Egg TopplesWhile the Persian wolf howled at the border on the weak eastern edge, the Roman Empire scraped by, narrow victory after narrow escape after occasional defeat, simultaneously suffering frequent internal turmoil. The Empire still looked good. Large, rich, with all the appurtenances of power, but it was decaying. As Adrian Goldsworthy (author of a recent important work on Cleopatra (http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/cleopatra/a/092510-Antony-And-Cleopatra-By-Adrian-Goldsworthy.htm)) explains in How Rome Fell (http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/fallofrome/gr/050509howromefell.htm) -- but using an athletic analogy, the decayed Empire was so rotten inside that it took barely an ostrich feather to knock it down when Odoacer simply ordered the last emperor in the west to get out. And so Rome fell in A.D. 476.
We are headed ever so swiftly down the same path only its by design and deliberate plan in our case..
Obama's second term proves that the nation has already fallen IMHO.. Very likely if we are to be saved it will take a revolution. Jefferson was right, the Tree of Liberty must have fresh blood to survive.. -Tyr
The Fragile, Rotten Egg TopplesWhile the Persian wolf howled at the border on the weak eastern edge, the Roman Empire scraped by, narrow victory after narrow escape after occasional defeat, simultaneously suffering frequent internal turmoil. The Empire still looked good. Large, rich, with all the appurtenances of power, but it was decaying. As Adrian Goldsworthy (author of a recent important work on Cleopatra (http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/cleopatra/a/092510-Antony-And-Cleopatra-By-Adrian-Goldsworthy.htm)) explains in How Rome Fell (http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/fallofrome/gr/050509howromefell.htm) -- but using an athletic analogy, the decayed Empire was so rotten inside that it took barely an ostrich feather to knock it down when Odoacer simply ordered the last emperor in the west to get out. And so Rome fell in A.D. 476.
We are headed ever so swiftly down the same path only its by design and deliberate plan in our case..
Obama's second term proves that the nation has already fallen IMHO.. Very likely if we are to be saved it will take a revolution. Jefferson was right, the Tree of Liberty must have fresh blood to survive.. -Tyr