View Full Version : Shoot coyotes win Assualt rifles.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-19-2012, 10:20 AM

Oct 18, 1:28 PM EDT

Shoot coyotes in NM, win assault rifle as prize

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A shooting range and gun store in Albuquerque is hosting a two-day contest to see who can kill the most coyotes, despite protests from environmentalists.
KOB-TV reports ( http://bit.ly/RXlQi3 ) that Calibers Shooting Sports Center is holding the challenge for two-member teams beginning Dec. 1.
Susan Weiss, an advocate for the "Coexist with Coyotes" group, calls the competition "immoral and disgusting."
Caliber's owner, Ryan Burt, says he came up with the idea after he was approached by several ranchers from around the state who have been dealing with coyotes harming livestock.
Coyotes have no protection under New Mexico law

Damn , this is great ideal. Too bad I can not go there to try my hand. -Tyr

red state
07-31-2013, 12:37 PM
Yes, I respect these varmints and their neighboring predator (the bob cat) but we have had FAR too many lately and it is neither healthy for them or the game which man eats. It is also not good for non-hunters in that they are a major threat to pets and as a West Highland White Terrier owner can tell you, these smaller dogs are often victimized...even by owls. Coyotes and bobcats are also becoming quite a problem for young goats, sheep and calves. I have a neighbor who breeds high dollar game rooster for folks all over the world and he has a major problem with hawk, owls, coyotes, foxes and even raccoon and bobcats. They are not pressured in these areas but will predate the "easier" meal. Once they've tasted such delicacies....the almost NEVER return to their natural prey. What is extremely disappointing is how some of these predators (such as owls) are disgustingly wasteful and usually eat ONLY the brains of their prey. I have had them kill 5 of my chickens in one "sitting" and killed each one, ate the brains and then proceed to the next victim....leaving the rest of the bird to feed the flies. These environmentalist NEVER know the facts and like most liberals, operate on feelings. They are the same people who feel that none of us should "own" anything....especially land. They are the most envious people I know and their ways of interfering in managing OUR wildlife is only harmful to nature. We have more Whitetail and Wild Turkey than this Continent has EVER seen and with proper, Conservative CONSERVation, we will continue to better what God has provided.

As for coyotes....when I was younger, I refused to kill them but as I grew wiser, I saw the need to do so. I've found too many half eaten deer and turkey to simply turn a blind eye to the waste that comes from over populated predators. They kill their competition and as is the natural process, I too will kill my competition.

I took my first coyote with my grandfather at my side at the age of 13 (with his WWWII 7.7 Jap Rifle). A FINE shooting firearm that I highly recommend (if you can afford the ammo). The rest of my bobcat and coyote kills have been with other weaponry. I've taken a bobcat and a coyote with a bow (an amazing feat if anyone cares to agree or try it for themselves) and I've taken 4 or 5 coyote with my shotgun while turkey hunting. They are EXTREMELY easy to call up during the early spring and it provides about as much excitement as calling up a KING TOM. My son has killed two bobcats with his PSE competition bow and one with his Pro Line. He saw MANY bobcats that year 2011 and even saw a GROWN buck being chased by a very persistent bobcat. I had earlier witnessed that same cat after a group of turkey who had just settled in for their roost.

Good post, TYR...I will have to start one about the coming BOW SEASON cuz it is just around the corner and I saw a very appealing scene yesterday (7-29-13). I'll post that photo within my NEW thread "BOW SEASON".