View Full Version : All the Thugs in the NFL

05-24-2007, 08:33 PM
Wanna keep track?


The Houston Texans have zero points on this board - and that's a good thing! :texflag:

05-24-2007, 10:35 PM
The Bengals have been an absolute embarrasment to Cincinnati with their behavior of the field. A lot of the local sports talk show hosts think Marvin Lewis otta be kickin their rears more.

05-25-2007, 02:00 PM
Professional sports are not about character and conduct. They are about winning games and making a lot of money. There is a lot of lip service about "cleaning up the game." But the bottom line is, if you got game, there will always be a place for you.
Look at that Pacman Jones guy. Arrested seven times. Still playing the race card. Baseball guys caught using steroids and basically laughing it off. Basketball guys with a license to be criminals. They basically get free passes.