View Full Version : New Epytian Prez vows to realease Blind Shiehk AQ's "spiritual" leader

08-02-2012, 07:28 AM
Mohamed Morsi, Egypt's New President, Vows To Free Blind Sheikh Tied To WTC Bombing
CAIRO -- Egypt's president-elect Mohammed Morsi has vowed to free the blind sheik jailed in the U.S. for a plot to blow up New York City landmarks. In his first public speech addressing tens of thousands of mostly Islamist supporters, Morsi promised Saturday to work to free Omar Abdel-Rahman, the spiritual leader of men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
He also promised to free detained Egyptian protesters facing military tribunals.


This is from the web site of the FBI informant former Egyptian Mil. captain, Emad Salem, that helped jailed the Blind Sheihk.
(sites kinda slow)

When (GOD) sent his messenger MOHAMED (P.B.U.H.) after delivering the scripture,he also asked him to marry 2 Jewish wives and a Christian to teach us tolerance
You who believe in GOD and his prophet ( Peace be upon him )
and Islam as a peaceful, tolerant Religion, stand up and rise up against Fanaticism and the Fanatics who hijacked our peaceful, tolerant Islam and portrayed it as a violent, zealot Religion. Don't be afraid of their threats and retaliation.
Some of them are seeking a special , financial Agenda and some of them are seeking Fame and Power, and the rest of them are being manipulated to execute their Leaders Agenda under the assumption that they will go to Heaven, if they kill Christians and/ or Jews.
I was there, I lived with them and I understood their Double- Faces,in public they are pious and religious and in private they are completely the opposite, showing their real faces.
Sadly, they allowed themselves to be Judges, Jury and Executioners to anybody, who disagrees with their radical views.
When they are in trouble,it is o.k. for them to hire Jewish Attorneys,but when somebody else, like President Sadat singes a Peace- Agreement with a Jewish State, they consider him an Infidel and his blood becomes permissible (This is the Hippocratic itself )
I understand, your peacefulness and your rejection of violent Fanaticism, but your rejection is not enough.
I live amongst you as a Muslim- American and I understand how good you are as American- Muslim Citizens, but in the Defense of our Faith you must stand up and rise up, to announce to the whole World, that these Radical Terrorists do not speak on behalf of Islam,nor are they the holy representatives to one of the great Religions.
On the contrary, they are destroying the image of Islam and interrupting the Human Harmony
Emad Salem

LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMAI write to you as an American Citizen for the last 20 years and I will never forget the 37 years I lived as an Egyptian Citizen, who served in the Military for so many years, in so many different positions in that Military, which gives me a lot of experience about the culture and the way life has been conducted there.

The Egyptian People are very good-hearted, emotional People and that is the weak spot, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman played on. If there is anyone who knows Sheik Omar very well,that will be me. I fed him,I cooked for him, I put the shoes on his feet to even take him to the Bathroom. I was Under-Cover for the F.B.I. New-York Office. I had the opportunity to see Dr. Jeykil and Mr. Hyde in Sheik Omar.

In front of the American Media, he pledged allegiance to the U.S. yet, behind closed doors, specifically in his kitchen, he ordered me to blow up American Military Facilities. He also announced to me, on tape , that " Blowing up The United Nations is not illicit ".

This man ordered the killing of President Anwar Sadat, for his role in creating the Peace Agreement with Israel in Camp David. Prior to that, he announced to the Egyptian People, that President Gamal Abdel Nasser was an Infidel and that is was wrong to conduct Muslim Prayers over his body. The " HOLY " Sheik gave me a straight order, to assassinate President Hosni Mubarak, during one of his trips to the United States, which was prevented by the F.B.I.

He is the Prince of Terror - and he is proud of it !
He always has a smirk on his face when he boasts " No court was able to convict me of any crime "- until he was finally caught on Tape, ordering to blow up American Military Facilities. The history of violence and evil- doing is so long. I think if one of your assistants goes through my web-site,he will find some of that long, bloody past.

So, please don't allow his bloody, violent History to become the Future of Egypt and The United States as well.
Please do not bend over backwards to the demands of Terrorists. They know nothing except spreading Fear and Violence, if anybody disagrees with them , or does not comply with their demands. You Mr. President, will be responsible for the Death and Destruction this man will cause, if ever he will be released.

Don't forget Sir, that he was cunning enough to manipulate an American Attorney ( Lynn Stewart ) to carry out his orders to the Fanatic Followers in Egypt, who then killed 65 people in the famous Luxor Massacre. 65 Human Souls have died upon his orders, even from Federal Prison.

I believe in the goodness of your heart and your good intentions. That is why I stood by you and voted for you, to help give you the opportunity to lead The United States to more peaceful shores.

So, Please , do not unleash the Evil Doers, who can cause harm to Humankind.

Sincerely yours,




At first Dr. Morsy told the Egyptian population that nobody is above the law, including himself and promised his allegiance to respect, protect and obey the Law and the Constitution and I was on cloud nine, thinking that finally the Egyptian People would be able to breathe clean, fresh air - under the protection of the Law, in a country of Law!
But my happiness lasted only a short time, because soon after, Dr. Morsy completely disregarded the Constitutional Supreme Court's Decision and created his own Agenda.
This court is the highest court in the Land of Egypt, which ruled against President Sadat and all he could do was, salute the Court and obey the Judgement. Also the same court once ruled against former President Hosni Mubarak and he also saluted the Judgement and acknowledged the court's decision.
To-day, after the revolution against the Law- Breakers, we have a new President, who is now crushing the Highest Court in the Land of Egypt!

Dr. Morsy, you are a very educated Man on the highest level. You received your doctorate from one of the best American Universities in California and you never forgot your Muslim Backbone.I have a lot of admiration for all of these academic accomplishments - But for a President, THE ACADEMIC INTELLECT IS NOT ENOUGH !!!


Born and raised in the countryside of Egypt, called Zakazek in 1951.
Graduated from the Engineering University of Cairo with a Bachelors Degree specializing in Metal Engineering in 1975. Traveled to America and achieved his Doctorate Degree in Metal Engineering from North California University. He was the head of the Political Party called " Freedom and Justice ", which is the Political Party representing the group of THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. He was detained numerous times for his fanatic views during Mubarak's Regime.He was not one of potential Presidential Candidates the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD agreed to promote, such as Mr. Khirat El Shater, who was promoted to run for Presidency. He assured the Egyptian Public, that he will not promote Fundamental or Islamic Theocracy.



Al Quaida's spiritual leader Omar Abdel Rachman amazingly is still in charge, directing,requesting and manipulating his Followers to execute his Agenda, despite his imprisonment in a Maximum Federal Security Prison.
He always succeeded to execute his crimes without leaving Fingerprints. Here again he is giving his input about the Presidential Election in Egypt through his Phone conversations with his Family from the Federal Prison.
On Wednesday, his oldest son published his second Press- Release on the private Website, dedicated to Sheik Omar's Agenda.
I was able to copy this Article in arabic if you see,how they designed the picture with the supposed new Presidential Candidate Mohammed Mursi, who represents THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD at the front and some of his Followers, including his family in the middle - but the Prince in the background as always - blind, but lethal ! , old , but Evil- doing !.He owns a huge Tool-Box full of words - From provocative to manipulative - and he knows, when and how and what to use from these tools, to let his Terror - Campaign continue. As his oldest son said : " Dr. Omar Abdel Rahman contacted us to- day and he is fully aware about what is going on in the Presidential Election and his RECOMMENDATION is - to choose Mohammed Mursi, since he seems to be the potential Islamic President".
he always looking for who will carryout his agenda .


In this press release on 7/4/12 by the official website for Sheik Omar Abdel Rachman , claiming the unfair and unjust Trial for Sheik Omar, is a clear indication that Judge Michal Mukasi , who resided over this Trial was bias due to his Jewish Faith and also complained about the Defense Team and demanded a new just and fair Trial.

Mr Hany Noor El Din
From being a follower of sheik Omar Abd El Rahman and a member of El Gamaa Al Islamia which is led by the blind sheik, to the Egyptian Parliament to being an invited guest in the White House ????

It amazes me that Sheik Omar Ab del Rahman is still capable to give his followers Fatwa's from Federal Prison and he is able to sway his Followers into the direction he sees fit for his Agenda.
In an article by his oldest son ( Mohammed Omar Ab del Rahman ) and in a Press Release on Tuesday May 15 th 2012 , his son is acknowledging that his father is asking THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, the SALAFI and EL GAMAL ISLAMEIA, from Federal Prison, to unite their forces behind one Islamic Candidate for the Presidency of Egypt. And as we see in the copy of the Article that appeared on Sheik Omar's private site, he ends his recommendation to his Followers with a Fatwa:
The Person who will not vote is a sinner according to Sharia Law.

I found out about this guy from a book BTW.

08-02-2012, 08:24 AM
Not only is this never going to happen - this shows you the mindset of the Muslim Brotherhood, who likely see this guy as more of a hero than a criminal.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 09:45 AM
Not only is this never going to happen - this shows you the mindset of the Muslim Brotherhood, who likely see this guy as more of a hero than a criminal.

It shows that our deadly enemies controll Egypt now! Thanks obama, you got exactly what you wanted !
Our "muslim in hiding" has Americans thinking this was all a democracy surge! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Thanks American bots and sheeple.. Enjoy your demise when it comes and thank your muslim hero obama for it as you kiss his sorry azz!

:flyflag: This is my leader not the traitor in charge now!-Tyr

08-02-2012, 04:05 PM
Talk about over reactions. Of course he will not be released. Morsi is just playing politics. All politicians do.

08-02-2012, 04:19 PM
Talk about over reactions. Of course he will not be released. Morsi is just playing politics. All politicians do.

I don't think you'll see American politicians calling for the release of American prisoners abroad for planning terror attacks or mass murder. And I find it sickening, in lines of the Lockerbie scumbag, that anyone would want people like this released. Even if a political move, why would wanting the release of scum somehow help him?

08-02-2012, 04:32 PM
Wow, this Emad Salem guy sounds as fanatical as Tyr. :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 07:16 PM
Wow, this Emad Salem guy sounds as fanatical as Tyr. :cool:

Patriots were called terrorists by obama and crew. Now I see that you agree with that. Why am I not shocked in the least by that? -Tyr

08-02-2012, 07:21 PM
How can an Egyptian president free a guy from a U.S. prison in North Carolina?

08-02-2012, 07:34 PM
Wow, this Emad Salem guy sounds as fanatical as Tyr. :cool:

Are you related to jafar, or...are you just one of jafar's alter-ego proxies here?
Calling Tyr a fanatic sounds like you have a bad case of jealousy for not being labeled that way yourself.
Wanna explain how Tyr sounds like Emad...your buddy?

08-02-2012, 08:04 PM
I spoke to a few others about this issue today, and more than one total have stated he made his remarks because it would be politically advantageous to. First off, hasn't he won already? But anyway, what crowd is he pandering to that would want such a man released? I could see if he spoke within a group of 10, to get the vote of a few wackos, but this talk is going national over there. I wonder what the feel is amongst the majority of Egyptians, and how many of them want their new leader to bring this scum back to Egypt?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 08:13 PM
I spoke to a few others about this issue today, and more than one total have stated he made his remarks because it would be politically advantageous to. First off, hasn't he won already? But anyway, what crowd is he pandering to that would want such a man released? I could see if he spoke within a group of 10, to get the vote of a few wackos, but this talk is going national over there. I wonder what the feel is amongst the majority of Egyptians, and how many of them want their new leader to bring this scum back to Egypt?

Should that "scum" get released to go to Egypt he will get a hero's welcome there. Jim, I fear that you underestimate the average muslim, especially to non-American ones. A little check on the dancing in the streets over there on 9/11 should jog your memory my friend. Islam the world over celebrated that day!!!!! -Tyr

08-02-2012, 08:14 PM
Should that "scum" get released to go to Egypt he will get a hero's welcome there. Jim, I fear that you underestimate the average muslim, especially to non-American ones. A little check on the dancing in the streets over there on 9/11 should jog your memory my friend. Islam the world over celebrated that day!!!!! -Tyr

Why would you think that the 'calls' for his release would lead to such? Can you imagine what would happen here if Obama released him? LOL!

08-02-2012, 08:15 PM
Should that "scum" get released to go to Egypt he will get a hero's welcome there. Jim, I fear that you underestimate the average muslim, especially to non-American ones. A little check on the dancing in the streets over there on 9/11 should jog your memory my friend. Islam the world over celebrated that day!!!!! -Tyr

Why would you think that the 'calls' for his release would lead to such? Can you imagine what would happen here if Obama released him? LOL!

Now I agree that the new president of Egypt has made it clear, both to his people and those outside of his country, he does not like the big Satan.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 08:19 PM
Why would you think that the 'calls' for his release would lead to such? Can you imagine what would happen here if Obama released him? LOL!

I do not think the calls will!!! However, if obama is re-elected and releases the guy , not a damn thing we can do about it. Myself, I would not put it off the table for obama to do if he gets another term, and you know what, his followers /bots would support him and try to justfy it. Thats how truly ffed up most of them are!-Tyr

08-02-2012, 08:20 PM
Should that "scum" get released to go to Egypt he will get a hero's welcome there. Jim, I fear that you underestimate the average muslim, especially to non-American ones. A little check on the dancing in the streets over there on 9/11 should jog your memory my friend. Islam the world over celebrated that day!!!!! -Tyr

Like that fine stand up citizen returned to Libya, treated to a heroes welcome, even though I think he was charged with over 250 murders? The Arab League intervened and had the audacity to refer to him as a hostage. Some of these shit countries piss me off when they treat murderers, bombers, attackers, terrorists, or whatever you want to call them, like heroes and rock stars.

08-02-2012, 08:42 PM
Wow, this Emad Salem guy sounds as fanatical as Tyr. :cool:

Are you related to jafar, or...are you just one of jafar's alter-ego proxies here?
Calling Tyr a fanatic sounds like you have a bad case of jealousy for not being labeled that way yourself.
Wanna explain how Tyr sounds like Emad...your buddy?

Not sure I get the meanings here Emad Salam is a good guy
He was the FBI informant, former Egyptian Mil. captain that helped jail the Blind Sheikh.
He brought the Blind Sheikh to the attn of the FBI Before he did anything and warned them that he was planning attacks. he went undercover at the Mosque and reported to the FBI but the FBI got Bored and Cut Emad lose until the one of the overseas bombings i believe then they called him back and paid him a million dollars to spy form them again.

He had a very interesting part in exposing the 1993 WTC bombing that you should check out.

Concerning the Egyptian prez it sounds like politics to me too
But why kiss-up to your KKK base if it's not that strong?
Obviously there's a large faction that think the Blind Shiekh is someone to look up to and that's pretty sad.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 09:01 PM
Not sure I get the meanings here Emad Salam is a good guy
He was the FBI informant, former Egyptian Mil. captain that helped jail the Blind Sheikh.
He brought the Blind Sheikh to the attn of the FBI Before he did anything and warned them that he was planning attacks. he went undercover at the Mosque and reported to the FBI but the FBI got Bored and Cut Emad lose until the one of the overseas bombings i believe then they called him back and paid him a million dollars to spy form them again.

He had a very interesting part in exposing the 1993 WTC bombing that you should check out.

Concerning the Egyptian prez it sounds like politics to me too
But why kiss-up to your KKK base if it's not that strong?
Obviously there's a large faction that think the Blind Shiekh is someone to look up to and that's pretty sad.

Perhaps you have simply missed the prime directive here. That Big Satan has a loyal and faithful muslim wrongly imprisoned..Allah desires his release and its our duty as muslims to see that it happens. Even if it means we have to acquire a few Syrian WMDS to use on American cities to get the point across.
I bet you a true poll would show well over 60% there would agree with that!-Tyr

08-02-2012, 09:52 PM
I do not think the calls will!!! However, if obama is re-elected and releases the guy , not a damn thing we can do about it. Myself, I would not put it off the table for obama to do if he gets another term, and you know what, his followers /bots would support him and try to justfy it. Thats how truly ffed up most of them are!-Tyr

Look at Chick Fil A yesterday. Look at Tea Parties. Do you really think Obama is going to be reelected?

I'm sure I'll have my down times in the months to come, but really I'm very optimistic that it's time for the pendulum to swing.

08-02-2012, 10:57 PM
I don't think you'll see American politicians calling for the release of American prisoners abroad for planning terror attacks or mass murder. And I find it sickening, in lines of the Lockerbie scumbag, that anyone would want people like this released. Even if a political move, why would wanting the release of scum somehow help him?

The US does call for the release of US citizens imprisoned overseas and accused of crimes.

The US government has demanded that Iran immediately release an American accused of spying and sentenced to death.

The US embassy in Pakistan has called for "the immediate release" of an American charged with murdering two Pakistanis in the city of Lahore.

Israelis do it too.

The next time an Israeli official petitions the U.S. government to release American traitor Jonathan Pollard from prison, we should tell our friend and longtime ally in an unequivocal tone: He will die in an American prison, so stop asking!


It's just politics. Nothing to get worked up about especially since this time, no amount of demands will work anyway.

I wonder what the feel is amongst the majority of Egyptians, and how many of them want their new leader to bring this scum back to Egypt?

They couldn't care less actually. They are more concerned with having political prisoners arrested by the military during the revolution released first.

08-02-2012, 11:00 PM
So the leader of the entire country is dumb enough to make a political move that no one in the country even gives a crap about? So vile demands are made - and you find a way to excuse the MB leader and then those supporting him. It was all of course a facade. Both the MB and the Egyptian citizens detest this terrorist, they just push for his release for shits and giggles.

08-03-2012, 05:40 AM
So the leader of the entire country is dumb enough to make a political move that no one in the country even gives a crap about? So vile demands are made - and you find a way to excuse the MB leader and then those supporting him. It was all of course a facade. Both the MB and the Egyptian citizens detest this terrorist, they just push for his release for shits and giggles.

He made deals with Islamist groups for their support in getting elected. Asking for the release of certain people is probably just payback.

08-03-2012, 07:01 AM
He made deals with Islamist groups for their support in getting elected. Asking for the release of certain people is probably just payback.

Equivalent to an American president making a deal with lunatics, to have a mass murderer released from abroad. Then declaring in an address to the nation that he is actually still pushing for that release. My first thought is that such actions would make him scorned throughout the nation, and more. But then when I think about it, he wouldn't make it off of the campaign trail if he had any such deal or promise in the making. I don't know, I guess the US and Egypt are just different in their values.

08-03-2012, 07:36 AM
Equivalent to an American president making a deal with lunatics, to have a mass murderer released from abroad. Then declaring in an address to the nation that he is actually still pushing for that release. My first thought is that such actions would make him scorned throughout the nation, and more. But then when I think about it, he wouldn't make it off of the campaign trail if he had any such deal or promise in the making. I don't know, I guess the US and Egypt are just different in their values.

Well, to be fair Mitt Romney appears to be setting up deals with lunatics in Israel should he win. What's the difference?

08-03-2012, 07:49 AM
Well, to be fair Mitt Romney appears to be setting up deals with lunatics in Israel should he win. What's the difference?

Are you shitting me? Where has Romney agreed or promised to release terrorists and mass murderers? To even place them on the same page is laughable and an insult.

Your defending of terrorists and their sympathizers is disappointing. You try to speak nothing of peace in some threads, then in threads like this you make excuses for scum that want to work with terrorists, and then lower yourself to the level of implicating an American President of doing the same crap. Sad.

08-03-2012, 03:46 PM
Are you shitting me? Where has Romney agreed or promised to release terrorists and mass murderers? To even place them on the same page is laughable and an insult.

Your defending of terrorists and their sympathizers is disappointing. You try to speak nothing of peace in some threads, then in threads like this you make excuses for scum that want to work with terrorists, and then lower yourself to the level of implicating an American President of doing the same crap. Sad.

Did I defend terrorists ever? Yes Morsi is being foolish. Most Egyptians are more concerned with releasing people wrongly imprisoned during the revolution, and to get 24hr power supplies back again in Cairo. Morsi is also sitting still on the economy.

I said a while ago that Morsi should be given a chance. It looks to me like he is failing.

As for Romney he is making deals with terrorists and foolishly stated that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel when it goes contrary to US and the rest of the world. If he becomes president (you speak like he already is), it will be an unmitigated disaster.

08-03-2012, 05:12 PM
... Jerusalem is the capital of Israel...

Where does the Knesset meet?