Abbey Marie
06-11-2012, 02:26 PM
Saw this in the paper today. (sorry no link possible)
What a ridiculous situation we find ourselves in today.
Excerpt from article titled:
As money flows, college bureaucracies bloat
By George Will
The budgets of California's universities are being cut... student's are protesting tuition increases and administrators' salaries...
For example, in 2009 the base salary of UC Berkeley's vice chancellor for equity and inclusion was $194,000, almost four times that of starting assistant professors. And by 2006, academic administrators outnumbered faculty.
The Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald notes that sinecures in academia's diversity industry are expanding as academic offerings contract. UC San Diego, while eliminating master's programs in electrical and computer engineering and comparative literature, and eliminating courses in French, German, Spanish and English literature, added a diversity requirement for graduation to culitvate "a student's understanding of her or his identity."
She says UCSD lost three cancer researchers to Rice university, which gave them 40 per cent pay hikes. But UCSD found money to create a vice chancellorship for equity, diversity and inclusion. UC Davis has a Diversity Trainers Institute. It also has a Cross-Cultural Center, A LGBT Resource Center, a Sexual Harassment Education Program, Understanding Diversity Certificate... and Cross-Cultural Competency Certificates in "Understanding Diversity and Social Justice".
(Ditto UC San Francisco).
The economics of it:
The government decided that too few people owned homes/went to college, so government money was poured into subsidized and sometimes sub-prime mortgages/student loans, with the predictable result that housing prices/college tuitions soared and many borrowers went bust. Tuitions and fees have risen 440 per cent in 30 years as as schools happily raised prices- and lowered standards- to siphon up federal money... Twenty nine per cent of borrowers never graduate...
What a ridiculous situation we find ourselves in today.
Excerpt from article titled:
As money flows, college bureaucracies bloat
By George Will
The budgets of California's universities are being cut... student's are protesting tuition increases and administrators' salaries...
For example, in 2009 the base salary of UC Berkeley's vice chancellor for equity and inclusion was $194,000, almost four times that of starting assistant professors. And by 2006, academic administrators outnumbered faculty.
The Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald notes that sinecures in academia's diversity industry are expanding as academic offerings contract. UC San Diego, while eliminating master's programs in electrical and computer engineering and comparative literature, and eliminating courses in French, German, Spanish and English literature, added a diversity requirement for graduation to culitvate "a student's understanding of her or his identity."
She says UCSD lost three cancer researchers to Rice university, which gave them 40 per cent pay hikes. But UCSD found money to create a vice chancellorship for equity, diversity and inclusion. UC Davis has a Diversity Trainers Institute. It also has a Cross-Cultural Center, A LGBT Resource Center, a Sexual Harassment Education Program, Understanding Diversity Certificate... and Cross-Cultural Competency Certificates in "Understanding Diversity and Social Justice".
(Ditto UC San Francisco).
The economics of it:
The government decided that too few people owned homes/went to college, so government money was poured into subsidized and sometimes sub-prime mortgages/student loans, with the predictable result that housing prices/college tuitions soared and many borrowers went bust. Tuitions and fees have risen 440 per cent in 30 years as as schools happily raised prices- and lowered standards- to siphon up federal money... Twenty nine per cent of borrowers never graduate...