View Full Version : Some Electoral Map Projections

05-12-2012, 11:07 PM
I found them interesting. Discuss:


Election 2012: The long, slow retreat of Obama for America. (http://moelane.com/2012/05/11/election-2012-the-long-slow-retreat-of-obama-for-america/)

It’s funny, really. Somebody like Mark Halperin sees this (http://swampland.time.com/2012/05/07/the-view-from-one-prudential-plaza-why-the-obama-campaign-is-so-confident/):

Barack Obama’s decision to base his re-election campaign outside of Washington seems to be working pretty darn well. The campaign’s massive, high-rise headquarters in Chicago’s Loop achieves a fine balance between 2008’s hip-casual dorm room (there’s a Ping-Pong table and cheeky homemade signage) and 2012’s systematized Death Star (there are more employees than I have ever seen in a political campaign, with work stations subdivided as ever more employees are added). The place hums from early morning until late at night, designed for maximum efficiency and manifest focus.

and thinks “Success!” I see it and think “High burn rate.” Also: “Hubris.” Let’s talk about why.

Visualization of the Electoral College totals will be helpful, so I’m going to show a series of maps (via 270toWin (http://www.270towin.com/)) and give my explanation of what I think each one represents. A lot of this is subjective, so if you think that I’m generally full of it anyway you have my permission to keep thinking that. Anyway, let’s start with the baseline:
http://moelane.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Ceiling-300x233.jpg (http://moelane.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Ceiling.jpg)

. . .

It's after this that things get really interesting.

05-13-2012, 07:33 AM
I think every possible electoral college analysis that could result in Obama being re-elected requires him to win the state of Pennsylvania....its going to be the ultimate battleground state.....

05-13-2012, 07:59 AM
I found them interesting. Discuss:

(there are more employees than I have ever seen in a political campaign, with work stations subdivided as ever more employees are added)

That explains where all our new lefty posters are coming from. I bet there is a sign on the wall that says, "I don't like Obama but that Romney SCARES me!!!"

05-13-2012, 08:11 AM
That explains where all our new lefty posters are coming from. I bet there is a sign on the wall that says, "I don't like Obama but that Romney SCARES me!!!"

All bluster though. This is how they always try to portray themselves...either like they don't really give a shit one way or the other,but if they just HAVE to choose. Or they try to pawn themselves off as disgruntled conservatives who are fed up, and then must go on the war path to defend the honor of all democrats and their causes.

05-13-2012, 11:28 AM
That explains where all our new lefty posters are coming from. I bet there is a sign on the wall that says, "I don't like Obama but that Romney SCARES me!!!"

Did you go see maps two and three? Awesomeness!

05-13-2012, 11:32 AM
Did you go see maps two and three? Awesomeness!

Yep, the Country is looking awfully "red", more and more. I'd like to see a side by side comparison between these graphs and graphs from 2008. A black President has changed many areas from blue to light blue and others to red and darker red. Thanks, Obama! :lol:

05-13-2012, 12:29 PM
Did you go see maps two and three? Awesomeness!

It would be. Here you can make your own map.


05-13-2012, 12:37 PM
It would be. Here you can make your own map.


I saw that! I'll probably wait until August at the soonest, unless I get a job offer to do so! LOL!

05-13-2012, 05:09 PM
this article is pretty spot on IMHO.

There's just no way bambam's going to take Indiana again so the second map is probably the one they're hoping to see.

It all depends on his keeping the excitement from 2008 and after the thrashing dems took in 2010 I don't see that happening. Blacks vote dem 95% of the time anyway but will they turn out in droves the way they did before?????? BIG question mark on that one.