View Full Version : Rush: Media Use Gay Marriage Issue to Distract Public

05-12-2012, 12:16 PM
Rush makes a good point. Perhaps the current best answer to gay marriage is that it's not a priority either way. The big issue is the economic crap sandwich Obama is serving.


“He said he thinks people of the same sex should be able to get married, and that alone opened up the checkbooks.”
Not everyone is being duped by the media blitz, however. In a statement Tuesday, House Speaker John Boehner said he's staying focused on jobs and the economy in the 2012 elections, and not President Barack Obama's support for gay marriage.

I would like to point out that Obama has made no move to make gay marriage part of the party platform, nor has he signed the anti-discrimination executive order.

While I dislike gay marriage, I dislike it even more that Obama seems to get away with such dishonesty. Obama is playing the gay activists for suckers and they are letting him get away with it.

05-12-2012, 12:26 PM
From the OP article

. If Obama supporters really listened to what Obama said in his interview Thursday, they would realize that he did not legalize gay marriage, Limbaugh said. Rather, all Obama did was get the LGBT community to open up their checkbooks.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Rush: Media Use Gay Marriage Issue to Distract Public (http://www.newsmax.com/Newswidget/Limbaugh-gay-marriage-Obama/2012/05/10/id/438668?promo_code=E702-1&utm_source=Morris&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase1#ixzz1ug39oTRA)
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now! (http://polls.newsmax.com/repeal/?PROMO_CODE=B683-1)
good point. Gotta love politics.

05-12-2012, 12:30 PM
Rush makes a good point. Perhaps the current best answer to gay marriage is that it's not a priority either way. The big issue is the economic crap sandwich Obama is serving.


I would like to point out that Obama has made no move to make gay marriage part of the party platform, nor has he signed the anti-discrimination executive order.

While I dislike gay marriage, I dislike it even more that Obama seems to get away with such dishonesty. Obama is playing the gay activists for suckers and they are letting him get away with it.

The dems always play the gay activists for suckers...they seem to like it though. They keep going back for more. When the black community was voting against gay marriage in CA...Oblah Blah...was silent. He will be silent again when it is convenient to be.

05-12-2012, 12:33 PM
This all started because of Biden's unexpected comments on the subject.
I'm sure Obama howled a few expletives after that. He had no desire to bring the subject up and is only getting behind gay marriage because of Biden and the up coming election. The race looks like it will be a tight one and he needs all the money and votes he can get.

05-12-2012, 12:37 PM
I just find it hilarious that all of his supporters are thrilled that he flip flopped on the issue. Did they not read the part where this will not be included in the party platform? It's nothing more than lip service and the sheep supporters and gay community fell for it.

05-12-2012, 09:31 PM
I just find it hilarious that all of his supporters are thrilled that he flip flopped on the issue. Did they not read the part where this will not be included in the party platform? It's nothing more than lip service and the sheep supporters and gay community fell for it.

Well progress is measured in notches for that community and this is just one more notch. The question is he getting a "gay notch" at the cost of a "black notch" and can Romney/Republicans make any headway against that monolithic support?