04-28-2012, 01:29 AM
What to do? He was for it before he was against it, now what? As you can tell, lots of links:
April 27, 2012 What's the best position for a 2012 candidate to take on the Arizona approach to immigration enforcement? (http://althouse.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-best-position-for-2012-candidate.html) The Obama administration fought this law, in what culminated in an embarrassing performance (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/04/25/solicitor-general-verrilli-fumbles-on-immigration-at-the-supreme-court.html) at the Supreme Court this week. And Chuck Schumer's saying (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/24/chuck-schumer-arizona-immigration-law-supreme-court-sb1070_n_1449370.html?ref=mostpopular) that if the Supreme Court upholds Arizona's law, the Democrats in Congress will rise up and kill it. But polls show (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/141697/) that a big majority of Americans — and about half of Hispanic-Americans — support what Arizona has done — even after extensive efforts by the Democrats+MSM to make us all feel as though only terrible, racist people think Arizona's okay.
And I just want to remind you of something that you may have forgotten: the reason Barack Obama was able to overtake Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination. What was the issue (http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2007/10/driver_licenses_for_undocument.html) that tripped her up and gave Obama the opening to look like the sensible, moderate person?
April 27, 2012 What's the best position for a 2012 candidate to take on the Arizona approach to immigration enforcement? (http://althouse.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-best-position-for-2012-candidate.html) The Obama administration fought this law, in what culminated in an embarrassing performance (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/04/25/solicitor-general-verrilli-fumbles-on-immigration-at-the-supreme-court.html) at the Supreme Court this week. And Chuck Schumer's saying (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/24/chuck-schumer-arizona-immigration-law-supreme-court-sb1070_n_1449370.html?ref=mostpopular) that if the Supreme Court upholds Arizona's law, the Democrats in Congress will rise up and kill it. But polls show (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/141697/) that a big majority of Americans — and about half of Hispanic-Americans — support what Arizona has done — even after extensive efforts by the Democrats+MSM to make us all feel as though only terrible, racist people think Arizona's okay.
And I just want to remind you of something that you may have forgotten: the reason Barack Obama was able to overtake Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination. What was the issue (http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2007/10/driver_licenses_for_undocument.html) that tripped her up and gave Obama the opening to look like the sensible, moderate person?