View Full Version : Pro/Anti

Mr. P
05-20-2007, 11:46 AM
Whichever stance you take, be it Pro-choice, Anti choice, Pro-abortion or Anti-abortion,
this video will either make you rethink your position or strengthen your resolve.

It is the most graphic video of the reality of abortion I’ve ever seen.
It is on a religious site. IMO that does not change reality, Pictures (in this case video) speak LOUDER then words.

This is so graphic I will not post the link on this site, if you would like to take a look PM me and I’ll send the link.

I have no intention to start another debate on the subject, although I know it will happen. My intent is to offer for individual contemplation and reflection of your position.

Mr. P

05-20-2007, 12:51 PM
I am Pro-choice. Having choices is having rights -- a life without rights is not a life; at least not a human life. In most cases presented to me, I would choose a way that preserves human life.

Which also makes me ...

Anti-abortion. It's a choice. Moreover it is a choice consistent with being pro-choice. Besides, anyone who is pro-abortion is in need of therapy.

I am also Pro-life. Unlike those hypocrites who make claim to this label, I'm pro-life for the prospective mother, pro-life of the expected child.

Yet I insist that these lives be human lives. I cannot accept degrading women to the status of 'brood animal' to appease someone else's superstitions, or stone-aged notions of gender class. Nor can I accept the forced birth of one who may be unwilling and is certainly unable (and may continue to be, for the rest of their unfortunate lives) to excersie their rights; who forced into this world find themselves unwanted and unloved.

On the one hand I find it abborhent that anyone should consider the taking of another individual's life a 'right.' But it doesn't bother me the least that it may be a neccessity, and I feel compelled to accept that it can be the right thing to do.

The taking of human life can never be contemplated without utmost care and consideration. Taking life cannot ever be allowed to be taken lightly.

On the other hand, I think is is the height of arrogant hypocracy to insist that at every pair of parents --that every mother-- does not endure a terrible trial of concience when making a choice regarding the fate of a new being. And worse, to think that a government regulation could possibly take the place of that.

I will have to assert that abortion must remain legal and safe, but cannot, if we are to preserve humanity, be considered a right.