View Full Version : Year 36
02-14-2012, 12:12 PM
And my knee STILL hurts.
Guess my fellow vets are going to get their way here. The Corps hosed it up, and the Corps is going to pay for it. I just really hate the idea of submitting myself once again to the US Government's hurry up and wait schedule.
heh heh .... resistance is futile!!
Look, knucklehead, the government owes you treatment. They do not owe you an easy time of it. That being said, you have been through far worse. If the government said they are going to give you a gazillion dollars but you have to fill out "these forms in triplicate" and wait two years, you would fill out the damned forms and wait two years. Besides, look at it this way, you going to the VA and getting what is owed to you aggravates the crap out of liberals!
02-14-2012, 12:22 PM
heh heh .... resistance is futile!!
Look, knucklehead, the government owes you treatment. They do not owe you an easy time of it. That being said, you have been through far worse. If the government said they are going to give you a gazillion dollars but you have to fill out "these forms in triplicate" and wait two years, you would fill out the damned forms and wait two years. Besides, look at it this way, you going to the VA and getting what is owed to you aggravates the crap out of liberals!
Well, I'm actually having to wear the knee brace every waking hour. I just have this TOTAL issue with letting the Navy cut on my knee. They wanted to scope it 20 years ago.
Well, I'm actually having to wear the knee brace every waking hour. I just have this TOTAL issue with letting the Navy cut on my knee. They wanted to scope it 20 years ago.
ANd so here you are 20 years later going "damn, my knee hurts". LOL. It is what it is; now you get to collect on a debt.
02-14-2012, 12:35 PM
ANd so here you are 20 years later going "damn, my knee hurts". LOL. It is what it is; now you get to collect on a debt.
More importantly, bum knee or not, I can STILL clean and press my own bodyweight. :D
Way back when I was a SSgt and we rode dinosaurs into battle, a Gunny had a "no pull ups chit". It was because the Navy cut on him. The result was he couldn't lift his arm higher than shoulder level. That scared me. He was permanently DONE because some numbnut squid cut his ligament too short. All the pay in the world isn't worth it to me.
More importantly, bum knee or not, I can STILL clean and press my own bodyweight. :D
Way back when I was a SSgt and we rode dinosaurs into battle, a Gunny had a "no pull ups chit". It was because the Navy cut on him. The result was he couldn't lift his arm higher than shoulder level. That scared me. He was permanently DONE because some numbnut squid cut his ligament too short. All the pay in the world isn't worth it to me.
Understood. However, this is now; you have better things to do with your life and all that physical prowess, while still important, is now secondary to your greater mission of living life well. I sincerely am hoping you get relief. By the way, the only thing I can clean and press is my one fancy suit and I take that to a professional!
02-14-2012, 12:48 PM
Understood. However, this is now; you have better things to do with your life and all that physical prowess, while still important, is now secondary to your greater mission of living life well. I sincerely am hoping you get relief. By the way, the only thing I can clean and press is my one fancy suit and I take that to a professional!
Oh I'm living well. If for no other reason to piss off the ex's. And to beat the government out of its money. Ever think about that? They bet against your life. Military retirement, social security, whatever. They're hoping you don't live. The longer you live, the less interest they get to collect.
Oh I'm living well. If for no other reason to piss off the ex's. And to beat the government out of its money. Ever think about that? They bet against your life. Military retirement, social security, whatever. They're hoping you don't live. The longer you live, the less interest they get to collect.
You are absolutely correct. The longer I live, the longer they gotta pay and I intend to actually make money on this deal!
02-14-2012, 01:18 PM
You are absolutely correct. The longer I live, the longer they gotta pay and I intend to actually make money on this deal!
As one of my Majors pointed out ..."Gunny, you're going to live to be 140 just to piss everyone off."
He was okay. I could totally outrun him.:laugh:
As one of my Majors pointed out ..."Gunny, you're going to live to be 140 just to piss everyone off."
He was okay. I could totally outrun him.:laugh:
Almost everday somebody will ask me "how are you doing" and my reply is "still living". They will usually then say "well that's good" and then I get to say "yeah but it does piss some people off and that makes me happy!"
02-14-2012, 01:27 PM
Almost everday somebody will ask me "how are you doing" and my reply is "still living". They will usually then say "well that's good" and then I get to say "yeah but it does piss some people off and that makes me happy!"
The cool part is knowing it DOES piss some people off.:laugh:
02-14-2012, 01:49 PM
I have the paperwork. Good thing I have Jess around to spell for me.:laugh:
A friend of mine got it for me. You might know him. Y'all did the same job from a different POV. He flew OH-!'s.
I have the paperwork. Good thing I have Jess around to spell for me.:laugh:
A friend of mine got it for me. You might know him. Y'all did the same job from a different POV. He flew OH-!'s.
Know of him. You should listen to your friends! but of course, you're stubborn just like the rest of us of the same ilk!
02-14-2012, 02:10 PM
Know of him. You should listen to your friends! but of course, you're stubborn just like the rest of us of the same ilk!
I have no clear recollection of anything you might be intimating. :laugh:
He's got some really cool pics. You know they wouldn't let us use cameras during Desert Storm? They confiscated them.
I have no clear recollection of anything you might be intimating. :laugh:
He's got some really cool pics. You know they wouldn't let us use cameras during Desert Storm? They confiscated them.
We had too much crap to carry so cameras were a rarity. I carry a lot of pics in my head though ... hard to get rid of em.
02-16-2012, 12:02 PM
We had too much crap to carry so cameras were a rarity. I carry a lot of pics in my head though ... hard to get rid of em.
My friend's job was WITH a camera. I suspect that's why he has more than the usual number of pics. He mostly flew around over the Delta SW of Saigon, spotting gunfire.
My friend's job was WITH a camera. I suspect that's why he has more than the usual number of pics. He mostly flew around over the Delta SW of Saigon, spotting gunfire.
I bet he has a few good ones!
02-16-2012, 12:10 PM
I bet he has a few good ones!
For sure. Had one where he lit up one of those sampans smuggling guns into the Delta. Said they'd run in at high tide, wait the tide to go out and ground their boats. Then offload the goods. All fine and dandy until you get spotted while you're beached.:laugh:
For sure. Had one where he lit up one of those sampans smuggling guns into the Delta. Said they'd run in at high tide, wait the tide to go out and ground their boats. Then offload the goods. All fine and dandy until you get spotted while you're beached.:laugh:
LOL! I can tell you from experience that it is very difficult to maneuver a boat out of the water!
02-16-2012, 01:17 PM
LOL! I can tell you from experience that it is very difficult to maneuver a boat out of the water!
Depends on your definition of "maneuver". Those 2 20mm rockets he hit it with "maneuvered" it rather well..:laugh:
Depends on your definition of "maneuver". Those 2 20mm rockets he hit it with "maneuvered" it rather well..:laugh:
I can just imagine!
And my knee STILL hurts.
Guess my fellow vets are going to get their way here. The Corps hosed it up, and the Corps is going to pay for it. I just really hate the idea of submitting myself once again to the US Government's hurry up and wait schedule.
Good thing you have fellow vets to encourage you, hardhead. :facepalm99:
02-17-2012, 10:04 AM
Good thing you have fellow vets to encourage you, hardhead. :facepalm99:
Uh hmmmmm.
Jess needs some coffee ... :coffee2:
Uh hmmmmm.
Jess needs some coffee ... :coffee2:
Hard heads are what make vets so darned cute and cuddly!
02-17-2012, 10:36 AM
Uh hmmmmm.
Jess needs some coffee ... :coffee2:
I think not. Jess goes :hyper: when she has coffee.
Hard heads are what make vets so darned cute and cuddly!
Oh, is THAT what it is? :rolleyes:
Oh, is THAT what it is? :rolleyes:
No, not really but I liked the sound of it!
02-17-2012, 12:18 PM
No, not really but I liked the sound of it!
Hah. You never were on the phone with her after a cup of coffee. That mouth doesn't quit running for MILES.:laugh:
Hah. You never were on the phone with her after a cup of coffee. That mouth doesn't quit running for MILES.:laugh:
Hey! That was after coffee AND Mt. Dew. And also when my sister and I dragged that monstrously heavy refrigerator out of a friend's basement.
Besides, it's the only way I can get a word in edgeways in this house with all you males.:poke:
02-17-2012, 12:38 PM
Hey! That was after coffee AND Mt. Dew. And also when my sister and I dragged that monstrously heavy refrigerator out of a friend's basement.
Besides, it's the only way I can get a word in edgeways in this house with all you males.:poke:
Uh huh. No one can out-talk Zane or Ethan. It isn't a male thing. I damned-sure can't get a word in edgewise either.
Mr. P
02-17-2012, 12:47 PM
Uh huh. No one can out-talk Zane or Ethan. It isn't a male thing. I damned-sure can't get a word in edgewise either.
You're correct, sir! It's a "Tween" thing. The good news is males outgrow it. The bad news is them female peoples don't!
You're correct, sir! It's a "Tween" thing. The good news is males outgrow it. The bad news is them female peoples don't!
Go figure - Zane is starting early. (He's only 6 and already thinks he can out-maneuver Gunny.) :laugh:
02-17-2012, 12:56 PM
You're correct, sir! It's a "Tween" thing. The good news is males outgrow it. The bad news is them female peoples don't!
True enough. :laugh:
02-17-2012, 12:57 PM
Go figure - Zane is starting early. (He's only 6 and already thinks he can out-maneuver Gunny.) :laugh:
Works real well for him, doesn't it?
Mr. P
02-17-2012, 01:29 PM
Go figure - Zane is starting early. (He's only 6 and already thinks he can out-maneuver Gunny.) :laugh:
Oh my, preemptive measures are defiantly called for in this case!
Perhaps the dreaded "GO TO YER ROOM!" or "YOU'RE GROUNDED!". :laugh:
02-17-2012, 01:46 PM
Oh my, preemptive measures are defiantly called for in this case!
Perhaps the dreaded "GO TO YER ROOM!" or "YOU'RE GROUNDED!". :laugh:
Nice try. That little f*cker can find entertainment out of AIR. He's been grounded, restricted, AND sent to his room. He's determined he's going to win. Unfortunately, he has a retired Marine as the surrogate "Dad" in the family. Doesn't work real well for him.
He likes to make these nasty faces at me, and he gets them right back.:laugh:
Oh my, preemptive measures are defiantly called for in this case!
Perhaps the dreaded "GO TO YER ROOM!" or "YOU'RE GROUNDED!". :laugh:
From the time he was 2 or so, he has had the attitude of a full-grown man. We used to joke about it. He has this personality bigger than himself. He's smart too. We just have to figure out how to channel all that in a positive, productive way. Then he's gonna take over the world. ;)
Nice try. That little f*cker can find entertainment out of AIR. He's been grounded, restricted, AND sent to his room. He's determined he's going to win. Unfortunately, he has a retired Marine as the surrogate "Dad" in the family. Doesn't work real well for him.
He likes to make these nasty faces at me, and he gets them right back.:laugh:
My big and little hard-heads.:laugh:
Mr. P
02-17-2012, 02:44 PM
From the time he was 2 or so, he has had the attitude of a full-grown man. We used to joke about it. He has this personality bigger than himself. He's smart too. We just have to figure out how to channel all that in a positive, productive way. Then he's gonna take over the world. ;)
My daughter was the same way. 24 now and STILL difficult!
But Gawd help the guy that tries to mess with her....she's also a Black belt! :laugh:
My daughter was the same way. 24 now and STILL difficult!
But Gawd help the guy that tries to mess with her....she's also a Black belt! :laugh:
Hmmm ... we won't even let him have the BB gun right now. :no:
I'm hoping that time will bring maturity. But it would be nice if it happened right now. ;)
02-20-2012, 10:57 AM
Hmmm ... we won't even let him have the BB gun right now. :no:
I'm hoping that time will bring maturity. But it would be nice if it happened right now. ;)
This is a workout thread, wench.
Las I checked, you watched me clean and press 100 lbs for 7 reps. You missed the other 4 sets, but who am I to complain?
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