View Full Version : Evil's Observer

Sir Evil
05-18-2007, 06:04 PM
Hi All

At Jim's request I am starting the Observer again, something I did on the old board for a while. For those who are not familiar it is simply monthly post with my thoughts, and a random interview of a member. Usually makes for good reading but that is all depending on ones perspective I guess.

Anyway I am going to start it off with my mood pertaining to the current state of politics, and that mood sucks! Why? Because politicians are just assholes in general, and they are directly or indirectly responsible for perhaps the biggest divide this country may have ever seen. How did I come to this conclusion? For starters my opinion is that society is just a reflection of ones self, we all reflect something so it would be good to just look at the nature of things here on the board. Like a game of tag on the playground, the kids grow restless after awhile and want to resort to the sticks & stones when things don't go their way. Oh you support this person so you must be a dickhead in real life, or you voted for this person so I hope you die for your cause now. People just can't accept the fact that others have opinions of their own, that they can actually think for themselves. If I like something that you don't why must it become a personal issue? Because you want it your way or you will resort a lower form of life just to try and get it your way, and that is exactly the way our so called political leaders act! You reflect, and now you got it so live with it.

Yeah I'm a right leaning kind of guy but doesn’t mean I'm so different that I need be labeled. I think Bush for instance has made many good moves but simply put he has become a non-factor on many important issues. Does the other side have the answer to some of these issues? Could be but they are too busy crying about the Iraq war that everyone has made the most important issue on earth. While one side attempted to ready our country for a war, the other side was trying to ready our country for anti-war rallies, even though they had all for the most part agreed in general to get the job started. It's old news now yet it gets argued every damn day as to why it was done in the first place, 5 years later and I am still seeing the same damn arguments, how boring! How about the best way forward, and forgetting about how we got there? Nah, that won't work because we can't gain a vote without blaming someone for something, and appearing to have a original thought. Let's make it out like the other guy is so wrong, and I can correct this problem but you must vote for me first. Bunch of lying bastards, and y'all think one side might be telling the truth. Oh well, that’s about all I have to say about that.

Well since I haven’t been involved here for quite sometime I figured to start this off with an interview of myself seeing as I had nobody else to interview at the moment. So a little info on me, and what's been up since those old days.

Q: So how come you don't post anymore?
A: Well besides doing my own thing I have grown tired of the same arguments day after day, perhaps if the arguments had some element of change in them it wouldn’t be as bad.

Q: But I heard that there was differences between you & other members, true?
A: Nah, not really the case. I just have a way of seeing things that others may not, I have no issues with anyone involved although it may appear different to some. It's really a non factor anyway, I just prefer to say it as I feel it sometimes, and therefore things can be taken the wrong way.

Q: I read a thread on another board where you and OCA got into a battle, I thought you were friends?
A: Friends can't disagree, and have an argument from time to time? It happens but I don't harbor any bad feelings over it.
In the past I became too personally involved with people on the board, for the most part that has been a bad thing so I just distance myself anymore.

Q: Do you miss the political discussions?
A: Not really, nothing seems to be discusses anymore, it gets beat to death in the mist of flames, and there is no middle ground with many people that take part. I get burnt out hearing about why I'm a asshole for my opinions, or why another person is a asshole for their opinions. I really don't care what others political beliefs are so why should I label them as bad for what they think?

Q: That doesn’t sound like the person of the old days, why?
A: I'm pretty much the same, just go about things differently is all. People see things that only appear a certain way on the surface but if you look deeper there is a lot more to it.

Q: What is your opinion on the upcoming elections?
A: It should be an interesting race. I think I might cast a vote for the candidate who spends the less time blasting the last administration, for me that will say that they may have the best approach forward. I think the republican candidates may have their hands full but the leading democratic candidates kind of suck as well, they probably wouldn’t be worthy candidates a few elections back, they just have weaker counterparts in this campaign.

Q: So what do you think about the forum now?
A: Well I haven’t spent too much time reading but from what I have seen it's the same old stuff, same old argument, same old flames. Be better if people could just discuss a topic, accept the fact that not all will agree, and just leave it at that. I'm thinking if people take the time to get slightly acquainted with one another before getting personal it would just work out better.

Q: So what next, what can we expect from the Observer?
A: Well that is up to whoever takes an interest, and would like to be interviewed. I always enjoyed doing that part but I am honestly not up on the current issues. I'm planning to make things a bit on the edge wit opinions so some will like it, some will hate it! I also hope to have a little fun with it like I used to but that will probably be the extent of my contribution.

That's it for now but it's a start, next one will certainly more interesting!

05-18-2007, 06:21 PM
Hi All

At Jim's request I am starting the Observer again, something I did on the old board for a while. For those who are not familiar it is simply monthly post with my thoughts, and a random interview of a member. Usually makes for good reading but that is all depending on ones perspective I guess.

Anyway I am going to start it off with my mood pertaining to the current state of politics, and that mood sucks! Why? Because politicians are just assholes in general, and they are directly or indirectly responsible for perhaps the biggest divide this country may have ever seen. How did I come to this conclusion? For starters my opinion is that society is just a reflection of ones self, we all reflect something so it would be good to just look at the nature of things here on the board. Like a game of tag on the playground, the kids grow restless after awhile and want to resort to the sticks & stones when things don't go their way. Oh you support this person so you must be a dickhead in real life, or you voted for this person so I hope you die for your cause now. People just can't accept the fact that others have opinions of their own, that they can actually think for themselves. If I like something that you don't why must it become a personal issue? Because you want it your way or you will resort a lower form of life just to try and get it your way, and that is exactly the way our so called political leaders act! You reflect, and now you got it so live with it.

Yeah I'm a right leaning kind of guy but doesn’t mean I'm so different that I need be labeled. I think Bush for instance has made many good moves but simply put he has become a non-factor on many important issues. Does the other side have the answer to some of these issues? Could be but they are too busy crying about the Iraq war that everyone has made the most important issue on earth. While one side attempted to ready our country for a war, the other side was trying to ready our country for anti-war rallies, even though they had all for the most part agreed in general to get the job started. It's old news now yet it gets argued every damn day as to why it was done in the first place, 5 years later and I am still seeing the same damn arguments, how boring! How about the best way forward, and forgetting about how we got there? Nah, that won't work because we can't gain a vote without blaming someone for something, and appearing to have a original thought. Let's make it out like the other guy is so wrong, and I can correct this problem but you must vote for me first. Bunch of lying bastards, and y'all think one side might be telling the truth. Oh well, that’s about all I have to say about that.

Well since I haven’t been involved here for quite sometime I figured to start this off with an interview of myself seeing as I had nobody else to interview at the moment. So a little info on me, and what's been up since those old days.

Q: So how come you don't post anymore?
A: Well besides doing my own thing I have grown tired of the same arguments day after day, perhaps if the arguments had some element of change in them it wouldn’t be as bad.

Q: But I heard that there was differences between you & other members, true?
A: Nah, not really the case. I just have a way of seeing things that others may not, I have no issues with anyone involved although it may appear different to some. It's really a non factor anyway, I just prefer to say it as I feel it sometimes, and therefore things can be taken the wrong way.

Q: I read a thread on another board where you and OCA got into a battle, I thought you were friends?
A: Friends can't disagree, and have an argument from time to time? It happens but I don't harbor any bad feelings over it.
In the past I became too personally involved with people on the board, for the most part that has been a bad thing so I just distance myself anymore.

Q: Do you miss the political discussions?
A: Not really, nothing seems to be discusses anymore, it gets beat to death in the mist of flames, and there is no middle ground with many people that take part. I get burnt out hearing about why I'm a asshole for my opinions, or why another person is a asshole for their opinions. I really don't care what others political beliefs are so why should I label them as bad for what they think?

Q: That doesn’t sound like the person of the old days, why?
A: I'm pretty much the same, just go about things differently is all. People see things that only appear a certain way on the surface but if you look deeper there is a lot more to it.

Q: What is your opinion on the upcoming elections?
A: It should be an interesting race. I think I might cast a vote for the candidate who spends the less time blasting the last administration, for me that will say that they may have the best approach forward. I think the republican candidates may have their hands full but the leading democratic candidates kind of suck as well, they probably wouldn’t be worthy candidates a few elections back, they just have weaker counterparts in this campaign.

Q: So what do you think about the forum now?
A: Well I haven’t spent too much time reading but from what I have seen it's the same old stuff, same old argument, same old flames. Be better if people could just discuss a topic, accept the fact that not all will agree, and just leave it at that. I'm thinking if people take the time to get slightly acquainted with one another before getting personal it would just work out better.

Q: So what next, what can we expect from the Observer?
A: Well that is up to whoever takes an interest, and would like to be interviewed. I always enjoyed doing that part but I am honestly not up on the current issues. I'm planning to make things a bit on the edge wit opinions so some will like it, some will hate it! I also hope to have a little fun with it like I used to but that will probably be the extent of my contribution.

That's it for now but it's a start, next one will certainly more interesting!


05-18-2007, 06:41 PM
Very cool, SE.

If you're desperate, you could always interview me, again. :laugh2:

I'm interesting.

Sir Evil
05-18-2007, 06:45 PM
Very cool, SE.

If you're desperate, you could always interview me, again. :laugh2:

I'm interesting.

Well I already have my first request but let's make you the second, sounds like it could be interesting! :beer:

05-18-2007, 06:46 PM
Very cool, SE.

If you're desperate, you could always interview me, again. :laugh2:

I'm interesting.

Only if he's desperate?

05-18-2007, 07:32 PM
cool, always enjoyed Evil's Observer

05-18-2007, 07:36 PM
I really enjoy reading these interviews... lets us see a little of the ppl who post here. Glad you're participating again! :)

05-18-2007, 07:40 PM
Only if he's desperate?

Well, considering I have roughly 10k posts at USMB and took part in an interveiw already, I don't knwo whatelse I could say - or what he could ask. What could anyone want to know that isn't too personal?

05-18-2007, 08:57 PM
Well, considering I have roughly 10k posts at USMB and took part in an interveiw already, I don't knwo whatelse I could say - or what he could ask. What could anyone want to know that isn't too personal?


05-18-2007, 09:02 PM

Another board with members from here. Evil's original member interviews started at that board.

05-18-2007, 09:32 PM
Nice job,SE,especially the part about personal behavior of some people on the boards at times.

05-18-2007, 10:33 PM
Good to see you back SE. I'm game for an interview, if you think I would get good ratings. :D

05-18-2007, 10:55 PM
*OCA puts his toes in the water to see if its too hot*

05-18-2007, 11:36 PM
Well bloody heck! I spent most of my previous incarnation on this board's predecessor wanting to send Evil to his premature death. Now I find myself agreeing with the majority of his points.
Either Sir Evil has mellowed out, or I have been married to a conservative too long. :laugh2:

Because politicians are just assholes in general, and they are directly or indirectly responsible for perhaps the biggest divide this country may have ever seen.

Damm straight! :cheers2:

05-19-2007, 12:10 AM
Another board with members from here. Evil's original member interviews started at that board.

Oh, ok thanks :cheers2:

Sir Evil
05-19-2007, 09:19 AM
Good to see you back SE. I'm game for an interview, if you think I would get good ratings. :D

Ok sir, I have added you to the list, and I'm sure it will make for a good one!:thumb:

Sir Evil
05-19-2007, 09:20 AM
*OCA puts his toes in the water to see if its too hot*

Well if too cold we can always heat it up some, but I think it's probably just fine. :D

Sir Evil
05-19-2007, 09:24 AM
Well bloody heck! I spent most of my previous incarnation on this board's predecessor wanting to send Evil to his premature death.

Would this be the infamous gabby reincarnated? If so you were defintely responsible in part for my first demise but evil never dies! Wanna still send me to my demise? lol, stand in line!

05-20-2007, 02:57 AM
Would this be the infamous gabby reincarnated? If so you were defintely responsible in part for my first demise but evil never dies! Wanna still send me to my demise? lol, stand in line!

Don;t worry about her, we all want to send her to her demise lol.

Pale Rider
05-22-2007, 05:40 AM
Hi All

Damn it Evil... how the fuck you doin' ya SOD BUSTER? :laugh2:

Good to see ya here brother.

Pale Rider
05-22-2007, 05:48 AM

Jimmy's old board where some of us old timers used to be.

Sir Evil
05-22-2007, 09:26 AM
Damn it Evil... how the fuck you doin' ya SOD BUSTER? :laugh2:

Good to see ya here brother.

Howdy Pale, been awhile!:beer:

05-22-2007, 11:33 AM
Good to meet you Evil.

Liked your commentary about a divided nation, reflections, etc.

American politics is sliding the way of a coliseum sport.

Let the games begin.