View Full Version : Get iOS5 now!

10-05-2011, 01:40 PM
Apple have released their golden Master for iOS5 yesterday,

Normally you have to be a developer ($99 per year) to access to software before its release but the iOS5 GMs have been released with no need for a developers password. All you need is the newest version of iTunes (10.5 beta) and to download the iOS you require (iPhone/iPod/iPad) connect your iPhone and update from your saved iOS5 document.

I did so this morning and it's working awesomely, most impressed with the update (:

For links to the software - http://9to5mac.com/2011/10/04/howto-get-the-ios-5-gm-even-if-you-arent-a-registered-developer/

Otherwise you can wait the extra week until the iOS is publicly released.