View Full Version : Obama: **GOP** would "cripple" America

09-25-2011, 07:25 PM
Yes, you heard that right.

After Democrats spending 30 years or more pushing national home-loan schemes that gave loans to people unlikely to pay them back, by the millions, and so plunging the nation into a recession not seen in living memory... and exploding the size and scope of government far in violation of anythig the Framers ever hoped to contain with the 10th amendment... and piling mandates, restrictions, and regulations on businesses until companies almost have to spend more on compliance than on wages... and borrowing money into the trillions and dwarfing anyting even the Bush administration ever did... and increasing spending and debt to the point where the country gets is credit rating reduced for the first time in history... and injecting so much doubt and uncertainty into the economy that everyone is afraid to hire without knowing what health care costs, regulatory burdens etc. will be, causing unemployment to rise to sustained levels not seen since the Great Depression, if then....

...now President Obama comes out and announces that it's REPUBLICANS who will "cripple" the country?

What planet, exactly, does this man live on???



Obama says GOP would 'cripple' America

Associated Press
Sep 25, 6:34 PM EDT

SEATTLE (AP) -- President Barack Obama charged Sunday that the GOP vision of government would "fundamentally cripple America," as he tried out his newly combative message on the liberal West Coast.

Aiming to renew the ardor of Democratic loyalists who have grown increasingly disenchanted with him, the president mixed frontal attacks on Republicans with words of encouragement intended to buck up the faithful as the 2012 campaign revs up.

"From the moment I took office what we've seen is a constant ideological pushback against any kind of sensible reforms that would make our economy work better and give people more opportunity," the president said at an intimate brunch fundraiser at the Medina, Wash., home of former Microsoft executive Jon Shirley.

09-25-2011, 09:57 PM
Was he full of any more specifics as that or just his usual flowery language of nothing?

09-25-2011, 10:42 PM
If recent history is any indication, President Obama is exactly correct. The last responsible Republican that we had in the White House was President Dwight Eisenhower. In a rather twisted way I even continue to respect Richard Nixon and just who could not love Gerald Ford? Ronald Reagan was an Alzheimer's victim being manipulated by the neo cons pretending to be friends of him and America. GHW Bush I think is a good man but an extremely poor leader or President and his first born is an international calamity. Future historical accounts will not be kind to Republican presidents since 1981. And with the current field of Republican hopefuls I don't believe President Obama is very worried about the elections of 2012. I'm not either.


09-25-2011, 10:50 PM