06-15-2011, 12:46 PM
I would like to have a poll on what people think about the following two givens are on equal ground.
Law abiding citizens support the laws of the land for the most part.
Atheists do NOT support the lawsuits brought on by individual atheists.
IF someone with the knowledge would care to start such a thread, and if we could get HONEST answers, I would like to see the results.
I have taken my own poll from complete strangers in public places, and the result was overwhelming in favor of one posistion/"fucking" opinion.
Law abiding citizens support the laws of the land for the most part.
Atheists do NOT support the lawsuits brought on by individual atheists.
IF someone with the knowledge would care to start such a thread, and if we could get HONEST answers, I would like to see the results.
I have taken my own poll from complete strangers in public places, and the result was overwhelming in favor of one posistion/"fucking" opinion.