View Full Version : Government mind control and the new world order: Fact or Fantasy?

Free Speech
07-13-2010, 09:03 PM
I just saw a program which featured Project Montach and other such legends.
I only know of MK-Ultra.
Could our government really be doing such unethical things, and is it legal for officials to do it without anybody's consent?

07-13-2010, 09:37 PM
You might find this very interesting...

Free Speech
07-14-2010, 01:25 AM
You might find this very interesting...
I disable Flash and convert it to MPEG-4 (.mp4) for PSP.
The server was down, but I got an article about it.
Yuri Bezmenov on subversion and useful idiots. Conspiracy or human nature? (http://www.redstate.com/common_cents/2010/02/05/yuri-bezmenov-on-subversion-and-useful-idiots-conspiracy-or-human-nature/)

I'm sure I would say it's unethical or immoral if I saw it, but is it really?
If his procedure was implemented for good purposes, would that be so bad?
I would change the names given to each step though.

The first step is called demoralization.
If I understand correctly, this is usually hate speech and propaganda.
Couldn't it be turned into something positive such as a people pulling together for a common cause?
I call this "The Band Aid Effect".

The next step is destabilization.
This is kinda tricky to make sound good.
Let's call it "The People's Vote".
Politicians would have to give in to make it law if we all thought the same way about it.

Step 3 is crisis.
Of course there would be some going back and fourth over bills, so let's call it stabilization.
Waiting for people to accept it.

Step 4 is normalization.
This doesn't sound too bad, but I would have the process shake things up a bit so it wouldn't be so normalized, but people would still accept the change.
I'll call this abnormal acceptance.

This can also apply to reversing censorship, unconstitutional laws, or an unjust legal decision, and in most cases all 3 uses.
Unfortunately this process is currently being used in America for privacy invasion ever since the early 90s and The Patriot Act, but now with "legal" keyloggers, Google Maps, GPS, Google Earth, X-ray devices, RFID, and now EMF/EMR weapons!

The definition of a terrorist is a foreigner or American citizen with malicious intent regarding the laws and practices of the American justice system or disturbing legal commerce.
Justice my ass!

07-14-2010, 01:38 PM
Political Correctess is a form of brainwashing that America has been subjected to for 40 years and I have actually heard some people claim it has it's good points.

Most people agree that PC has had many negative affects on American culture and policies, leading to the denial of the practice of PC and claims of being free of it's influence.

They will deny PC programming while simultaneously spouting a standard PC programed rubric, being totally and honestly unaware of the fact...PC programming has been very successful.

Free Speech
07-14-2010, 02:43 PM
Political Correctess is a form of brainwashing that America has been subjected to for 40 years and I have actually heard some people claim it has it's good points.

Most people agree that PC has had many negative affects on American culture and policies, leading to the denial of the practice of PC and claims of being free of it's influence.

They will deny PC programming while simultaneously spouting a standard PC programed rubric, being totally and honestly unaware of the fact...PC programming has been very successful.
I can see how PC could by used for mind control (correct term in this scenario), but I don't know for what reason.
Besides, it's even less affective than TV commercials.
Kids might be taught to say "Native American" instead of Indian, but have you ever seen anyone play Cowfolk and Native Americans?

The real mind control is empowerment such as turning the derogatory "queer" into the accepted gay.
In the mid 90s, this term was taken back by gays as a term of empowerment, but God forbid a non gay say it.
It's like saying Colored or Nigger to them.

07-14-2010, 03:05 PM
I just saw a program which featured Project Montach and other such legends.
I only know of MK-Ultra.
Could our government really be doing such unethical things, and is it legal for officials to do it without anybody's consent?
Could they? They already have!

Ever hear of "net neutrality" and the "the fairness doctrine"?

Free Speech
07-14-2010, 03:24 PM
Could they? They already have!

Ever hear of "net neutrality" and the "the fairness doctrine"?
It was a big deal when the FCC came up with Net Neutrality rules, and they had no authority to do so, but that's ok, sine these are only guidelines for the ISP who gets to govern the Web, and they will make up their own rules along the lines of the FCC's.
Sorta like self censorship, now ICANN and the ICM are in a similar situation with the new adult .xxx domain.

Do you mean fair use VS the DMCA?
Copyright holders will not back down, but celebrities and known personalities are coming to their senses saying "We have enough money already, so why can't people who can't afford my music" or "can't see the movie enjoy it on the Web?", and all it will cost is a click on an add or to see a nag screen.

07-14-2010, 06:27 PM
I can see how PC could by used for mind control (correct term in this scenario), but I don't know for what reason.
Besides, it's even less affective than TV commercials.
Kids might be taught to say "Native American" instead of Indian, but have you ever seen anyone play Cowfolk and Native Americans?

The real mind control is empowerment such as turning the derogatory "queer" into the accepted gay.
In the mid 90s, this term was taken back by gays as a term of empowerment, but God forbid a non gay say it.
It's like saying Colored or Nigger to them.There is much-much more to political correctness than simply defining the proper terms for referring to minorities.

Since 1970, every American has been PC indoctrinated and programmed by magazines, newspapers, books, television, movies, music, in schools, the playgrounds, the workplace, the military, and even at home by unwitting family members.

Political correctness is a powerful force that now determines almost every policy and decision our government makes and affectively regulates the words, thoughts and actions of every American.

It is a collection of unwritten rules that we are required to abide by and enforced by average everyday Americans who police each other and themselves.

If you say the wrong thing [unPC], there will be someone there to accuse you of being racist, homophobe, xenophobe, fascist, imperialist or whatever term best suits your PC infraction.

Because of PC, we are unable to efficiently protect our airports against terrorism and has created safety procedures that have made air-travel a nightmare.

Because of PC, 12 American soldiers were murdered at Fort Hood Texas because to call attention to the US military muslim responsible, might have been misinterpreted as racism.

Because of PC, the problems that inner-city ghetto minorities suffer, cannot be honestly discussed or diagnosed, making it impossible to solve those problems.

Because of PC, the police are forbidden from using proven effective law enforcement procedures to solve crimes and even prevent them from occurring.

Because of PC, institutional racism is approved by government in the form of Affirmative Action, and either accepted or tolerated by the American people.

Because of PC, we are told to accept homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle and to teach our children that 2 men butt-fucking each other is perfectly normal and not a sick perversion.

Because of PC, as soon as they start kindergarten, 5 year old white boys are taught they are second class citizens and this continues throughout their school years, including the universities.

There is much more, but I think you get the messege...Political Correctness has been slowly eating away at America since 1970.

07-14-2010, 06:40 PM
I can see how PC could by used for mind control (correct term in this scenario), but I don't know for what reason.
The purpose of PC programming is to destroy American Culture and replace it with the marxist utopia the progressives have long dreamed of.

The architects of "Political Correctness" - http://frankfurtschool.us/history.htm

Just such a core group did, indeed, exist. History identifies a small group of German intellectuals who devised concepts, processes, and action plans which conform very closely to what Americans presently observe every day in their culture. Observations, such as those made in this series of essays, can be directly traced to the work of this core group of intellectuals. They were members of the Frankfurt School, formed in Germany in 1923. They were the forebears of what some proclaim as 'cultural Marxism,' a radical social movement that has transformed American culture. It is more commonly known today as 'political correctness.'

Free Speech
07-14-2010, 06:58 PM
PC indicates that an injustice was done against human or constitutional rights such as women not getting the right to vote in the 30s, to the more recent creation theory debate, so "all MEN are created equal!" turns into "all PEOPLE are created equal!"
PC can also be a good thing, otherwise we would still be banning books/rock and roll, enslaving blacks, and we wouldn't get to see topless women in New York.

07-14-2010, 09:14 PM
PC indicates that an injustice was done against human or constitutional rights such as women not getting the right to vote in the 30s, to the more recent creation theory debate, so "all MEN are created equal!" turns into "all PEOPLE are created equal!"
PC can also be a good thing, otherwise we would still be banning books/rock and roll, enslaving blacks, and we wouldn't get to see topless women in New York.How old are you?

Free Speech
07-14-2010, 09:21 PM
How old are you?