View Full Version : Have you ever had a Healing or Miracle ?

06-21-2010, 12:34 PM
Whether you subscribe to organized religion or just a spiritual belief, I wondered if anyone here has had "Divine Intervention", some kind of healing or miracle at a time of need.

06-21-2010, 07:50 PM

06-21-2010, 08:01 PM

so what was it?

06-21-2010, 08:23 PM
Whether you subscribe to organized religion or just a spiritual belief, I wondered if anyone here has had "Divine Intervention", some kind of healing or miracle at a time of need.

It seems to me that those kinds of events are as believeable as the Obama administration's "saved" jobs. People recover from illness all the time and regardless of religious affiliation. Kinda foolish to lay some of them off on divine intervention. For those who believe in healing miracles, answer me this: Why has god never cured an amputee?

06-21-2010, 10:33 PM
Why has god never cured an amputee?

would you believe him if somebody told you yes?......of course not.....you'd be like Thomas who told the other apostles, unless I stick my hand in the wound in his side I will not believe it.....

06-21-2010, 10:40 PM
Whether you subscribe to organized religion or just a spiritual belief, I wondered if anyone here has had "Divine Intervention", some kind of healing or miracle at a time of need.

I believe I witnessed the happening of a miracle, along with a couple of dozen others.....I was at church at a meeting and someone came in and reported a young woman's biopsy had come in and she had cancer in her liver, the doctors were going to try surgery but didn't have much hope because it was widespread......we had experienced the death of several young adults through cancer and we were praying....and the prayer was based on the passage of scripture where it says, if his children pray for bread God will not give them stones....and we asked that for once we didn't want to be known as a church that deals well with death but wanted to be known as the church that deals with recovery......we prayed that this time we wanted bread instead of stones.......while we were praying the temperature dropped in the room and the hairs stood up on my arms.....I opened my eyes and everyone else in the room was looking around....they had felt it as well......the next morning the doctors did one more test before they began surgery......they could find no sign of cancer.....I believe I experienced the physical presence of God that evening....

there was another instance involving people that I know and trust.....they were sitting in a hospital room waiting for their daughter to pass away from cancer.....the father prayed, God if you have to take her at least let us know she's with you......at the moment she passed the people in the room heard a choir singing....earlier that evening his daughter had asked him to read her favorite passage....about choirs of angels singing when a soul enters heaven......the next morning the duty nurse asked the mother "if you don't mind my asking, what was that CD you were playing last night....it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard"......they weren't playing any music that night.....

06-22-2010, 12:26 AM
Whether you subscribe to organized religion or just a spiritual belief, I wondered if anyone here has had "Divine Intervention", some kind of healing or miracle at a time of need.

I believe it was a miracle, my family believes it was a miracle, and the neurologist said it was a miracle.....

One of my little sisters was in a head-on collision that killed her husband and put her and her son in the hospital.

The doctors said my sister had severe brain damage and would need 24/7 care for the rest of her life ... and she was only 38. I had already started the guardianship paperwork for both her and her son .... had to go to Tennessee for business and while I was there the doctor called and said she was missing ... that they couldn't find her. By the time I tracked her down and found her she was adamant that she was not going to check back into the hospital .... we convinced her to get checked out by the doctors.

They were shocked .... she was able to function on her own and the only problem was bouts of dizziness and she couldn't remember the prior four years of her life. Prior to that she was a drug addict ..... and now she couldn't remember that she was an addict.

Anyway, she has worked hard getting her life on track. She saved up enough to buy a house and is debt free except for her house .... I am so proud of her.

So, you tell me how many miracles happened .... she survived the wreck, survived the brain damage and got clean. Coincidence, fate, destiny, or miracles.

06-22-2010, 02:35 AM
so what was it?

I'm not sure I am inclined to share tons. But one experience in particular stands out. I was sparring at my karate studio. I got hit with a roundhouse kick to the back of my thigh and the muscle collapse. I was in severe pain for several days. I was limping everywhere i went and it hurt. And I didn't have insurance so the Dr was out of the question.

I went to Church the following Sunday a day or two after it happened. I was still in incredible pain. it still hurt to move it. However, I had some things I need to do to help people there, so I tried to do the best I could. I emphasize that it hurt alot. I'm talking sharp pain.

I went to one of my meetings, sat down and was still hurting. But trying to listen to what I was hearing. Not long into the meeting the Spirit rested on me and flowed through me in a way I never experienced prior, even when the Spirit was strong. I felt the Spirit wash through my body, down my leg, and from that second the pain was completely gone. My leg was stiff for about a week afterwards, but the pain was gone. I was shocked. I wasn't expecting it. The effects were immediate.

Why was I healed? No idea. But I am grateful that it happened. I was in serious pain. And I highly doubt it's a coincidence that the second the Spirit settled over my leg that I was healed.

As for why we don't see more miraculous healing, i would say it's due to a lack of faith among the people. And a lack of fasting and prayer.

06-22-2010, 04:45 AM
It seems to me that those kinds of events are as believeable as the Obama administration's "saved" jobs. People recover from illness all the time and regardless of religious affiliation. Kinda foolish to lay some of them off on divine intervention. For those who believe in healing miracles, answer me this: Why has god never cured an amputee?

MM... perhaps He has and does but through the actions of doctors and nurses instead. You don't know that He does, nor do you know that He doesn't.

No matter. What is important is that reliance on God is not weakness, but a source of strength to many. For me and my situation, just getting through the day is important. I am glad there is a God that loves me out there.

In November, I was slated to be laid off. A day later, my manager found a req for a job that fit me to a tee. As time goes on, that job has proved to be a life saver. Others in my department are now slated to be laid off and can't find work. On the other hand, I've been extended and may be extended yet again. You can't prove that God didn't intervene anymore than I can't prove it was a mere coincidence. As far as I'm concerned, God helped me out, in spite of the fact that I am not worthy of His graces.

Another... my son has a learning disability. Several years ago, we didn't think he would graduate from High School. Guess what? He graduated with honors from a local community college and is going to a four year school in the fall.... Miracle or not? I think it is a miracle!

06-22-2010, 06:59 AM
Thanks to everyone who replied with the inspirational experiences. I have had 2 in my lifetime that i can think of. One i have told before so I will condense it.

When my daughter was 4 yrs old she seemed to have a a tummy ache all the time and I noticed that over the months her stomach seemed to swell up like a giant pot belly yet she hardly ate a thing. I took her to the doctor and they did x rays and an ultra sound. They said she had a tumor in her stomach cavity that must have been growing since birth. Anyway my husband at the time was a jack mormon and he called his uncle to come do some blessing. Also a friend of the family did a navajo indian prayer. The mormon uncle came to hospital after work and apologized because he had not had time to arrange some others from priesthood to do a certain type of blessing. Just after he said that, two missionaries opened the private room door and walked in, one held out oil and said can we be of service. I had never seena blessing before. They prayed and put oil on her head and I felt some loving presence in the room. The next day was the surgery they told us the test indicated we should prepare for the worst but hope for the best. They removed a 6 pound tumor out of her stomach cavity, and no cancer at all. Her cells were all normal.

Another time I was living in las vegas and my ex husband was on alot of drugs. I had tried to leave him because he was always beating me up. Well one night I was home at my apartment and felt like someone was watching me, to make it short I opened my closet and there was my husband he had broke into my apartment when I was at work. He started strangling me and I felt like I was blacking out. I couldnt breathe and things were going black. My mom lived in wyoming and at the exact hour she woke out of her sleep sensing I was in danger and she prayed for my life. I still don't know how it happened but he stopped strangling me and said he wasnt going to kill me because I hadent cheated on him, he even let me get up off the floor and go to the front door to get the paper. I opened the door and ran all the way to work where I was safe. so thats another miracle.

Sometimes I forget about those miracles. I like it when people share positve things it helps me remember good things and not all bad. Thanks everybody.

06-22-2010, 05:24 PM
MM... perhaps He has and does but through the actions of doctors and nurses instead. You don't know that He does, nor do you know that He doesn't.

I know that there has never been a human limb regeneration...show me one of those and I'll buy into "miracles".

No matter. What is important is that reliance on God is not weakness, but a source of strength to many. For me and my situation, just getting through the day is important. I am glad there is a God that loves me out there.

In November, I was slated to be laid off. A day later, my manager found a req for a job that fit me to a tee. As time goes on, that job has proved to be a life saver. Others in my department are now slated to be laid off and can't find work. On the other hand, I've been extended and may be extended yet again. You can't prove that God didn't intervene anymore than I can't prove it was a mere coincidence. As far as I'm concerned, God helped me out, in spite of the fact that I am not worthy of His graces.

Another... my son has a learning disability. Several years ago, we didn't think he would graduate from High School. Guess what? He graduated with honors from a local community college and is going to a four year school in the fall.... Miracle or not? I think it is a miracle!

I have no ill will towards you...I'm glad you're not getting laid off. But don't you think it's a bit narcissistic to believe the big guy was looking out for you and "to hell" with those who are getting laid off?

06-22-2010, 05:46 PM
I know that there has never been a human limb regeneration...show me one of those and I'll buy into "miracles".

John4:48"Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe."

06-22-2010, 08:18 PM
John4:48"Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe."

I'll keep that message in mind:cool:

06-22-2010, 08:49 PM
I know that there has never been a human limb regeneration...show me one of those and I'll buy into "miracles".

I have no ill will towards you...I'm glad you're not getting laid off. But don't you think it's a bit narcissistic to believe the big guy was looking out for you and "to hell" with those who are getting laid off?

And how do you know that? Have you talked to every human being who ever lived? Cause I am not sure you can know that short of that.

06-22-2010, 10:26 PM
And how do you know that? Have you talked to every human being who ever lived? Cause I am not sure you can know that short of that.

There isn't a single documented case of it...are you suggesting that it would be a secret kept just between the hermit and god?

06-23-2010, 01:17 AM
There isn't a single documented case of it...are you suggesting that it would be a secret kept just between the hermit and god?

So you have an argument from silence. I suspected as much.

And God keeps alot of things secret from the public at large because they aren't prepared to hear them.

All healings require faith, the greater the need for healing, the greater the faith that is needed.

That is why people rising being brought back from the dead is so rare. Few have the faith sufficient for it to happen. But it does happen.

So why not any other manner of illness? I know an account of a man who had his hip blasted apart in the mid 1830s. His mother and him prayed that God might inspire them on how to heal him. She followed the impressions she recieve ewhich were totally foriegn to any known medical method. And he regrew a hip. The boy walked on it for decades afterwards.

Unlikely? yes because people lack the faith. But it's still happened.

I am amazed at how many people think things are impossible. Look around us. We are surrounded by the impossible. 200 years ago flight was impossible. Computers/Internet weren't even thoughts in anyones mind. If you told someone 200 years ago that we would have horseless carriages that moved faster than any horse, they would have laughed at you and said it was impossible.

We need to get beyond that. Start realizing anything is possible. We just havent figured out the way yet. But we will learn through study and through faith.

Anything is possible if you can dream it.

06-23-2010, 01:48 AM
There isn't a single documented case of it...are you suggesting that it would be a secret kept just between the hermit and god?

I don't require that you believe in miracles, nor do I require God to create a spontaneous regeneration of a limb to prove anything......if you choose not to believe that is your choice.

Just a quick question MM .... what do you gain personally by convincing people that God doesn't exist and there is no such thing as a miracle?

06-23-2010, 01:51 AM
I know that there has never been a human limb regeneration...show me one of those and I'll buy into "miracles".

I have no ill will towards you...I'm glad you're not getting laid off. But don't you think it's a bit narcissistic to believe the big guy was looking out for you and "to hell" with those who are getting laid off?

Not narcissistic .... how do you know that God didn't create a greater miracle in their life after they were laid off.....or before......or that getting laid off is the miracle .... that it created a situation where they were in a different place ... a place where they needed to be?

06-23-2010, 09:29 AM
So you have an argument from silence. I suspected as much.

And God keeps alot of things secret from the public at large because they aren't prepared to hear them.

All healings require faith, the greater the need for healing, the greater the faith that is needed.

That is why people rising being brought back from the dead is so rare. Few have the faith sufficient for it to happen. But it does happen.

So why not any other manner of illness? I know an account of a man who had his hip blasted apart in the mid 1830s. His mother and him prayed that God might inspire them on how to heal him. She followed the impressions she recieve ewhich were totally foriegn to any known medical method. And he regrew a hip. The boy walked on it for decades afterwards.

Unlikely? yes because people lack the faith. But it's still happened.

I am amazed at how many people think things are impossible. Look around us. We are surrounded by the impossible. 200 years ago flight was impossible. Computers/Internet weren't even thoughts in anyones mind. If you told someone 200 years ago that we would have horseless carriages that moved faster than any horse, they would have laughed at you and said it was impossible.

We need to get beyond that. Start realizing anything is possible. We just havent figured out the way yet. But we will learn through study and through faith.

Anything is possible if you can dream it.

You look at the improbable and proclaim "miracle"...my standard is higher. You're argument that no one's had enough faith to regenerate a missing limb or organ is just as useless as the assignment of divine intervention to someone's cancer remission.

06-23-2010, 09:35 AM
I don't require that you believe in miracles, nor do I require God to create a spontaneous regeneration of a limb to prove anything......if you choose not to believe that is your choice.

Just a quick question MM .... what do you gain personally by convincing people that God doesn't exist and there is no such thing as a miracle?

What do you gain personally from propagating the belief in a myth?

06-23-2010, 09:41 AM
Not narcissistic .... how do you know that God didn't create a greater miracle in their life after they were laid off.....or before......or that getting laid off is the miracle .... that it created a situation where they were in a different place ... a place where they needed to be?

You and Av seem to have the same propensity to assign miracle status to the mundane.

06-26-2010, 11:20 AM
It seems to me that those kinds of events are as believeable as the Obama administration's "saved" jobs. People recover from illness all the time and regardless of religious affiliation. Kinda foolish to lay some of them off on divine intervention. For those who believe in healing miracles, answer me this: Why has god never cured an amputee?

WHY HAVENT you ever taken off your clothes and walked naked down the street screaming God is great? You could, but you havent, so, since you havent, does that prove you dont exist? Does it prove you havent ever been naked? Does it prove you have never walked down the street?

No, we only know that you havent ever done both,; so, now, until you do, I wont beleive you exist.

06-26-2010, 11:28 AM
I believe it was a miracle, my family believes it was a miracle, and the neurologist said it was a miracle.....

One of my little sisters was in a head-on collision that killed her husband and put her and her son in the hospital.

The doctors said my sister had severe brain damage and would need 24/7 care for the rest of her life ... and she was only 38. I had already started the guardianship paperwork for both her and her son .... had to go to Tennessee for business and while I was there the doctor called and said she was missing ... that they couldn't find her. By the time I tracked her down and found her she was adamant that she was not going to check back into the hospital .... we convinced her to get checked out by the doctors.

They were shocked .... she was able to function on her own and the only problem was bouts of dizziness and she couldn't remember the prior four years of her life. Prior to that she was a drug addict ..... and now she couldn't remember that she was an addict.

Anyway, she has worked hard getting her life on track. She saved up enough to buy a house and is debt free except for her house .... I am so proud of her.

So, you tell me how many miracles happened .... she survived the wreck, survived the brain damage and got clean. Coincidence, fate, destiny, or miracles.

Yes, anytime someone gets clean off drugs, it is a miracle.

06-26-2010, 11:38 AM
You and Av seem to have the same propensity to assign miracle status to the mundane.

You'll argue about anything.

Ask for a miracle, go ahead. I dare you. :laugh2:

You might just be surprised......

06-26-2010, 02:20 PM
I don't know how being instantly healed by the Spirit is anything mundane. In fact, it's quite amazing. I've never personally experienced anything like it since.

06-26-2010, 04:48 PM
WHY HAVENT you ever taken off your clothes and walked naked down the street screaming God is great? You could, but you havent, so, since you havent, does that prove you dont exist? Does it prove you havent ever been naked? Does it prove you have never walked down the street?

No, we only know that you havent ever done both,; so, now, until you do, I wont beleive you exist.

This incoherent babble doesn't answer my question. It's not even an attempt to answer my question...color me totally surprised.:rolleyes:

06-26-2010, 04:51 PM
I don't know how being instantly healed by the Spirit is anything mundane. In fact, it's quite amazing. I've never personally experienced anything like it since.

Like dude...I burned my finger and I got a blister. I prayed really hard and a few days later the blister disappeared...woohoo...it's a miracle! :poke:

06-26-2010, 09:18 PM
shucks, given your intelligence level I would have thought it was a miracle you can even post.....:poke:

06-27-2010, 01:14 AM
MM... perhaps He has and does but through the actions of doctors and nurses instead. You don't know that He does, nor do you know that He doesn't.

Exactly. Which is why you can pray about something and hope for the best as Christians do or you can take action and whether good or bad, make your results. I choose to do the latter.

06-27-2010, 06:22 PM
Like dude...I burned my finger and I got a blister. I prayed really hard and a few days later the blister disappeared...woohoo...it's a miracle! :poke:

Didn't read what i wrote did you?

06-27-2010, 06:26 PM
Like dude...I burned my finger and I got a blister. I prayed really hard and a few days later the blister disappeared...woohoo...it's a miracle! :poke:

Think of what might have happened if you hadn't prayed. Your finger might have fell off.

06-27-2010, 08:59 PM
I have had several. Ask and ye shall receive.

06-27-2010, 09:42 PM
Think of what might have happened if you hadn't prayed. Your finger might have fell off.

Yes indeed! Everyone knows that Bhuddists and atheists and all other non-Christians have limbs or digits fall off after minor wounds. :poke:

06-27-2010, 09:47 PM
Didn't read what i wrote did you?

And exactly what are you claiming you were instantly healed of?

06-27-2010, 11:19 PM
I can still post with only one functional brain cell.......

06-28-2010, 07:06 AM
I can still post with only one functional brain cell.......


07-01-2010, 09:50 PM
This incoherent babble doesn't answer my question. It's not even an attempt to answer my question...color me totally surprised.:rolleyes:

ok second graders, gather round and let me explain.

Just because you dont do something that I have asked you to do, doesnt mean you dont exist.

07-01-2010, 09:57 PM
ok second graders, gather round and let me explain.

Just because you dont do something that I have asked you to do, doesnt mean you dont exist.

Yep...that's a second-grade answer to my question. That's all you seem able to muster though...arguments a child might make.

07-01-2010, 10:02 PM
Yep...that's a second-grade answer to my question. That's all you seem able to muster though...arguments a child might make.

Gee, you're so clever !~