View Full Version : Africa, AIDs and the Catholic church

04-04-2010, 09:32 PM
I am making this thread as CWN said he didn't want religon to over run into his thread, but chloe did as a question

I wrote a really long reply to this and then my phone lost signal, refreshed and deleated the post lol, so I will make ageneral answer and then add to it.

"Is there a religion that said its better to get aids then use a condom?"

Yes and no, lol
The catholic church believe it is against their God to use contraception, and so they have taught people in african states, were they hold a massive influence that condoms SPREAD AIDs. Ofcourse they teach absenance, but that is ofcourse of little good. And so in an effort to not give there loved ones AIDs many Africans do not use condoms, helping the desease spread. As far as the church is concerned what they are doing is right by god, and when judgement comes, though these people have suffered on earth they will be in gods favour for not having used contraception. I would be funny if it where not so sick.

Related stories:
Pope claims condoms could make African Aids crisis worse- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/17/pope-africa-condoms-aids

The head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique has told the BBC he believes some European-made condoms are infected with HIV deliberate - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7014335.stm

This site shows the propaganda used - http://www.condoms4life.org/facts/condomPolicy.htm

“Every condom sold sends the buyer to acquire the AIDS virus.”

“Use of this product is harmful to health.”

[W]idespread and indiscriminate promotion of condoms [is] an immoral and misguided weapon in our battle against HIV-AIDS. …[C]ondoms may even be one of the main reasons for the spread of HIV-AIDS.”

Now I'm not saying using condoms will cure Africa of AIDs, but they will certianly reduce the number of infections

Thankfully some are seeing sense;
The Philippines Defies Catholic Church, Hands Out Condoms to Stop HIV/AIDS- http://womensrights.change.org/blog/view/the_philippines_defies_catholic_church_hands_out_c ondoms_to_stop_hivaids

04-05-2010, 12:10 AM
You and I aren't doing too good Noir...You are failing your marxist masters and even worse, I am failing myself.

I don't think your campaign against the institution of Religion is doing any better than mine against Political Correctness.

Both Religion and PC are alive and flourishing...My problem is, nobody can abandon something they deny the practice of. :laugh2:

04-06-2010, 06:56 PM
Any commet on the detail of the OP hog?

04-06-2010, 07:04 PM
That website says good catholics use condoms. Is there some official church rule that actually says don't use condoms risk getting aids? I always think if a religion says don't use condoms or birth control they are also saying don't have sex unless you are married.

04-06-2010, 07:20 PM
That website says good catholics use condoms. Is there some official church rule that actually says don't use condoms risk getting aids? I always think if a religion says don't use condoms or birth control they are also saying don't have sex unless you are married.

Yes there is. You may only use 'natural methods' like 'pulling out' or having sex during times of the month you are less likly to get preggers as a way to reduce the chance of getting preggers

Most simple questions are answered here (from what I can gather it is Sarah Palin who is answering these questions) - http://thecatholicletter.com/birth-control-abortion-article-subjects-40/100-the-catholic-birth-control-a-sex-faq#1

1- Is it okay to use contraceptives?
No. It isn’t.
2 - Is it a mortal sin or a venial sin to use contraceptives?
It is a mortal sin.

04-06-2010, 07:32 PM
Yes there is. You may only use 'natural methods' like 'pulling out' or having sex during times of the month you are less likly to get preggers as a way to reduce the chance of getting preggers

Most simple questions are answered here (from what I can gather it is Sarah Palin who is answering these questions) - http://thecatholicletter.com/birth-control-abortion-article-subjects-40/100-the-catholic-birth-control-a-sex-faq#1

ok I will read it thanks

04-06-2010, 07:35 PM
Any commet on the detail of the OP hog?I suppose I kinda lumped all your anti-christian threads together and commented on all of them at once.

Did I do a bad thing? :o

04-06-2010, 07:43 PM
ok I will read it thanks

You're welcomes,

It is amazing just how obcessed religions are with who you have sex with, in what way, and what you may use it for.

I think it was Steven Fry who said something like 'the only people obcessed with food are those with eating disorders, and here we have religon, ironicly drowning in sex disorders'

04-06-2010, 07:45 PM
I suppose I kinda lumped all your anti-christian threads together and commented on all of them at once.

Did I do a bad thing? :o

...that's a no then. Fair enough.

04-06-2010, 08:00 PM
You're welcomes,

It is amazing just how obcessed religions are with who you have sex with, in what way, and what you may use it for.

I think it was Steven Fry who said something like 'the only people obcessed with food are those with eating disorders, and here we have religon, ironicly drowning in sex disorders'

LOL I'm reading the whole thing and learning alot !!!!

04-06-2010, 08:17 PM
...that's a no then. Fair enough.All of your threads that involve religion, regardless of their varying aspects of the subject, have the same objective.

The abolishment of Christianity...You don't have to drop a house on me Glinda...I get the point, I just don't agree.

04-06-2010, 08:23 PM
All of your threads that involve religion, regardless of their varying aspects of the subject, have the same objective.

The abolishment of Christianity...You don't have to drop a house on me Glinda...I get the point, I just don't agree.

You have proven nothing other than your inability to read, I have said two dozen times I am against all relgions, but apparently everyone else knows what I want more than I do, speaking of which I do t think anyone every replied to the thread where I posted some pics where I tired to debate with a Muslim over his beliefs, I guess it was best to just try and brush that thread away, afterall it was pretty clear in it that I did not say what you guys say I say, which would mean y'all are wrong and don't know what I think better than I do...and you can't have that!