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02-15-2010, 07:59 PM
do women need abortion?, couldnt they just use condoms or birth control?

(no offense intended to women, as men are just as responsible for unplanned pregnancies)

do gays need marriage

(why do they need the government to validate homosexuality?, homosexual relationships, does government really need to validate heterosexual relationships, i must admit my bias, ive never understood why marriage is a neccesity, seems more like a want more then a need, but ... im listening, I could be wrong, who knows maybe ill get married someday)

why do liberals insist on the government whiping everyone butt for them, doing everything.

(I mean, why cant private charity pay to help people with disabilities, those who also need help, like injured military and others, they would do a better job in my opinion, what are your thoughts)

Is pregnancy, a compulsion that one has no choice over is it, a strong want or what is it?. I see some planned pregnancies, but what is t he percentage of planned, and why do women AND men want them?

(Help this childfree man understand, whats it like?, how do u not strangle them :P.

No offense initended in any way shape or form, just curious)

02-16-2010, 09:12 AM
The answers to all these questions hinge on one component: personal responsibility. Liberals are unwilling to accept it so want these things.

02-16-2010, 01:31 PM
do women need abortion?, couldn't they just use condoms or birth control?

(no offense intended to women, as men are just as responsible for unplanned pregnancies)

do gays need marriage

(why do they need the government to validate homosexuality?, homosexual relationships, does government really need to validate heterosexual relationships, i must admit my bias, ive never understood why marriage is a neccesity, seems more like a want more then a need, but ... I'm listening, I could be wrong, who knows maybe ill get married someday)

why do liberals insist on the government whiping everyone butt for them, doing everything.

(I mean, why cant private charity pay to help people with disabilities, those who also need help, like injured military and others, they would do a better job in my opinion, what are your thoughts)

Is pregnancy, a compulsion that one has no choice over is it, a strong want or what is it?. I see some planned pregnancies, but what is t he percentage of planned, and why do women AND men want them?

(Help this childfree man understand, whats it like?, how do u not strangle them :P.

No offense initended in any way shape or form, just curious)

Birth control isn't %100 affective. I got pregnant with my 3rd child while on the pill. The only way to guarantee not getting pregnant is to not have sex, most people aren't willing to do that, especially after you get married.

I'd say pregnancy is a strong want, my husband feels the same way. He always wanted a big family and would have taken more kids if I'd been willing to have them. Personally I love kids and I wanted to have them rather than adopt because I want kids who look like me. I've thought about adoption (my daughter would love a sister) however, the adoption process is almost prohibitively expensive.

How do you not strange them LOL, let me put it this way.....after 16 years of raising my darling children I understand why some animals eat their young.:laugh2: Seriously just like living with anyone, parents, spouse, etc. they get annoying, but I love them anyway.

02-16-2010, 04:05 PM
Birth control isn't %100 affective. I got pregnant with my 3rd child while on the pill. The only way to guarantee not getting pregnant is to not have sex, most people aren't willing to do that, especially after you get married.

....Actually, there are other options, like surgery after your second, which is what I did. But I think the issue here is young kids who are having casual sex. No temporary birth control method is perfect, so they kill babies instead of accepting responsibility for making them.