View Full Version : 'Obama Girl' now falling out of love

red states rule
01-27-2010, 11:00 AM
The tide is turning, and the thrill is gone

First, Massachusetts turned on the president.

Now, the bikini-clad "Obama Girl" -- who famously cooed about her "crush" throughout the presidential campaign on YouTube videos -- admits the thrill is gone.

Amber Lee Ettinger -- the buxom sensation who lip-synched about her love for then-candidate Barack Obama -- said she wishes he spent his first year in office more fo cused on fixing the abysmal economy.

"I think he's doing an OK job," said Ettinger, whose original "Crush on Obama" video, first shown in 2007, has had more than 16.5 million views on YouTube.

"I know he's getting a lot of flak for things that he's not doing," she told The Post. "In my opinion, I feel like he should be focusing a lot more on jobs and the economy."

Ettinger, 28, said that even though she doesn't have health care -- "I can't afford it" -- she still thinks Obama should have waited to tackle the thorny legislation that has been blamed for the devastating Democratic loss of Ted Kennedy's Senate seat.

"It's definitely a distraction because of the economy being as bad as it is," said the Jersey City resident.

"He did create some jobs, but most of them were government jobs and that doesn't really help the middle class. But it helps a bit," said Ettinger.

Her grade for Obama: B- minus.

She said she is still excited to see tonight's State of the Union speech.

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/obama_girl_now_falling_out_of_love_20IY02jVpUMvC0I QBLXvEI

01-27-2010, 11:43 AM
I don't think Miss Ettinger's carpet matches her dark drapes.

I have a sneaky suspicion she is very likely a natural blonde.

That is if we want her hair to match her mental awareness.

red states rule
01-27-2010, 11:45 AM
First Jon Stewert, Leno, and Lettermen

Then the voters in VA, NJ, and MA

Now the Obama girl

Damn, how the mighty have fallen

Next, the Obama family dog will piss on The One's leg

01-27-2010, 12:21 PM
First Jon Stewert, Leno, and Lettermen

Then the voters in VA, NJ, and MA

Now the Obama girl

Damn, how the mighty have fallen

Next, the Obama family dog will piss on The One's leg

LOL, that reminds of reading Bo the Conservative dog in the Whitehouse yesterday. I thought it was pretty funny.

Arf, Arf! Barry and Bo work on the State of the Union while Axelrod Fiddles and Rahm Burns


Bo here, the conservative dog in the White House. I’m in the Oval Office with Barry and the boys while they decide on a strategy for the State of the Union speech. They can’t make up their minds. Big surprise, huh?

It’s been quite a week here since the Massachusetts senate race, all of them whining and moaning like a litter of pitbulls finding out they’ve just been sold to Michael Vick. Barry, of course, has been hardest hit. A retiree in Pompano Beach, Florida, gets bit by a sand flea, and Barry is hardest hit.


Still, the Scott Brown victory was a genuine blow to the faithful. Barry thrives on self-delusion, so the team here firehoses him with flattery non-stop. The One. The Lightbringer. Captain Smooth. Except for Rahm, the only guy who can tell Barry the truth. The only one who actually enjoys telling Barry the truth. Teleprompter Jesus. President Fist Bump. Harry Reid’s Immaculate Negro. Barry doesn’t appreciate it, but Rahm doesn’t care. Anyway, Scott Brown’s election really shook the place up. I was there. I smelt the fear…

“Now what?” Barry kept saying as he flipped through the channels looking for good news. “Now what?”

On CNBC, Norah O’Donnell woodenly read the latest vote tallies, mascara running down her cheeks like Chuckie the killer klown. Keith Olbermann was in the background, loudly vomiting into a waste basket.

Me, I was doing backflips and barking happily.

“The Kennedy seat,” Axelrod kept muttering. “We just lost the Kennedy seat.”

“What do you mean we?” said Barry.

“Yes, yes, that’s right,” said Axelrod. “It wasn’t a vote against you. No sir, not at all. It was anger, undifferentiated anger. Had nothing to do with you.”

Barry looked at Rahm.

“No, it was you,” said Rahm, grinning.

“We need to completely rewrite your State of the Union Address,” said Axelrod. “Listing your many accomplishments and your unique place in history to thunderous applause is probably not going to work right now.”

So here we are now, flopped in the Oval Office a day before the speech, and they’re still trying to decide whether to go “scorched earth” or “my people messed up, but you can still trust me.” Barry’s got his chair tilted back, feet up on the desk. Axelrod is sitting on the edge of the couch, sweating profusely. Rahm paces.

Read the rest at http://bigjournalism.com/boobama/2010/01/26/arf-arf-barry-and-bo-work-on-the-state-of-the-union-while-axelrod-fiddles-and-rahm-burns/