View Full Version : If Brown wins, how will that affect other Senate/House votes?

01-19-2010, 11:58 AM
If Brown wins the so-called "Kennedy seat" in Massachusetts for the U.S. Senate, will it sound an ominous warning for other Democrats, in both House and Senate?

Might the other leftists say, "Hmmm, Coakley had a huge lead. But the biggest difference between her and Brown was that she supported Obamacare and Brown declared he was against it. And even the huge lead of a far-left liberal, in a far-left liberal state, wasn't enough to overcome the preference of the far-left voters there... they tossed her out, mostly because of how she would vote on Obamacare.

"Now, do I REALLY want to vote FOR Obamacare in the next vote? My liberal margin isn't even as big as Coakley's was at first, and there have been more TEA parties held in my district than she ever had.

"Uh-oh. Better make a phone call to (Reid or Pelosi, whichever), and extend to them my sincerest apologies, but I won't be able to vote for Obamacare after all, so sorry...."

Even if Brown doesn't win (I have no idea whether he will or not), but comes within a few percent of Coakley after trailing by a 2-to-1 margin or worse earlier, will that send the same message anyway to Democrats trying to get re-elected, in less-liberal districts than Massachusetts?

Even if Brown loses, this Mass special election might spell the defeat of Obamacare, as voters show Congress what happens to candidates who support socialistic health care bills.

01-19-2010, 06:41 PM
I see your reasoning which is perhaps the reason we are seeing the Democrats trying to blame her for being a MA Democrat. Once through with the primary, the seat is won. So was her assumption, based upon a half-century of history.

Yes, she was terrible at campaign. Yes, Brown ran an exemplary campaign. Doesn't explain this seat, this campaign in MA.

No, the problem is larger than this. Some unique to MA. They have mandatory health care and many aren't happy with it. Now they are really not happy with basically the same plan, but paying even more-which happens if this monstrosity passes. Polls show though that they are also very unhappy with the deficits and bailouts.

While liberal, seems most MA folks are not crazy about high unemployment coupled with high taxes and inflation-around the bend. That is what does make them typical of Americans.

01-19-2010, 07:58 PM
I see your reasoning which is perhaps the reason we are seeing the Democrats trying to blame her for being a MA Democrat. Once through with the primary, the seat is won. So was her assumption, based upon a half-century of history.

Yes, she was terrible at campaign. Yes, Brown ran an exemplary campaign. Doesn't explain this seat, this campaign in MA.

No, the problem is larger than this. Some unique to MA. They have mandatory health care and many aren't happy with it. Now they are really not happy with basically the same plan, but paying even more-which happens if this monstrosity passes. Polls show though that they are also very unhappy with the deficits and bailouts.

While liberal, seems most MA folks are not crazy about high unemployment coupled with high taxes and inflation-around the bend. That is what does make them typical of Americans.I heard today that 70+% of the Masses are unhappy with the state run mandatory healthcare plan.

Apparently they know something about government run healthcare that other Americans don't.....Go figure? :dunno: