View Full Version : Daily Kos - Mass. Voters Will Pitch a Hissy Fit Today

red states rule
01-19-2010, 09:02 AM
Liberals never cease to amaze me. The party that claims to support free speech, an open discussion of issues, and preaches tolerance is now lashing out at the bluest of blue state voters

Only one year ago, these same people were gloating how conservatism was dead, how Republicans need to get over Ronald Reagan, and join the "progressive" movement

Now they are enraged people are rejecting their policies, and are attacking those that last year handed them total power to "reshape America"

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Dems run on voter anger in 2006 and 2008?

Mass. Voters Will Pitch a Hissy Fit Today. THAT'LL Show Obama!!!

by Deep Brain Diarist

Mass. Voters Will Pitch a Hissy Fit Today. THAT'LL Show Obama!!!

Tue Jan 19, 2010 at 05:44:28 AM PST

In the beautiful state of Massachusetts today, the bluest of blue states. A state that voted for McGovern when the other 49 went for Nixon, the home of Teddy Kennedy, JFK, RFK and Tip O’Neill... they’re going to the polls today. And by all signs they are going to elect someone who stands against everything they believe in... cuz they’re mad!

Deep Brain Diarist's diary :: :: They’re going to elect a guy who is against a woman’s right to choose her own reproductive health, even in the case of rape or incest. They’re going to elect a guy who thinks jokes about sexual assault are funny. They’re going to vote for a guy who pretends to be a populist, driving around the state in a pickup truck, when the truth is he is an elitist of the highest order who wants the bankers and Wall Street fat cats to KEEP their money instead of paying the taxpayers back for bailing them out. They’re going to vote for a guy who is not only against adequate health care for you and for me, but wouldn’t even provide health care benefits to people on his staff. They’re going to vote for a guy who voted against financial aid to 9/11 workers so he could support a tax subsidized golf course. They’re going to vote for a birther, a teabagger, and someone who voted against the kind of financial aid now helping people in Haiti.

And they’re DOING this because they’re MAD!

They’re MAD at Obama for not keeping all his promises and fixing a mess that took 8 years to create in 1 year.

They’re MAD at Congress for compromising on a health care bill, taking the best deal they could get given the obstructionist GOP stance and the cowardice of the Blue Dog Democrats who are more concerned about keeping their seats than they are about doing what’s right.

They’re MAD that unemployment is still high.

They’re MAD that things aren’t the way they should be.

So they will EXPRESS this anger... this MADNESS... by voting for someone who stands FOR everything that CAUSED the things they are angry about. Someone whose presence in the Senate will not only ENSURE that nothing gets done for the next year, but will EMBOLDEN the GOP to be MORE obstructionist (if possible) and give the yapping, empty-headed main stream media noise machine more reason to declare the Obama presidency an abject failure — not even a full year after he was sworn in.

Because they’re MAD. The most progressive voters in the most progressive state will stay home and allow the teabaggers, the footdraggers, the dittoheads, the homophobes, the mysogynists, the religiofascists, the IDIOTS to send one of their own to the Senate.

Because they’re MAD!

THAT'LL show us! That'll show us ALL!!!


01-19-2010, 10:48 AM
The last time the Dems tried to take over all of health care, the voters kicked them out of every majority in Congress at the next election.

And some MSM newsreader (was it Brokaw? Rather?) announced on national TV that it had happened, not because Americans didn't want the Dems' socialism, but because of a "temper tentrum thrown by angry white men", or something close to that.

Sounds like the Democrats are running out of excuses, and have turned to recycling the old ones.

"Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."

01-19-2010, 02:59 PM
They can call it a hissy fit, temper tantrum, a bitch fest, whatever..

I'm just GLAD to see it..:dance:

01-19-2010, 03:27 PM
well lets see if the Marines can plant a flag on beacon hill