View Full Version : MLK Day as a teaching tool

01-19-2010, 01:08 AM
Since the weather kept us inside today, I decided to teach my daughter about why Monday was a holiday. We dialed up some Martin Luther King speeches on youtube, then we watched an old video I had about the civil rights movement.
My daughter was pretty horrified to learn that black kids were not welcome in schools and restaurants. And that there racist organizations like the KKK.
So I told her about prejudice develops and how it still exists today. Not just against blacks, but against certain religious groups.

And to let her see how prejudice still exists today, I had her read this board. :p

01-19-2010, 01:12 AM
Since the weather kept us inside today, I decided to teach my daughter about why Monday was a holiday. We dialed up some Martin Luther King speeches on youtube, then we watched an old video I had about the civil rights movement.
My daughter was pretty horrified to learn that black kids were not welcome in schools and restaurants. And that there racist organizations like the KKK.
So I told her about prejudice develops and how it still exists today. Not just against blacks, but against certain religious groups.

And to let her see how prejudice still exists today, I had her read this board. :p

Don't forget to tell her about the Black Panther's , the great Al Sharpton and of course the Jesse Jackson, hell of a role model I might add

Seriously it is a shame ya have to teach a child about prejudice, but it is a fact of life I guess

Mr. P
01-19-2010, 01:34 AM
Since the weather kept us inside today, I decided to teach my daughter about why Monday was a holiday. We dialed up some Martin Luther King speeches on youtube, then we watched an old video I had about the civil rights movement.
My daughter was pretty horrified to learn that black kids were not welcome in schools and restaurants. And that there racist organizations like the KKK.
So I told her about prejudice develops and how it still exists today. Not just against blacks, but against certain religious groups.

And to let her see how prejudice still exists today, I had her read this board. :p

Maybe you should also teach her that DREAMS alone don't change cultural mindsets.

01-19-2010, 01:56 AM
I recently had a conversation with my granddaughter regarding a report she has to do for school. She is in 5th grade and had to pick someone who is deceased and famous. She said she wanted to do it on someone who had given back to the world and preferred doing it on a woman. We talked about several people: Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Princess Di, Alice Paul among a few. She was interested in Keller because she is also learning sign language. When we talked about Anne Frank she started crying because she couldn't believe the horrors that were perpetrated on the Jewish people during the war.........said she couldn't research that anymore and finally decided on Princess Di. She went to school the next day fully prepared to tell her teacher her choice.

However, one of the boys got up and said he was going to report on Hitler because he was interesting. So, right then and there she decided she was going to report on Anne Frank to show the effects of Hitler's power.

My granddaughter will be 11 in March and she still believes in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Fairies..........so, imagine what she will learn doing this paper. It breaks my heart that our children have to grow up so fast.

01-19-2010, 01:58 AM
Maybe you can introduce her to my friends sister who was blown up by Muslims. She could show her the glass eye she has now and the x-rays of her fractured skull or maybe her other broken bones.
Maybe instead we could introduce her to my other friends son who was blown up by an IED set off by some peace loving Muslim.
HMMM, maybe I can arrange for her to meet the woman whos Muslim husband followed her here to California and beat her until the walls were red from her blood. She got tired of the beatings and didn't really want acid thrown in her face like peace loving Muslim brother-in-law did to his wife.

01-19-2010, 02:01 AM
Maybe you can introduce her to my friends sister who was blown up by Muslims. She could show her the glass eye she has now and the x-rays of her fractured skull or maybe her other broken bones.
Maybe instead we could introduce her to my other friends son who was blown up by an IED set off by some peace loving Muslim.
HMMM, maybe I can arrange for her to meet the woman whos Muslim husband followed her here to California and beat her until the walls were red from her blood. She got tired of the beatings and didn't really want acid thrown in her face like peace loving Muslim brother-in-law did to his wife.

Crin - are you talking to me about my granddaughter?

01-19-2010, 10:23 AM
Crin - are you talking to me about my granddaughter?

I was talking about gabby's daughter, the one she is indoctrinating to believe that Muslims are just peace loving people who worship the same God as everyone else. :puke3:
Your post wasn't up when I started to reply, I got distracted and walked away for a few minutes. MEA CULPA! My apologies for my slow reply.

01-19-2010, 10:34 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Gabby is clueless, her daughter will end up like her, brain washed into believeing islams her friend, all blacks are too.
2. I feel sorry for her daughter mostly.
3. Just tell her as she grows up to stay out of Compton Califorina at night, and most of S. Los Angeles.
4. She might survive that way.
5. I personally loved Martin Luther King, he was a great man, and I am old enough to remember him.


01-19-2010, 11:39 AM
Since the weather kept us inside today, I decided to teach my daughter about why Monday was a holiday. We dialed up some Martin Luther King speeches on youtube, then we watched an old video I had about the civil rights movement.
My daughter was pretty horrified to learn that black kids were not welcome in schools and restaurants. And that there racist organizations like the KKK.
So I told her about prejudice develops and how it still exists today. Not just against blacks, but against certain religious groups.

And to let her see how prejudice still exists today, I had her read this board. :pGreat Idea Gabby...Keep the turd stirred and the hate alive...Hallelujah! :thumb:

And of course you wouldn't want your children growing up without feeling the customary "white guilt".

01-19-2010, 11:58 AM
Remember when I told everyone that Political Correctness Indoctrination has been taking place everywhere in American culture since 1970?

I may have forgotten to warn you that it is also passed down to children by their own families in many homes as well.

The same people these children depend on to give them the tools and knowledge they require to survive in a hostile world.

This is why we see so many young white boys immulating the black hip-hop, drug and ghetto gangsta culture and the young white girls grinding to rap music, hooked on crack cocaine and popping out little black babies.

01-19-2010, 12:25 PM
I knew you guys wouldn't disappoint me with your responses. As hateful and prejudicial as I expected.
Cheesey, have you ever been to Compton? I have. My sister's former college roommate grew up there.
There are hateful people of all races and religious upbringings. A lot of it depends on how you were raised. That is why I expect to see more future instances of black kids dragged behind pick up trucks and gay kids beaten to death with shovels. I will read the stories further and read that their parents were racists like crin and hogtrash. Who were likely the children of racist parents themselves.
So go ahead and raise your kids with hate and prejudice. But don't be surprised if they turn into the same hateful people as you and your parents.

01-19-2010, 01:00 PM
What you have been programmed to believe is "hate" are actually the cold hard facts of life that help us to navigate the dangers of reality.


01-19-2010, 01:04 PM
I knew you guys wouldn't disappoint me with your responses. As hateful and prejudicial as I expected.
Cheesey, have you ever been to Compton? I have. My sister's former college roommate grew up there.
There are hateful people of all races and religious upbringings. A lot of it depends on how you were raised. That is why I expect to see more future instances of black kids dragged behind pick up trucks and gay kids beaten to death with shovels. I will read the stories further and read that their parents were racists like crin and hogtrash. Who were likely the children of racist parents themselves.
So go ahead and raise your kids with hate and prejudice. But don't be surprised if they turn into the same hateful people as you and your parents.

LOL!!! Grow up little girl, you have a daughter to raise.
I'm not a racist, at all. I'm a realist! I know what Muslims are and I know what they do. They are either non-practicing muslims or they are the so-called radicals. They will all become radicals when and if they have majority rule.

01-19-2010, 08:05 PM
It went well
Category: A Conversation About Race, Blacks, Hatred Of White People,

Schools Remember when school teachers used to take pride in how much a student had learned? When they sought to help kids who had been struggling to make breakthroughs? When they lived for the moment when a kid’s eyes lit up as he finally grasped an important principle of algebra or geometry?

Well, those days are over. Those were the bad old, racist days. Nowadays teachers think they’ve done their job if they reduce their students to sobbing, raging emotional wrecks who hate America and want to leave the country. If you think I’m exaggerating, look at this article from a newspaper in small town Indiana. It’s all about a teacher who uses the Friday before Martin Luther King Day every year to “teach” about segregation and Civil Rights, etc. She divides the kids into two groups, and tells one group they’re black. They get shoddy materials like broken pencils. The “white” kids aren’t allowed to talk to them. When they ask a teacher or aide for help, they’re denied, because they’re black. Then everyone walks down the hall carrying signs with slogans like We Shall Overcome.

But it was the lesson’s hands-on activity — the students must walk in the shoes of a black student in a racially segregated school — that is trying for her students.

“The reason why I want to do it, and why it’s so important, is that the kids hear about segregation and they’ve read it in the history books and might see it on TV,” she said. “To actually put themselves in the situation, it really makes them feel a part of what it’s like.”

Racial segregation was legally ended in the United States during the mid-1950s, but its effects lasted up long after King’s assassination. For the students, it’s difficult to understand tensions that existed between black and white students.

“It’s not cool,” said sixth-grader Josh Hunter. “Like, when we get our work, if we were a white person, we used a regular pencil, but black people had to use broken pencils.”

Hunter’s reaction is typical of other students in the class. Fifth-grader Jessika Mills said the activity made her want to “get on a boat and go to a different country.”

The teacher is tickled to death with herself and wants everyone to know it:

“I had lots of kids mad and crying,” Jackson-Wampler said. “We had a long conversation at the end of the day. They were able to tell me what part made them feel the worst. It went well.”

“Just seeing the emotions that it brings out in the students year after year is why I continue to do it,” Jackson-Wampler said.

It used to be that a teacher whose students were sobbing would think she had failed horribly. But not anymore. Now, that’s a sign that “it went well.” And reducing her impressionable young students to tears is the whole purpose of this “teaching”, and the only reason she continues to do it.


01-19-2010, 08:19 PM
Since the weather kept us inside today, I decided to teach my daughter about why Monday was a holiday. We dialed up some Martin Luther King speeches on youtube, then we watched an old video I had about the civil rights movement.
My daughter was pretty horrified to learn that black kids were not welcome in schools and restaurants. And that there racist organizations like the KKK.
So I told her about prejudice develops and how it still exists today. Not just against blacks, but against certain religious groups.

And to let her see how prejudice still exists today, I had her read this board. :p

I came across a horrific white racist video it was from probably the 50's or 60's but anyway it had explicit pictures of lynchings and also of terrible torture scenes against black people and then all the white people stood around in the pictures like they were at a picnic or something. It upset me so much. I thought about it all day and how the person who got killed must have felt in the moment before their murder and also the extreme terror and fear and then I wondered why any humans thought it was ok to murder someone over the color of their skin:eek:

01-19-2010, 08:38 PM
Don't forget to tell her about the Black Panther's , the great Al Sharpton and of course the Jesse Jackson, hell of a role model I might add

Seriously it is a shame ya have to teach a child about prejudice, but it is a fact of life I guess

While Gabby failed to mention which book, I will say that I think it would be very informative to recognize that more African Americans than Caucasians today believe that racial equality has been reached today or will be before their lives are done. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/17/AR2010011703281.html?hpid=topnews) Why? Guess they are trying and succeeding in living the dream that led to to dreamer's death.

I guess I fall in the category of whites that believe that blacks have arrived, why? For the same reasons I deny Hog his diatribes, I live with those that have achieved. Their goals and their dreams for their kids are the same as mine. Work/study hard. Get a job, do good at it. Move from that point.

01-19-2010, 10:57 PM
While Gabby failed to mention which book, I will say that I think it would be very informative to recognize that more African Americans than Caucasians today believe that racial equality has been reached today or will be before their lives are done. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/17/AR2010011703281.html?hpid=topnews) Why? Guess they are trying and succeeding in living the dream that led to to dreamer's death.

I guess I fall in the category of whites that believe that blacks have arrived, why? For the same reasons I deny Hog his diatribes, I live with those that have achieved. Their goals and their dreams for their kids are the same as mine. Work/study hard. Get a job, do good at it. Move from that point.I do too, although not many.

But I realize they are the exception, not the rule.

And yes, even they are haunted by hidden racist demons concerning us.

01-19-2010, 11:25 PM
I came across a horrific white racist video it was from probably the 50's or 60's but anyway it had explicit pictures of lynchings and also of terrible torture scenes against black people and then all the white people stood around in the pictures like they were at a picnic or something. It upset me so much. I thought about it all day and how the person who got killed must have felt in the moment before their murder and also the extreme terror and fear and then I wondered why any humans thought it was ok to murder someone over the color of their skin:eek:What makes you think the victims only offense was the "color of his skin"?

Possibly he commited a serious crime and the people are only guilty of not giving him his day in court.

No, I'm not justifying their criminal actions, I'm only asking you to think outside the PC Box.

They don't appear to be avoiding the camera which would be evidence for a murder case in court.

If they killed him simply because he was black, why not have a mass lynching and killem all?

History has taught us that many lynchings were usually for the crime of raping a white woman or child.

Up untill the late 19th century, white men were lynched for simply steeling a horse.

Times have changed...People should get over it and move on for Christ sake.

01-19-2010, 11:31 PM
What makes you think the victims only offense was the "color of his skin"?

Possibly he commited a serious crime and the people are only guilty of not giving him his day in court.

No, I'm not justifying their criminal actions, I'm only asking you to think outside the PC Box.

They don't appear to be avoiding the camera which would be evidence for a murder case in court.

If they killed him simply because he was black, why not have a mass lynching and killem all?

History has taught us that many lynchings were usually for the crime of raping a white woman or child.

Up untill the late 19th century, white men were lynched for simply steeling a horse.

Times have changed...People should get over it and move on for Christ sake.

I felt really bad about it and there was no court transcript to support your theory, it was a video made by white racists celebrating murder !!!! Those racists who made the video don't have ANY reason to celebrate pictures depicting murder !

01-19-2010, 11:45 PM
Warning: This youtube hate music video contains racism in its most evil form depicted in historical real pictures don't click this link if you are easily offended or an emotionally feeling person this shows pictures of human beings suffering and being lynched.


01-20-2010, 12:37 AM
I felt really bad about it and there was no court transcript to support your theory, it was a video made by white racists celebrating murder !!!! Those racists who made the video don't have ANY reason to celebrate pictures depicting murder !No chloe, I'm sorry but he was not killed for just being black.

There was some other reason that was convieniently omitted to make one party look good and innocent and one party look unjust and evil.

The people who posted the video gave you only the information necessary to shock you into believing in evil white racists and poor black victims.

Use your common sense...People are not driven to violent murdering rage over nothing more than the color of someones skin, like a bull to a matadors red cape.

Yes there are psychopaths capable of horrible crimes but they're rare and don't run in large groups...Those were ordinary shop owners, truck drivers and farmers spurred on by anger.

The black victim was either guilty of a serious crime or at least believed to be and no, that does not excuse their crime but they were motivated by much more than skin color.

I have been in war and have seen people's reaction to death and killing...It is not a thing that people enjoy or look forward to, even when a situation makes it necessary.

01-20-2010, 04:49 AM
Hey Gabs, why don't you teach your daughter that MLK was a Republican and how the Democrat Party has subjugated blacks throughout its long history?

01-20-2010, 08:05 AM
Sorry bout that,

I knew you guys wouldn't disappoint me with your responses. As hateful and prejudicial as I expected.
Cheesey, have you ever been to Compton? I have. My sister's former college roommate grew up there.

1. Yes I have, and I wouldn't want to be there after dark.
2. It's the jungle as far as a white persons concerned.
3. So you would be wise to show up looking like Rambo if ever stuck there after dark being on foot.


There are hateful people of all races and religious upbringings. A lot of it depends on how you were raised. That is why I expect to see more future instances of black kids dragged behind pick up trucks and gay kids beaten to death with shovels. I will read the stories further and read that their parents were racists like crin and hogtrash. Who were likely the children of racist parents themselves.
So go ahead and raise your kids with hate and prejudice. But don't be surprised if they turn into the same hateful people as you and your parents.

01-20-2010, 08:29 AM
No chloe, I'm sorry but he was not killed for just being black.

There was some other reason that was convieniently omitted to make one party look good and innocent and one party look unjust and evil.

The people who posted the video gave you only the information necessary to shock you into believing in evil white racists and poor black victims.

Use your common sense...People are not driven to violent murdering rage over nothing more than the color of someones skin, like a bull to a matadors red cape.

Yes there are psychopaths capable of horrible crimes but they're rare and don't run in large groups...Those were ordinary shop owners, truck drivers and farmers spurred on by anger.

The black victim was either guilty of a serious crime or at least believed to be and no, that does not excuse their crime but they were motivated by much more than skin color.

I have been in war and have seen people's reaction to death and killing...It is not a thing that people enjoy or look forward to, even when a situation makes it necessary.

I know what HATE is. Not only that many people have beeen accused FALSELY of crimes and convicted only to have there innocence declared through DNA or someone else confessing etc. America is a Beautiful Country because you have a right to live, move and have your being oh...and a right to an Attorney and fair trial. You can even sell Hate in America but I'm not gonna buy, You all know that hate goes against Gods creation, and I'd rather be on the Gods side then the Devils.:cool:

01-20-2010, 11:57 AM
I knew you guys wouldn't disappoint me with your responses. As hateful and prejudicial as I expected.
Cheesey, have you ever been to Compton? I have. My sister's former college roommate grew up there.
There are hateful people of all races and religious upbringings. A lot of it depends on how you were raised. That is why I expect to see more future instances of black kids dragged behind pick up trucks and gay kids beaten to death with shovels. I will read the stories further and read that their parents were racists like crin and hogtrash. Who were likely the children of racist parents themselves.
So go ahead and raise your kids with hate and prejudice. But don't be surprised if they turn into the same hateful people as you and your parents.

I just cant help it, I keep laughing about this post of yours. You have no idea what Compton is like. You know 1 person from Compton, oh how white of you to condescend to talk to a person from Compton. I bet that eases your white guilt because you know a person from Compton.

I know and have worked with 3 or 4 Compton Bloods (who would just as easily shoot you as talk to you) as well as several other people and what life is really like in Compton. My business was on Broadway at Alondra which is the west border of Compton so I have been through and in Compton hundreds of times. I've worked in Lynwood, South Gate, Paramount, Downey and all the other cities surrounding Compton. I wonder, have you spent much time in Rialto, Fontana or Colton? I have and they used to be as bad or worse than Compton back in the 70's.

I my dear am not a racist. Admittedly I was because my 1st experience with Black folks led to the scar I still have on my hand where I was cut with a knife wielded by a Black person who also tried to gut me with the same knife. I still have no idea why I was subject to that attack. At that point in my life all I knew was that they lived dirty (on purpose), did whatever drugs they could get their hands on, were thieves and left me with a life long scar.

When my oldest son was born I set out to change my life and views because by that time in my life I was an equal opportunity hater. I hated just about everyone and did not want my son to grow up that way. I learned that people are people, there are good and bad regardless of skin color. I gave everyone the same chance to become my friend from that point on in my life which was how I was as a kid.

Even though I was no longer a racist, Gods word really sealed the deal in a way that I cant even begin to expound on. If the Bible is true and I believe it is, then we all came from the same groups of people so how can you hate someone for the color of their skin.

I have very good friends of many races and cultures.

Its Liberals who think that Black folk (and other so-called minorities) are lesser people. If you actually thought they were equal to White folk then you would just treat all people the same. Liberals think that Black folk are incapable of doing for themselves and so they need a handout. I'm sorry Mr. Black man but we understand that you are just not good enough to compete in a free market so we will make people hire you and give you handouts. That is the Liberal message. If you Libs really believed they were equal to you, you would just get out of the way and let them compete like everyone else. You libs treat them like they're in the, "Special Olympics" of life, that they need a special place to compete because they just aren't up to the task otherwise. I find that very insulting and I would be insulted if I were treated that way by you Libs.

01-20-2010, 12:16 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Spoken like a person who knows Compton, and all its problems.
2. SirCrin63 that was a spot on post, perfect in everyway.
3. Nice job!:thumb:


01-20-2010, 12:59 PM
.... I still have no idea why I was subject to that attack. ... You were attacked for the same reason that I, as a ten year old, was attacked by the black kid five years older than I was who lived across the street. Because you and I are both fucking honkies. In other words, our attackers were racist.

Good story man and our current views on racism are similar, just for different reasons.

01-20-2010, 04:48 PM
crin, your post was laughable at best. What kind of shop did you operate? A gun shop perhaps? A liquor store? Perhaps you were attacked by someone who sensed your hatred and hostility.
Look at these posts by you and glock:

At that point in my life all I knew was that they lived dirty (on purpose), did whatever drugs they could get their hands on, were thieves and left me with a life long scar.

You were attacked for the same reason that I, as a ten year old, was attacked by the black kid five years older than I was who lived across the street. Because you and I are both fucking honkies. In other words, our attackers were racist.

I am so sure that both of you were attacked out of the clear blue sky, with no provocation at all. Simply because some black folks hated you because of your skin color. Which is obviously less than the truth.
You may think you are a wonderful fair person, but your attitude and thought process gives you away.

I'm sorry Mr. Black man but we understand that you are just not good enough to compete in a free market so we will make people hire you and give you handouts.

This is the way you think. This is who you are.

You really want to help people? Go volunteer in an inner city school. Mentor a kid without a mom or dad. See where they are coming from and understand why they hate people like you.

I see these kids every day. In the school district where I work, Anglos are 25 percent of the population. We have Mexican immigrant kids, migrant kids, black kids, Asian kids, Muslim kids, all sorts. Everybody has a different problem.

Your smug self-righteous attitudes don't impress me at all, because I know who you really are.

01-20-2010, 05:06 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. We are realists, not racists.
2. We all are aware that there are some really decent black folks out there.
3. But the average black man doesn't fit this overall view.
4. We don't make reality we just report it.
5. Gabbster why don't you just move to Compton, to show us you're for real.
6. We all know you can't you are just spouting off.
7. We know who you are cup cake.


01-20-2010, 05:12 PM
crin, your post was laughable at best. What kind of shop did you operate? A gun shop perhaps? A liquor store? Perhaps you were attacked by someone who sensed your hatred and hostility.
Look at these posts by you and glock:

I am so sure that both of you were attacked out of the clear blue sky, with no provocation at all. Simply because some black folks hated you because of your skin color. Which is obviously less than the truth.
You may think you are a wonderful fair person, but your attitude and thought process gives you away.

This is the way you think. This is who you are.

You really want to help people? Go volunteer in an inner city school. Mentor a kid without a mom or dad. See where they are coming from and understand why they hate people like you.

I see these kids every day. In the school district where I work, Anglos are 25 percent of the population. We have Mexican immigrant kids, migrant kids, black kids, Asian kids, Muslim kids, all sorts. Everybody has a different problem.

Your smug self-righteous attitudes don't impress me at all, because I know who you really are.I hope you are not so blinded to reality that you would foolishly venture into the wrong neighborhood after dark, especially with your children.

It is people like you that end up as a crime statistic because you bought into a politicaly correct fantasyland that doesn't exist except in hollywood.

You are sending your poorly equiped children out into a very dangerous world with their heads filled with lies that could get them injured, raped or murdered.

01-20-2010, 05:18 PM
I just cant help it, I keep laughing about this post of yours. You have no idea what Compton is like. You know 1 person from Compton, oh how white of you to condescend to talk to a person from Compton. I bet that eases your white guilt because you know a person from Compton.

I know and have worked with 3 or 4 Compton Bloods (who would just as easily shoot you as talk to you) as well as several other people and what life is really like in Compton. My business was on Broadway at Alondra which is the west border of Compton so I have been through and in Compton hundreds of times. I've worked in Lynwood, South Gate, Paramount, Downey and all the other cities surrounding Compton. I wonder, have you spent much time in Rialto, Fontana or Colton? I have and they used to be as bad or worse than Compton back in the 70's.

I my dear am not a racist. Admittedly I was because my 1st experience with Black folks led to the scar I still have on my hand where I was cut with a knife wielded by a Black person who also tried to gut me with the same knife. I still have no idea why I was subject to that attack. At that point in my life all I knew was that they lived dirty (on purpose), did whatever drugs they could get their hands on, were thieves and left me with a life long scar.

When my oldest son was born I set out to change my life and views because by that time in my life I was an equal opportunity hater. I hated just about everyone and did not want my son to grow up that way. I learned that people are people, there are good and bad regardless of skin color. I gave everyone the same chance to become my friend from that point on in my life which was how I was as a kid.

Even though I was no longer a racist, Gods word really sealed the deal in a way that I cant even begin to expound on. If the Bible is true and I believe it is, then we all came from the same groups of people so how can you hate someone for the color of their skin.

I have very good friends of many races and cultures.

Its Liberals who think that Black folk (and other so-called minorities) are lesser people. If you actually thought they were equal to White folk then you would just treat all people the same. Liberals think that Black folk are incapable of doing for themselves and so they need a handout. I'm sorry Mr. Black man but we understand that you are just not good enough to compete in a free market so we will make people hire you and give you handouts. That is the Liberal message. If you Libs really believed they were equal to you, you would just get out of the way and let them compete like everyone else. You libs treat them like they're in the, "Special Olympics" of life, that they need a special place to compete because they just aren't up to the task otherwise. I find that very insulting and I would be insulted if I were treated that way by you Libs.

I shockingly agree in the main with the 'new you.' Truth is too many excuse criminal and bad behavior in general of minorities-instead of saying the law should be applied equally to all.

I understand the disproportionate criminal behavior of minorities and some underlying causes. Those are not the reasons though that so many vicious minorities end up on death row. That is a function of the lack of defense and possibly tendency of juries to judge minorities more harshly.

OTOH, 'hate crimes' seem to have the opposite problem. A crime against a minority with an epitaph used will often result in a 'hate crime' sentence. A crime against a caucasian will not, regardless of brutality or obviousness of the application of prejudice during the commission of a crime.

Affirmative action is another instance of 'legalized discrimination' that many on the left haven't a problem with.

01-20-2010, 05:49 PM
I understand the disproportionate criminal behavior of minorities and some underlying causes. Those are not the reasons though that so many vicious minorities end up on death row. That is a function of the lack of defense and possibly tendency of juries to judge minorities more harshly.
I disagree with this statement Kat...Black crimes are generally much more horrific and savage that white crime.

Do you remember the black assailent who beat and robbed a 94 year old woman for a few dollars.

The young couple out on a date in Knoxville Tn who were kidknapped, robbed, both raped and sodomized, tortured and murdered.

Blacks are much more heartless, brutal and savage than any other race of people and their crimes and punishment reflect this.

01-20-2010, 06:01 PM
I disagree with this statement Kat...Black crimes are generally much more horrific and savage that white crime.

Do you remember the black assailent who beat and robbed a 94 year old woman for a few dollars.

The young couple out on a date in Knoxville Tn who were kidknapped, robbed, both raped and sodomized, tortured and murdered.

Blacks are much more heartless, brutal and savage than any other race of people and their crimes and punishment reflect this.

Specifically remember the elderly case you cite? No. No one that should be on death row is going to be a 'regular murderer.' That indeed, was my point.

The white couple in TN? Yes. I know and agree. However, there are way more examples of horrific crimes where the death penalty was waived. The defendant had better representation/was white.

Truth is, I'm moving away from death penalty, seems to be the wrong way to go.

01-20-2010, 08:11 PM
crin, your post was laughable at best. What kind of shop did you operate? A gun shop perhaps? A liquor store? Perhaps you were attacked by someone who sensed your hatred and hostility.
Look at these posts by you and glock:

I am so sure that both of you were attacked out of the clear blue sky, with no provocation at all. Simply because some black folks hated you because of your skin color. Which is obviously less than the truth.
You may think you are a wonderful fair person, but your attitude and thought process gives you away.

This is the way you think. This is who you are.

You really want to help people? Go volunteer in an inner city school. Mentor a kid without a mom or dad. See where they are coming from and understand why they hate people like you.

I see these kids every day. In the school district where I work, Anglos are 25 percent of the population. We have Mexican immigrant kids, migrant kids, black kids, Asian kids, Muslim kids, all sorts. Everybody has a different problem.

Your smug self-righteous attitudes don't impress me at all, because I know who you really are.

Gabs you don't know me or anything about me. You have such a warped sense of reality that you don't know up from down.

It was my next door neighbor who cut me. I was in his house sitting at the breakfast bar talking to him when he reached out and slashed my hand with the a fillet knife, I was about 16 years old. I decided to go home (next door) at that point whereupon he followed me outside and tried to gut me. We were sitting there having a friendly conversation when he attacked me. That's why I know that they lived dirty. When they finally left the women sent to clean the place out ran outside gagging and puking because of the filth.

My business was a miscellaneous steel fabrication shop where we had people wondering in off the streets frequently asking for money, trying to intimidate me or my employees and stealing things if we weren't watching closely enough.

I live in a very racially integrated city that is almost inner city and I have been mentoring fatherless (abandoned by their dads) children for the last 15 years. Mostly Mexican kids (since their race is so important to you), but some have been white as well. I have given more of my life and resources to these kids than I can recall because it never mattered how much time or money it cost me. Their lives were more important than my convenience or my families convenience. They were in my home at 7am, back again at 4pm after school and stayed until 10pm many, many days over the course of years.

01-20-2010, 08:46 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah that pretty much trumps your day job gabster!
2. You are over your head in this debate cupcake.
3. Like I said move to Compton.


01-20-2010, 09:34 PM
crin, your post was laughable at best. What kind of shop did you operate? A gun shop perhaps? A liquor store? Perhaps you were attacked by someone who sensed your hatred and hostility.
Look at these posts by you and glock:

I am so sure that both of you were attacked out of the clear blue sky, with no provocation at all. Simply because some black folks hated you because of your skin color. Which is obviously less than the truth.
You may think you are a wonderful fair person, but your attitude and thought process gives you away.

This is the way you think. This is who you are.

Your smug self-righteous attitudes don't impress me at all, because I know who you really are.You know nothing about me gabs. When I was attacked I was ten years old, and the kid hardly knew me. He had moved into the neighborhood a few months prior, and my best friend and I, and his older brother, invited him to go to the high school pool during a free swim. These were great guys, we played every sport imaginable, they played in their church band, loved to camp and shit and always good natured and talkative. Their Dad was an ex-marine and fireman, tough as nails, seen it all but always good to us kids. Four of us walked, it was about a mile or so, across the tracks and through a hole in the fence, our usual short cuts, into the school field house, the pool locker room and so on. Use younger boys were sort of on our own and we didn't pay much attention but the next day my friend told me through his brother that the kid didn't respond to any conversation with more than one word or so then was muttering shit under his breathe pretty much on and off the entire time.

This was during the late 60's and a few of the folks in town had nice cars like Mustangs, Camaros, Challengers. One day three of us were walking towards town from our dead-end street and we saw this awesome Boss Fastback parked, and we stood there gawking at it. It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever been, all shiny black and chrome except for the hood and rear slotted window shade which were flat black, big fat tires with no whitewalls and aluminum wheels with black inserts, badges on the side proclaiming 427 CID, chrome with black letters. We could see ourselves in the reflection of the deep black paint and chrome and we stood abut 4 feet away and traded exclamations for about five minutes.

Apparently this black kid had been walking the other way while this was going on and for some really fucked up reason he thought that we were talking about him. It sounds kind of funny now but a day or so later I was riding my 5-speed up the same street when he comes out of nowhere, grabbed the handlebars of my bike and throws it across the street. Then he gets in my face, five years older, about a foot taller and 50# on me and starts screaming like a fucking madman.

Needless to say we kept away from this freak from then on.

We only saw his old man late at night, usually knocking on the front door trying to get in. I guess the old lady didn't let him have a key and would make him sleep in the garage if he came home too late or too drunk.

They also had a German Sheppard dog that we rarely saw. We had one ourselves and she was the king of the hood. About five years later my best friends mom heard it yelping in the back yard, so called the police who discovered that it had jumped out of the second story window to get out of the house because they had left it alone, no food or water, for about a week. They had to shoot the poor thing and haul it away.

And this was a decent neighborhood; a good suburb of Boston with decent schools and a shitty football team. We played street hockey in the spring, stick ball in the summer and full tackle football in the fall. My parents bought our house from a guy that used to be an aide to Richard Nixon. There was a FBI guy down three houses away and Carlton Fisk of the Red Sox lived five blocks away on the same street.

So Gabs take your hateful, smug self-righteous attitude and go fuck yourself.

01-21-2010, 12:04 AM
In the 60s eh? I would imagine attitudes were a bit different back then. Especially in the elite snooty neighborhoods of Boston.
Crin, I find it unbelievable that you work with kids like that and still possess the attitudes that you have.
I have been to Compton. At night. Even went out to eat. Not by myself, of course.

Cheesey, if you are so high and mighty, how about volunteering in the schools over in South Oak Cliff or Lancaster? Might make you a better person.

01-21-2010, 01:06 AM
In the 60s eh? I would imagine attitudes were a bit different back then. Especially in the elite snooty neighborhoods of Boston.
Crin, I find it unbelievable that you work with kids like that and still possess the attitudes that you have.
I have been to Compton. At night. Even went out to eat. Not by myself, of course.

Cheesey, if you are so high and mighty, how about volunteering in the schools over in South Oak Cliff or Lancaster? Might make you a better person.You are a champion for the minorities...Did you ever ask yourself, exactly why do these people need a champion?...Why do they always need outside help, year after year, decade after decade?..When do white people finally say, "OK, you guys are gonna hafta start doing it on your own, I hafta get on with my own life"?

These people have access to every opportunity America has to offer...Our president and many other blacks attended Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and Yale and it doesn't cost them a penny, unlike the whites who get in...Minorities have government programs and affirmative action that gives them advantages that white kids can't get because of the color of their skin.

Still yet we must leave our children at home and go to their neighborhoods to help their children which should be their responsibility but instead we make excuses for them and do it for them and still they complain that whitey doesn't do enough for them...At what point does it end?...When do we say enough is enough?..When do we tell them it's time you stand on your own two feet?

01-21-2010, 08:06 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah SirHogTrash, said it right!!!
2. I have two children to spend time with, when I'm not at work on one of my businesses.
3. Tell me why I should drive to Dallas and look over young black children while their fathers run butt naked after anything that has a skirt?
4. Surprised you aren't sending me to Haiti, to mentor those kids.
5. No let's don't and just say we did.


01-21-2010, 08:20 AM
In the 60s eh? I would imagine attitudes were a bit different back then. Especially in the elite snooty neighborhoods of Boston. ....
Yeah, real elite and snooty. My best friends Dad across the street was a fireman, and the black family next to them were on public assistance. And the 60's attitude that you imagine? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?

Face it gabs, you're a fucking bigot, imagining what you want about Crin and I because we're conservative Christians who lead exemplary lives and raise our kids to be normal productive citizens.

01-21-2010, 09:20 AM
This is solely in response to Gabby's assertion that Glock or Crin must have done something to provoke the black folks who attacked them. Before I tell my story, allow me to say that I AM A RACIST, but not solely against blacks. I am racist against any race/color/creed when the individual is a scumbag. If you're a fine black person, in my book you are just another man. If you're a drug dealer on the corner, a street thug or someone who is outright disrespectful, I will not like you. But you know what, this applies to white people as well. But back to Glock and Crin's stories....

I grew up in Central NJ, and there is a town (Rahway, NJ), which also happens to be where I was born. The town is majority black, not that it mattered to me at the time. I can't even recall where I was going at the time since it was so long ago, but I remember I couldn't locate the store I was looking for. I saw a guy walking down an isolated road and I pulled along side him to ask if he knew where it was. His response was to reach in my window and punch me so hard that my eye instantly was the size of a grapefruit! He then immediately ripped the keys out of my ignition. He proceeded to keep punching me demanding my money. Yes, he was a black man. After robbing me, he dropped my keys along side my car. I quickly grabbed them, started up my car, hit the gas, went up the curb and tried to run over that scumbag. When I hit him, he popped onto my hood somehow and I floored it. He was lucky enough to just slide off. Better judgment, and a HUGE eyeball, prevented me from turning around and turning him into a pancake.

I know this doesn't represent all black men. But don't think for a moment that there aren't people out there that will knock you senseless at the drop of a dime for no damn reason at all. And I'll say this with racial overtones - Although I doubt there is a record of this, I would wager anything that the amount of crimes similar to this, a black mugging a white, is a HELLUVA lot higher than whites mugging blacks.

01-21-2010, 09:37 AM
This is funny as shit, poor little rich Liberal feels for the poor black man, I wonder if the Central Park Jogger feels the same way ? Hell as Al Sharpton said the white Bitch was looking for it, IT was being raped numerous times by a group of black males then being smashed in the head with a cinder block and left to die, what did she do to deserve this, call the poor black kids a nigger? Provoke them in any way, nope she was jogging, and while these animals where in the jail cell they were screaming we got that white bitch, along with one of the leaders of the black race, Sharpton :eek: And what was there punishment a few years in jail, the jogger worked on wall street and will never be the same, what a deal

I was robbed in Newark NJ and what did I do to provoke it, honestly I smoked a joint with the nice young black men, and when I went to the law I was told I shouldn't of been there cause I was white, :laugh2: Needless to say payback was a bitch, not sure if it was the same guys but hell they are all Brothas :laugh2:

People that have little to no interaction with Blacks ought to realize they don't really know what they are talking about, 3/4 of the crimes that take place in a place like Newark NJ never even get reported and if they do they are not put in the paper for the lilly white libs to read, the night I was robbed I sat in the cop shop for about a hour, during that time there was a rape a murder , 3 guys were hauled in for drugs, a father pleading with the police cause his son had been shot and was in the hospital and the guys that shot him threatened to kill him in the hospital and were seen there, the cops answer was you will have to take that up with hospital security:eek:

I for one understand not all blacks are bad people but if you take 1 good one and put him with 9 bad ones 9 out of ten times you will have 10 bad ones. IT is time for people to open there eyes before it is to late, I for one am ready:cool:

01-21-2010, 09:53 AM
Sorry bout that,

I hope you are not so blinded to reality that you would foolishly venture into the wrong neighborhood after dark, especially with your children.

It is people like you that end up as a crime statistic because you bought into a politicaly correct fantasyland that doesn't exist except in hollywood.

You are sending your poorly equiped children out into a very dangerous world with their heads filled with lies that could get them injured, raped or murdered.

1. Telling her not to, will get her to go to Compton.
2. Thats how her brain works.
3. But it was nice to see you say so SirHog,......
4. Gabbster, if your feeling lucky, you go on down there to Compton some night and walk around at some shopping center.
5. You will then find out.
6. Perhaps some nice black lady will ask you "What the hell you doing down here sweet cheeks?"
7. And you will get the hint then.
8. Maybe not.
9. Anyway, nice try SirHog,....
10. Gabster and her innocent child could be swept down the gutter in less than 20 minutes.


01-21-2010, 10:01 AM
Compton was a bad place even in the 60's. It hasn't changed a bit.

01-21-2010, 10:18 AM
Here is my black experience, when I was a little girl my best friends was a brother and sister, their mom was white and dad was black. The parents had a total of 7 kids and the dad was gone alot travelling I guess. Looking back now on it, there was a lot of suspsicious things but I was a kid and had no clue. So as an adult I now know that their dad was a pimp, why else did he take us grocery shopping in a limosine? Plus he had a lot of white women that visited and he took their money. Anyway its sketchy my memory. We never had any fights, we played jump ropes and hopscotch and rode bicycles and pretty much had a lot of fun. But whenever they played in my neighborhood kids would call them racial names and curse them and me for playing with them, and one time my street was blocked off for a block party and all the white kids chased my black friends and throw water balloon bombs at them and called them bad names. I remember as a kid that I didnt understand why everyone hated my friends because friends were nice. I still dont get it.

01-21-2010, 10:27 AM


Both stories are very familiar. I think, however, that the issue is the culture, not race. American blacks seem to have a hate on for whitey along with a sense of entitlement.

My mom had a politically incorrect truism to describe this: "the more you give Indian the less he come glad". This jives succinctly with the well-established theory of "economic man": 'man will seek to consume maximum resources at his least possible effort'.

This sense of entitlement is not limited to the black race. Whenever I travel to West Virginia I see the same attitude. And for the same reason, since WV has the highest flux of federal dollars poured into it relative to federal taxes paid.

Blacks that I've met in Jamaica and have known from Haiti do not have this sense of entitlement and hate. I've sat and talked with black men in Jamaica who were dirt poor but had a work ethic similar to mine. My old friend from Haiti; same ethic and I would trust with my life.

That entitlement attitude is caused by rich white liberals like Gabs constantly pandering to them and giving them unearned benefits. The hate stems from the sense of entitlement when they see you with more than they have.

Liberals like Gabs are the cause of shitty American black culture.

01-21-2010, 11:22 AM
In the 60s eh? I would imagine attitudes were a bit different back then. Especially in the elite snooty neighborhoods of Boston.
Crin, I find it unbelievable that you work with kids like that and still possess the attitudes that you have.
I have been to Compton. At night. Even went out to eat. Not by myself, of course.

Cheesey, if you are so high and mighty, how about volunteering in the schools over in South Oak Cliff or Lancaster? Might make you a better person.

Like I said little girl, as usual you have no idea of what you speak.

The kids that spent time at my home, growing up with my family credit me and my wife with the success they enjoy today. The boy said he would know how to work or have been able to keep a job if it were not for me forcing him to work and do chores around the house with my son. He managed a Pizza restaurant for a while but now works for a delivery service, but he works. He is also going to college. I taught him something of a work ethic, not to look for a handout. One of the girls credits my wife for the same thing. She said that she would have had no level of success if not for my wife making her do things that she did not want to do, like household chores.

You want them to be taught that they are oppressed minorities and that someone owes them something and we should feel sorry for them. That just perpetuates a cycle of dependence.

My heart really goes out to kids who's dad abandons them but I teach them that life is not fair, get over it and move on. That there is no free lunch, because someone has to pay for it and why should they be the one to steal out of some other mans pocket. That they have to work hard for what they want and that they can be successful if they are willing to put the work into it. Lastly that someone loves them, enough to raise them, to provide for them and that they should love their mom.

You want to take a fish from someone else and give it to these kids, I teach them to fish on their own, for themselves and their families.

01-21-2010, 11:31 AM
"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

Liberals want to give the man a fish, and conservatives want to teach the man to fish. Democrats want to tax fishermen so they can give the man fish every day for his lifetime, and in return expect the man's vote.

01-21-2010, 11:48 AM
"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

Liberals want to give the man a fish, and conservatives want to teach the man to fish. Democrats want to tax fishermen so they can give the man fish every day for his lifetime, and in return expect the man's vote.

Exactly! :thumb:

I was using the abridged analogy.

01-21-2010, 12:10 PM
"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

Liberals want to give the man a fish, and conservatives want to teach the man to fish. Democrats want to tax fishermen so they can give the man fish every day for his lifetime, and in return expect the man's vote.Their buying votes with my fish and I take that very personal...I believe the eyes of democrat voters are finally opening.

They may be realizing what we have known for a long time...My sister returned from academia in 1969 as a democrat which was disturbing.

Four decades of attempting to deprogram her was unsuccessful but Obama succeeded where I failed...Is it possible that Barack Hussein Obama may be a blessing in disguise?

His assault on the foundations of America may end up sending the liberals and progressives scurrying for the cracks and crevices like cockroaches in the light and set the marxists agenda back for many decades.

01-21-2010, 02:15 PM
Exactly! :thumb:

I was using the abridged analogy.
I know you were but she's fairly dim so needs it blunt. :coffee:

01-21-2010, 02:21 PM
Their buying votes with my fish and I take that very personal...I believe the eyes of democrat voters are finally opening.

They may be realizing what we have known for a long time...My sister returned from academia in 1969 as a democrat which was disturbing.

Four decades of attempting to deprogram her was unsuccessful but Obama succeeded where I failed...Is it possible that Barack Hussein Obama may be a blessing in disguise?

His assault on the foundations of America may end up sending the liberals and progressives scurrying for the cracks and crevices like cockroaches in the light and set the marxists agenda back for many decades.

When BHO was elected along with majorities in both houses I'm on record saying that I hope the 'rats go far and fast left because most people have to be hit in the head with a virtual sledgehammer to get them to listen. Right now I'm hoping that they try and delay Brown's seat to pass health care or do the nuclear option because that will be like electroshock to voters who will then push back hard and fast right in 2010 and 12. Maybe we'll get another Reagan out of it (Palin). :beer:

01-21-2010, 03:06 PM
I know you were but she's fairly dim so needs it blunt. :coffee:

:laugh2: :clap:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to glockmail again.