View Full Version : Now Obama Says Stimulus Bill Has "Saved or Created" 2 Million Jobs

red states rule
01-14-2010, 09:08 AM
So we need to forget the latest jobs reports that showed 85,000 jobs were lost last month?

The lies keep flowing form the Obama White House

White House says stimulus has saved two million jobs

Obama, anxious to reduce double-digit U.S. unemployment which has dented his popularity, has already called for additional government measures to boost jobs on top of the $787 billion stimulus package he signed in February 2009.

Christina Romer, head of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, said she expects positive job creation by the spring, but stressed that there was definitely a need for additional "targeted action" to aid employment.

"There is uncertainty about where the economy is going ...when will the private sector come back," Romer told reporters on a conference call to discuss a quarterly report to Congress on the stimulus package.

"Where are we going to be a year from now, do we see consumer confidence come back, do we see firms ... starting to invest again," she said.

The country suffered its worst recession in 70 years after the collapse of the U.S. housing market set off a global financial crisis, forcing the jobless rate to 10 percent.

In response to Obama's call for more measures, the House of Representatives last month approved another $155 billion jobs package. The Senate is expected to take up its version of fresh jobs legislation in the coming weeks.


red states rule
01-14-2010, 11:19 AM
On the other hand, the WH has "changed" the way they calculate jobs

White House changes stimulus job accounting
New method will make it impossible to track ones saved or created

WASHINGTON - The White House has abandoned its controversial method of counting jobs under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus, making it impossible to track the number of jobs saved or created with the $787 billion in recovery money.

Despite mounting a vigorous defense of its earlier count of more than 640,000 jobs credited to the stimulus, even after numerous errors were identified, the Obama administration now is making it easier to give the stimulus credit for hiring. It's no longer about counting a job as saved or created; now it's a matter of counting jobs funded by the stimulus.

That means that any stimulus money used to cover payroll will be included in the jobs credited to the program, including pay raises for existing employees and pay for people who never were in jeopardy of losing their positions.

The new rules, quietly published last month in a memorandum to federal agencies, mark the White House's latest response to criticism about the way it counts jobs credited to the stimulus. When The Associated Press first reported flaws in the job counts in October, the White House said errors were being corrected and future counts would provide a full and correct accounting of just how many stimulus jobs were saved or created.

Numbers published last month identified more than 640,000 jobs linked to stimulus projects around the country. The White House said the public could have confidence in those new numbers, which officials argued proved the administration was on track to keep Obama's promise that the stimulus would save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of this year.

But more errors were found, with tens of thousands of problems documented in corrected counts, from the substantive to the clerical. Republicans have used those flaws to attack what so far is the signature domestic policy approved during Obama's presidency.
