View Full Version : Obama gives INTERPOL immunity to operate at will in the USA

Mr. P
01-04-2010, 01:41 PM
December 28, 2009
Last week, as the nation's attention was focused on the Senate's debate on health care reform, President Barack Obama signed an amendment to Executive Order 12425 . It is only one paragraph long and few would pay much attention to what its effect is. But it has enormous implications.

Here's the background.

Generally, foreign military and police organizations are restricted from operating in the United States without oversight by the CIA, FBI, Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security or though some other arrangement that makes such operations subject to U. S. authority. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed Executive Order 12425 that allowed the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to operate in the United States but generally subject to the same laws that restrict CIA, FBI and other Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Specifically, INTERPOL agents were not immune from being prosecuted for violating American laws.

One of those laws is 42 U.S.C. ยง 1983 which prohibits law enforcement authorities from violating an American's constitutionally protected rights. Presumably, that does not apply to INTERPOL as a result of this Executive Order President Obama has just signed.

The effect of Obama's amendment is to give them immunity from violating any American law. Agents of INTERPOL will now presumably have the same protection that foreign diplomats have while in this country. It is that immunity that has been used by other countries to spy on the United States. This arrangement, for example, now would make it possible for an American citizen being seized by INTERPOL agents and taken out of the country outside the reach of American courts and the rights they would enforce, most notably habeas corpus or the right for a judge to review a person's detention. The extent to which INTERPOL would be exempt from American extradition laws now becomes questionable.

Likewise, INTERPOL agents could seize property, including firearms, without search warrants and conduct other warrantless searches. They could break into homes and businesses to search and seize records without fear of prosecution, either criminally or civilly. In short, the powers that INTERPOL would have by being immune to U. S. law is virtually the same as martial law provides.


01-04-2010, 01:47 PM
and so now they can do it without regard... yes.. becasue that makes perfect sense. what re re

tinfoil cap time for this discussion?

01-04-2010, 01:58 PM
Paving the way for bring foreign agents in to police the streets. Some more of that behind the door maneuvering. If he can't get enough local thugs he'll be able to import them.

01-04-2010, 02:01 PM
Paving the way for bring foreign agents in to police the streets. Some more of that behind the door maneuvering. If he can't get enough local thugs he'll be able to import them.

that is what i was thinking.

also, will make it easier to find and take care of the people that oppose a One World Gov when it starts to form

Mr. P
01-04-2010, 02:05 PM
and so now they can do it without regard... yes.. becasue that makes perfect sense. what re re

tinfoil cap time for this discussion?

No hat for me..this really is serious. Remember the ICC push a few years back?


01-04-2010, 02:10 PM
Sorry i just meant in some of our reasons Mr. P. or ideas of what could happen, not the whole topic.

this whole thing stinks. and that is why it had to be done covertly like that. but i can only ask "why?" how does this benefit anything unless there is a larger scheme behind it...

01-04-2010, 02:15 PM
The new world order on the horizon is going to be communist.

01-04-2010, 02:19 PM
I was talking to Nuke about this and he made a good point.

could this just be a fair is fair sort of thing? we do it to other countries why not let them do it to us?

but as i right that I wonder what countries... and the ones that mostly pop into my head are the ones where the Gov celebrates the kind of people that we would go after etc.

Mr. P
01-04-2010, 02:26 PM
I was talking to Nuke about this and he made a good point.

could this just be a fair is fair sort of thing? we do it to other countries why not let them do it to us?

but as i right that I wonder what countries... and the ones that mostly pop into my head are the ones where the Gov celebrates the kind of people that we would go after etc.

We do have an extradition process now...this would avoid that process.

No hearing no rights...off you go to who knows what Country that filed charges against you.

01-04-2010, 02:38 PM
We do have an extradition process now...this would avoid that process.

No hearing no rights...off you go to who knows what Country that filed charges against you.

The no warrent is the thing that kinda perplexes me. Did he just not understand what he was doing? It is just ridiculous.

01-04-2010, 02:39 PM
I think it has more to do with usurping our laws and allowing foreign agents to participate in law enforcement. Think riots and silencing critics. They could literally commit murder with impunity. The implications goes way beyond extradition policies.

Mr. P
01-04-2010, 03:49 PM
The no warrent is the thing that kinda perplexes me. Did he just not understand what he was doing? It is just ridiculous.

I think he knows very well what he's doing.....

Sen. Obama, who has taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, has regularly referred to himself as "a constitutional law professor," most famously at a March 30, 2007, fundraiser when he said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution."

This order totally ignores our Constitutional rights and it ignores U.S. sovereignty.

Like you, I want to know the "why". IMO there is no "why" that justifies this stripping of constitutional rights without Congressional and public debate and then amendment.

01-04-2010, 04:22 PM
I think he knows very well what he's doing.....

This order totally ignores our Constitutional rights and it ignores U.S. sovereignty.

Like you, I want to know the "why". IMO there is no "why" that justifies this stripping of constitutional rights without Congressional and public debate and then amendment.

He studied Constitutional Law in order to learn the best way to get around it. He's now using that knowledge. He's putting everything in place.

cat slave
01-04-2010, 08:09 PM
I think he knows very well what he's doing.....

This order totally ignores our Constitutional rights and it ignores U.S. sovereignty.

Like you, I want to know the "why". IMO there is no "why" that justifies this stripping of constitutional rights without Congressional and public debate and then amendment.

The Marxist knew exactly what he was doing and what will be next?

All this is the global crap...global economy...global/neighborhood crap.
The NWO will level the playing field that encompasses our freedom and
our way of life....level with third world countries. How long will we take

01-04-2010, 08:14 PM
Payback will be his bitch, in 2012. I'll reiterate my prediction: Carter II.

01-04-2010, 10:31 PM
Dey show up at mah crib anit gonna look like da OK coral....Nowutum sayin? :cool: