View Full Version : Whole Foods Republicans

12-14-2009, 07:38 AM
I resemble that. Interesting article in WSJ:


Whole Foods Republicans
The GOP needs to enlist voters who embrace a progressive lifestyle but not progressive politics.

The Republican Party is resurgent—or so goes the conventional wisdom. With its gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey, an energized "tea party" base, and an administration overreaching on health care, climate change and spending, 2010 could shape up to be 1994 all over again.

Maybe. The political landscape sure looks greener than it did a year ago, when talk of a permanent Democratic majority was omnipresent. But before John Boehner starts measuring the drapes in the Speaker's office, or the party exults about its possibilities in 2012, it's worth noting that some of the key trends driving President Barack Obama's strong victory in 2008 haven't disappeared. Republicans need to address them head-on if they want to lead a majority party again....

...What's needed is a full-fledged effort to cultivate "Whole Foods Republicans"—independent-minded voters who embrace a progressive lifestyle but not progressive politics. These highly-educated indiividuals appreciate diversity and would never tell racist or homophobic jokes; they like living in walkable urban environments; they believe in environmental stewardship, community service and a spirit of inclusion. And yes, many shop at Whole Foods, which has become a symbol of progressive affluence but is also a good example of the free enterprise system at work. (Not to mention that its founder is a well-known libertarian who took to these pages to excoriate ObamaCare as inimical to market principles.)

What makes these voters potential Republicans is that, lifestyle choices aside, they view big government with great suspicion. There's no law that someone who enjoys organic food, rides his bike to work, or wants a diverse school for his kids must also believe that the federal government should take over the health-care system or waste money on thousands of social programs with no evidence of effectiveness. Nor do highly educated people have to agree that a strong national defense is harmful to the cause of peace and international cooperation.

So how to woo these voters to the Republican column? The first step is to stop denigrating intelligence and education. President George W. Bush's bantering about being a "C" student may have enamored "the man in the street," but it surely discouraged more than a few "A" students from feeling like part of the team.

The same is true for Mrs. Palin's inability to name a single newspaper she reads. If the GOP doesn't want to be branded the "Party of Stupid," it could stand to nominate more people who can speak eloquently...

12-14-2009, 10:21 PM
Michael J. Petrilli apparently knows absolutely nothing about libertarians or progressives if he believes their ideologies are some how intertwined or interchangable.

Ying and Yang, day and night, hot and cold...I won't bother going into anymore detail than that as his claim is utterly rediculous...If Petrilli is qualified, I need my gutters cleaned.

This analogy about "lifestyles" and "progressive" makes no sense whatsoever.

12-14-2009, 11:26 PM
Michael J. Petrilli apparently knows absolutely nothing about libertarians or progressives if he believes their ideologies are some how intertwined or interchangable.

Ying and Yang, day and night, hot and cold...I won't bother going into anymore detail than that as his claim is utterly rediculous...If Petrilli is qualified, I need my gutters cleaned.

This analogy about "lifestyles" and "progressive" makes no sense whatsoever.

It does cover many of us. I'm very conservative about what levels of government are to be used for and when. In general I want as little government involved as possible. Yet, I am for a strong defense. I also believe that as a people, we are charged with helping the helpless; children, elderly, ill. With that said for the most part it should be done at a local level, privately.

I and many 'conservative/libertarian' folks, many of which are leaders within tea parties, also believe it's imperative to not lose site of strength through diversity. While strong proponents of secure borders, we are in favor of legal immigration and informed enough to know that real reform would start with adjusting the numbers and qualification requirements of those wishing to enter.

We are not racists, we are not war mongers, and we are not xenophobes. We do not want to be the world police, yet would rather fight enemies on their grounds than our own.

We understand the idea of no established church and understand the difference between schools and the halls of Congress or doors of the SCOTUS. We understand that free speech applies across the board, for ourselves and those that disagree with our points of view. We get the 2nd amendment and eminent domain and the erosion of the first and abuse of the later.

The 'lifestyles' metaphor has more to do with the characterizations of 'the right wing' than of reality. The portrayal of conservatives as beer guzzling, uneducated, grease gobbling, hicks is just not applicable. I'm quite sure the Democrats have just as many of those people as the GOP. :laugh2: Many of us, Americans do care about the environment, whether or not mankind is having any effect on warming or cooling. It's just good sense not to crap where one lives. We read about health and try to apply good sense to our own, (that's where 'Whole Foods' comes in, not too mention the article criticizing Obama's economic/health plan written by the CEO of that corporation not too long ago.)

12-15-2009, 11:34 PM
Michael J. Petrilli apparently knows absolutely nothing about libertarians or progressives if he believes their ideologies are some how intertwined or interchangable.

Ying and Yang, day and night, hot and cold...I won't bother going into anymore detail than that as his claim is utterly rediculous...If Petrilli is qualified, I need my gutters cleaned.

This analogy about "lifestyles" and "progressive" makes no sense whatsoever.

Hmm, no more to say? That was your best, that you disagree without bringing it?

12-16-2009, 02:29 AM
Hmm, no more to say? That was your best, that you disagree without bringing it?I've just been darting in and out today Kat...Didn't mean to be rude.

I get what Petrilli is talking about but I think that people who project all the traits of progressives, other than their political views, as being targets for recruitment to the Republican Party, demonstrates a lack of common sense.

These people for the most part already have their basic individual political ideologies.

I also believe that an education cannot be an automatic interpretation that someone is neccessarily intelligent.

I have met some very intelligent people with only a basic formal education and examples of highly educated morons are plentiful.

I was lucky enough to have had a grandmother who was an educator that passed a love of learning to her children and grandchildren.

I also believe that as a people, we are charged with helping the helpless; children, elderly, ill. With that said for the most part it should be done at a local level, privately.I will dissagree with you on this...I have learned that government is much too inefficient, wasteful, corrupt and bureaucratic to grant them any responsibility that gives them power over the personal lives of people and the control of large amounts of money.

I and many 'conservative/libertarian' folks, many of which are leaders within tea parties, I am a big Tea Party fan and participant...I believe it is the most affective political movement in modern history and may be the last hope for America.

I suspect you may be taking a snipe at me with this statement;

also believe it's imperative to not lose site of strength through diversity.I have witnessed the destructiveness this diversity has caused this nation...Some of the people we have "deversified" with contribute little to nothing and are much more of a burden on our society than a "strength".

Like everyone else, I have heard all the "diversity" cleeshas of how it is the strength of America, etc-etc but it has all been lies and propaganda to blind us to the reality of the problems it has caused and continues to cause.

White people finally came around and for the most part have abandoned their prejudices and accepted this diversity but other races especially blacks interpret this as guilt and weakness and push even harder and demand more.

Racial problems are not improving but worsening and many are living in denial because of years of PC programming...The American melting pot experiment has been a failure and is destroying the nation and the future of our children.

We understand the idea of no established church and understand the difference between schools and the halls of Congress or doors of the SCOTUS. We understand that free speech applies across the board, for ourselves and those that disagree with our points of view. We get the 2nd amendment and eminent domain and the erosion of the first and abuse of the later. Our Constitution has been under assault for 5 decades, mainly by the progressive elitest who have used the Democratic Party and it's support base which consists of the liberals, the ignorant, the young and the minorities by promising them a new socialist government program every election to maintain their support.

The minorities have been one of the greatest contributers to the decline of America, but political correctness forbids us to speak of it...And who implemented political correctness?...The progressive elitest of course, whose plan for America is now in it's final stages.

Thanks to those of us who still live by the rules of political correctness...How smart the progressive elitests were to have circumvented the First Amendment by convincing us to self censor our own thoughts and speech.

The 'lifestyles' metaphor has more to do with the characterizations of 'the right wing' than of reality. The portrayal of conservatives as beer guzzling, uneducated, grease gobbling, hicks is just not applicable. I'm quite sure the Democrats have just as many of those people as the GOP.Any party, organization or individual that opposes the progressive elitest will be demonized by their loyal press and media who have successfully portrayed conservatives "as beer guzzling, uneducated, grease gobbling, hicks" and by the same techniques have created a positive image of and even glorified minorities...You can see it in the news, the movies, TV shows and even the commercials you watch...America has been successfully brainwashed.

One teeny-tiny example; Have you ever noticed that tv shows, movies and commercials where there is a mugger, a burgler or petty criminal, it is a white man 90% of the time?...This is no accident...You don't have to take my word for it...If you begin looking for media examples you will spot them many times every single day...Open your mind and look for yourself.

How many times have you watched a show or movie where a white man or woman goes to prison and it seems they are always befriended by a black inmate who watches over and takes care of them?...When people are exposed to this kind of media bombardment for 5 decades it will and has had an affect on their beliefs...These false beliefs can de dangerous and destructive.

12-16-2009, 08:01 AM
I've just been darting in and out today Kat...Didn't mean to be rude.

I get what Petrilli is talking about but I think that people who project all the traits of progressives, other than their political views, as being targets for recruitment to the Republican Party, demonstrates a lack of common sense.

These people for the most part already have their basic individual political ideologies.

I also believe that an education cannot be an automatic interpretation that someone is neccessarily intelligent.

I have met some very intelligent people with only a basic formal education and examples of highly educated morons are plentiful.

I was lucky enough to have had a grandmother who was an educator that passed a love of learning to her children and grandchildren. That accusation won't work, I've posted too many times to get hit with that elitist argument. I've never insinuated or stated that formal education proves more than perseverance and opportunity.

I will dissagree with you on this...I have learned that government is much too inefficient, wasteful, corrupt and bureaucratic to grant them any responsibility that gives them power over the personal lives of people and the control of large amounts of money. You did notice the bottom line of what I posted?
With that said for the most part it should be done at a local level, privately. There are people without family, those disabled from birth whose families are unable to pay the costs. In that case I do think that the states can provide services they used to: state mental facilities, orphanages, etc. Now if private sources would step up with long term care, I'd back that. I don't think that the feds should pass laws that keep the mentally ill out of care, but in prisons. That particular problem was one of Reagan's big failures, IMO.

I am a big Tea Party fan and participant...I believe it is the most affective political movement in modern history and may be the last hope for America.
But So am I. Currently serving on the leadership committee for Illinois. Mostly doing research on candidates. Speaking of 'diversity' of the 8 core members on the board, only 2 are committed GOP folks. Two are Democrats, the remaining four independents/libertarians.

I suspect you may be taking a snipe at me with this statement;
I have witnessed the destructiveness this diversity has caused this nation...Some of the people we have "deversified" with contribute little to nothing and are much more of a burden on our society than a "strength".

Like everyone else, I have heard all the "diversity" cleeshas of how it is the strength of America, etc-etc but it has all been lies and propaganda to blind us to the reality of the problems it has caused and continues to cause.

White people finally came around and for the most part have abandoned their prejudices and accepted this diversity but other races especially blacks interpret this as guilt and weakness and push even harder and demand more.

Racial problems are not improving but worsening and many are living in denial because of years of PC programming...The American melting pot experiment has been a failure and is destroying the nation and the future of our children. I usually don't take 'swipes' at others, I'm pretty straitforward with discussions, otherwise why bother? I believe that men have taken a beating in the rights department for well over 30 years. White men in particular. Look at which group is really being battered in the current economy, men.

That doesn't make wrongs of the past righted. Anymore than 'reparations' would fix the past of slavery. It's punishing those that didn't commit the sins. Never has made sense to me.

Acknowledging such doesn't make arguments for racial separation more effective either. To deny that our country has been made stronger when it has been relatively open to newcomers and new ideas is a dog that don't hunt. Problem recently has been the lack of attempts to acculturate the newcomers, encouraging their keeping all of their culture, without blending into our own. That's more the fault of education system here, than of the newcomers.

Our Constitution has been under assault for 5 decades, mainly by the progressive elitest who have used the Democratic Party and it's support base which consists of the liberals, the ignorant, the young and the minorities by promising them a new socialist government program every election to maintain their support.

The minorities have been one of the greatest contributers to the decline of America, but political correctness forbids us to speak of it...And who implemented political correctness?...The progressive elitest of course, whose plan for America is now in it's final stages.

Thanks to those of us who still live by the rules of political correctness...How smart the progressive elitests were to have circumvented the First Amendment by convincing us to self censor our own thoughts and speech.

Any party, organization or individual that opposes the progressive elitest will be demonized by their loyal press and media who have successfully portrayed conservatives "as beer guzzling, uneducated, grease gobbling, hicks" and by the same techniques have created a positive image of and even glorified minorities...You can see it in the news, the movies, TV shows and even the commercials you watch...America has been successfully brainwashed.

One teeny-tiny example; Have you ever noticed that tv shows, movies and commercials where there is a mugger, a burgler or petty criminal, it is a white man 90% of the time?...This is no accident...You don't have to take my word for it...If you begin looking for media examples you will spot them many times every single day...Open your mind and look for yourself.

How many times have you watched a show or movie where a white man or woman goes to prison and it seems they are always befriended by a black inmate who watches over and takes care of them?...When people are exposed to this kind of media bombardment for 5 decades it will and has had an affect on their beliefs...These false beliefs can de dangerous and destructive.
Way too much all over the place for me to deal with. Some of which I did address in my above answer. We agree with the problems in the media, problem I'm seeing for your position though, their viewership and readers are abandoning them in droves, which seems to indicate that many are not quite as ignorant as you seem to think, degreed or not. I have faith in the people, they do need better leaders, but they do come when it's there-look at the tea parties as one example.

The Constitution has been under attack since before it was ratified. The whole reason of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists being written and published. Whole reason slavery wasn't addressed in Philadelphia.

I've got to get going to school, reply if you like, i'll try to address later.

12-16-2009, 03:55 PM
You did notice the bottom line of what I posted?
Yes I noticed...

I have no problem with extremely limited local government social programs as long as they are tightly regulated and held strictly accountable for waste, fraud and corruption with harsh penalties for all offenders.

only 2 are committed GOP folks. Two are Democrats, the remaining four independents/libertariansI have always been registered "Independent" and have not voted DemoPublican for the last 24 years untill the last election when I voted for McCain out of fear, which sickened me.

Acknowledging such doesn't make arguments for racial separation more effective either. To deny that our country has been made stronger when it has been relatively open to newcomers and new ideas is a dog that don't hunt. Problem recently has been the lack of attempts to acculturate the newcomers, encouraging their keeping all of their culture, without blending into our own. That's more the fault of education system here, than of the newcomers.I don't deny that immigation has greatly benefited America...The racial "diversity" of the immigrants and the ancesters of the slaves are the problem, who refuse to bury the past and share in the opportunties America has afforded them instead of demanding something for nothing and a permanent place at the front of the line and shouting "racism" whenever it is denied.

Racial diversity is not only an all too obvious American failure but also a major disaster that is destroying this nation from within and anyone who becomes aware of this and speaks it out loud is accused of racism and hated by the politically correct programmed masses, for speaking the forbidden truth.

Way too much all over the place for me to deal with.Eat of the forbidden fruit from the tree of truth and your eyes will be opened to the lies of political correctness and only then will you come to know what must be done.

Abbey Marie
12-16-2009, 05:20 PM
Actually, this article resonates with me. Although I am a social and somewhat fiscal Republican, I am also a longtime environmentalist and animal rights person. Way too vehemently anti-abortion (and other societal ills) to be Libertarian. There hasn't ever been a good fit for me.

12-16-2009, 06:23 PM
Actually, this article resonates with me. Although I am a social and somewhat fiscal Republican, I am also a longtime environmentalist and animal rights person. Way too vehemently anti-abortion (and other societal ills) to be Libertarian. There hasn't ever been a good fit for me.You sound alot like me politically...The best I can classify myself is libertarian conservative.

I believe ours may have been most like the politics of many of our founding fathers.

Although I am environmentaly conscience, I am not a GW nut and definately anti-Al Gore policies.

I won't tolerate animal cruelty in my presence but believe animal research is a necessary evil.

Other than abortion is heartbreaking, I can think of nothing else to say on this matter.

We must not allow our emotions to overide our common sense concerning our beliefs and decisions except in certain matters of the heart.

This is why I believe it is important to have the balance of the unique qualities of a man and woman concerning important decisions.

But it is of no use unless both have the wisdom to know when the other one is right and will yield to their final decision.

12-16-2009, 08:24 PM
You sound alot like me politically...The best I can classify myself is libertarian conservative.

I believe ours may have been most like the politics of many of our founding fathers.

Although I am environmentaly conscience, I am not a GW nut and definately anti-Al Gore policies.

I won't tolerate animal cruelty in my presence but believe animal research is a necessary evil.

Other than abortion is heartbreaking, I can think of nothing else to say on this matter.

We must not allow our emotions to overide our common sense concerning our beliefs and decisions except in certain matters of the heart.

This is why I believe it is important to have the balance of the unique qualities of a man and woman concerning important decisions.

But it is of no use unless both have the wisdom to know when the other one is right and will yield to their final decision.

What Abbey wrote is pretty much the same as myself, which you in the main say you agree with. I'm with Abbey on abortion, not a problem though with being a meat eater. Yum!

Your problem with racial prejudice is your loss, it's not I that needs my eyes open. You are acting in the manner that you find offensive by those racial groups. I'm not someone who believes only whites are capable of racial prejudice. God made us all, wants all of us to be with Him forever, I think I'll keep trying to understand His message. Funny thing, you may be the first poster to get me to write that much of my religious beliefs. :thumb:

12-16-2009, 09:33 PM
Your problem with racial prejudice is your loss, it's not I that needs my eyes open. What you call "racial prejudice" I call racial awareness.

Like most people, you can find no distinction between the two.

You are so positive that my beliefs are motivated by hatred for the color of someones skin.

The reason being is you are the victim of 5 decades of intense political correctness programming and indoctrination.

To me this is a reality that I too have been subjected but to you it is the fantasies of a white racist rationalizing his hatred.

The truth is all around you but you must open your eyes to see it...You must want to see it.

12-16-2009, 10:37 PM
What you call "racial prejudice" I call racial awareness.

Like most people, you can find no distinction between the two.

You are so positive that my beliefs are motivated by hatred for the color of someones skin.

The reason being is you are the victim of 5 decades of intense political correctness programming and indoctrination.

To me this is a reality that I too have been subjected but to you it is the fantasies of a white racist rationalizing his hatred.

The truth is all around you but you must open your eyes to see it...You must want to see it.

You know Hog, we agree on more issues than disagree, on the race thing we disagree and my guess is there no meeting in a middle.

As a kid, my only diversity lessons were religious. Grew up Catholic, with an Catholic priest uncle, he was a biggie in the diocese; we lived in a very German Lutheran town. My brother was accused of worshipping an icon of Mary, while naked. At 5 years old. No, I'm not joking. We were concerned, I mean my younger brother and I, as the accusation seemed to be that there was a worship of Mary. We were like, 'Umm, she gave birth to Jesus, you know, the God." One neighbor actually screamed at me, 6 years old, "Worshipping Mary will condemn you to hell." I hadn't a clue.

Our house was targeted several times before I turned 7, with anti-Catholic graffiti. All of it was inspired by Billy Graham.

My folks, uncle, family were like, 'let it go, they will come around.' "They" did come around. In fact, over the next 20 years or so, many came and apologized for their initial 'welcomes.' They came in tears.

Was I traumatized? Ya, obvious. It didn't make me hate Protestants, even Lutherans, but I'm not too keen on their take on things. Evangelicals? No Thanks, for good reasons. Intolerance is their name.

Hog, that's where I'm coming from.

12-17-2009, 02:43 PM
You know Hog, we agree on more issues than disagree, on the race thing we disagree and my guess is there no meeting in a middle.

As a kid, my only diversity lessons were religious. Grew up Catholic, with an Catholic priest uncle, he was a biggie in the diocese; we lived in a very German Lutheran town. My brother was accused of worshipping an icon of Mary, while naked. At 5 years old. No, I'm not joking. We were concerned, I mean my younger brother and I, as the accusation seemed to be that there was a worship of Mary. We were like, 'Umm, she gave birth to Jesus, you know, the God." One neighbor actually screamed at me, 6 years old, "Worshipping Mary will condemn you to hell." I hadn't a clue.

Our house was targeted several times before I turned 7, with anti-Catholic graffiti. All of it was inspired by Billy Graham.

My folks, uncle, family were like, 'let it go, they will come around.' "They" did come around. In fact, over the next 20 years or so, many came and apologized for their initial 'welcomes.' They came in tears.

Was I traumatized? Ya, obvious. It didn't make me hate Protestants, even Lutherans, but I'm not too keen on their take on things. Evangelicals? No Thanks, for good reasons. Intolerance is their name.

Hog, that's where I'm coming from.I know of no radical religions of hate and violence other than Islam.
There are radical individuals who practice hate and violence of every religion.

My beliefs are not based on personal injustices or hatred, but observations and common sense.

Believe it or not this was a common practice for most people before the introduction of political correctness.

I have chosen to ignore the rules of political correctness and judge all facts on their own merits by means of rational nonemotional reasoning.

Unlike you, the first 13 years of my life was spent submerged in diversity...I lived in an inner city ghetto where I came to realize about the only thing we had in common was poverty.

12-17-2009, 08:02 PM
I know of no radical religions of hate and violence other than Islam.
There are radical individuals who practice hate and violence of every religion.

My beliefs are not based on personal injustices or hatred, but observations and common sense.

Believe it or not this was a common practice for most people before the introduction of political correctness.

I have chosen to ignore the rules of political correctness and judge all facts on their own merits by means of rational nonemotional reasoning.

Unlike you, the first 13 years of my life was spent submerged in diversity...I lived in an inner city ghetto where I came to realize about the only thing we had in common was poverty.

While I can't agree with your perspective, which I cannot see being affected one way or another regarding political correctness existing or not, I can understand how experience most certainly has an effect upon all our decisions. You had problems from early years and it colors your vision of other 'groups.' You're correct, I haven't had to deal with 'groups' of people, individuals only. I've not been in the same place, I respect your decisions.