View Full Version : Liberals protest Christmas show

12-04-2009, 05:38 PM
Thrown by our own Glenn Beck. Apparently having a show about Christmas and Redemption and nothing to do with politics is very dangerous for this nation. Telling people to get off drugs and change their lives for the better completely dangerous to this nation. Got to love these people...

The Worst Protest Ever (http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/33854/)

STU: I normally wouldn't support ridiculous idiots that have nothing to do protesting a Christmas story.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: But when it's so hateful the topic when you're talking about whether God can give you redemption through the holidays, when you get to that sort of hatred ‑‑

GLENN: I know. Disgust.

PAT: You have to do everything you can to stop it.

STU: You have to stop it. You have to stop it.

GLENN: It is amazing because I talked to some people who are extraordinarily liberal because I have really good, I have really good liberal friends. Very, very, very, very liberal friends, wouldn't you say, Pat, some of my friends are ‑‑

PAT: Uh‑huh.

GLENN: Very liberal. And even they were saying, this is ridiculous. I mean, when ‑‑ and I can't share it with you now, but when you hear the whole story on everything that has happened just to bring you a story of redemption, when you hear ‑‑ and, oh, you will one day. You will. Say it like Yoda. Yes? Yes?

GLENN: When, when I write that story, and I'm going to make that one free, it's mind‑boggling, mind‑boggling.

STU: Look, you know, if it was just, you know, the whole god redemption thing, sure, it would be horrible for our country. But maybe we wouldn't go protest it. But when you get to the point of trying to encourage people on heroin to get off of it, when you get to the point where you are trying to change people's lives to try to stop them from killing themselves, that's over the line. I am going to walk in the streets until everyone commits suicide! I want everyone dead! I am protesting any sort of ceasing of a person putting some terrible thing in their body to kill themselves because, why in a free country would encourage such a thing?

GLENN: It's amazing, just amazing. And the Van Jones people and how they specifically targeted a charity, a charity that was involved in this broadcast, that story will also be told. But not today because it's Friday and we're going to have fun. So I just want to thank NYU for understanding the First Amendment and contracts. It was very nice. Very nice. I hate this city. Do they ‑‑ whoops, did I say that out loud?

Stop doing drugs people. or you might protest something like this.

12-04-2009, 10:21 PM
People seem to be mean to glenn beck for no reason.

12-04-2009, 10:31 PM
I've not read anything other than the 'bah, humbug.' I'm trapped in a hotel, with my two sons. The oldest is moving into his own apartment on 12/17. We've been here since Monday, tonight the oldest is with his girlfriend.

Me, two 'boys' and a dog. Help!

I'm stuck here because of a toilet back-up the day after Thanksgiving. That 'balloon thing, that regulates the 'full thing' malfunctioned. 2 hour later: upstairs floor, vanity trashed. Downstairs vanity and two walls, gone. Garage 3 walls, ceiling gone. Main staircase carpets and ceiling, gone. Bedroom carpets gone. Basement floor, gone. All ceilings need to be repainted.

I'll admit to tension, blood pressure issues. Still and all, I know resale value will be so much better. I was lucky that my friend, also believe it or not, my Allstate agent, called me to have coffee at 5 am. If not, well there would have been another hour or so of damage.

12-04-2009, 10:35 PM
I've not read anything other than the 'bah, humbug.' I'm trapped in a hotel, with my two sons. The oldest is moving into his own apartment on 12/17. We've been here since Monday, tonight the oldest is with his girlfriend.

Me, two 'boys' and a dog. Help!

I'm stuck here because of a toilet back-up the day after Thanksgiving. That 'balloon thing, that regulates the 'full thing' malfunctioned. 2 hour later: upstairs floor, vanity trashed. Downstairs vanity and two walls, gone. Garage 3 walls, ceiling gone. Main staircase carpets and ceiling, gone. Bedroom carpets gone. Basement floor, gone. All ceilings need to be repainted.

I'll admit to tension, blood pressure issues. Still and all, I know resale value will be so much better. I was lucky that my friend, also believe it or not, my Allstate agent, called me to have coffee at 5 am. If not, well there would have been another hour or so of damage.

Do you have a lap top or do you have to use a computer in the hotel lobby?