View Full Version : Dangerous Democrats vs. the Free Market

01-16-2007, 03:49 PM
January 15, 2007
By Herman Cain
The American public is about to once again witness the liberals' total disdain for, and ignorance of, the dynamics of capitalism and our free market economic system. Liberals in the House have already passed legislation to increase the federal minimum wage three times over the next two years. They have clearly voiced their economy-killing positions on issues ranging from tax rate increases to dictating what companies should pay their employees.

Since Franklin Roosevelt's socialist New Deal policies, to Lyndon Johnson's budget-busting Great Society, through Carter's stagflation and Clinton's largest tax increase in history, liberal Democrats never fail to cook up schemes that deny individuals their economic freedom and shackle our economy. That's what they do.

The liberals' so-called new direction is in fact the same direction they always go when entrusted with the reins of power – backwards. The first sight in their targets is, as always, successful businesses and the specter of a nonexistent national income disparity.

The new Democratic chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), wants the federal government to work on reducing income inequality. He will no doubt conduct numerous hearings and eventually initiate legislation that starts us down a slippery slope toward capping executive salaries and compensation. Liberals want us out of their bedrooms, but cannot wait to get into corporate boardrooms.

The only obstacles facing liberals are the facts. CNSNews.com reported on January 5 that Frank plans to focus his hearings on: "Why the top income earners are making so much more than lower earners and what the government can do about it." Yet a Census Bureau study commissioned by the Congress's own Joint Economic Committee found that from 2001 to 2005 there was "virtually no statistical change in income inequality."

Rep. Frank appeared January 4 on "Your World with Neil Cavuto" to make his case for increased government oversight of corporate compensation. He argued, "I think we should let the owners of the companies decide what the CEO pay should be, and that's the shareholders." Earth to Congressman Frank, they already do! Corporate directors are elected by the shareholders and represent the shareholders. And in every corporate structure I am aware of there are corporate governance rules for nominating directors and changing directors if the shareholders are not happy with their decisions.

Congressman Frank added, "What we need to do is step in and amend the law because in some states where corporate law is set, shareholders who want to have a vote can't get one. What I propose is that we should pass a law giving the shareholders a right to vote on these issues." Most corporations are not structured that way, and if you can find some that are then shareholders can take their money somewhere else. Again, the facts and common sense are not on his side.

New statistics from the December 2006 jobs report provide additional facts that will surely annoy liberals. U.S. employers added 167,000 jobs last month, and the jobs figures for October and November 2006 were revised upward by 29,000 jobs. Additionally, the unemployment rate stood at 4.5 percent. Richard Moody, an analyst for real estate firm Mission Residential, stated in a January 5 Wall Street Journal story: "Perhaps the most noteworthy number in the December employment report is the 0.5% increase in average hourly earnings... December's increase in average hourly earnings reflects an over-the-year increase of 4.2 percent and, with the recent moderation in energy prices, workers' wages are now running above inflation." Now where is that economy that only benefits the rich?

Liberal whining over phantom inequality and a discriminatory economy will only increase when President Bush sends Congress his budget on February 5. Anything short of a 100 percent tax rate proposal on individuals and businesses will elicit liberal cries of budget cuts for children, veterans, the elderly, birds, bees and funding to teach children the birds and bees in government schools.

The Democratic leaders are expectedly claiming their victory is a mandate for any government-enforced tax, regulatory and spending idea they can concoct. Their true goal is to claim just enough populist and class warfare-driven victories to help ensure that they maintain control of Congress, and enhance the chances of electing a Democratic president in 2008.

Liberals are not only ignoring the facts, they are ignoring the threatened future of this country, and individual initiative and responsibility in order to achieve their not-so-new objective of an even bigger, inefficient and intrusive federal government.

Wake up America! The United States of America. Danger lies ahead!

01-16-2007, 04:07 PM
Now days democrat = communist, plain and simple.

01-16-2007, 04:34 PM
Now days democrat = communist, plain and simple.

I've been saying this for a long time....

What amazes me, is how so many people are willing to give the Democrat party the control to run their lives....Instead of wanting to run and live their lives in Freedom.....:dunno:

We not only have to fight the terrorist, but we also have to fight one of our own Parties in our Country...Who would of every thought it???

01-16-2007, 05:44 PM
Rush quotes it. I've read it 14 times. (that may have taken 10% of my life lol)


01-16-2007, 07:29 PM
Rush quotes it. I've read it 14 times. (that may have taken 10% of my life lol)


If the fascists shrugged, we would all be fine. This is self-serving tripe.

01-17-2007, 12:03 AM
Someone has been educated waaaay beyond his intellect and it smells of a prairie spice in the Thanksgiving dressing,

01-17-2007, 12:07 AM
Rush quotes it. I've read it 14 times. (that may have taken 10% of my life lol)


One of my favorite books of all time. I won't hold it against Ayn Rand that Rush quotes it. :D

01-17-2007, 12:10 AM
I've been saying this for a long time....

What amazes me, is how so many people are willing to give the Democrat party the control to run their lives....Instead of wanting to run and live their lives in Freedom.....:dunno:

Yup... the Freedom to have your phone calls monitored by the NSA without a warrant; the Freedom to have your mail searched; the freedom to have your google records turned over to government; the Freedom to.....

01-17-2007, 12:22 AM
Yup... the Freedom to have your phone calls monitored by the NSA without a warrant; the Freedom to have your mail searched; the freedom to have your google records turned over to government; the Freedom to.....

...foot the bill for the uninsured; the freedom to be taxed at an exorbitant rate so I can have less while those who haven't earned it can have more ...

01-17-2007, 01:24 AM
Rush quotes it. I've read it 14 times. (that may have taken 10% of my life lol)


never heard of it. whats it about?

01-17-2007, 12:54 PM
Yup... the Freedom to have your phone calls monitored by the NSA without a warrant; the Freedom to have your mail searched; the freedom to have your google records turned over to government; the Freedom to.....

The freedom to have your phone calls monitored if they originate in a country known for harboring terrorist, without a warrant. No one searches the mail. Having the google records turned over to the government is up to google. They did it for china.

01-17-2007, 01:24 PM
The freedom to have your phone calls monitored if they originate in a country known for harboring terrorist, without a warrant. No one searches the mail. Having the google records turned over to the government is up to google. They did it for china.

It's MUCH easier to blame the government than learn the truth! :)


01-17-2007, 09:19 PM
Yup... the Freedom to have your phone calls monitored by the NSA without a warrant; the Freedom to have your mail searched; the freedom to have your google records turned over to government; the Freedom to.....

Why do you insist on only telling half-truths? Is it the lawyer side of ya that makes you do that?

01-17-2007, 09:27 PM
Why do you insist on only telling half-truths? Is it the lawyer side of ya that makes you do that?

As opposed to the untruth of saying Repubs protect our freedoms and dems infringe on them?

01-17-2007, 09:36 PM
As opposed to the untruth of saying Repubs protect our freedoms and dems infringe on them?

How have your rights been infringed upon by Repubs?

You see you disingenuously leave out that only calls to suspected terrorists from inside the states or calls from suspected terrorists into the states were monitored. Secondly, I think the government has every right to monitor douchebags who happen to be perusing Al Qaeda's bombaking pages etc. etc.

Lol the halftruth is you make it sound like the feds are monitoring Jillian when she calls up Direct TV and orders some ppv porn, nobody who is not involved in suspicious activities has anything to worry about.

BTW, you do know that the Dems socialist hero FDR monitored all citizens of German descent during WWII, right? Well hell, almost forgot, locked up lots of Japanese too, now which is more agregious(sp?), Bush or FDR?

01-17-2007, 10:55 PM
Yup... the Freedom to have your phone calls monitored by the NSA without a warrant; the Freedom to have your mail searched; the freedom to have your google records turned over to government; the Freedom to.....

Here we go again. Considering you're supposed to be somewhat knowledgeable on the law and legal issues, you might try some intellectual honesty before making sensational, emotional statements like that.

1) The NSA wiretaps have not been shown to be illegal. Period.
2) Please cite an instance where your mail was sent via the USPS and intercepted and opened in violation of US codes. I cannot recall such an instance yet, but maybe I missed something.
3) Google is a private entity, a corporate entity which has every right to gather information and redistribute it in any fashion they choose. Claiming that data warehousing and on-line analytic processing is in invasion of your freedoms is naive at best, and flat-out ignorant at worst. My suggestion, educate yourself on the topic before whining about it.
4) Nothing like leaving an open ellipsis to heighten the sensationalism of your statement. So far everything you mentioned in this post was either blatantly wrong, or... well, it's all blatantly wrong.

Some days you show promise of intelligence and logical reasoning. Then there are days that you post stuff like this....

01-18-2007, 12:08 AM
Here we go again. Considering you're supposed to be somewhat knowledgeable on the law and legal issues, you might try some intellectual honesty before making sensational, emotional statements like that.

1) The NSA wiretaps have not been shown to be illegal. Period.
2) Please cite an instance where your mail was sent via the USPS and intercepted and opened in violation of US codes. I cannot recall such an instance yet, but maybe I missed something.
3) Google is a private entity, a corporate entity which has every right to gather information and redistribute it in any fashion they choose. Claiming that data warehousing and on-line analytic processing is in invasion of your freedoms is naive at best, and flat-out ignorant at worst. My suggestion, educate yourself on the topic before whining about it.
4) Nothing like leaving an open ellipsis to heighten the sensationalism of your statement. So far everything you mentioned in this post was either blatantly wrong, or... well, it's all blatantly wrong.

Some days you show promise of intelligence and logical reasoning. Then there are days that you post stuff like this....

Do let me know when you can manage to post without being an insulting jerk. Then maybe we'll have a discussion.

01-18-2007, 12:10 AM
Do let me know when you can manage to post without being an insulting jerk. Then maybe we'll have a discussion.

I'm betting you'll be waiting a long time...:lol:

01-18-2007, 12:14 AM
I'm betting you'll be waiting a long time...:lol:

Hmmmmmmmm.... yep. True enough. :rolleyes:

01-18-2007, 12:19 AM
Do let me know when you can manage to post without being an insulting jerk. Then maybe we'll have a discussion.

Do let me know when you actually can support your statements with anything closely resembling fact, will you. Then (and only then) will your post be acknowledged as anything more than partisan blather and balderdash.

Here's the deal, if you can substantively support your claims, I'll lay out one of the most eloquent apologies you have ever seen. I feel secure making this offer because I am equally certain that you lack any evidence to support your tin-foil-hatter claims.

BTW, here's something to help refute your bullshit.
The title of the article is "Secret court to monitor domestic spying program" which effectively supports my statement that your first point about NSA wiretaps is pure bullshit. It is legal. And it is now going to have the additional "benefit" of Congressional oversight via the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Care to step up to the plate? Or are you simply a partisan dilettante around here and incapable of intelligent discussion or debate? (Why does this feel like a rhetorical question to me? hmmm....)

01-18-2007, 12:22 AM
BTW, ever notice how liberals, when confronted with solid evidence which contradicts their mantra-de-jour, fall back on ad hominem attacks rather than to address the issues?

Hell, in retrospect, I don't see anything really insulting about my post to Jillian, except for the fact I called her on her bullshit. But then, most liberals don't like having fact flung in their faces.