View Full Version : My daughter understands religious differences

09-21-2009, 07:36 PM
My daughter went to a sleepover with some other girls at the house of a Muslim couple. She had a very good time, as I understand.
There was some discussion about Islam and Christianity, so my daughter asked about it. She was told that Allah was just a different name for God.
When she came home, we had a talk about how God is different things to different people. And how God might have different names, He is still God.
All problems should be this easy to solve. :D

09-21-2009, 07:48 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Ignorance is BLISS.


Mr. P
09-21-2009, 08:05 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Ignorance is BLISS.


And you single-handedly prove there is no cure for stupid.

09-21-2009, 08:10 PM
My daughter went to a sleepover with some other girls at the house of a Muslim couple. She had a very good time, as I understand.
There was some discussion about Islam and Christianity, so my daughter asked about it. She was told that Allah was just a different name for God.
When she came home, we had a talk about how God is different things to different people. And how God might have different names, He is still God.
All problems should be this easy to solve. :D

That's great Gabby, I try to teach my kids that there is only 1 God and people worship in different ways, but most religions are on the same track

Kids have to understand there are different ways to worship, no one can actually say what is the right or wrong way , IMO

09-21-2009, 08:15 PM
That's great Gabby, I try to teach my kids that there is only 1 God and people worship in different ways, but most religions are on the same track

Kids have to understand there are different ways to worship, no one can actually say what is the right or wrong way , IMO

I agree with you 100%

.... is lightning going to strike?:lol:

09-21-2009, 08:23 PM
I agree with you 100%

.... is lightning going to strike?:lol:

LOL, Its streaking threw the sky here in PA, LOL

Joyful HoneyBee
09-21-2009, 08:38 PM
Wouldn't it be horrible if we showed the kind of intolerance among our various protestant denominations that are shown among various religions around the world? Can you just imagine the Baptists going to war with the Presbyterians and Lutherans, while the Methodists duked it out with Seventh Day Adventists? That is basically what goes on in the Middle East, but this country was founded to escape religious intolerance. That seems to be a hard thing for some people to understand (CWN :poke:)

09-21-2009, 09:14 PM
My daughter went to a sleepover with some other girls at the house of a Muslim couple. She had a very good time, as I understand.
There was some discussion about Islam and Christianity, so my daughter asked about it. She was told that Allah was just a different name for God.
When she came home, we had a talk about how God is different things to different people. And how God might have different names, He is still God.
All problems should be this easy to solve. :D

Gee, thats nice....you should have explained to her about not being allowed to drive a car, and wearing a burqa, how about marrying at 9 or 10 or 12 years of age to an old freekin stinky pedophile, or honor killing, wiping and stoning, and see if she gets how easy it is to be "tolerant".....all good customs of many Mulsims....

09-21-2009, 09:26 PM
Seems to me what she learned was religious similiarities.

09-21-2009, 10:02 PM
Soon as I saw the title, I laughed. gabby doesn't understand the difference so how could her daughter.

09-21-2009, 10:32 PM
Sorry bout that,

Wouldn't it be horrible if we showed the kind of intolerance among our various protestant denominations that are shown among various religions around the world? Can you just imagine the Baptists going to war with the Presbyterians and Lutherans, while the Methodists duked it out with Seventh Day Adventists? That is basically what goes on in the Middle East, but this country was founded to escape religious intolerance. That seems to be a hard thing for some people to understand (CWN :poke:)

1. I tolerate it well.
2. But here I tell it plainly.
3. My stomach turns when I see one, but I don't express it, or direct it at them.
4. I have no respect for them, this I can tell you straight up.
5. I won't respect a person headed straight on into hell.
6. I would be adding to thier destruction.
7. Which would make me working along side of the devil.
8. I know what I know, and what islam is is nothing but darkness and evil.
9. Its a great acomplishment that satan has won so many souls, sad, but its a lot.
10. I am one man amongst many who are against islam, and amongst other many men whom wink the eye at islam.


09-21-2009, 10:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

Gee, thats nice....you should have explained to her about not being allowed to drive a car, and wearing a burqa, how about marrying at 9 or 10 or 12 years of age to an old freekin stinky pedophile, or honor killing, wiping and stoning, and see if she gets how easy it is to be "tolerant".....all good customs of many Mulsims....YUP!!!

1. Their god isnt great, yeah she winks the eye at something she knows nothing about.
2. All of what you said, just fell on deaf ears.
3. islam is a gutter religion, and thats being kind by my standards.
4. More of a evil cult then anything.


09-22-2009, 06:41 AM
your daughter was brain washed by an idiot, who wouldnt know the difference between religious and her a$$

09-22-2009, 06:42 AM
exactly right, their god has been inspiring millions to kill, convert, and conquest since mohammeds death. But gabby mouth is so firmly implanted on the muslims behind, that she cant see the forrest through the trees

Sorry bout that,

1. Their god isnt great, yeah she winks the eye at something she knows nothing about.
2. All of what you said, just fell on deaf ears.
3. islam is a gutter religion, and thats being kind by my standards.
4. More of a evil cult then anything.


09-22-2009, 05:24 PM
Chessy, you and Martin are equally ignorant and clueless. Obviously your parents (?) placed little thought into raising you with values and moral convictions. So sad.

09-22-2009, 08:20 PM
your daughter was brain washed by an idiot, who wouldnt know the difference between religious and her a$$

exactly right, their god has been inspiring millions to kill, convert, and conquest since mohammeds death. But gabby mouth is so firmly implanted on the muslims behind, that she cant see the forrest through the trees

Brainwashed? Wouldn't know the difference?

Martin, contrary to what a few Muslim haters may state otherwise, Muslims pray to "Allah" - which is Arabic for "God". They pray to the same God as we do. They believe in God as we do. They don't find a difference between "their God or ours". I won't debate and stand up for Mohammed, as I'm not a Muslim and know nothing of the "prophet".

A distinct understanding of the religion, the Quran and the other 95% of Muslims that have never committed a crime, current and the millions upon millions who have lived before - would be very helpful. I'm all for nuking the terrorists and radicals, so don't think I sympathize with the "enemy".

IMO, anyone who "hates" ALL Muslims for the actions of a few, or the words or conquests from before our time, is naive. Hate the activities, hate the past, hate the radicals, hate the terrorists - but to hate millions upon millions upon millions over extreme rhetoric is simply stupid.

Yes, things are much different in some "old" countries/towns still under the shitty Shariah law, but to compare them to American Muslims who were born here is a bit overboard, again, IMO.

09-22-2009, 08:26 PM
I think one can differentiate between a religious book/doctrine and the people who follow it.

I am not condemning 95% of muslims, I am condemning a religion.

I believe over 50-60% of muslims (the majority) are nice people, but besides the 5-15% of muslims who are terrorists, their is a lot of anti american settiment , people who agree with al queda, finance al queda and pray for al queda's success.

I think the tactic by some, to say only a few muslims are terrorists, but im not buying it, but im not suggesting all or the majority of muslims are bad people.

Brainwashed? Wouldn't know the difference?

Martin, contrary to what a few Muslim haters may state otherwise, Muslims pray to "Allah" - which is Arabic for "God". They pray to the same God as we do. They believe in God as we do. They don't find a difference between "their God or ours". I won't debate and stand up for Mohammed, as I'm not a Muslim and know nothing of the "prophet".

A distinct understanding of the religion, the Quran and the other 95% of Muslims that have never committed a crime, current and the millions upon millions who have lived before - would be very helpful. I'm all for nuking the terrorists and radicals, so don't think I sympathize with the "enemy".

IMO, anyone who "hates" ALL Muslims for the actions of a few, or the words or conquests from before our time, is naive. Hate the activities, hate the past, hate the radicals, hate the terrorists - but to hate millions upon millions upon millions over extreme rhetoric is simply stupid.

Yes, things are much different in some "old" countries/towns still under the shitty Shariah law, but to compare them to American Muslims who were born here is a bit overboard, again, IMO.

09-22-2009, 09:06 PM
I think one can differentiate between a religious book/doctrine and the people who follow it.

I am not condemning 95% of muslims, I am condemning a religion.

I believe over 50-60% of muslims (the majority) are nice people, but besides the 5-15% of muslims who are terrorists, their is a lot of anti american settiment , people who agree with al queda, finance al queda and pray for al queda's success.

I think the tactic by some, to say only a few muslims are terrorists, but im not buying it, but im not suggesting all or the majority of muslims are bad people.

Martin I felt very much like you, right after 9/11 happened I was with a couple of friends at the local fair ( Gwinnett county) it was only a couple days after the towers came down, as I have stated here before I have family up there so it really had me POed they would do this

So we are walking around the fair when low and behold I see a tribe of Muslims, they had the rags on the Dots the whole bit, I couldn't tell you what country they were from, but it didn't matter, I backed them into a corner and reached for my little buddy, lol ( I was thinking let them see how it feels) when all of a sudden I seen the fear in there eyes, I realized what a ass I was acting like and walked away,

Since that day I have met quite a few, none have been bad people, and yes the first thing I ask them is do they have a bomb strapped to them, most just lol, and we go about cutting up

I hated these people for no reason before 9/11, I worked at a gas station years ago and placed a sign in the window, Directions 50 cents for blacks, a buck for Spanish, and 2 for dot heads, lol, and I actually made a few bucks, lol

What I am getting at Martin if some one as prejudice as I was can find the good in people there must be some good to find

You say 5 to 15% are terrorist, this may be true, but how many Americans are domestic terrorist?? Tim Mcveigh?? Ayers??Obama?? these are just a couple of names that come to mind, how about the skin heads, arent they spreading terror, or trying to? These people are all Americans, should everyone hate us cause of 5 to 15% of our population?

09-22-2009, 09:37 PM
but besides the 5-15% of muslims who are terrorists



So there are about 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world, and your working it that somewhere between 75 000 000 and 225 000 000 are terrorists!
Jezy Crezy

09-22-2009, 09:39 PM
I think this is a brilliant, well thought out rational response. I do not want to hate all muslims, but I honestly have problems with parts of their religion, which is no different imho then someone having problems with part of christianity or judaism.

I choose NOT to hate all muslims, or the majority of them, but we must be able to weed out the good ones from the bad ones, without fear of reprisal.

Just thought i'd add my two cents.

Jimmy, I honestly think your one of the wise ones, and enjoy discussing topics with you

Brainwashed? Wouldn't know the difference?

Martin, contrary to what a few Muslim haters may state otherwise, Muslims pray to "Allah" - which is Arabic for "God". They pray to the same God as we do. They believe in God as we do. They don't find a difference between "their God or ours". I won't debate and stand up for Mohammed, as I'm not a Muslim and know nothing of the "prophet".

A distinct understanding of the religion, the Quran and the other 95% of Muslims that have never committed a crime, current and the millions upon millions who have lived before - would be very helpful. I'm all for nuking the terrorists and radicals, so don't think I sympathize with the "enemy".

IMO, anyone who "hates" ALL Muslims for the actions of a few, or the words or conquests from before our time, is naive. Hate the activities, hate the past, hate the radicals, hate the terrorists - but to hate millions upon millions upon millions over extreme rhetoric is simply stupid.

Yes, things are much different in some "old" countries/towns still under the shitty Shariah law, but to compare them to American Muslims who were born here is a bit overboard, again, IMO.

09-22-2009, 09:43 PM
Jeff I was just thinking when responding to jimmy, ya know jeff is one of the wise ones too, and i appreciate everything you said here.

I dont wanna hate muslims, I'm not comfortable doing that.

Ive met some very nice muslim people in real life/over the internet.

so i ask myself, how do i differentiate between not liking their religion, and liking them.

sometimes its hard, and i question if im doing the right thing.

but my sincere intention is not to hate them all or most of them. I do admit i fail from time to time. And yes, we should NOT hate them just because some of them are bad.

and we do have 5-15% of domestic terrorists, i agree with that. And people shouldnt hate us, or we hate ourselves for it.

Thank you for the insight, as i navigate these trechurous waters

Martin I felt very much like you, right after 9/11 happened I was with a couple of friends at the local fair ( Gwinnett county) it was only a couple days after the towers came down, as I have stated here before I have family up there so it really had me POed they would do this

So we are walking around the fair when low and behold I see a tribe of Muslims, they had the rags on the Dots the whole bit, I couldn't tell you what country they were from, but it didn't matter, I backed them into a corner and reached for my little buddy, lol ( I was thinking let them see how it feels) when all of a sudden I seen the fear in there eyes, I realized what a ass I was acting like and walked away,

Since that day I have met quite a few, none have been bad people, and yes the first thing I ask them is do they have a bomb strapped to them, most just lol, and we go about cutting up

I hated these people for no reason before 9/11, I worked at a gas station years ago and placed a sign in the window, Directions 50 cents for blacks, a buck for Spanish, and 2 for dot heads, lol, and I actually made a few bucks, lol

What I am getting at Martin if some one as prejudice as I was can find the good in people there must be some good to find

You say 5 to 15% are terrorist, this may be true, but how many Americans are domestic terrorist?? Tim Mcveigh?? Ayers??Obama?? these are just a couple of names that come to mind, how about the skin heads, arent they spreading terror, or trying to? These people are all Americans, should everyone hate us cause of 5 to 15% of our population?

09-22-2009, 09:45 PM
I think between 5-15% is a rational number. I dont believe its 2% and i dont believe its 100%. I think probably somewhere within that range. Their are terrorists, and those who sympathize with em.



So there are about 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world, and your working it that somewhere between 75 000 000 and 225 000 000 are terrorists!
Jezy Crezy

09-22-2009, 09:53 PM
Sorry bout that,

Brainwashed? Wouldn't know the difference?

Martin, contrary to what a few Muslim haters may state otherwise, Muslims pray to "Allah" - which is Arabic for "God". They pray to the same God as we do. They believe in God as we do. They don't find a difference between "their God or ours". I won't debate and stand up for Mohammed, as I'm not a Muslim and know nothing of the "prophet".

A distinct understanding of the religion, the Quran and the other 95% of Muslims that have never committed a crime, current and the millions upon millions who have lived before - would be very helpful. I'm all for nuking the terrorists and radicals, so don't think I sympathize with the "enemy".

IMO, anyone who "hates" ALL Muslims for the actions of a few, or the words or conquests from before our time, is naive. Hate the activities, hate the past, hate the radicals, hate the terrorists - but to hate millions upon millions upon millions over extreme rhetoric is simply stupid.

Yes, things are much different in some "old" countries/towns still under the shitty Shariah law, but to compare them to American Muslims who were born here is a bit overboard, again, IMO.

1. First off, the real God, isnt allah.
2. Theyve been claiming it is for centuries, but its a lie.
3. You see God is a trinity, and he has three parts of the same entity.
4. islam doesnt see it that way.
5. Maybe you heard about it before, Father Son and Holy Ghost,
6. All three equals one.
7. Its different, you can NOT!!!! have any of these three without having them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Now you go and do a quick study on islam, and get to know what they teach in their book, then you come on back here and argue how they do understand who The Real God is, and how its the same God Christians Worship.
9. You will fail 100% of the time, and so will anyone else who tries too.
10. But I dont expect you to understand all this either so dont sweat it.
11. If any Christian ever tells you Christians and muslims worship the same God, he is either not a Christian, or is just clueless and is a baby in Christ.


09-22-2009, 09:55 PM
I think between 5-15% is a rational number. I dont believe its 2% and i dont believe its 100%. I think probably somewhere within that range. Their are terrorists, and those who sympathize with em.

You think their are about a quarter of a billion people who support Islamic terrorism, amazing.

May i through in a figure, 18%, thats the number of Muslims that live in the middle east, aka the The Arab world, t'was a figure that surpirsed me, and it further brinngs me to believe that your 5-15% figure is laughable.

09-22-2009, 10:07 PM
Sorry bout that,

Chessy, you and Martin are equally ignorant and clueless. Obviously your parents (?) placed little thought into raising you with values and moral convictions. So sad.

1. What would you know about my upbringing?
2. As far as you are aware, I was raised in the stictest moral upbringing on the face of the earth, short of being raised by munks.
3. You are the one clueless my dear lady.
4. And the only thing sad here, is your daughter is being spoon fed ignorance.
5. I would at least learn a bit about both books, then explan how they are the same, and see if shes smart enough to burn your tree house down, which she may surprise you.


09-22-2009, 10:15 PM
Sorry bout that,
1. First off, the real God, isnt allah.
2. Theyve been claiming it is for centuries, but its a lie.
3. You see God is a trinity, and he has three parts of the same entity.
4. islam doesnt see it that way.
5. Maybe you heard about it before, Father Son and Holy Ghost,
6. All three equals one.
7. Its different, you can NOT!!!! have any of these three without having them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Now you go and do a quick study on islam, and get to know what they teach in their book, then you come on back here and argue how they do understand who The Real God is, and how its the same God Christians Worship.
9. You will fail 100% of the time, and so will anyone else who tries too.
10. But I dont expect you to understand all this either so dont sweat it.
11. If any Christian ever tells you Christians and muslims worship the same God, he is either not a Christian, or is just clueless and is a baby in Christ.


I have no need to debate with close minded, ignorant people that can't properly construct paragraphs like adults. I bet most Muslims can though.

09-22-2009, 10:20 PM
Sorry bout that,

I have no need to debate with close minded, ignorant people that can't properly construct paragraphs like adults. I bet most Muslims can though.

1. You may bow out then my friend.
2. Maybe get some of your muslim friends to explain how allah is all three beings Father Son Holy Ghost, then get back to me.


09-22-2009, 10:56 PM
you dont think its possible that out of 1.6 or 1.2 billion people that even 5-8% lets says for the sake of argumenrt Support financially, spiritually, or by directly carrying out the attacks, then Im sorry but i think youre being dislutional

You think their are about a quarter of a billion people who support Islamic terrorism, amazing.

May i through in a figure, 18%, thats the number of Muslims that live in the middle east, aka the The Arab world, t'was a figure that surpirsed me, and it further brinngs me to believe that your 5-15% figure is laughable.

09-22-2009, 10:58 PM
that was my point :lol:

Soon as I saw the title, I laughed. gabby doesn't understand the difference so how could her daughter.

09-22-2009, 11:01 PM
I thought we werent supposed to bring other peoples parents.

in your case, you brought your daughter into the conversation so she is fair game.

sad thing is, she will probably grow to be as intelligent as her mother, which isnt saying much

hi im gabby, all i can do is insult and run a way like a little girl, cause i have nothing to contribute to the conversation :coffee:

Chessy, you and Martin are equally ignorant and clueless. Obviously your parents (?) placed little thought into raising you with values and moral convictions. So sad.

09-22-2009, 11:38 PM
hi im gabby, all i can do is insult and run a way like a little girl, cause i have nothing to contribute to the conversation

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09-23-2009, 12:01 AM
Brainwashed? Wouldn't know the difference?

Martin, contrary to what a few Muslim haters may state otherwise, Muslims pray to "Allah" - which is Arabic for "God". They pray to the same God as we do. They believe in God as we do. They don't find a difference between "their God or ours". I won't debate and stand up for Mohammed, as I'm not a Muslim and know nothing of the "prophet".

A distinct understanding of the religion, the Quran and the other 95% of Muslims that have never committed a crime, current and the millions upon millions who have lived before - would be very helpful. I'm all for nuking the terrorists and radicals, so don't think I sympathize with the "enemy".

IMO, anyone who "hates" ALL Muslims for the actions of a few, or the words or conquests from before our time, is naive. Hate the activities, hate the past, hate the radicals, hate the terrorists - but to hate millions upon millions upon millions over extreme rhetoric is simply stupid.

Yes, things are much different in some "old" countries/towns still under the shitty Shariah law, but to compare them to American Muslims who were born here is a bit overboard, again, IMO.

Jim, I have to disagree. They don't pray to the same God as Christians do. Just because Allah means God in Arabic doesn't mean its the same God. I have read much of the koran and there is no way that the god described in there is the same God as in the Bible.

I don't hate Muslims, I financially support a missionary that uses the money to reach Muslims. He feeds them, clothes them, gives them reading glasses and he preaches Jesus to them. I would that all Muslims came to Christ. If it were the same God there would be no reason to preach Christ to them.

I am also quite convinced that the so-called moderate muslims will not resist until death if radicals were to become the majority. They would join the radicals. As in all things there are exceptions but it will be few IMO.

09-23-2009, 07:19 AM
Sorry bout that,



So there are about 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world, and your working it that somewhere between 75 000 000 and 225 000 000 are terrorists!
Jezy Crezy

1. There are potenually 1. whatever billion terrorists.
2. Right now there are pehaps 100k known terrorists.
3. Known.
4. All others are wearing *The Mask*.
5. With Scotland Yard is on a 24 hour alert on terrorism throughout the UK, you should know this.
6. You cant sling a dead cat in downtown London without hitting a muslim terrorist.


09-23-2009, 07:29 AM
Sorry bout that,

Jim, I have to disagree. They don't pray to the same God as Christians do. Just because Allah means God in Arabic doesn't mean its the same God. I have read much of the koran and there is no way that the god described in there is the same God as in the Bible.

I don't hate Muslims, I financially support a missionary that uses the money to reach Muslims. He feeds them, clothes them, gives them reading glasses and he preaches Jesus to them. I would that all Muslims came to Christ. If it were the same God there would be no reason to preach Christ to them.

I am also quite convinced that the so-called moderate muslims will not resist until death if radicals were to become the majority. They would join the radicals. As in all things there are exceptions but it will be few IMO.

1. You will have to disqualify anyone who isnt a Christian from this debate.
2. Because in order to make a sound judgement on whom the Christian God is, you first needs to be a Christian in order to have some sort of real view on this subject.
3. And if you cant find a muslim that can say, that they worship a three being God all in one, then you have to confirm, that we in fact do not worship the same God.
4. God is one, and he is perfectly joined together in one God, in three entities.
5. This will blow the minds of any muslims, they will allah akbar on you if you tell them that thats their God.
6. The mask will come off, and they will go hairy eyeball on you.
7. You should remind them, that this is, The Real and Only Christian God*.
8. And islam claims that they worship the, *Same God* as Christians do.
9. If they cant say this, then tell them that, *you are all liars*.
10. Make sure your not in some hell hole muslim country before you ever begin this type of conversation.


09-23-2009, 07:34 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. You will have to disqualify anyone who isnt a Christian from this debate.
2. Because in order to make a sound judgement on whom is the Christian God, you first needs to be a Christian in order to have some sort of real view on this subject.
3. And if you cant find a muslim that can say, that they worship a three being God all in one, then you have to confirm, that we in fact do not worship the same God.
4. God is one, and he is perfectly joined together in one God, in three entities.
5. This will blow the minds of any muslims, they will allah akbar on you if you tell them thats their God.
6. The mask will come off, and they will go hairy eyeball on you.
7. You should remind them, that this is, The Real and Only Christian God*.


James I don't practice the way I should but isn't there something in the bible saying ya shouldn't judge others?

I imagine if Muslims are really the anti Christ they will pay on judgment day, but I would say that is for God to decide

09-23-2009, 07:44 AM
Sorry bout that,

James I don't practice the way I should but isn't there something in the bible saying ya shouldn't judge others?

I imagine if Muslims are really the anti Christ they will pay on judgment day, but I would say that is for God to decide

1. Sure they are, but thats a whole other topic, meant for another thread.
2. I judge their book.
3. The people of islam will be judged by no other than the three thirds of the trinity.
4. Father Son Holy Ghost.
5. But I being a Christian, know already where they are headed, so its my duty to tell the truth, and not be silent on the truth, and not aid the devil in his master plan to deceive a whole tribe of people.
6. So seeing I express my views on this matter, it is out of compassion I do it, for perhaps some will see the light if I do, otherwise, I make an agreement with the devil, and wink the eye to him, in order for him to win those whom are in error, and follow a false god.
7. So its in *Love* I rail on islam, in order to save some souls.


09-23-2009, 07:55 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. There are potenually 1. whatever billion terrorists.
2. Right now there are pehaps 100k known terrorists.
3. Known.
4. All others are wearing *The Mask*.
5. With Scotland Yard is on a 24 hour alert on terrorism throughout the UK, you should know this.
6. You cant sling a dead cat in downtown London without hitting a muslim terrorist.



09-23-2009, 07:57 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Sure they are, but thats a whole other topic, meant for another thread.
2. I judge their book.
3. The people of islam will be judged by no other than the three thirds of the trinity.
4. Father Son Holy Ghost.
5. But I being a Christian, know already where they are headed, so its my duty to tell the truth, and not be silent on the truth, and not aid the devil in his master plan to deceive a whole tribe of people.
6. So seeing I express my views on this matter, it is out of compassion I do it, for perhaps some will see the light if I do, otherwise, I make an agreement with the devil, and wink the eye to him, in order for him to win those whom are in error, and follow a false god.
7. So its in *Love* I rail on islam, in order to save some souls.


I understand ya James, I also agree in part with ya, but my beliefs are a bit different than yours, I believe we shouldn't condemn another religion, Happens all the time amongst Christian religions, and I am sure that isn't right, but I also believe what we understand the bible to say is exactly what it is suppose to mean to the person reading it, so that is your interpretation of it

09-23-2009, 08:03 AM
You will have to disqualify anyone who isnt a Christian from this debate. Because in order to make a sound judgement on whom the Christian God is, you first needs to be a Christian in order to have some sort of real view on this subject.

But yet you can judge the entire Muslim population even though you aren't a Muslim? You think those who aren't Christian aren't qualified to debate because they don't have a full understanding - and yet you squawk all day long and prove your misunderstanding of Muslims!

I'm Catholic and have been my whole life. I am just as qualified as you to discuss the topic. And even if I weren't - my FACTS will ALWAYS trump your ignorant opinions.

For the adults out there, I have changed the prior posters text into normal writing for educated reading. You're welcome.

09-23-2009, 08:31 AM
you are adding nothing to the conversation

except name calling when you make posts like this

debate the merits of a thread, or youre more useless then bill clinton's monogamy


09-23-2009, 08:37 AM
you are adding nothing to the conversation

except name calling when you make posts like this

debate the merits of a thread, or youre more useless then bill clinton's monogamy

You're right martin i should add sensable, rasonable and rational arguements to the debate like "You cant sling a dead cat in downtown London without hitting a muslim terrorist."

09-23-2009, 08:39 AM
hmmm. you have a point there.

However, I dont feel lowering yourself to perceived slights by adding more slights is the way to go.

but then again, thats my 2 cents

You're right martin i should add sensable, rasonable and rational arguements to the debate like "You cant sling a dead cat in downtown London without hitting a muslim terrorist."

09-23-2009, 08:51 AM
hmmm. you have a point there.

However, I dont feel lowering yourself to perceived slights by adding more slights is the way to go.

but then again, thats my 2 cents

Ofcourse i have a point, but you neglected to pick up on CWN's trollin and went for mine instead, and i'm in the firing line for re-active, not pro-active trolling, do i think that re-active trolling adds to the debate? ofcourse it doesn't, however, you can't debate with a pro-active troll like CWN anyway.

09-23-2009, 08:56 AM
I think cwn can be over passionate, and sometimes let his emotions get the best of him.

but overall, i think he is a good person.

I think the same of you.

Ofcourse i have a point, but you neglected to pick up on CWN's trollin and went for mine instead, and i'm in the firing line for re-active, not pro-active trolling, do i think that re-active trolling adds to the debate? ofcourse it doesn't, however, you can't debate with a pro-active troll like CWN anyway.

09-23-2009, 08:58 AM
if you had said, youre not adding anything to the debate

1. silly point
2. hateful
3. what does that mean?

its a lot different, its challenging , its not just name calling

show me an example of cwn crossing the line, and ill say something.

Ofcourse i have a point, but you neglected to pick up on CWN's trollin and went for mine instead, and i'm in the firing line for re-active, not pro-active trolling, do i think that re-active trolling adds to the debate? ofcourse it doesn't, however, you can't debate with a pro-active troll like CWN anyway.

09-23-2009, 09:03 AM
A troll; One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing an argument

That CWN is.

show me an example of cwn crossing the line, and ill say something.

Read his posts, if you can't see it yourself i'm not gonna baby-walk you through it.

09-23-2009, 09:04 AM
some of his posts are provocative I give you that, but i dont like name calling.

But i agree he could be a bit more analytical, no offense to cwn

A troll; One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing an argument

That CWN is.

Read his posts, if you can't see it yourself i'm not gonna baby-walk you through it.

09-23-2009, 09:28 AM
James I don't practice the way I should but isn't there something in the bible saying ya shouldn't judge others?

I imagine if Muslims are really the anti Christ they will pay on judgment day, but I would say that is for God to decide

Jeff, I mean no offense but pointing out the things of the Bible is not being judgmental. Pointing out where people sin is not being judgmental. God has already judged the whole of the earth to be condemned. God has already decreed what is sin, what is right and what is wrong and its in no way judgmental to point that out. To point out the fallacy of someones beliefs is not being judgmental.

This is a generic statement.
The whole judge not, lest ye be judged argument is a cop out in my opinion. Its just a cute way to try and shut someone up who you disagree with, don't understand or has caused you to feel guilty by what they have said. I have never found anyone who actually knows the Bible to use that statement. Its not Biblical.

09-23-2009, 11:52 AM

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09-23-2009, 12:29 PM
My daughter went to a sleepover with some other girls at the house of a Muslim couple. She had a very good time, as I understand.
There was some discussion about Islam and Christianity, so my daughter asked about it. She was told that Allah was just a different name for God.
When she came home, we had a talk about how God is different things to different people. And how God might have different names, He is still God.
All problems should be this easy to solve. :D

Well of course they would tell her that. "Its the same God as yours", yea right. Our (Christian) God didn't appoint a pedophile as his prophet. It is NOT the same God. He gave us His Son, our Savior. The Muslim god does not have a messiah, there is only "Allah". The whole purpose of Islam is to remove people from Christ.

I wonder, did they tell your daughter how many wives, concubines, and slaves dear old Muhammad ibn Abdullah had? And what a compassionate man he was to marry a six year old?

09-23-2009, 07:51 PM
Sorry bout that,

A troll; One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing an argument

That CWN is.

Read his posts, if you can't see it yourself i'm not gonna baby-walk you through it.

1. Oh so you cant win this debate, so you pull the *Troll* card?
2. Funny how the loser of a debate wants to stop and throw the chess board in the air.
3. Or make claims how that posting style is immature.
4. I understand, and dont take offense.


09-23-2009, 07:58 PM
Sorry bout that,

some of his posts are provocative I give you that, but i dont like name calling.

But i agree he could be a bit more analytical, no offense to cwn

1. None taken buddy.
2. The cat saying is a CWN Classic!
3. Meant to be funny, but some people dont have a sense of humor I suppose.


09-23-2009, 08:04 PM
Sorry bout that,

Jeff, I mean no offense but pointing out the things of the Bible is not being judgmental. Pointing out where people sin is not being judgmental. God has already judged the whole of the earth to be condemned. God has already decreed what is sin, what is right and what is wrong and its in no way judgmental to point that out. To point out the fallacy of someones beliefs is not being judgmental.

This is a generic statement.
The whole judge not, lest ye be judged argument is a cop out in my opinion. Its just a cute way to try and shut someone up who you disagree with, don't understand or has caused you to feel guilty by what they have said. I have never found anyone who actually knows the Bible to use that statement. Its not Biblical.

1. First gut reation when losing a debate, is to inform the winner, he is out of line, and he or she is calling in the thought police.
2. You nailed it buddy!


09-23-2009, 08:08 PM
Sorry bout that,


1. Sorry gabster, but you started this thread, and are becomng the biggest loser on it.
2. So sure, you will day, "Lets stop this silliness!"
3. You just want this to go away now, I know.
4. I understand.


09-23-2009, 08:13 PM
Jeff, I mean no offense but pointing out the things of the Bible is not being judgmental. Pointing out where people sin is not being judgmental. God has already judged the whole of the earth to be condemned. God has already decreed what is sin, what is right and what is wrong and its in no way judgmental to point that out. To point out the fallacy of someones beliefs is not being judgmental.

This is all predicated on you not being totally full of shit...and whoopee! I'm not being judgmental. :poke:

09-23-2009, 08:18 PM
Sorry bout that,

Well of course they would tell her that. "Its the same God as yours", yea right. Our (Christian) God didn't appoint a pedophile as his prophet. It is NOT the same God. He gave us His Son, our Savior. The Muslim god does not have a messiah, there is only "Allah". The whole purpose of Islam is to remove people from Christ.

I wonder, did they tell your daughter how many wives, concubines, and slaves dear old Muhammad ibn Abdullah had? And what a compassionate man he was to marry a six year old?

1. Just a small amount of why the Christian God, is not the muslim one.
2. I've always wonder just whom they claim their god is, but this god, isnt any known god, at least as far as I know, just some black box god, an idol of sorts, I'dd have to conclude.
3. What real God, would hire a prophet who had a hang ups for small children, is a good question to ask ones self.
4. Also he was a bloody man, murdering thousands, lots of Jews, was his first target, ahh thats a real prophet huh?
5. If you for one, hate Jews, as a rule.
6. As all muslims are supposed to hate Jews, and want to see them forceablly removed from their rightful homeland, ISRAEL.


09-23-2009, 11:41 PM
thanks for not being offended. I felt for a second I was pulling an obama. Throwing you under the bus, and i dont wanna do that.

I didnt get it, but then again, i take everything literal :coffee:

I think youre right on about most of what your saying, so we basically agree for the most part :dance:

Sorry bout that,

1. None taken buddy.
2. The cat saying is a CWN Classic!
3. Meant to be funny, but some people dont have a sense of humor I suppose.


09-24-2009, 02:37 AM
Jeff, I mean no offense but pointing out the things of the Bible is not being judgmental. Pointing out where people sin is not being judgmental. God has already judged the whole of the earth to be condemned. God has already decreed what is sin, what is right and what is wrong and its in no way judgmental to point that out. To point out the fallacy of someones beliefs is not being judgmental.

This is a generic statement.
The whole judge not, lest ye be judged argument is a cop out in my opinion. Its just a cute way to try and shut someone up who you disagree with, don't understand or has caused you to feel guilty by what they have said. I have never found anyone who actually knows the Bible to use that statement. Its not Biblical.

Crin I respect your opinion very much so, But I don't feel condemning a whole religion because of a few bad apples is right, I am a Christian but as I have stated by no means do I feel even a little bit comfortable debating religion, as I stated before I don't practice enough to even make believe,But I do think condemning other religions is wrong, ya here the Baptist bad mouthing the Catholic's,and others doing the same, One religion a buddy of mine belonged to honestly believed that unless you belonged to that religion you wouldn't go to heaven, in his church in order to be saved ya spoke in tongues, they were all good people but I have read on speaking in tongues, the bible says it is for the non believer, not that they didn't believe, it was just the interpretation

But crin I have a question and I am not trying to be a wise a$$, but there are a lot of Muslims, do ya think maybe they think we worship wrong? and if so, my guess would be God would be the only one to make that call , do you agree?

09-24-2009, 07:15 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Just as some have gone on about how muslims worship the same God, as we Christains, and you are well studied in our religion.
2. I would like to propose that those people on this thread next time they see their muslim friends, they ask them to explain the trinity to them of their god?
3. You know, just say, "Break it down for me?"
4. Then if they say that their god is only one, then say, "The Christian God is three Father Son Holy Ghost, and how is it you worship my God?"
5. I know, fear just struck your heart, you questioning a muslim, calling into question his religion, maybe those stories are true, and he will make a call, and those who clean up the mess will come.
6. I understand perfectly, you cant do it, its okay.


09-24-2009, 07:19 AM
Sorry bout that,

This is all predicated on you not being totally full of shit...and whoopee! I'm not being judgmental. :poke:

1. Spoken like a heatherm.


09-24-2009, 07:29 AM
Sorry bout that,

James I don't practice the way I should but isn't there something in the bible saying ya shouldn't judge others?

I imagine if Muslims are really the anti Christ they will pay on judgment day, but I would say that is for God to decide

1. Who says I'm judging the people, but the book they use as text for their learning? But if I were to judge them my judgement would be justified.
2. I condemn anyone who uses it that they by using it, it is leading them to hell.
3. So Im not actually saying they are going to hell, directly, but by following that book, its getting them there.
4. Its using judgement, but its not my job to send people to hell.
5. That would be Gods job.
6. The Real God , The Father, Jesus , and Holy Ghost.
7. Its my strong desire, that islam cease to exsist, and the lies of the devil be thrown down.


09-24-2009, 08:43 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh so you cant win this debate, so you pull the *Troll* card?
2. Funny how the loser of a debate wants to stop and throw the chess board in the air.
3. Or make claims how that posting style is immature.
4. I understand, and dont take offense.


Indeed Sir, i have been soundly beaten, being unable to retort such steller points as "There are potenually 1. whatever billion terrorists." and "1. You will have to disqualify anyone who isnt a Christian from this debate."

2. The cat saying is a CWN Classic!
3. Meant to be funny, but some people dont have a sense of humor I suppose.

Well for future reference maybe you should end your 'classics' [sic] with a LOL smilie, or something to indicate that you're joking.

09-24-2009, 09:07 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Who says I'm judging the people, but the book they use as text for their learning? But if I were to judge them my judgement would be justified.
2. I condemn anyone who uses it that they by using it, it is leading them to hell.
3. So Im not actually saying they are going to hell, directly, but by following that book, its getting them there.
4. Its using judgement, but its not my job to send people to hell.
5. That would be Gods job.
6. The Real God , The Father, Jesus , and Holy Ghost.
7. Its my strong desire, that islam cease to exsist, and the lies of the devil be thrown down.


Well James I guess better late than never, given you had replied to my post already, but have at it James, you have every right to your beliefs no matter how screwy they are

09-24-2009, 09:48 AM
Crin I respect your opinion very much so, But I don't feel condemning a whole religion because of a few bad apples is right, I am a Christian but as I have stated by no means do I feel even a little bit comfortable debating religion, as I stated before I don't practice enough to even make believe,But I do think condemning other religions is wrong, ya here the Baptist bad mouthing the Catholic's,and others doing the same, One religion a buddy of mine belonged to honestly believed that unless you belonged to that religion you wouldn't go to heaven, in his church in order to be saved ya spoke in tongues, they were all good people but I have read on speaking in tongues, the bible says it is for the non believer, not that they didn't believe, it was just the interpretation

But crin I have a question and I am not trying to be a wise a$$, but there are a lot of Muslims, do ya think maybe they think we worship wrong? and if so, my guess would be God would be the only one to make that call , do you agree?

I'm a pretty simple guy, with pretty simple beliefs. I base my beliefs on the Bible and no other authority. I do read commentaries from old time heroes of the faith. I take it as written in a literal sense unless the literal sense makes no sense and then I look for a Biblical principle to apply for interpretation. That said, I disagree with any religion or denomination that does not apply the simple plan of salvation, come unto Jesus and thou shalt be saved. Nothing more, nothing less!!! Of course it has to be the Jesus of the Bible.

Not to be a jerk, but I only care what other religions believe so I know how to address the fallacies of their beliefs. I would that all persons will come to Christ for the salvation of their souls.

09-24-2009, 09:55 AM
I'm a pretty simple guy, with pretty simple beliefs. I base my beliefs on the Bible and no other authority. I do read commentaries from old time heroes of the faith. I take it as written in a literal sense unless the literal sense makes no sense and then I look for a Biblical principle to apply for interpretation. That said, I disagree with any religion or denomination that does not apply the simple plan of salvation, come unto Jesus and thou shalt be saved. Nothing more, nothing less!!! Of course it has to be the Jesus of the Bible.

Not to be a jerk, but I only care what other religions believe so I know how to address the fallacies of their beliefs. I would that all persons will come to Christ for the salvation of their souls.

Thank you Crin, I do appreciate your honesty and as I said I respect your opinion, and yes that helped with my question, thanks again

09-24-2009, 05:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Spoken like a heatherm.


Written like an ignorant illiterate!

09-25-2009, 04:47 AM
That's great Gabby, I try to teach my kids that there is only 1 God and people worship in different ways, but most religions are on the same track

Kids have to understand there are different ways to worship, no one can actually say what is the right or wrong way , IMO

well, actually there is someone who can say what is the right way and what is the wrong way......and that would be God.....if God has chosen that he wants to be worshiped in the ways of Method A, what is his reaction expected to be towards those who say "No, I want to worship God by Methods B through Z"?.......thus, does it in fact matter which method you use to worship God?.....of course.....

09-25-2009, 11:22 AM
Who is to say what the REAL religion is? Every religion prays to a supreme deity that they worship as God. Even the religions themselves are often fractured.
There are many Muslims in the U.S. who totally disown the radical element of their religion. They compare it to the Westboro Church purporting to represent all Christians.
I am sure some peaceful Muslims could read this board and wonder why those who claim to worship the Prince of Peace could be so hateful toward their fellow man.

09-25-2009, 12:17 PM
Who is to say what the REAL religion is? Every religion prays to a supreme deity that they worship as God. Even the religions themselves are often fractured.
There are many Muslims in the U.S. who totally disown the radical element of their religion. They compare it to the Westboro Church purporting to represent all Christians.
I am sure some peaceful Muslims could read this board and wonder why those who claim to worship the Prince of Peace could be so hateful toward their fellow man.

Hateful to their fellow man? How is anyone being hateful, by pointing out the teachings and/or history of a religion?

Maybe you think Christians are supposed to keep their mouths shut, or even applaud and approve the many lies we hear every day. You go ahead and ignore and defend those lies. The rest of us will call them out for what they are.

Mr. P
09-25-2009, 03:47 PM
Who is to say what the REAL religion is? Every religion prays to a supreme deity that they worship as God. Even the religions themselves are often fractured.
There are many Muslims in the U.S. who totally disown the radical element of their religion. They compare it to the Westboro Church purporting to represent all Christians.
I am sure some peaceful Muslims could read this board and wonder why those who claim to worship the Prince of Peace could be so hateful toward their fellow man.

What she said.

09-25-2009, 03:50 PM
Hateful to their fellow man? How is anyone being hateful, by pointing out the teachings and/or history of a religion?

Maybe you think Christians are supposed to keep their mouths shut, or even applaud and approve the many lies we hear every day. You go ahead and ignore and defend those lies. The rest of us will call them out for what they are.

Hawk, I actually lean in your direction in my respect/sympathy towards those who choose to terrorize us in ANY manner. I believe the "hateful" portion by Gabs is likely directed towards CWN. He doesn't just point out the problems with terrorists being Muslim, but also professes his hatred. He openly states he wants nothing to do with them and will even go out of his way to not be in their presence. I believe that is a bit of hatred. While there may be people I don't exactly admire in this world, I'm not going to change my lifestyle out of some irrational fear of people who never committed a hostile act in their lives.

But don't get me wrong, I'd be behind you with an M16 in a heartbeat to take out the filthy cockroaches who wish to do us harm.

09-25-2009, 05:29 PM
Sorry bout that,
1. Even
2. We
3. Aren't
4. This
5. Stupid

The filthy cockroaches

09-25-2009, 05:55 PM
Wouldn't it be horrible if we showed the kind of intolerance among our various protestant denominations that are shown among various religions around the world? Can you just imagine the Baptists going to war with the Presbyterians and Lutherans, while the Methodists duked it out with Seventh Day Adventists? That is basically what goes on in the Middle East, but this country was founded to escape religious intolerance. That seems to be a hard thing for some people to understand (CWN :poke:)

Actually nearly every day many of those who believe in those 'religions' are condemning Catholics, saying they aren't Christian. They've somehow misunderstood the Reformation...

09-25-2009, 06:45 PM
allah was the Bedouin moon god. The name was used by mohammod because it was familiar. His koran was a composite of christianity, hindu and arab religious beliefs and stories. He took what he liked from each religion. The hadath was his follow up, sort of the amendments to the original writings which was for interpretation. Other hadaths by other leaders followed and are still being written today.

The koran was written as a plan for conquest. The very name islam means to submit. The religion was used to get followers to obey through threats of eternal damnation. Other religions use the same tactics today only not for conquest. It's a practice that has been used for thousands of years.

The koran demands hatred of the Jews. Why? Because mohammod was handed his first major defeat at the hands of a Jewish community. He made sure that all Jews would be condemned throughout history for that. An example of hating all for the actions of a few. And it carries over to this day.

mohammod was a charlatan and a conman. He created a religion for his own personal gain. A religion that has grown because of others who saw the personal gain they could achieve through subjugation and conquest. What really keeps islam in check is the various sects that have formed over the years dividing it. A religion that teaches hate and says allah wants you to be the judge of matters and take action yourself can only lead to turmoil when sects oppose each other. A united islam would be a very dangerous thing to the whole world.

09-25-2009, 09:26 PM
Sorry bout that,

allah was the Bedouin moon god. The name was used by mohammod because it was familiar. His koran was a composite of christianity, hindu and arab religious beliefs and stories. He took what he liked from each religion. The hadath was his follow up, sort of the amendments to the original writings which was for interpretation. Other hadaths by other leaders followed and are still being written today.

The koran was written as a plan for conquest. The very name islam means to submit. The religion was used to get followers to obey through threats of eternal damnation. Other religions use the same tactics today only not for conquest. It's a practice that has been used for thousands of years.

The koran demands hatred of the Jews. Why? Because mohammod was handed his first major defeat at the hands of a Jewish community. He made sure that all Jews would be condemned throughout history for that. An example of hating all for the actions of a few. And it carries over to this day.

mohammod was a charlatan and a conman. He created a religion for his own personal gain. A religion that has grown because of others who saw the personal gain they could achieve through subjugation and conquest. What really keeps islam in check is the various sects that have formed over the years dividing it. A religion that teaches hate and says allah wants you to be the judge of matters and take action yourself can only lead to turmoil when sects oppose each other. A united islam would be a very dangerous thing to the whole world.

1. Thats a home run if I ever saw it.
2. If we could just get all the people here to undesrstand this, this would be fantastic.
3. Gaffer, I didnt know you knew all this.
4. Way to go my freind!


09-25-2009, 09:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

Actually nearly every day many of those who believe in those 'religions' are condemning Catholics, saying they aren't Christian. They've somehow misunderstood the Reformation...

1. You've said a mouth full.
2. And I agree.


09-25-2009, 09:31 PM
Sorry bout that,

I'm a pretty simple guy, with pretty simple beliefs. I base my beliefs on the Bible and no other authority. I do read commentaries from old time heroes of the faith. I take it as written in a literal sense unless the literal sense makes no sense and then I look for a Biblical principle to apply for interpretation. That said, I disagree with any religion or denomination that does not apply the simple plan of salvation, come unto Jesus and thou shalt be saved. Nothing more, nothing less!!! Of course it has to be the Jesus of the Bible.

Not to be a jerk, but I only care what other religions believe so I know how to address the fallacies of their beliefs. I would that all persons will come to Christ for the salvation of their souls.

1. Understood.
2. But you also know what islam is, I bet?
3. You know of the cruelity.
4. The evil nature of islam.
5. And you are aware of the lie about how its all peaceful right?
6. Sure you do, but what you know, I profess.


09-25-2009, 09:34 PM
Sorry bout that,

Indeed Sir, i have been soundly beaten, being unable to retort such steller points as "There are potenually 1. whatever billion terrorists." and "1. You will have to disqualify anyone who isnt a Christian from this debate."

Well for future reference maybe you should end your 'classics' [sic] with a LOL smilie, or something to indicate that you're joking.

1. At least you lnow when you are beaten.
2. And I give you credit for that.
3. A sense of humor is lased throughout most of what I write.
4. Maybe you should pay better attention.


09-25-2009, 09:36 PM
Sorry bout that,

Well James I guess better late than never, given you had replied to my post already, but have at it James, you have every right to your beliefs no matter how screwy they are

1. Thanks man.
2. And what do you believe exactly?
3. Just asking.


09-25-2009, 09:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

Written like an ignorant illiterate!

1. Oh,..thats funny.:laugh2:
2. So you suck up to islam, but not Christianity?
3. Thats even funnier.


09-25-2009, 09:41 PM
Sorry bout that,

well, actually there is someone who can say what is the right way and what is the wrong way......and that would be God.....if God has chosen that he wants to be worshiped in the ways of Method A, what is his reaction expected to be towards those who say "No, I want to worship God by Methods B through Z"?.......thus, does it in fact matter which method you use to worship God?.....of course.....

1. I dont believe Gods okay with people worshiping some other god, rather than himself.
2. So either you have the real God, or you dont.


09-25-2009, 09:44 PM
Sorry bout that,

Who is to say what the REAL religion is? Every religion prays to a supreme deity that they worship as God. Even the religions themselves are often fractured.
There are many Muslims in the U.S. who totally disown the radical element of their religion. They compare it to the Westboro Church purporting to represent all Christians.
I am sure some peaceful Muslims could read this board and wonder why those who claim to worship the Prince of Peace could be so hateful toward their fellow man.

1. No, *The Catch All Theology* doesnt work for mankind.
2. Surely this is a fast track to hell.
3. I dont advice anyone to believe this way.
4. Its you who decides.
5. Choose wisely.


09-25-2009, 09:47 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh,..thats funny.:laugh2:
2. So you suck up to islam, but not Christianity?
3. Thats even funnier.


Shows just how little you pay attention...I'm an equal opportunity heckler of the religious. You're ALL engaged in an exercise of nonsense!

09-25-2009, 09:47 PM
Sorry bout that,

Hawk, I actually lean in your direction in my respect/sympathy towards those who choose to terrorize us in ANY manner. I believe the "hateful" portion by Gabs is likely directed towards CWN. He doesn't just point out the problems with terrorists being Muslim, but also professes his hatred. He openly states he wants nothing to do with them and will even go out of his way to not be in their presence. I believe that is a bit of hatred. While there may be people I don't exactly admire in this world, I'm not going to change my lifestyle out of some irrational fear of people who never committed a hostile act in their lives.

But don't get me wrong, I'd be behind you with an M16 in a heartbeat to take out the filthy cockroaches who wish to do us harm.

1. I tell it like I see it, and what I've seen while living my peaceable life.
2. I am not afraid to see whats there, and say what it is I see.
3. You know you see what I see, unless your willingly blind.


09-25-2009, 09:50 PM
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,
1. Even
2. We
3. Aren't
4. This
5. Stupid

The filthy cockroaches

1. Blind leading the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
2. That little girl probally had some promise, I guess thats gone now.
3. Who knows for sure, we hopes not.


09-26-2009, 06:50 AM
allah was the Bedouin moon god. The name was used by mohammod because it was familiar. His koran was a composite of christianity, hindu and arab religious beliefs and stories. He took what he liked from each religion. The hadath was his follow up, sort of the amendments to the original writings which was for interpretation. Other hadaths by other leaders followed and are still being written today.

The koran was written as a plan for conquest. The very name islam means to submit. The religion was used to get followers to obey through threats of eternal damnation. Other religions use the same tactics today only not for conquest. It's a practice that has been used for thousands of years.

The koran demands hatred of the Jews. Why? Because mohammod was handed his first major defeat at the hands of a Jewish community. He made sure that all Jews would be condemned throughout history for that. An example of hating all for the actions of a few. And it carries over to this day.

mohammod was a charlatan and a conman. He created a religion for his own personal gain. A religion that has grown because of others who saw the personal gain they could achieve through subjugation and conquest. What really keeps islam in check is the various sects that have formed over the years dividing it. A religion that teaches hate and says allah wants you to be the judge of matters and take action yourself can only lead to turmoil when sects oppose each other. A united islam would be a very dangerous thing to the whole world.

????....strange...untrue, however.....not sure what your source is, but you need to chuck it.....Allah is simply the Arabic word for "god".....just as in English we can use the sentence "what god do you worship", in Arabic you could say "what allah do you worship"....(granted, if you say it to the wrong person he may kill you, but that's a different issue)......

the Koran refers repeatedly to the God of Abraham.....the Jews refer to him as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.....the difference is that the Muslims are the descendants of a different child of Abraham....

Muslims simply refer to him as Allah (God), as do Christians....orthodox Jews refrain from referring to him at all, though I have seen the use of G_d by Jews when pressed to refer to him in a written sentence......they believe it is sacrilege to use the name of God for any purpose.....

09-26-2009, 06:55 AM
Who is to say what the REAL religion is?

nobody "knows" in that sense....that's why it's "faith".....but it is foolish to argue that all religions are equal, since most of them are contradictory.....that's like saying 2+2 can be both 4 and 4.5.......

09-26-2009, 11:02 AM
????....strange...untrue, however.....not sure what your source is, but you need to chuck it.....Allah is simply the Arabic word for "god".....just as in English we can use the sentence "what god do you worship", in Arabic you could say "what allah do you worship"....(granted, if you say it to the wrong person he may kill you, but that's a different issue)......

the Koran refers repeatedly to the God of Abraham.....the Jews refer to him as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.....the difference is that the Muslims are the descendants of a different child of Abraham....

Muslims simply refer to him as Allah (God), as do Christians....orthodox Jews refrain from referring to him at all, though I have seen the use of G_d by Jews when pressed to refer to him in a written sentence......they believe it is sacrilege to use the name of God for any purpose.....

It's been a while since I read up on all of this. I will recheck sources. But off the top of my head, the Bedouins called their moon god allah long before mohammad came along. They were pagans with many gods. And as I said mohammad drew on various religions to create his. He drew heavily on the Jewish religion. So if they are descended from Abraham they are Jews too.

It's tough making up a religion as you go along. Ask hubbard.

09-26-2009, 11:28 AM
Sorry bout that,
1. Understood.
2. But you also know what islam is, I bet?
3. You know of the cruelity.
4. The evil nature of islam.
5. And you are aware of the lie about how its all peaceful right?
6. Sure you do, but what you know, I profess.

I have been quite clear in other threads as to what my opinion of Islam is. I have made no bones about it. I don't trust muslims but I also don't hate them. I trust that all people can act as depraved as their nature. Some people restrain themselves, some people don't. I would welcome and have invited muslims to my church. I have offered to pick them up if they needed a ride. Like I said, I would that all people would come to Jesus for salvation.

09-26-2009, 11:39 AM
well, actually there is someone who can say what is the right way and what is the wrong way......and that would be God.....if God has chosen that he wants to be worshiped in the ways of Method A, what is his reaction expected to be towards those who say "No, I want to worship God by Methods B through Z"?.......thus, does it in fact matter which method you use to worship God?.....of course.....

I agree with you, but I was born and raised Catholic then went to Methodist and now attend a Baptist church( when I go) and have seen all 3 of these churches do or say something that is against what is written in the bible, my point was and is , is that there is only 1 god , no matter what religion you belong to that is who you pray to.

I would say crin has the best way of thinking, when he says he believes in what the bible says,

Take for example ( and please remember I am no expert in religion at all , but if god wrote the bible where does any religion have the right to re write things?

As for the a thru z theory again I agree with ya, but did god say the A version is the one we should study and if so is that null and void when we change something?

I have read in the bible that a woman shouldn't speak she should speak threw her husband, that won't work nowadays so yes some needs to be changed but once we start changing is it still version A ?

09-26-2009, 11:46 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Just as some have gone on about how muslims worship the same God, as we Christains, and you are well studied in our religion.
2. I would like to propose that those people on this thread next time they see their muslim friends, they ask them to explain the trinity to them of their god?
3. You know, just say, "Break it down for me?"
4. Then if they say that their god is only one, then say, "The Christian God is three Father Son Holy Ghost, and how is it you worship my God?"
5. I know, fear just struck your heart, you questioning a muslim, calling into question his religion, maybe those stories are true, and he will make a call, and those who clean up the mess will come.
6. I understand perfectly, you cant do it, its okay.


Sorry about that,LOL

1. it is my belief that god feels woman will suffer the pain of child birth and men the struggle of financially taking care of there family
2. If you are such a righteous Christian why go on and on and on why you need a hand out from the government
3. Go to work and earn your healthcare like most
4. maybe you have retired if so I wish you a long and happy retirement, but you also bragg on here on all you have, if ya have so much healthcare ought to be within your reach
5. If ya hate the muslims so much there are plenty around go do something about it, LOL, I didn't think so, LMAO

09-26-2009, 11:53 AM
Actually nearly every day many of those who believe in those 'religions' are condemning Catholics, saying they aren't Christian. They've somehow misunderstood the Reformation...

My point exactly, but my question is this, we all now these other religions pick on the Catholics, but don't the Catholics do the same to other religions?

09-26-2009, 12:00 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Thanks man.
2. And what do you believe exactly?
3. Just asking.


What I beleive James is in God, One God, I believe he sent his son (Jesus) down here to pay for our sins and I believe we have the holly spirit ( if we ask for it and want it) in us

with that said I also believe it is not up to you or me to condemn another religion, I don't have to worship there or believe in there ways but I don't knock them

And so ya know it James not all Muslims are strapped with Bombs waiting to kill people, I went to grade school with a black guy, he was Muslim and was grew up to be one heck of a good man

James you would have to look pretty far to find someone that hates those terrorist bastards anymore than I do, but not all Muslims are bad

09-26-2009, 12:52 PM
the Bedouins called their moon god allah long before mohammad came along.

of course they did....what you just said, in a mixture of two languages is that they called their god, God......I would expect everyone to call their god, God....

So if they are descended from Abraham they are Jews too.

no, God told Abraham he would make a great nation out of his son, Isaac, who had a son, Jacob, who had 12 sons (12 tribes)....the Muslims come from Abraham's son, Ishmael......the Jews come from the son, Isaac.....

09-26-2009, 12:56 PM
I have read in the bible that a woman shouldn't speak she should speak threw her husband, that won't work nowadays so yes some needs to be changed but once we start changing is it still version A ?

except the Bible doesn't say believe in me and make sure your wife doesn't speak and you shall be saved......nor, baptize a particular way or time.....or have popes/no popes....it just says believe in me.....I consider all of Christianity, in all it's minor variations, to be Method A........

09-26-2009, 02:02 PM
My daughter went to a sleepover with some other girls at the house of a Muslim couple. She had a very good time, as I understand.
There was some discussion about Islam and Christianity, so my daughter asked about it. She was told that Allah was just a different name for God.
When she came home, we had a talk about how God is different things to different people. And how God might have different names, He is still God.
All problems should be this easy to solve. :D

not according to malaysia muslims, they have banned christians from using the term allah....

09-26-2009, 03:45 PM
no, God told Abraham he would make a great nation out of his son, Isaac, who had a son, Jacob, who had 12 sons (12 tribes)....the Muslims come from Abraham's son, Ishmael......the Jews come from the son, Isaac.....

Two sons. Both carry the genes of their father. Even with different mothers. Two branches of the same tree.

09-26-2009, 04:24 PM
Sorry bout that,

Sorry about that,LOL

1. it is my belief that god feels woman will suffer the pain of child birth and men the struggle of financially taking care of there family
2. If you are such a righteous Christian why go on and on and on why you need a hand out from the government
3. Go to work and earn your healthcare like most
4. maybe you have retired if so I wish you a long and happy retirement, but you also bragg on here on all you have, if ya have so much healthcare ought to be within your reach
5. If ya hate the muslims so much there are plenty around go do something about it, LOL, I didn't think so, LMAO

1. Maybe, so, how does that factor into this thread?
2. Going off topic I see, how does that pertain to this thread too?
3. Again?
4. Also again.
5. Your sounding like you want them to die, whats up with that?
6. This has to be one of your lesser efforts in making a post.


09-26-2009, 04:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

Shows just how little you pay attention...I'm an equal opportunity heckler of the religious. You're ALL engaged in an exercise of nonsense!

1. Ive never noticed you going after anything but us Christians.
2. Not that you havent, just never personally seen it.
3. You seem hell bent on heckling us Christians thou.
4. Too each their own.


09-26-2009, 04:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

????....strange...untrue, however.....not sure what your source is, but you need to chuck it.....Allah is simply the Arabic word for "god".....just as in English we can use the sentence "what god do you worship", in Arabic you could say "what allah do you worship"....(granted, if you say it to the wrong person he may kill you, but that's a different issue)......

the Koran refers repeatedly to the God of Abraham.....the Jews refer to him as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.....the difference is that the Muslims are the descendants of a different child of Abraham....

Muslims simply refer to him as Allah (God), as do Christians....orthodox Jews refrain from referring to him at all, though I have seen the use of G_d by Jews when pressed to refer to him in a written sentence......they believe it is sacrilege to use the name of God for any purpose.....

1. What Mr. Gaffer said, its an old term used to describe the moon, when in its cresent cycle.
2. Ishmael was cast off, thats where it all started, they as a people, would always be cast out, and I do mean always.
3. Sad but true, thou some do escape, not that many thou, wished it could be more.
4. Sarah had it right, Ishmael isn't fit to serve with Jacob, and neither is or was his decendents, thats why they must be born again.
5. Sarah was a real find for Abraham.
6. Can you imagine what this world would be like if she didn't cast Ishmael out?
7. But thats another thread.

09-26-2009, 04:43 PM
except the Bible doesn't say believe in me and make sure your wife doesn't speak and you shall be saved......nor, baptize a particular way or time.....or have popes/no popes....it just says believe in me.....I consider all of Christianity, in all it's minor variations, to be Method A........

I also believe as you do, but if you honestly don't think if a person lives there life right and believes in God but calls him by a different name that they aren't good people? or they can't go to heaven? If we allow minor variations then the name ya call god couldn't that be considered minor?

09-26-2009, 04:44 PM
Sorry bout that,

nobody "knows" in that sense....that's why it's "faith".....but it is foolish to argue that all religions are equal, since most of them are contradictory.....that's like saying 2+2 can be both 4 and 4.5.......

1. I know, and have know for many years.
2. And I also have faith.
3. I have had contact with Jesus directly.
4. Thou you will probally think Ive lost it.
5. But the fact remains.
6. Lets not get off topic here, with question on when and where.
7. I am not sure I would even want to go into detail here.
8. I agree 100% with what your saying thou, there isn't anything equal with islam, its in the negitive.


09-26-2009, 04:47 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Maybe, so, how does that factor into this thread?
2. Going off topic I see, how does that pertain to this thread too?
3. Again?
4. Also again.
5. Your sounding like you want them to die, whats up with that?
6. This has to be one of your lesser efforts in making a post.


James a guy that can't put together a paragraph should never talk about an others post, as for what it has to do with this post it is simple, I explained to you what the bible says and showed you how you don't do it, LOL, guess if I was you I would suddenly not understand , LMAO


09-26-2009, 04:50 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I know, and have know for many years.
2. And I also have faith.
3. I have had contact with Jesus directly.
4. Thou you will probally think Ive lost it.
5. But the fact remains.
6. Lets not get off topic here, with question on when and where.
7. I am not sure I would even want to go into detail here.
8. I agree 100% with what your saying thou, there isn't anything equal with islam, its in the negitive.


James I have known many that have had contact with Jesus, but Jesus never told them to spread the hate

09-26-2009, 04:57 PM
Sorry bout that,

It's been a while since I read up on all of this. I will recheck sources. But off the top of my head, the Bedouins called their moon god allah long before mohammad came along. They were pagans with many gods. And as I said mohammad drew on various religions to create his. He drew heavily on the Jewish religion. So if they are descended from Abraham they are Jews too.

It's tough making up a religion as you go along. Ask hubbard.

1. You got it my man!
2. Research is over.
3. Arabs are of Abraham, but the bad seed.
4. Problem started when Sarah didnt have a child, and was old, she told Abraham to go into a slave, (hagar) and conceive seed, which ishmael was born first from Abraham, which brings in birth right issues, Sarah was worried she couldn't conceive, and she didnt have as much faith in (God Jesus or Holy Sprirt), as Abraham does.
5. Well we see how that worked out.
6. ishael was born of a slave women.
7. While Jacob was born of a free women.
8. Guess which one *God Jesus and Holy Ghost* chose to use for his purposes?
9. Guess which one the devil chose to use for his purpose?
10. The real God Jesus and Holy Ghost, chose Jacob, not ishmael, who the devil took the one left, as his own.
11. Not many get set free from the devil, but it does happen some times.
12. Wished it were more.


09-26-2009, 05:02 PM
Sorry bout that,

I have been quite clear in other threads as to what my opinion of Islam is. I have made no bones about it. I don't trust muslims but I also don't hate them. I trust that all people can act as depraved as their nature. Some people restrain themselves, some people don't. I would welcome and have invited muslims to my church. I have offered to pick them up if they needed a ride. Like I said, I would that all people would come to Jesus for salvation.

1. You're a real tropper.
2. I think you have good intentions.
3. But I bet you never got one into your church either.
4. Its hard to reach them, but from time to time, Jesus does call them, and will, sometimes.


09-26-2009, 05:22 PM
Sorry bout that,
1. You're a real tropper.
2. I think you have good intentions.
3. But I bet you never got one into your church either.
4. Its hard to reach them, but from time to time, Jesus does call them, and will, sometimes.

Me personally, no I have not had any success but that won't keep me from trying. One of my other friends from church has gotten a muslim coworker of his to come to church one time. We also have a muslim family next door to our church and they do occasionally come to our services. We always treat them well and vise-versa.

09-26-2009, 06:01 PM
Sorry bout that,

James a guy that can't put together a paragraph should never talk about an others post, as for what it has to do with this post it is simple, I explained to you what the bible says and showed you how you don't do it, LOL, guess if I was you I would suddenly not understand , LMAO


1. Anyone can make a paragraph, how is that using your head?
2. This post makes no sense as well.
3. Try an explain, to make it clear, if you can.


09-26-2009, 06:04 PM
Sorry bout that,

James I have known many that have had contact with Jesus, but Jesus never told them to spread the hate

1. How is you you think I hate them?
2. Remeind me where Ive said, I hate muslims?
3. I hate the fact that so many are being duped by the devil.
4. But there isn't going to be a change made ready for them, Im afraid.


09-26-2009, 06:13 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. How is you you think I hate them?
2. Remeind me where Ive said, I hate muslims?
3. I hate the fact that so many are being duped by the devil.
4. But there isn't going to be a change made ready for them, Im afraid.


OK fair enough James, I can't and really don't want to try and see if ya ever stated the word hate, so I will take your word for it

As for your other post, I have explained it to you and have spent way to much time talking to someone that thinks the way you do, No hard feelings but I just don't feel like wasting my time no more

09-26-2009, 06:19 PM
Sorry bout that,

OK fair enough James, I can't and really don't want to try and see if ya ever stated the word hate, so I will take your word for it

As for your other post, I have explained it to you and have spent way to much time talking to someone that thinks the way you do, No hard feelings but I just don't feel like wasting my time no more

1. So what you were atempting to say, wasn't important enough to elaborate.
2. I didnt think it was, because I couldnt put it together.
3. Anyway, thats fine.
4. Just think of all the time you just saved, now go mow the yard!:laugh2:


09-26-2009, 06:32 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So what you were atempting to say, wasn't important enough to elaborate.
2. I didnt think it was, because I couldnt put it together.
3. Anyway, thats fine.
4. Just think of all the time you just saved, now go mow the yard!:laugh2:


LMAO ya couldn't put it together cause it wasn't numbered, LOL

As for the grass it is raining here so no can do, but I have a son that has done it already, Can you reproduce James? LOL
Lets see

1. find a woman
2. get her to sleep with me
LOL, I will send ya the rest of the info if ya need it James


Mr. P
09-26-2009, 06:50 PM
LMAO ya couldn't put it together cause it wasn't numbered, LOL

As for the grass it is raining here so no can do, but I have a son that has done it already, Can you reproduce James? LOL
Lets see

1. find a woman
2. get her to sleep with me
LOL, I will send ya the rest of the info if ya need it James


Jeff....This person took a thread posted from a mom about her 8 or 12 yr old daughters experience with a different religion and has made it 8 pages of hate. When I see this type individual I'm always happy we have separation of church and State and do NOT live in a theocracy. :trolls: Just sayin

09-26-2009, 06:56 PM
Jeff....This person took a thread posted from a mom about her 8 or 12 yr old daughters experience with a different religion and has made it 8 pages of hate. When I see this type individual I'm always happy we have separation of church and State and do NOT live in a theocracy. :trolls: Just sayin

Got ya Mr.P

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Mr. P again.

09-26-2009, 08:18 PM
Sorry bout that,

LMAO ya couldn't put it together cause it wasn't numbered, LOL

As for the grass it is raining here so no can do, but I have a son that has done it already, Can you reproduce James? LOL
Lets see

1. find a woman
2. get her to sleep with me
LOL, I will send ya the rest of the info if ya need it James


1. CWN, <some one who doesnt really care what you think.
2. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


09-26-2009, 08:19 PM
Sorry bout that,

LMAO ya couldn't put it together cause it wasn't numbered, LOL

As for the grass it is raining here so no can do, but I have a son that has done it already, Can you reproduce James? LOL
Lets see

1. find a woman
2. get her to sleep with me
LOL, I will send ya the rest of the info if ya need it James


1. CWN, some one who doesnt really care what you think.
2. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


09-26-2009, 08:21 PM
Sorry bout that,

Jeff....This person took a thread posted from a mom about her 8 or 12 yr old daughters experience with a different religion and has made it 8 pages of hate. When I see this type individual I'm always happy we have separation of church and State and do NOT live in a theocracy. :trolls: Just sayin

1. Some aspects of a theocracy would bennifit ALL Americans.
2. You wait and see.


09-26-2009, 09:34 PM
1. How is you you think I hate them?
2. Remeind me where Ive said, I hate muslims?

You spoke of not wanting to be in the same place as them, and would leave a restaurant if one was attempting to serve you. You refuse to befriend any of them even if they have never been violent in any way in their lives.

Does this mean you like them? You're indifferent? Can't say you don't care, as you obviously have an obsession with this. Dislike wouldn't have someone posting the non-stop rhetoric about them as if they stole your puppy this morning.

Sorry, but all you have done is display hatred and ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear, which is why your tinfoil covered head thinks all Muslims want to kill us - even though millions live here and probably over 99% of them live peacefully.

I'm glad that there are still people like Gabby who treat people the way they treat them, and as individuals. My son is taught the same. We have a nanny, Danielle, who is black (from Jamaica). Our prior nanny was also black. My son learned to sing in japanese in kindergarten, and learned about the cultures of all the other students. He has no clue what hatred, racism and ignorance are. I don't even talk in front of him about my own biases.

I applaud Gabby on this one and just shake my head in disgust at someone who would display hatred and ignorance towards children of different religions, just because they got together to play.

09-26-2009, 09:57 PM
Sorry bout that,

You spoke of not wanting to be in the same place as them, and would leave a restaurant if one was attempting to serve you. You refuse to befriend any of them even if they have never been violent in any way in their lives.

Does this mean you like them? You're indifferent? Can't say you don't care, as you obviously have an obsession with this. Dislike wouldn't have someone posting the non-stop rhetoric about them as if they stole your puppy this morning.

Sorry, but all you have done is display hatred and ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear, which is why your tinfoil covered head thinks all Muslims want to kill us - even though millions live here and probably over 99% of them live peacefully.

I'm glad that there are still people like Gabby who treat people the way they treat them, and as individuals. My son is taught the same. We have a nanny, Danielle, who is black (from Jamaica). Our prior nanny was also black. My son learned to sing in japanese in kindergarten, and learned about the cultures of all the other students. He has no clue what hatred, racism and ignorance are. I don't even talk in front of him about my own biases.

I applaud Gabby on this one and just shake my head in disgust at someone who would display hatred and ignorance towards children of different religions, just because they got together to play.

1. My views on how I would or wouldnt allow a server to serve me or not, is rather lame.
2. If I have said I hate anyone here, then you might go ahead and bring that up.
3. But if I did say I hated someone here, so what?
4. The things Ive read here from many if not most is far worse then if I said I hated muslims.
5. You fellers need to grow up.


09-26-2009, 11:29 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. My views on how I would or wouldnt allow a server to serve me or not, is rather lame.
2. If I have said I hate anyone here, then you might go ahead and bring that up.
3. But if I did say I hated someone here, so what?
4. The things Ive read here from many if not most is far worse then if I said I hated muslims.
5. You fellers need to grow up.


Your own views and words bring it on you. And I don't think a guy who starts every post with "sorry about that", and then continues in numbered fashion, and then refers to himself as "SirJamesofTexas", should be suggesting I grow up.

Mr. P
09-26-2009, 11:36 PM
Your own views and words bring it on you. And I don't think a guy who starts every post with "sorry about that", and then continues in numbered fashion, and then refers to himself as "SirJamesofTexas", should be suggesting I grow up.

Now THAT'S a TKO if I ever saw one!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

But it won't stop the fool from posting his BS. :eek:

09-26-2009, 11:46 PM
Sorry bout that,

Your own views and words bring it on you. And I don't think a guy who starts every post with "sorry about that", and then continues in numbered fashion, and then refers to himself as "SirJamesofTexas", should be suggesting I grow up.

1. I dont have to measure up to your standards.
2. You lolly gage along being all friendly to muslims.
3. Thats on you sir.
4. Amd when you find yourself led out into a dessert place.
5. Thats where you belong.
6. Dont come crying to me sir.
7. Because I wont be ready to listen then.
8. You find it hard to see how I view the world, and islam specifically, and want to put me down.
9. I could care less about your world view, its all wrong.
10. Well, at least as far as it concerns muslims.
11. I will not ever change my views on what islam is and what it will do to America, 911 was just the begininng.
12. Why dont you go an ask your muslim buddy, how the Trinity works in islam?
13. Afraid aint cha????:poke:


09-27-2009, 12:08 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I dont have to measure up to your standards.
2. You lolly gage along being all friendly to muslims.
3. Thats on you sir.
4. Amd when you find yourself led out into a dessert place.
5. Thats where you belong.
6. Dont come crying to me sir.
7. Because I wont be ready to listen then.
8. You find it hard to see how I view the world, and islam specifically, and want to put me down.
9. I could care less about your world view, its all wrong.
10. Well, at least as far as it concerns muslims.
11. I will not ever change my views on what islam is and what it will do to America, 911 was just the begininng.
12. Why dont you go an ask your muslim buddy, how the Trinity works in islam?
13. Afraid aint cha????:poke:


Unlike you, I'm not afraid of Muslims, so I'm not afraid to ask my friends questions that I am truly interested in. Nor will any of their answers change my views and how I treat individuals. But I won't insult them with the crap and hatred you spew here.

And as long as you post like an uneducated buffoon, I will reply as such. And that pertains to not only your retarded views but your childish posting style as well.

You really do remind me of a guy from our old board, I think I'll just call you "Big D II" from now on.

09-27-2009, 05:22 AM
My point exactly, but my question is this, we all now these other religions pick on the Catholics, but don't the Catholics do the same to other religions?

Not in recent decades. The Crusades weren't just Catholics, they were before the Reformation. They weren't just about what we've been taught either. Historical revisionism is going to cause us many problems down the road.

09-27-2009, 09:09 AM
Sorry bout that,

Unlike you, I'm not afraid of Muslims, so I'm not afraid to ask my friends questions that I am truly interested in. Nor will any of their answers change my views and how I treat individuals. But I won't insult them with the crap and hatred you spew here.

And as long as you post like an uneducated buffoon, I will reply as such. And that pertains to not only your retarded views but your childish posting style as well.

You really do remind me of a guy from our old board, I think I'll just call you "Big D II" from now on.

1. You know Im right, and you still wont admit it.
2. You have been soundly beaten, and yet your only recourse is attacks on my posting style, insults and childish name calling.
3. Thats what everyone does when they've been handed their ass, I understand.
5. Lets just agree to disagree, thats more what an adult would do my friend.


09-27-2009, 10:09 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. You know Im right, and you still wont admit it.
2. You have been soundly beaten, and yet your only recourse is attacks on my posting style, insults and childish name calling.
3. Thats what everyone does when they've been handed their ass, I understand.
5. Lets just agree to disagree, thats more what an adult would do my friend.


The reps I have received show that I am not the only one who thinks you are full of shit! I've posted facts in various threads over the past 2 weeks and you have posted nothing but opinionated ignorance. I've asked you time and time again to reconcile your "beliefs" with the millions upon millions of Muslims who have lived here in the US and still do, and remain peaceful - contrary to your "facts" - and your best answer is that they are dumb or that they don't know how to follow their religion. The FACT is that they are just peaceful people, unlike those who choose to terrorize or otherwise become violent. These facts are not in dispute and cannot be disputed.

The fact that you think I have been soundly beaten by you just shows further proof of your hatred and ignorance. You believe that by spouting rhetoric instead of answering direct questions and/or providing facts to my questions makes you the "winner". Only in your delusions. Nothing you or anyone else states here will change the facts about what I wrote about the millions of Muslims here in the US.

Your proclaim you handed me my ass and then in the next breath you try to take the higher road. Anyone reading your infantile posts from the past will see the childish and ignorant remarks by yourself. Most of your type always believe they have won every debate they have been in. Your like OCA, you think just because you type something that makes you King Shit. Nope, it just makes you look like shit.

09-27-2009, 10:28 AM
Chessy, you know nothing but hate and blind ignorance. Which makes you no better than a terrorist.
You might as well sign yourself as Osama Jim Laden, Texas terrorist.

09-27-2009, 11:15 AM
Sprry bout that,

The reps I have received show that I am not the only one who thinks you are full of shit! I've posted facts in various threads over the past 2 weeks and you have posted nothing but opinionated ignorance. I've asked you time and time again to reconcile your "beliefs" with the millions upon millions of Muslims who have lived here in the US and still do, and remain peaceful - contrary to your "facts" - and your best answer is that they are dumb or that they don't know how to follow their religion. The FACT is that they are just peaceful people, unlike those who choose to terrorize or otherwise become violent. These facts are not in dispute and cannot be disputed.

The fact that you think I have been soundly beaten by you just shows further proof of your hatred and ignorance. You believe that by spouting rhetoric instead of answering direct questions and/or providing facts to my questions makes you the "winner". Only in your delusions. Nothing you or anyone else states here will change the facts about what I wrote about the millions of Muslims here in the US.

Your proclaim you handed me my ass and then in the next breath you try to take the higher road. Anyone reading your infantile posts from the past will see the childish and ignorant remarks by yourself. Most of your type always believe they have won every debate they have been in. Your like OCA, you think just because you type something that makes you King Shit. Nope, it just makes you look like shit.

1. You wait till they start blowing up subways, and start demanding a break away country.
2. Which is bound to happen.
3. Its been happenning all over the world.
4. Then you will see those quite muslims get on board, how they need a homeland.
5. They are too small right now to take over the big, but someday with will try.
6. Maybe not in your lifetime, but given a foot hold, thats what they awlays do.
7. I shit you not! LOL!!!
8. So you think you won this debate?
9. Many here supported my agruement, with many logical posts, I was repped, but I dont count that towards a win.
10. While others here, the liberals supported yours.
11. Hummmmm,........:laugh2:
12. Oh and coomparing me to OCA is a low blow my freind, I thought you were above even that, I guess not, it would seem, waiting for a retraction.
13. Im not bullying anyone here.
14. You on the other hand are starting too.


09-27-2009, 11:27 AM
Sorry bout that,

Chessy, you know nothing but hate and blind ignorance. Which makes you no better than a terrorist.
You might as well sign yourself as Osama Jim Laden, Texas terrorist.

1. Clever, make claims Im what I abhore.
2. Really not worth a response, I love my Country.
3. And profess the perils that lay ahead, so we can prepare ourselves.
4. No sleep talking being expressed by CWN.


09-27-2009, 11:37 AM
12. Oh and coomparing me to OCA is a low blow my freind, I thought you were above even that, I guess not, it would seem, waiting for a retraction.
13. Im not bullying anyone here.
14. You on the other hand are starting too.


I'm bullying you? Awwww, poor little baby! How the hell am I bullying you? By pointing out facts? By laughing at your posting style? Have I threatened you in any way? Have I moderated you in any way?

Face it, you just don't like it that I demand answers to why you take a miniature portion of a religion and condemn the entirety as no good. People are entitled to different beliefs, and if they aren't harming you, then there's no reason to label them as such. But you are convinced that they all want to kill or convert us, or take over the country, or terrorize our way of life. But you still cannot account for why the millions and millions have lived here peacefully and still do. This one fact has you so delusional that you think I am bullying you! LOL

09-27-2009, 05:42 PM
Sorry bout that,

I'm bullying you? Awwww, poor little baby! How the hell am I bullying you? By pointing out facts? By laughing at your posting style? Have I threatened you in any way? Have I moderated you in any way?

Face it, you just don't like it that I demand answers to why you take a miniature portion of a religion and condemn the entirety as no good. People are entitled to different beliefs, and if they aren't harming you, then there's no reason to label them as such. But you are convinced that they all want to kill or convert us, or take over the country, or terrorize our way of life. But you still cannot account for why the millions and millions have lived here peacefully and still do. This one fact has you so delusional that you think I am bullying you! LOL

1. Sorry Jimbo, but you have tried to make this debate about me.
2. And my methods.
3. Exactly what OCA always does.
4. Attack the messenger.
5. If you cant see it, then you are willfully blind.
6. Which is worst, I thought you above that.
7. Oh and I like the *Poor Baby* routine, right out of OCA's play book, you cant make this any more personal can you?
8. Please try a little harder, if you want the *OCA Gold Star Medal Award*
9. I know you got it in you, you just need more practice my freind.
10. I condemn the islamic message, text.


09-27-2009, 08:04 PM
Chessy, not only are you lower than OCA, but you are less intelligible than Virgil has ever been. At least Virgil understands people's points.
I understand now why you have no family. Because no one can tolerate your hate and bigotry. There is absolutely no reason for your hate of Muslim people.
What about crazy Texas people? The woman who drowned her five kids in the bathtub. The father who put his baby in the microwave. The woman who cut off her infant son's genitals. The crazy governor who wants his state to secede from the union.
Are all Texas people crazy like that? Should I hate all Texas people?
Chessy, you are eventually going to have to answer to God. I don't see you liking his numbered list when you get there.

09-27-2009, 08:20 PM
Sorry bout that,

Chessy, not only are you lower than OCA, but you are less intelligible than Virgil has ever been. At least Virgil understands people's points.
I understand now why you have no family. Because no one can tolerate your hate and bigotry. There is absolutely no reason for your hate of Muslim people.
What about crazy Texas people? The woman who drowned her five kids in the bathtub. The father who put his baby in the microwave. The woman who cut off her infant son's genitals. The crazy governor who wants his state to secede from the union.
Are all Texas people crazy like that? Should I hate all Texas people?
Chessy, you are eventually going to have to answer to God. I don't see you liking his numbered list when you get there.

1. I have to doubt you are a Christian, and you lecture me.
2. Your comparissons to deranged people is unfair.
3. I am sure my list of imperfections is long.


09-27-2009, 10:25 PM
1. I have to doubt you are a Christian, and you lecture me.
2. Your comparissons to deranged people is unfair.
3. I am sure my list of imperfections is long.

1. With that level of hatred, no way you are a Christian. You are more likely to be an American terrorist.
2. I think you are the deranged person in this discussion.
3. And getting longer by the day. A terrorist would accept you as an equal.

09-27-2009, 10:51 PM
9. Many here supported my agruement, with many logical posts, I was repped, but I dont count that towards a win.
10. While others here, the liberals supported yours.
11. Hummmmm,........

The Libertarian doesn't support your argument either. Too hate filled.

Jim...........you democrat! LOL

09-28-2009, 05:40 AM
Two sons. Both carry the genes of their father. Even with different mothers. Two branches of the same tree.

physically, yes.....theologically, no.....

09-28-2009, 05:48 AM
I also believe as you do, but if you honestly don't think if a person lives there life right and believes in God but calls him by a different name that they aren't good people? or they can't go to heaven? If we allow minor variations then the name ya call god couldn't that be considered minor?

actually, the variations between Islam and Christianity has nothing to do with the name they call God......that's just a difference in language.....Korean Christians don't use the English word "God", they use a Korean word, Nigerian Christians a Nigerian word, etc......

but, no, I don't think "living their life right" is enough.....Islam rejects the divinity of Jesus Christ and the salvation that comes from his sacrifice....they believe that righteousness comes from "living their lives right"...I think that is the exact opposite of what God requires......which is that righteousness comes from Christ, not from "living right".....that is why I cannot say that all religions are equal......those that don't accept what God requires are not sufficient......

09-28-2009, 07:08 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. With that level of hatred, no way you are a Christian. You are more likely to be an American terrorist.
2. I think you are the deranged person in this discussion.
3. And getting longer by the day. A terrorist would accept you as an equal.

1. TOTAL fabrication, and without foundation, mud~slinging due to loss of debate.
2. Understood.


09-28-2009, 07:23 AM
Sorry fout that,

actually, the variations between Islam and Christianity has nothing to do with the name they call God......that's just a difference in language.....Korean Christians don't use the English word "God", they use a Korean word, Nigerian Christians a Nigerian word, etc......

but, no, I don't think "living their life right" is enough.....Islam rejects the divinity of Jesus Christ and the salvation that comes from his sacrifice....they believe that righteousness comes from "living their lives right"...I think that is the exact opposite of what God requires......which is that righteousness comes from Christ, not from "living right".....that is why I cannot say that all religions are equal......those that don't accept what God requires are not sufficient......

1. The variations are monumental.
2. As in night and day.
3. They use the moon to brighten up their night.
4. islam is the biggest cult on the planet, no different the L. Ron Hubbards cult.
5. PMP is correct, touching your head on a carpet three times a day, wont buy you passage into heaven, not now or ever.
6. If you aint got Jesus you aint got a thing.


09-28-2009, 08:39 AM
I've had my ass handed to me in this debate. Just too many facts about the millions upon millions of Muslims who live here peacefully have overwhelmed me. I can see now that even though some of their families have went a hundred years without ever lifting a finger in violence, they are likely just biding their time in order to cut my head off. I will no longer call those who have no facts to present "ignorant", as it obviously means I lost the debate. In fact, I am going to politely bow out now because I don't want to hurt any feelings or have anyone think I am picking on them. Thanks to all of you for enlightening me, and I apologize to those of you who might need therapy for the abuse you took from my posts.

09-28-2009, 09:21 AM
they are likely just biding their time in order to cut my head off.

saying that all religions are not equal is not the same as saying those who don't practice a particular religion are biding their time in order to cut your head off.....

09-28-2009, 09:29 AM
saying that all religions are not equal is not the same as saying those who don't practice a particular religion are biding their time in order to cut your head off.....

Agreed 100%. But CWN believes ALL Muslims are evil and all violent - or they are just dumb and don't know how to follow their religion. He thinks it's a mistake for any of us to befriend Muslims, even if they are 100% peaceful and never did a single thing to make you think otherwise - just simply because they are Muslim.

09-28-2009, 11:12 AM
I can't see losing a "debate" to someone who can't construct a proper sentence or grasp the simple concepts of spelling and grammar. My daughter can write paragraphs and she is 8 years old.

God said "I am the God of all people." God also preached love, not hate.
If you preach hate, you are not with God. End of story.
Chessy seems like the type that would be friends with Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Since they were clean cut American guys and not nasty Muslims. :p

09-28-2009, 12:54 PM
theologically islam is different from christianity, as christianity is different from judaism.

religions generally are different that way, whether that is right or wrong good or bad, im not interested in, and will leave that for others to argue.

also staying away from whether they are different gods, that is debatable.

Ill leave that debate to others more intelligent then me :)

Abbey Marie
09-28-2009, 03:17 PM
It's pretty simple, really.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (NIV)

No, not all forms of worship are equal, nor do they uphold the true and only God. Any Christian who can say that has either not read the most fundamental tenets of his Bible, does not understand it, or does not believe what it says. Jesus is made a liar by such people.

09-28-2009, 07:53 PM
Sorry bout that,

I've had my ass handed to me in this debate. Just too many facts about the millions upon millions of Muslims who live here peacefully have overwhelmed me. I can see now that even though some of their families have went a hundred years without ever lifting a finger in violence, they are likely just biding their time in order to cut my head off. I will no longer call those who have no facts to present "ignorant", as it obviously means I lost the debate. In fact, I am going to politely bow out now because I don't want to hurt any feelings or have anyone think I am picking on them. Thanks to all of you for enlightening me, and I apologize to those of you who might need therapy for the abuse you took from my posts.

1. Now your just being funny.
2. You think you won, we all know that.
3. You were beginning to sound like OCA, you know thats true.
4. But we wont make a federal case out of it.
5. Anyway, you stand by your beliefs while I will stand by mine.
6. Your more likely to die of a muslim terrorist, than any other so called religious cult.
7. And even more likely cause you live in NY where there are lots of subways.


09-28-2009, 07:56 PM
Sorry bout that,

I can't see losing a "debate" to someone who can't construct a proper sentence or grasp the simple concepts of spelling and grammar. My daughter can write paragraphs and she is 8 years old.

God said "I am the God of all people." God also preached love, not hate.
If you preach hate, you are not with God. End of story.
Chessy seems like the type that would be friends with Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Since they were clean cut American guys and not nasty Muslims. :p



09-28-2009, 08:05 PM
Sorry bout that,

theologically islam is different from christianity, as christianity is different from judaism.

religions generally are different that way, whether that is right or wrong good or bad, im not interested in, and will leave that for others to argue.

also staying away from whether they are different gods, that is debatable.

Ill leave that debate to others more intelligent then me :)

1. Pretty safe response.
2. We as Christains are an off shoot of Judaism, and are linked to the Abrahamic Covenant.
3. Christ who came a time after, is one who came liken to *Melchizedek* who supplied Bread and Wine, for Abraham, after he had been in a battle with the local heatherns, over Lot, and blessed him.
4. Christ is that Bread and Wine, we now use in the Eucharist.
5. Its a parrallel.
6. So in a very close way, both are linked rather tightly.

09-28-2009, 08:07 PM
Sorry bout that,

It's pretty simple, really.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (NIV)

No, not all forms of worship are equal, nor do they uphold the true and only God. Any Christian who can say that has either not read the most fundamental tenets of his Bible, does not understand it, or does not believe what it says. Jesus is made a liar by such people.

1. So all I gotta do is confess the name of Christ?
2. Thats it?
3. And believe and have faith too right?


09-29-2009, 02:07 AM

Sorry bout that,

1. Pretty safe response.
2. We as Christains are an off shoot of Judaism, and are linked to the Abrahamic Covenant.
3. Christ who came a time after, is one who came liken to *Melchizedek* who supplied Bread and Wine, for Abraham, after he had been in a battle with the local heatherns, over Lot, and blessed him.
4. Christ is that Bread and Wine, we now use in the Eucharist.
5. Its a parrallel.
6. So in a very close way, both are linked rather tightly.

09-29-2009, 05:29 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Now your just being funny.
2. You think you won, we all know that.
3. You were beginning to sound like OCA, you know thats true.
4. But we wont make a federal case out of it.
5. Anyway, you stand by your beliefs while I will stand by mine.
6. Your more likely to die of a muslim terrorist, than any other so called religious cult.
7. And even more likely cause you live in NY where there are lots of subways.


1. aawwww shucks, Jim made a funny
2. aaa yup we all know he made a ass out of you
3. you are begining to sound like pee wee herman
4. I think this was Jim's way of giving up trying to reasone with a idiot
5. that's the American way
6. as stupid as you sound I wouls guess you will walk into traffice before Jim has subway trouble
7. ya could be right there

09-29-2009, 06:58 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. aawwww shucks, Jim made a funny
2. aaa yup we all know he made a ass out of you
3. you are begining to sound like pee wee herman
4. I think this was Jim's way of giving up trying to reasone with a idiot
5. that's the American way
6. as stupid as you sound I wouls guess you will walk into traffice before Jim has subway trouble
7. ya could be right there

1. Bitter are we?
2. Understood.


09-29-2009, 07:08 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Bitter are we?
2. Understood.


Naaa James I actually like you, I feel we are all entitled to our opinion( even though mine is always right , LOL) just kidding with ya this morning, I am in a good mood

10-02-2009, 12:51 AM
Yes indeed, Gabby. Keep up the good work with playing nice with everyone.

After all, if you don't hurt them, they won't hurt you!

Thumbs up!


10-02-2009, 08:23 AM
Agreed 100%. But CWN believes ALL Muslims are evil and all violent - or they are just dumb and don't know how to follow their religion. He thinks it's a mistake for any of us to befriend Muslims, even if they are 100% peaceful and never did a single thing to make you think otherwise - just simply because they are Muslim.

This whole idea of trying to determine what percentage of Muslims are "terrorists" or what the likelyhood of one of them becoming violent is beside the point. Sure, there will be plenty of Muslims who live peaceful lives. That doesn't mean their political and religious goals will always be able to co-exist with a Christian society (or Jewish for that matter). Muslims, just like any other group of people, have political goals in mind. Christians have political goals, Jews have political goals, Zionists have political goals, aethists have political goals....pretty much everyone has an idea of how they would like to see their society shaped and molded into. Any group of people would be happy to see their goals achieved "peacefully". However, if some other ideology gets in their way, things heat up awfully quick. Most any group will not result to violence unless they believe its the only way they can achieve their goals.

So you can point out however umpteen millions of peaceful muslims there are around the world doesn't really mean much if the vast majority of them live in all Muslim countries. Nor does it mean very much even if they live in democratic societies like the USA and European countries. Why is that? Because in those countries they are able to push forward their political agendas peacefully. These countries are allowing them to immigrate, and they fully realize all they have to do is keep immigrating until their numbers get high enough. Then, they will have enough political power to shape the politics of that country. We can plainly see where this strategy doesn't work, in Israel for example, they get violent. Very violent. Israel, through strict immigration laws, doesn't allow its Arab/Muslim population to ever get too big. It is a form of apartheid, maybe Muslims are justified in being outraged by it, maybe Israel has a right to preserve its population of being Israeli/Jewish - I don't really care either way, but it does illustrate Muslims are fully capable of becoming violent to achieve their political goals.

What exactly are those goals? Thats were religion comes in. Thats where you need to look at the Qu'ran. In it you can clearly see how some of its ideals would conflict with those of Christians or Jews, or aethists. Being friends with Habib the deli shop owner isn't going to change the political differences between the Islamic culture and that of the West.

10-06-2009, 07:53 PM
Sorry bout that,

Yes indeed, Gabby. Keep up the good work with playing nice with everyone.

After all, if you don't hurt them, they won't hurt you!

Thumbs up!


1. LOL.
2. Nice picture.
3. LOL.


10-06-2009, 07:56 PM
Sorry bout that,

This whole idea of trying to determine what percentage of Muslims are "terrorists" or what the likelyhood of one of them becoming violent is beside the point. Sure, there will be plenty of Muslims who live peaceful lives. That doesn't mean their political and religious goals will always be able to co-exist with a Christian society (or Jewish for that matter). Muslims, just like any other group of people, have political goals in mind. Christians have political goals, Jews have political goals, Zionists have political goals, aethists have political goals....pretty much everyone has an idea of how they would like to see their society shaped and molded into. Any group of people would be happy to see their goals achieved "peacefully". However, if some other ideology gets in their way, things heat up awfully quick. Most any group will not result to violence unless they believe its the only way they can achieve their goals.

So you can point out however umpteen millions of peaceful muslims there are around the world doesn't really mean much if the vast majority of them live in all Muslim countries. Nor does it mean very much even if they live in democratic societies like the USA and European countries. Why is that? Because in those countries they are able to push forward their political agendas peacefully. These countries are allowing them to immigrate, and they fully realize all they have to do is keep immigrating until their numbers get high enough. Then, they will have enough political power to shape the politics of that country. We can plainly see where this strategy doesn't work, in Israel for example, they get violent. Very violent. Israel, through strict immigration laws, doesn't allow its Arab/Muslim population to ever get too big. It is a form of apartheid, maybe Muslims are justified in being outraged by it, maybe Israel has a right to preserve its population of being Israeli/Jewish - I don't really care either way, but it does illustrate Muslims are fully capable of becoming violent to achieve their political goals.

What exactly are those goals? Thats were religion comes in. Thats where you need to look at the Qu'ran. In it you can clearly see how some of its ideals would conflict with those of Christians or Jews, or aethists. Being friends with Habib the deli shop owner isn't going to change the political differences between the Islamic culture and that of the West.

1. We're in some very deep doo doo.
2. And it may be too late to recover.
3. And we brought it upon ourselves.
