View Full Version : *Ethically?: Muslims Need Not Apply*

09-18-2009, 04:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But should a buisness be sued over not hiring a muslim in America? Noway in hell would I ever hire one!
2. Does a msulim have the right to be hired?
3. Even if that person wears that rag over their head while representing the employer?
4. Does the employer need to supply a rug and a private place for a muslim to touch his/her head to said rug?
5. Does a employer need to allow said employee special days off, during ramajama?
6. Another example where the bigger bows to the smaller.
7. I say screw the bastards/bitches!
8. Link and sample:

"A popular national chain of clothing stores is being sued by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for allegedly not hiring a Muslim Tulsa teenager because she wears a hijab, a religiously mandated head scarf.

The EEOC filed the lawsuit Wednesday against Abercrombie & Fitch in U.S. District Court in Tulsa, citing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, modified in 1991, as the basis for the action.

The suit says that Samantha Elauf, 17, applied in June 2008 for a sales job at the Abercrombie Kids store in Woodland Hills Mall.

A district manager allegedly told her that the hijab, which Elauf wears in observance of her religious beliefs, did not fit the store's image.

"Defendant refused to hire Ms. Elauf because she wears a hijab, claiming that the wearing of headgear was prohibited by its Look Policy, and, further, failed to accommodate her religious beliefs by making an exception to the Look Policy," the lawsuit states.

Elauf went to the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Oklahoma, which helped her file a complaint with the EEOC in Oklahoma City. "

9. Being silent means your okay with muslims making terroristic demands on every day employers.
10. Only a real dim witted fool would think this is okay.


09-19-2009, 09:29 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But should a buisness be sued over not hiring a muslim in America? Noway in hell would I ever hire one!

Then don't open a business if you cannot follow the laws of the United States. What if it was a Muslim owned business and refused to employ a Catholic? What if the applicant was denied because they wore a traditional Jewish Yarmulke?

We have laws for a reason, and we are not allowed to ignore these federal laws because of bigotry of ignorance.

09-19-2009, 11:37 AM
Sorry bout that,

Then don't open a business if you cannot follow the laws of the United States. What if it was a Muslim owned business and refused to employ a Catholic? What if the applicant was denied because they wore a traditional Jewish Yarmulke?

We have laws for a reason, and we are not allowed to ignore these federal laws because of bigotry of ignorance.

1. I as a Christian shouldn't have to hire a muslim, if I felt it will hurt my business.
2. Which it would, I would be out of business!
3. Whenever I go to like BestBuy and theres a msulim working there, I will do everything possible to stay at least 50 ft from that person.
4. Most times I just go to another BestBuy before I allow myself to be waited on by one.
5. They don't hire anyone but other muslims, so why aren't they getting sued?


09-19-2009, 12:00 PM
1. I as a Christian shouldn't have to hire a muslim, if I felt it will hurt my business.

Then start calling your representatives to have law that has been on the books for over 30 years changed.

2. Which it would, I would be out of business!If I were to do business with you, I would be more apt to dissolve the relationship over your ignorant views than because of any Muslims working for you. While you're not alone in your views, I assure you that the majority of Americans aren't keen on ignorant, racist & discriminatory views.

3. Whenever I go to like BestBuy and theres a msulim working there, I will do everything possible to stay at least 50 ft from that person.And that is your right to do so. I find it funny that you would be inconvenienced due to your own ignorance though.

4. Most times I just go to another BestBuy before I allow myself to be waited on by one.Thank you for helping our economy by purchasing more than your normal share of gas! Best Buy won't give a crap either way as they still will have your money.

5. They don't hire anyone but other muslims, so why aren't they getting sued?Well, in the Tri-state area here, it is quite a mix of employees and I see no one race or religion dominating their employment. If there is a Best Buy out there practicing discriminatory hiring, then they will be reported, investigated and fined. Apparently no one is filing lawsuits against them, so I'm more apt to believe that they don't discriminate.

09-19-2009, 12:19 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Maybe I should just boycott BestBuy then.
2. Yeah, Screw Them!


09-20-2009, 01:02 AM
Chessy, it is really sad that you are so overly prejudiced that you don't see that all people have some good in them. You should remember that there have been some wonderful conservative right-wing terrorists (two of them blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City).

But go ahead and hate. My daughter loves the Muslim family that lives down the street from us. She is over there right now, watching movies with their kids.

09-20-2009, 09:28 AM
Sorry bout that,

Chessy, it is really sad that you are so overly prejudiced that you don't see that all people have some good in them. You should remember that there have been some wonderful conservative right-wing terrorists (two of them blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City).

But go ahead and hate. My daughter loves the Muslim family that lives down the street from us. She is over there right now, watching movies with their kids.

1. So I was right.
2. If you mix with muslims you will end up paying for it.
3. Just look at Gabby, shes a wreck!
4. But you believe what you want, its your call!:laugh2:


09-20-2009, 10:14 AM
Holy Moly!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. When will the insanity end?
2. Just who is in charge?
3. Has our mental health system failed us?
4. Have we failed to identify the patients?

