View Full Version : Glenn Beck: Put the Country First

09-12-2009, 03:04 PM
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09-13-2009, 06:45 AM
"Puting the country first..." is not what the GOP is doing dearie. Their bitter political agenda takes first place...serving their corporate pimps is a close second...serving their electorate nad the country is on the distant periphery of their consciousness.

09-13-2009, 08:34 AM
"Puting the country first..." is not what the GOP is doing dearie. Their bitter political agenda takes first place...serving their corporate pimps is a close second...serving their electorate nad the country is on the distant periphery of their consciousness.

Glenn Beck isn't the GOP jackass. Did you even watch the video?

09-13-2009, 10:34 AM
"Puting the country first..." is not what the GOP is doing dearie. Their bitter political agenda takes first place...serving their corporate pimps is a close second...serving their electorate nad the country is on the distant periphery of their consciousness.

Limited government is so bitter. Empowering the people is so bitter. Actually letting people keep what they earn is so bitter. giving people choices is so bitter.. some bitter political agenda.

09-13-2009, 10:42 AM
yep Avatar,

according to a Progressive-Communist all those would be considered bitter..we are suppose to HAPPY that this administration wants to impose their fascist policies on us..

cat slave
09-14-2009, 11:26 AM
"Puting the country first..." is not what the GOP is doing dearie. Their bitter political agenda takes first place...serving their corporate pimps is a close second...serving their electorate nad the country is on the distant periphery of their consciousness.

Its not about Dim or Pub...dont you understand? Its about our constitution
and a government way out of control, not just since BO but for the last
few years. Dont buy into letting parties divide us. We are Americans
before we are anything else.

I love Glenn. I fear for his safety.