View Full Version : Am I the only one

08-04-2009, 10:43 PM
I've been having a discussion with an agnostic and I feel alittle frustrated because his actions make me feel like he is totally insane. and I dont like thinking like that about people. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

So anyway, I dont have a problem if someone is agnostic. They are free to believe what they want. And if you want to believe that no one can know whether or not there is a God, that is absolutely fine by me. You have free will for a reason.

But I really dont get how someone can honestly say "No one can know whether there is or is not a God" and then turn around and explain why you are wrong about God. I mean hello?!?! You just said you dont know a thing about God! Why the heck should I accept your views on God as fact when you say you dont know a thing about Him. Why on earth do you think you are somehow the most intelligent person in the room for admitting you dont know anything and presuming no one else does?

If you dont know, I understand that. Alot of people dont know. But if you dont know why on earth do you lecture others about why they are wrong. I dont know astrophysics. I know I don't. Im not going to presume no one else does. Nor am I going to go give NASA a lecture explaining to them why they are wrong about it all.

It just doesnt make any sense to me. It semes absolutely insane to me. Why would anyone do that. And I will note this is not all agnostics. Just a few here and there.

08-04-2009, 11:50 PM
I find that Agnostics are pretty much a mixed bag, though I must confess that I do not know many in the real world. The ones I do know out here mostly come from a religious background, have a Christian foundation that guides their life and actions, pretty much let bygones be bygones, and don't talk much about religion or their beliefs. I think that more than a few that fall into this category still say a prayer once in a while, kind of hedging their bet, so to speak.

Then you have those who don't really understand what Agnosticism is, but have trouble believing in a God of any kind. I think these people don't have any real exposure to faith to draw upon and seek knowledge on both faith and agnosticism.

Then there are the Agnostics with a little education. These twits think they're smarter than you. The believe a person of faith must be an uneducated rube for believing in an "invisible super man who performs Copperfield-like magic."

Last but not least, there are those who call themselves Agnostic but are really Atheists. These folk fear the stigma they believe comes with identifying themselves as Atheists (and let's be honest, there is just a little bit of a stigma attached to that moniker) so they say they are Agnostic in hopes of gaining acceptance.

Me, I mostly fall into the first category. Though certain events have had me considering full conversion to the dark side...

All I ask of those who believe is, don't try to "save" me and please don't start preaching to me. I absolutely respct people who choose religion and fault them not at all.

08-05-2009, 01:07 AM
Is it agnostic to not know anything about agnostics? LOL

08-05-2009, 10:02 AM
I tend to agree in part with HJM.

Most so-called Agnostics I have met are trying to play both sides just in case.

They want the perceived freedom to sin (although that's not what they would call it) with impunity but just in case there really is a God they wanna throw Him a bone to be on the safe side (as if that is really going to make a difference).

To answer AV though, yes that's insane! To say they don't know and then try to tell someone else that they are wrong.

Me, I tend to be gentle like a sledgehammer and starting cutting through their nonsense until they admit they are just hedging their bets.