View Full Version : Our Prince and The Dragon, Wealth

03-12-2009, 12:07 PM
I just love this analogy:


...So here we are then. Our prince has come. The dragon, Wealth, has been put to the sword, and everyone is gathered downstage to await the finale. It turns out, though, that many who bought tickets thought this entertainment was a species of Romance or Comedy that had a happy ending. Others of us knew that wasn’t what was advertized and said so. I suspect this particular drama is going to have a very limited run. As Daniel Henninger put it,

The White House says its goal is simple “fairness.” That may be, as they understand fairness. But Figure 9 makes it clear that for the top earners, there will be blood. This presidency is going to be an act of retribution. In the words of the third book from Mr. Obama, “it is our duty to change it.”

Here’s a prediction: more and more people are going to be waking up to that duty soon, and with a vengeance