View Full Version : Study: Teenage 'Virginity Pledges' Are Ineffective #2

01-10-2009, 11:44 AM
The other thread has now become over 12 pages long and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere in any productive manner. I am serious about this subject as I think most here are. The numbers prove out that “abstinence only” and “virginity pledge only” educations have no measurable benefit to the sexual behavior of our teenagers as a whole.

It is not my purpose to condemn those that do or do not experience sexual relations in ages prior to responsible and competent decision making. It is my purpose to discuss with you the possibilities of programs/education/endeavors that we may not have thought of yet that might succeed in a measurable way.

I want to point out to you that although I am not against the above mentioned methods I believe that this board certainly has the interest and the IQ to possibly come up with suggestions that may better comprehend and suit the better interests of our youth. The primary idea is to assist our youth in making more pertinent and responsible decisions concerning things that may well be severe life changing events for them and to offer tools for them to better deal with the things they may be considering and the adverse effects of their actions without condemning them or placing them in positions of unnecessary shame or greater rebelliousness.

In addition, I am well aware that many here are totally against the procedure known as abortion. I am not and I don’t know of anyone whether liberal or conservative that is “for” abortion. Abortion is a terrible thing in most cases but I remain steadfast in my belief that abortion should be safe, legal, available and very rare. Abortion for the simple purposes of birth control is not acceptable by me or anyone that I know. It is not my desire, however, that the abortion issue and the fact that it is closely tied to the discussion at hand would overtake otherwise credible conversations on the facts that many if not most of our teenagers do experience sexual relations and just what is a viable, educated and productive way that we can shift that paradigm in a responsible and competent way.

I am completely aware that this is a tall order and one most difficult for even the professionals to address but I remain confident that we as adults and hopefully friends can and will discuss this issue with forthrightness and a credible expectation of a life that is better than what it is now for ourselves but more especially for our youth.

I want to thank anyone and everyone in advance that might respond or at least consider what I am asking of you. Our kids really are worth the time and efforts that we might put into productive conversation concerning this dilemma and subsequent improvements to the abilities of them, our kids, to handle the subject in a more responsible way on their own parts but it is certain that if we don’t handle the issue more competently than we have thus far then we can expect either no change or a worsening of the present statistical observations.

Can I get anyone a cup of Java?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!:coffee:

I think I'll take a shot of 'shine in mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:coffee:



01-10-2009, 12:51 PM
It is my purpose to discuss with you the possibilities of programs/education/endeavors that we may not have thought of yet that might succeed in a measurable way.

Have every teenage girl volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center for about a month. That should remind them of the potential consequences of sex.

Have every teenage boy volunteer at the local child support office for about a month. That should remind them of the potential consequences of sex.

01-11-2009, 01:33 AM
I'm confused with your suggestion, 5stringer. What do you mean by the word "have" as related to volunteer work? See what I mean? It sounds as if you're attempting to compel something as opposed to simple volunteerism!!!!!!!!!

Have every teenage girl volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center for about a month. That should remind them of the potential consequences of sex.

Have every teenage boy volunteer at the local child support office for about a month. That should remind them of the potential consequences of sex.



01-11-2009, 08:11 AM
let's clear one thing up, Psych.....pledges are only as good as the people who make them.....but virginity is an absolute success when it comes to avoiding pregnancy....

01-11-2009, 08:17 AM
I see, pimp.

let's clear one thing up, Psych.....pledges are only as good as the people who make them.....but virginity is an absolute success when it comes to avoiding pregnancy....

Ask Mary about it, homophobe!!!!!!!!!!!

Ain't you a sight for sore eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!



01-15-2009, 10:39 PM
but virginity is an absolute success when it comes to avoiding pregnancy...

Didn't work to well for Mary. (ah darn, just saw the poster above beat me to it)


personally I think such pledges are fine and dandy, provided they are accompanied by some real life education in the facts of life. I just don't understand the abstinance only crowd wanting to not teach anything else. Abstinence is the goal, but education is never wrong.

01-16-2009, 07:37 AM
Ask Mary about it, homophobe!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry it won't let me neg-rep you again, dumbfuck......

01-21-2009, 08:13 PM
Neg-rep me,,,,,, again?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You're such a shithead, pimp. Have I ever negged you? The answer is NO. Even though we may disagree and even though you have insulted me time and time again I have never seen fit to neg rep you. But, you live for yourself, pimp, and neg rep all you want. You are a much smaller person than I ever imagined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry it won't let me neg-rep you again, dumbfuck......

Back to the subject at hand. Once again it appears I have overestimated the intelligence of the DP board. I honestly thought that many of you would respond to this most dire question and request for honest and considerate thinking. We can and should do better than we have in the past on this issue. Don't you think?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Not to be nonchalant, but could I offer anyone a



Abbey Marie
01-21-2009, 09:47 PM
Not to be nonchalant, but could I offer anyone a



Well, since I am eating a very late (veggie) pizza dinner, a beer would be just right.

01-21-2009, 10:01 PM
Do you have a particular flavor in mind?!?!?!?!???!??!???!?!

Well, since I am eating a very late (veggie) pizza dinner, a beer would be just right.

I'm a meat eaters pizza man, myself, abby, and I love Busch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've bought for me more than one, I can testify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think about my suggestion for conversation on the advancement of the teenage sexual participation problem, abby?!?!?!?!??! I know that you, of all here, can appreciate the topic if not the otherwise dismissals of the subject. Please share with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:beer: for abby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



01-21-2009, 10:40 PM
Have I ever negged you? The answer is NO. Even though we may disagree and even though you have insulted me time and time again I have never seen fit to neg rep you.

but you called me a homophobe again, you brainless little twit......

01-21-2009, 10:45 PM
but virginity is an absolute success when it comes to avoiding pregnancy...

Didn't work to well for Mary. (ah darn, just saw the poster above beat me to it)


personally I think such pledges are fine and dandy, provided they are accompanied by some real life education in the facts of life. I just don't understand the abstinance only crowd wanting to not teach anything else. Abstinence is the goal, but education is never wrong.

oh my, one divine instance in all of creation of man and ooops there goes that stat...

.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999%

of the time....oh well, i learned something new last week, that this number essentially repeats almost forever, so in essense, math treats this number as 1, ergo, mary's pregnancy does not mess up the "absolute"


01-21-2009, 10:46 PM
That is because you are a "homophobe" by any definition, pimp.

but you called me a homophobe again, you brainless little twit......

You are scared to death of them and that is no excuse for you to neg rep anyone that recognises that fact.



01-21-2009, 10:46 PM
but you called me a homophobe again, you brainless little twit......

its funny to watch him get pissy about the neg reps...i say neg rep club for psycho :laugh2: we can start a social group...:cheers2:

01-21-2009, 10:49 PM
Repeating yourself doesn't make you any smarter, yuk.

oh my, one divine instance in all of creation of man and ooops there goes that stat...

.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999%

of the time....oh well, i learned something new last week, that this number essentially repeats almost forever, so in essense, math treats this number as 1, ergo, mary's pregnancy does not mess up the "absolute"


And neither does repeating myths and folklore.

Is neg repping and paymastering here on DP still your primary occupations?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!



01-21-2009, 10:51 PM
You are scared to death of them and that is no excuse for you to neg rep anyone that recognises that fact.

I'm scared of dumbfuck liberals in control of the country.....and the brainless twits that voted for them.....

01-21-2009, 11:04 PM
And like I said earlier in this thread, dumbfuck homophobic racist asshole pimp, I seriously overestimated, again, the intelligence of this particular internet community.

I'm scared of dumbfuck liberals in control of the country.....and the brainless twits that voted for them.....

Care to counter on that observation?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

BTW, I don't like dumbfuck liberals either as I just can't stand dumbfuck conservatives. Just what are you attempting to conserve!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



01-21-2009, 11:32 PM
its funny to watch him get pissy about the neg reps...i say neg rep club for psycho :laugh2: we can start a social group...:cheers2:

Actually, Yurt had a point there, and you were the first to bring the virgin birth into this. Some of the derailing does occur because of you, you know, PB. If you want open and honest then you need to be open and honest yourself, put away the sling, and have the discussion your trying to have.

Now, as to the OP, there's nothing really that the schools can do about abstinence, or teen pregnancy, to be honest with you. They've tried pretty much everything they can think of, but the honest answer is that, with the absence of competent parenting, it just doesn't work. In the places where there is competent parenting, the numbers are far less, but without stripping down basic liberties, there's no way the others are going to get with the program.

The main problem is the lack of competent parenting, and I'm not just talking about outright abusive parents here, that's not the whole of the problem. It's also the parents who hand their kids every little thing they want, and trust me, I've seen them at work, complaining about broke they are as they buy each of their kids a shiny new Ipod nano. These parents are so busy trying to be the best friends of their kids that they fail in their responsibilities as a parent.

01-21-2009, 11:47 PM
I'll accept your answer that there is nothing that can be done, DS'72.

Actually, Yurt had a point there, and you were the first to bring the virgin birth into this. Some of the derailing does occur because of you, you know, PB. If you want open and honest then you need to be open and honest yourself, put away the sling, and have the discussion your trying to have.

Now, as to the OP, there's nothing really that the schools can do about abstinence, or teen pregnancy, to be honest with you. They've tried pretty much everything they can think of, but the honest answer is that, with the absence of competent parenting, it just doesn't work. In the places where there is competent parenting, the numbers are far less, but without stripping down basic liberties, there's no way the others are going to get with the program.

The main problem is the lack of competent parenting, and I'm not just talking about outright abusive parents here, that's not the whole of the problem. It's also the parents who hand their kids every little thing they want, and trust me, I've seen them at work, complaining about broke they are as they buy each of their kids a shiny new Ipod nano. These parents are so busy trying to be the best friends of their kids that they fail in their responsibilities as a parent.

But I reject your admonishment as being from someone that doesn't understand or is at least attempting to garner favoritism from those that least deserve it. I could have accepted it more readily if you had only been more open, honest and comprehensive in your observation of the thread at large and abstained from personal coaching.

I've been here a long time, cowgirl, and these other cowgirls haven't thrown me off for long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I get you a cool one?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?



01-22-2009, 12:07 AM
I'll accept your answer that there is nothing that can be done, DS'72.

But I reject your admonishment as being from someone that doesn't understand or is at least attempting to garner favoritism from those that least deserve it. I could have accepted it more readily if you had only been more open, honest and comprehensive in your observation of the thread at large and abstained from personal coaching.

I've been here a long time, cowgirl, and these other cowgirls haven't thrown me off for long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I get you a cool one?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?



I was answering as I read, PB, and, examining the rest of the thread then you are still pulling the big numbers on insults, and flame baits. Precisely where did Homophobe come into this discussion? I believe that the only who got that ball rolling was you, unless you can site, within this thread, where exactly PMP started doing it before you did.

Also, I didn't say there was nothing we could do, only that schools are not able to accomplish it. Better parenting is the only remedy, and that isn't nothing.

I see, pimp.

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet View Post
let's clear one thing up, Psych.....pledges are only as good as the people who make them.....but virginity is an absolute success when it comes to avoiding pregnancy....
Ask Mary about it, homophobe!!!!!!!!!!!

Ain't you a sight for sore eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post

Ask Mary about it, homophobe!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry it won't let me neg-rep you again, dumbfuck......

Now, yes, he insulted you here, but only in response to your own hurled insult. This leaves the balance at even.

Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
Have I ever negged you? The answer is NO. Even though we may disagree and even though you have insulted me time and time again I have never seen fit to neg rep you.

but you called me a homophobe again, you brainless little twit......

Now, here, the balance shifts slightly in favor of you, though this was after the initial hostilities were touched off.

That is because you are a "homophobe" by any definition, pimp.

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet View Post
but you called me a homophobe again, you brainless little twit......

You are scared to death of them and that is no excuse for you to neg rep anyone that recognises that fact.

Now, here, were we in a thread on homosexuality, then this likely would have been an observation. We are not, and thus it is an insult, so no we're at 2-2 again.

Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post

You are scared to death of them and that is no excuse for you to neg rep anyone that recognises that fact.

I'm scared of dumbfuck liberals in control of the country.....and the brainless twits that voted for them.....

Okay, certainly, these are insults being hurled at you, and thus, we can record the score now as 2-4, PMP being on the more numerous side.

And like I said earlier in this thread, dumbfuck homophobic racist asshole pimp, I seriously overestimated, again, the intelligence of this particular internet community.

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet View Post
I'm scared of dumbfuck liberals in control of the country.....and the brainless twits that voted for them.....
Care to counter on that observation?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

BTW, I don't like dumbfuck liberals either as I just can't stand dumbfuck conservatives. Just what are you attempting to conserve!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Now here, you actually insult pretty much everybody, plus four direct insults to PMP, if we only count those we're at 6-4, your adavantage, but since you hurled his own insults back at him, then that puts us to 8-4, plus one for each member of the community.

Now, having gone over the assessment here, I would state that, in this instance, you are quite definitively at majority fault here. Yes, some goes PM, but you, PsychoBlues, took the lion's share of responsibility for the current status of your thread, along with the added fact that you, by your own will, started this rather counter-productive trend. Were you aided by your rivals? certainly, but that doesn't change the fact that you have pushed it farther than any other person, or that you got the ball rolling.

01-22-2009, 12:28 AM
Hey, hey, hey, DS'72!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said earlier, you don't know and you don't understand. I'll not be taking any lectures from you on this or any other subject. I appreciate that you find the situation of teenage sexual activities hopeless whether I agree or not.

This thread, like many others, contains information and references that are not germane to the topic at hand and sometimes even personal to the extent that others including you might not fully appreciate. You did, on another hand, choose to enter and immediately attempt to disparage and even coach me on a subject that was not in any way connected with the original question. I can't help it if you want to be a dumbass. Next time maybe you should ask some questions before you start your bullshit. I'm normally ready to answer honest and forthcoming questions and I believe having read much of your posting here that you are capable of such.

I really do have better things to do than to explain simple things to idiots that admit to racism and homophobic tendencies but that is a different topic for a different thread or threads.

Do you really think the teenage sex thing is that hopeless?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



01-22-2009, 08:09 AM
BTW, I don't like dumbfuck liberals either

self hate?.....only when you're drunk.......

01-22-2009, 10:35 AM
Hey, hey, hey, DS'72!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said earlier, you don't know and you don't understand. I'll not be taking any lectures from you on this or any other subject. I appreciate that you find the situation of teenage sexual activities hopeless whether I agree or not.

This thread, like many others, contains information and references that are not germane to the topic at hand and sometimes even personal to the extent that others including you might not fully appreciate. You did, on another hand, choose to enter and immediately attempt to disparage and even coach me on a subject that was not in any way connected with the original question. I can't help it if you want to be a dumbass. Next time maybe you should ask some questions before you start your bullshit. I'm normally ready to answer honest and forthcoming questions and I believe having read much of your posting here that you are capable of such.

I really do have better things to do than to explain simple things to idiots that admit to racism and homophobic tendencies but that is a different topic for a different thread or threads.

Do you really think the teenage sex thing is that hopeless?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



Then you shouldn't have stepped on people here, PB, because were I in the other thread, I would have commented, and you'd have been hearing this from there as well. You seem to have needed the reality check, and you asked me to be concise. I was, and you are starting shit, so I see no reason I shouldn't call you on it. I have not insulted, or demeaned you in any way, I have merely pointed out that, in this particular instance, you are the instigator. There is no more to understand, if you start the fight, you bear responsibility for the fight, plain and simple.

You are the one who wanted open, honest communication, then you started shit that ensures that wouldn't happen, so either stop taking the swipes, and let things calm down so that we can get back to the actual discussion, but by no rights are you magically absolved of your part in creating the problem on this thread, so be a man, own up to it, and let's move on.

Again, not hopeless, why do you keep doing that? This is what's wrong, is that when I say Parents are the key to raising a child, you somehow keep trying to put that as nothing, or as hopeless, where as I see it as a necessary, and quite optimistic hope. Good parents are really the only thing that can help this situation, and that is as it should be. It's like saying keys are the best way to start the ignition in your car, it's not pessimistic, it's just a statement of fact.

We are too dependent on government for all the answers. Government can't raise of children to be capable adults, only we can. The reason that people don't learn how to do this on their own these days is because every other minute pretty much, you've got "SuperGovernment" (cape fluttering in the wind, till it gets caught in a jet turbine) trying to swoop in every time, and this makes people complacent. Because we have refrigerators, people have stopped learning to preserve their own foods, since that isn't necessary anymore, nor do we shop day-to-day for ingredients for the same reason.

Most teens are not given any sense of personal responsibility until the precise moment at which they turn 18, and then we seem to be expecting that they've mastered it all. We are not preparing our children to be able to get by on their own, so how is it that parents get out of responsibility for that?

To be clear, It is not "hopeless", a "foregone occurrence", "nothing", or any other negative piece you care to ascribe to it. We need to start empowering ourselves to steer our children properly, to raise them with solid morals and ethics, and show them how to be the adults they so rapidly grow into.

01-23-2009, 10:38 PM
Again, DS'72, you don't know what is going on behind the scenes and what is going on in my account even as you and I discuss. Fuck the homophobe and the shithead self described failure as a lawyer as well as any racist bastards with whom you might otherwise agree.

Then you shouldn't have stepped on people here, PB, because were I in the other thread, I would have commented, and you'd have been hearing this from there as well. You seem to have needed the reality check, and you asked me to be concise. I was, and you are starting shit, so I see no reason I shouldn't call you on it. I have not insulted, or demeaned you in any way, I have merely pointed out that, in this particular instance, you are the instigator. There is no more to understand, if you start the fight, you bear responsibility for the fight, plain and simple.

You are the one who wanted open, honest communication, then you started shit that ensures that wouldn't happen, so either stop taking the swipes, and let things calm down so that we can get back to the actual discussion, but by no rights are you magically absolved of your part in creating the problem on this thread, so be a man, own up to it, and let's move on.

Again, not hopeless, why do you keep doing that? This is what's wrong, is that when I say Parents are the key to raising a child, you somehow keep trying to put that as nothing, or as hopeless, where as I see it as a necessary, and quite optimistic hope. Good parents are really the only thing that can help this situation, and that is as it should be. It's like saying keys are the best way to start the ignition in your car, it's not pessimistic, it's just a statement of fact.

We are too dependent on government for all the answers. Government can't raise of children to be capable adults, only we can. The reason that people don't learn how to do this on their own these days is because every other minute pretty much, you've got "SuperGovernment" (cape fluttering in the wind, till it gets caught in a jet turbine) trying to swoop in every time, and this makes people complacent. Because we have refrigerators, people have stopped learning to preserve their own foods, since that isn't necessary anymore, nor do we shop day-to-day for ingredients for the same reason.

Most teens are not given any sense of personal responsibility until the precise moment at which they turn 18, and then we seem to be expecting that they've mastered it all. We are not preparing our children to be able to get by on their own, so how is it that parents get out of responsibility for that?

To be clear, It is not "hopeless", a "foregone occurrence", "nothing", or any other negative piece you care to ascribe to it. We need to start empowering ourselves to steer our children properly, to raise them with solid morals and ethics, and show them how to be the adults they so rapidly grow into.

Tell me where I said anything about "parenting"?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Although I might agree with you I don't believe I have brought "parenting" into the conversation. That's maybe one of your delusions?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My question and request for conversation involves the significance and potential remedy for teenage sexual activities. I can go just a bit further here and state that "unprotected" teenage sexual activities most always result in adverse conditions and most especially for the teenager. I want to see tools and information with which we as parents and grandparents and teachers and school administrators might provide to our youth that might help them deal with these troublesome issues and how we might assist them in making more responsible decisions regarding them. Can you dig it?!?!?!?!?!??!?

:beer::cheers2: :beer:


01-24-2009, 12:53 AM
Again, DS'72, you don't know what is going on behind the scenes and what is going on in my account even as you and I discuss. Fuck the homophobe and the shithead self described failure as a lawyer as well as any racist bastards with whom you might otherwise agree.

First, it doesn't matter what's going on in PM, since it is not board material, so stop bringing in.

Second, When was homophobe me in any way connected with the original question?

Third, The information that I added may not have been germane to the topic at hand, but it was in fact brought into this topic by you.

Don't play the word game with me, I know how to play back.

Tell me where I said anything about "parenting"?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Although I might agree with you I don't believe I have brought "parenting" into the conversation. That's maybe one of your delusions?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

It is not a delusion, and if you wish to have any further discourse to your OP, you will keep away from such attacks, I'm not kidding. It's not cool, and it's not funny, I've not once insulted you, I have acted respectfully, and I expect to be treated as such.

I'll accept your answer that there is nothing that can be done, DS'72.

Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Actually, Yurt had a point there, and you were the first to bring the virgin birth into this. Some of the derailing does occur because of you, you know, PB. If you want open and honest then you need to be open and honest yourself, put away the sling, and have the discussion your trying to have.

Now, as to the OP, there's nothing really that the schools can do about abstinence, or teen pregnancy, to be honest with you. They've tried pretty much everything they can think of, but the honest answer is that, with the absence of competent parenting, it just doesn't work. In the places where there is competent parenting, the numbers are far less, but without stripping down basic liberties, there's no way the others are going to get with the program.

The main problem is the lack of competent parenting, and I'm not just talking about outright abusive parents here, that's not the whole of the problem. It's also the parents who hand their kids every little thing they want, and trust me, I've seen them at work, complaining about broke they are as they buy each of their kids a shiny new Ipod nano. These parents are so busy trying to be the best friends of their kids that they fail in their responsibilities as a parent.

This would be one

Hey, hey, hey, DS'72!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said earlier, you don't know and you don't understand. I'll not be taking any lectures from you on this or any other subject. I appreciate that you find the situation of teenage sexual activities hopeless whether I agree or not.

And there's the other one. Now, you are either simply mistaken, or you purposely misreading what I have posted in order cause further trouble.

My question and request for conversation involves the significance and potential remedy for teenage sexual activities.

yes, hence my use of parenting as a tool, unless you believe parents have no place in a teens life. I know, it's crazy that we could expect people to teach their own children morals and ethics, but it does seem to have done alright the past 10,000 years of human evolution, up until we stopped using that as the main tool, so maybe the way we did was actually working quite well, and could again.

Now, you want to slow down teen sexual activities, stop waving it in front of them like matador waves a cape at a bull. Nothing makes you think about something more than having it repeatedly brought up. I agree, the pledges don't work, of course they don't, and again, I agree, abstinence only doesn't work, but nor does browbeating them with it. The best you can do is cover it in health class, and move along really. Anything more than that, and you are treading on parental territory, or worse, egging on those who are just looking for something to fight.

I can go just a bit further here and state that "unprotected" teenage sexual activities most always result in adverse conditions and most especially for the teenager. I want to see tools and information with which we as parents and grandparents and teachers and school administrators might provide to our youth that might help them deal with these troublesome issues and how we might assist them in making more responsible decisions regarding them.

Health class pretty much covers it, PB. If everyone on the board kept trying to tell you the instructions of how to post a topic or reply, including how to put in your username and password, the first time you would be like, "Okay, thanks." But, by about the tenth time you've heard it, you just start getting annoyed about it, you might not say anything right then, but you're fuming about it, or doing the whole eye rolling thing. Yes, educate, but once you've done that, you've done all you really can as an educator. Teens make mistakes, but the problem is the belief that mistakes are bad, they aren't.

Alot of the other problem is this focus that teen pregnancy is the end of your life. It isn't, and trying to bump up the hysteria to scare them straight, it just falls flat, because teens know that the very people telling them sex is bad, are having sex themselves, or, they're priests (sometimes, not even then), or would be having sex if given the opportunity. You can't teach what you don't know, and I've listened to almost every guy jump in on sex humor on this board, so obviously, we are a rather sexually active bunch ourselves. Nothin' wrong with that, I'm just saying, it doesn't help the argument with teens about sex.

01-24-2009, 01:10 AM
Seriously, are you freakin’ kidding or just being stupid?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

If everyone on the board kept trying to tell you the instructions of how to post a topic or reply, including how to put in your username and password, the first time you would be like, "Okay, thanks." But, by about the tenth time you've heard it, you just start getting annoyed about it, you might not say anything right then, but you're fuming about it, or doing the whole eye rolling thing. Yes, educate, but once you've done that, you've done all you really can as an educator. Teens make mistakes, but the problem is the belief that mistakes are bad, they aren't.

If you are ready for it, get it on, cowgirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



01-28-2009, 11:27 PM
Obviously, the subject is much more serious than many of you want to recognise, admit or even talk about. I guess that leaves it to me and other liberals like me to make the decisions.

Sad, really sad.

Would you like a chaser for that pitiful last drink of the koolaid?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

