View Full Version : Vicory for freedom, Defeat for Socailism!

09-30-2008, 06:45 AM

Great read

I'm fully aware that Paulson and Bernanke have some nefarious scheme in mind to reverse the thrilling defeat of their criminal bailout package, a package shot down by independent members of Congress on both sides. But reflect for a few minutes on what it means that the House did this. It was a revolutionary act in the best sense of that term.

The entire establishment was united in favor of what was surely the most horrible and outrageous bill to ever come before Congress. The Fed, the Treasury, leadership of the Democrats and Republicans, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, all the major think tanks, most talking heads, the wealthiest corporations, important academics – in short, the whole of the power elite – were united in favor of this awful thing that proposed the following: Americans were to be stripped of their earnings and their future to prop up failed enterprises.

Forget back-door socialism: this was right through the front door. The consequences would have been dreadful and very scary. It was to be the first of many bailouts, since of course it cannot and would not work. Bad debts can't be made good by legislation. This means that more money would be necessary, as the middle class was sucked dry by the vampire state for years to come. Deeper and deeper economic depression – a repeat of the 30s – was certain. Best to put a stop to this now.

The administration might have tried to do its wicked deeds through executive order rather than asking Congress. But there are two problems here. One is that they wouldn't be able to share the blame when the plan flops. The other is economic. The Fed and Treasury are actually very worried that they are incapable of injecting more credit into a banking structure averse to lending right now. They would rather have the congress authorize the money directly and run up the debt.

In any case, no matter how you look at it, the defeat of the bill is a victory for freedom. The defeat of the power elite is essential for liberty to thrive. For the free market to function, we need the government/corporate cabal to lose its capacity to get its way in every area of life. They need to feel fear. They need to lose security. They need to have a sense of uncertainty as to whether their every wish is our command. The House defeat of the bailout is a magnificent rebuke in that sense.

But does it mean that the economy is going to tank and we will all suffer? On the contrary, it could mean that we can begin an economic recovery from the Fed-generated bubble that should have and would have burst years ago but for artificial props by the Fed. If the stock prices of these troubled institutions can fall to where they need to be, they can be taken over, and their assets used productively and traded by the market. Once this deleveraging takes place, we will be ready for a new round of economic growth.


09-30-2008, 02:38 PM
Privatized profits and socialized risk has been the reichwing wetdream for years, stang!!!!!!!!! The present grandstanding in congress is just that, grandstanding. Pay close attention to how this all turns out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whiskey on the rocks, coming right up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-30-2008, 03:22 PM
prove it/ :link: please

im trying to learn here :coffee:

Privatized profits and socialized risk has been the reichwing wetdream for years, stang!!!!!!!!! The present grandstanding in congress is just that, grandstanding. Pay close attention to how this all turns out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whiskey on the rocks, coming right up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-30-2008, 03:22 PM
excellent job stang, your quickly becoming a favorite poster of mine



Great read


09-30-2008, 03:37 PM
Just how in hell am I supposed to link to a lifetime of experience, observation, contemplations, incident reflections, critical thinking, etc., marteen? I maintain what I said. Privatized profits and socialized risk are the hallmark of conservatisms ambitions and have been as long as I have understood the difference between a liberal and a conservative.

prove it/ :link: please

im trying to learn here :coffee:

Pay attention to what happens, how it happens and who profits from it's happening and mostly ignore what you hear, marteen. It's a complex endeavor but well worth the time you would spend in the education!!!!!!!!!

Can I get you a cold H20?


09-30-2008, 04:13 PM
Just how in hell am I supposed to link to a lifetime of experience, observation, contemplations, incident reflections, critical thinking, etc., marteen? I maintain what I said. Privatized profits and socialized risk are the hallmark of conservatisms ambitions and have been as long as I have understood the difference between a liberal and a conservative.

Pay attention to what happens, how it happens and who profits from it's happening and mostly ignore what you hear, marteen. It's a complex endeavor but well worth the time you would spend in the education!!!!!!!!!

Can I get you a cold H20?


I must agree with your observations as it is what I see as well!

09-30-2008, 04:19 PM
My theory is easily disproven with many articles, video's even legislative quotations, april, but see who has the taxpayer's dough and try and figure out how they got it?!?!?????!??!???!

I must agree with your observations as it is what I see as well!

Thanks for the observation!!!!!!!!!!!


09-30-2008, 04:22 PM
Just how in hell am I supposed to link to a lifetime of experience, observation, contemplations, incident reflections, critical thinking, etc., marteen?
For a person who sees only what he wants to see and ignores reality, such linking is a major problem, isn't it. :poke:

My sympathies.

09-30-2008, 04:24 PM
For a person who sees only what he wants to see and ignores reality, such linking is a major problem, isn't it. :poke:

My sympathies.Observation is an art. Conservative minds rarely can perform it.

09-30-2008, 04:27 PM
Heres an example of what injecting money into a system does... Hyperinflation.

How Bad Is Inflation in Zimbabwe?

Published: May 2, 2006

April 25 — How bad is inflation in Zimbabwe? Well, consider this: at a supermarket near the center of this tatterdemalion capital, toilet paper costs $417.

No, not per roll. Four hundred seventeen Zimbabwean dollars is the value of a single two-ply sheet. A roll costs $145,750 — in American currency, about 69 cents.

The price of toilet paper, like everything else here, soars almost daily, spawning jokes about an impending better use for Zimbabwe's $500 bill, now the smallest in circulation.

But what is happening is no laughing matter. For untold numbers of Zimbabweans, toilet paper — and bread, margarine, meat, even the once ubiquitous morning cup of tea — have become unimaginable luxuries. All are casualties of the hyperinflation that is roaring toward 1,000 percent a year, a rate usually seen only in war zones.

Zimbabwe has been tormented this entire decade by both deep recession and high inflation, but in recent months the economy seems to have abandoned whatever moorings it had left. The national budget for 2006 has already been largely spent. Government services have started to crumble.

The purity of Harare's drinking water, siphoned from a lake downstream of its sewer outfall, has been unreliable for months, and dysentery and cholera swept the city in December and January. The city suffers rolling electrical blackouts. Mounds of uncollected garbage pile up on the streets of the slums....

At the same time, Mr. Mugabe's government has printed trillions of new Zimbabwean dollars to keep ministries functioning and to shield the salaries of key supporters — and potential enemies — against further erosion. Supplemental spending proposed early in April would increase the 2006 spending limits approved last November by fully 40 percent, and more such emergency spending measures are all but certain before the year ends.

On Friday, the government said it would triple the salaries of 190,000 soldiers and teachers. But even those government workers still badly trail inflation; the best of the raises, to as much as $33 million a month, already are slightly below the latest poverty line for the average family of five.

This will only worsen inflation, for printing too many worthless dollars is in part what got Zimbabwe into this mess to begin with. Zimbabwe fell into hyperinflation after the government began seizing commercial farms in about 2000. Foreign investors fled, manufacturing ground to a halt, goods and foreign currency needed to buy imports fell into short supply and prices shot up.

Inflation, about 400 percent per year last November, edged over 600 percent in January, but began to soar after the government revealed that it had paid the International Monetary Fund $221 million to cover an arrears that threatened Zimbabwe's membership in the organization.

In February, the government admitted that it had printed at least $21 trillion in currency — and probably much more, critics say — to buy the American dollars with which the debt was paid.

By March, inflation had touched 914 percent a year, at which rate prices would rise more than tenfold in 12 months. Experts agree that quadruple-digit inflation is now a certainty.


09-30-2008, 04:28 PM
I'd say that is more your problem than one I have, dumbo LA.

For a person who sees only what he wants to see and ignores reality, such linking is a major problem, isn't it. :poke:

My sympathies.

You've never convinced me that I am wrong on this issue and you simply can't. Not because I refuse to see but because you know that I am correct.

Put another quarter in, LA, and see what the soothesayer can tell you!!!!!!!!!

And my sympathies to you, cowgirl.


09-30-2008, 04:36 PM
opps posted the above in the wrong thread lol.