View Full Version : Pali Children: "Mama Killed Five Jews, She’s In Paradise"

03-16-2007, 02:12 AM
This really makes me angry and sick....There is a video on MEMRI but I couldn't get it to play......

March 15th, 2007
From the courageous people at MEMRI:

Children of Palestinian Suicide Bomber on Hamas TV: Mama Killed Five Jews and She is in Paradise
Interviewer: Let’s talk with the two children of the jihad-fighting martyrdom-seeker Rim Al-Riyashi - Dhoha and Muhammad.

Dhoha, you love mama, right? Where did mama go?

Dhoha: To Paradise.

Interviewer: What did mama do?

Dhoha: She committed martyrdom.

(To view clip, see MEMRI TV )

You have to be taught to hate like that.

And the Palestinians start their teaching from the cradle.

03-16-2007, 10:56 PM
Yep this is what we have to look forward to here as well. And just think of these pukes having a nuke.