View Full Version : Mental illnesses plague Iraq, Afghan vets

03-13-2007, 11:41 AM
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - High rates of mental health disorders are being diagnosed among US military personnel soon after being released from duty in
Iraq and Afghanistan, according to investigators in San Francisco.

They estimate that out of 103,788 returning veterans, 25 percent had a mental health diagnosis, and more than half of these patients had two or more distinct conditions.

Those most at risk were the youngest soldiers and those with the most combat exposure, Dr. Karen H. Seal at the Veterans Administration Medical Center and associates report in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Seal's group based their findings on records of US veterans deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan who were seen at VA health care facilities between September 2001 and September 2005.


03-13-2007, 11:57 AM
I don't really trust the mental health profession in the first place, so I don't really put much credence into such a report.

03-13-2007, 12:01 PM
I don't really trust the mental health profession in the first place, so I don't really put much credence into such a report.

on the other hand a little counseling might help the whole country :coffee:

03-13-2007, 12:16 PM
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - High rates of mental health disorders are being diagnosed among US military personnel soon after being released from duty in
Iraq and Afghanistan, according to investigators in San Francisco.

They estimate that out of 103,788 returning veterans, 25 percent had a mental health diagnosis, and more than half of these patients had two or more distinct conditions.

Those most at risk were the youngest soldiers and those with the most combat exposure, Dr. Karen H. Seal at the Veterans Administration Medical Center and associates report in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Seal's group based their findings on records of US veterans deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan who were seen at VA health care facilities between September 2001 and September 2005.


The only mental health issues I see around these parts is the lib's, and their lap dogs, the MSM.

The line forms to the left gabosaurus.:lame2:

Mr. P
03-13-2007, 12:19 PM
on the other hand a little counseling might help the whole country :coffee:

I think it would hurt. I'm with Jeff. I actually believe these counselors do more harm than good. I also think the % of possible illness mentioned is the same for the entire population of the country. They gotta justify their existence somehow I guess.
And lets not forget these folks tend to be much more screwed-up that most that do seek their assistance. IMO.

03-13-2007, 12:23 PM
I think it would hurt. I'm with Jeff. I actually believe these counselors do more harm than good. I also think the % of possible illness mentioned is the same for the entire population of the country. They gotta justify their existence somehow I guess.
And lets not forget these folks tend to be much more screwed-up that most that do seek their assistance. IMO.

Notice I didn't say professional counseling ?

03-13-2007, 12:25 PM
I think it would hurt. I'm with Jeff. I actually believe these counselors do more harm than good. I also think the % of possible illness mentioned is the same for the entire population of the country. They gotta justify their existence somehow I guess.
And lets not forget these folks tend to be much more screwed-up that most that do seek their assistance. IMO.

That's the truth for sure.

I use to get into it, with a mental heath professional, I use the term in it's most loose interpretation.

The guy was a true "wing-nut", to listen to him, everyone needed counselling, him most of all.

If you laughed at him he would go nuts on you. I finally chased the ass wipe off the board.

Hell, who knows, maybe he's lurking around here, he does turn up in the strangest places.

Here's to you doc..:fu:

03-13-2007, 02:17 PM
And the study is being conducted in....san franfreakshow...of all places. There couldn't be any bias there.They need to do a study on how many libs are mentally deranged. Oops that's all of them. Never mind.

03-13-2007, 04:23 PM
I can't tell you how much I love the attitudes of you people. As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do. :cool:

Mr. P
03-13-2007, 04:37 PM
I can't tell you how much I love the attitudes of you people. As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do. :cool:

Don't bet on it, unions are failing fast.:laugh2:

03-13-2007, 04:41 PM
..... according to investigators in San Francisco.


Sorry, I find it real hard to get past this line. :laugh2:

03-13-2007, 04:48 PM
I can't tell you how much I love the attitudes of you people. As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.

And you think we have attitudes, amazing.....:slap:

Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do. :cool:

Between you, planned parenthood, and our daughters, our daughters will win every-time.:finger3:

03-13-2007, 07:24 PM
I can't tell you how much I love the attitudes of you people. As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do. :cool:

Between you and Planned Parenthood, I can already hear the sucking of my wasted tax dollars.

03-13-2007, 07:31 PM
I can't tell you how much I love the attitudes of you people. As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do. :cool:

liberal kids ... (if you don't abort them all) .... the conservative kids will have played tag, played dodge ball, played competive sports, learned how to win and lose, earned an allowance and been told grades matter...

03-13-2007, 09:04 PM
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - High rates of mental health disorders are being diagnosed among US military personnel soon after being released from duty in
Iraq and Afghanistan, according to investigators in San Francisco.

They estimate that out of 103,788 returning veterans, 25 percent had a mental health diagnosis, and more than half of these patients had two or more distinct conditions.

Those most at risk were the youngest soldiers and those with the most combat exposure, Dr. Karen H. Seal at the Veterans Administration Medical Center and associates report in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Seal's group based their findings on records of US veterans deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan who were seen at VA health care facilities between September 2001 and September 2005.


Interesting. On the news around here, they used the number 22%, and put it in context with 11% from the Vietnam era.

Those most at risk are the ones that listen to you libs and putting the idea that they're doing something wrong in their heads. Just like you did before.

03-13-2007, 09:07 PM
I can't tell you how much I love the attitudes of you people. As a future school counselor, I will have the ultimate in job security. There promises to be an unending supply of your f*cked up kids to deal with.
Between myself and Planned Parenthood, we will know your daughters as well as you do. :cool:

Nah. Most of us wouldn't let our children attend public school in CA because we know complete morons like you permeate the establishment.

The fact that you are proud of the fact you plan to fill kids' heads full of your jacked-up, extremist ideology is beneath contempt.

03-13-2007, 09:24 PM
Interesting. On the news around here, they used the number 22%, and put it in context with 11% from the Vietnam era.

Those most at risk are the ones that listen to you libs and putting the idea that they're doing something wrong in their heads. Just like you did before.

They just love percentages. makes it sound so much worse that way. I always want to know 22% of how many? 11% of how many?

Mostly its the libs filling peoples head with the guilt trip bs. And you always have the few losers that want to get something for nothing that think they can play the system with a mental disorder brought on by their "traumatic" experience in a war zone.

03-13-2007, 09:29 PM
.... the conservative kids will have played tag, played dodge ball, played competive sports, learned how to win and lose, earned an allowance and been told grades matter...
Hey- that's how I've been torturing my kids. :salute:

03-13-2007, 09:45 PM
Hey- that's how I've been torturing my kids. :salute:

as i tell my son...libs make great employees as long as you hug them once in awhile

Mr. P
03-13-2007, 09:49 PM
Hey- that's how I've been torturing my kids. :salute:

Hey, I had mine outside playing with bugs and dirt an stuff. You know 'really learning' some enviroment stuff. :lol:

03-13-2007, 10:33 PM
They just love percentages. makes it sound so much worse that way. I always want to know 22% of how many? 11% of how many?

Mostly its the libs filling peoples head with the guilt trip bs. And you always have the few losers that want to get something for nothing that think they can play the system with a mental disorder brought on by their "traumatic" experience in a war zone.

I've made this argument before. If libs who "support the troops" weren't so busy filling those troop's heads with guilt or the idea that what they were doing was wrong, a lot of this so-called PTS wouldn't exist.

They're just not happy unless they're in someone's head screwing it up.

03-13-2007, 10:34 PM
Hey, I had mine outside playing with bugs and dirt an stuff. You know 'really learning' some enviroment stuff. :lol:

What a novel concept. Playing outside.

03-13-2007, 10:34 PM
I've made this argument before. If libs who "support the troops" weren't so busy filling those troop's heads with guilt or the idea that what they were doing was wrong, a lot of this so-called PTS wouldn't exist.

They're just not happy unless they're in someone's head screwing it up.

misery loves company

03-14-2007, 03:04 PM
Hey, I had mine outside playing with bugs and dirt an stuff. You know 'really learning' some enviroment stuff. :lol: Be careful a lib neighbor doesnt call child protective services on you.
