View Full Version : Politically Correct Terror Terminology

05-18-2008, 11:06 AM
Because God, er, Allah forbid we insult a terrorist.

The term "politically correct" is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary thus: "Of, relating to, or supporting broad social, political, and educational change, especially to redress historical injustices in matters such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation." Add to that litany of "historical injustices" the title of my New York Times best-seller: "American Heroes in the Fight Against Radical Islam."

In recent weeks, the vocabulary police opened a new front in the war on terror by issuing a list of do's and don'ts for terrorism terminology. In an effort to fight a kinder, gentler war on Islamic radicals, the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with unnamed Islamic interest groups, has issued a paper titled "Terminology to Define the Terrorists: Recommendations From American Muslims."

This policy document warns U.S. government officials against "using theological terms, particularly those in Arabic, even if such usage is benign or overtly positive. Islamic law and terms come with a particular context, which may not always be apparent." The paper goes on to counsel: "It is one thing for a Muslim leader to use a particular term; an American official may simply not have the religious authority to be taken seriously, even when using terms appropriately." In other words, we infidels have no street cred in the Islamic world.

We are told that we should no longer use words and phrases such as "jihadist," "Islamic terrorist" or "Islamist." Using the word "Islamic," the experts have advised us, may "concede the terrorists' claim that they are legitimate adherents of Islam."

At best, this advice is seriously flawed. At worst, it is an ominous recipe that invites defeat, for it begs us to ignore the identity of those who have declared war against the West in general -- and the U.S. in particular. The authors urge us to disregard the first axiom of war: If you don't know your enemy, you will lose.

In an interview for Fox News' "War Stories," Bernard Lewis (the dean of Mideast scholars) contrasted the way we fought fascism during World War II with the current conflict: "Then we knew who the enemy was. We knew who we were. Nowadays ... we have great difficulty in defining the enemy. We have to be careful not to offend anybody. We don't even seem to be able to define our own cause, let alone the enemy's. This kind of uncertainty makes it very difficult to carry on any sort of struggle."

Unfortunately, the Department of Homeland Security policy paper -- drafted with the help of anonymous "influential Muslim Americans" -- not only makes the current struggle more difficult but also is riddled with outright falsehoods. The document states, "The civilized world is facing a 'global' challenge, which transcends geography, culture, and religion." That statement defies reality. We didn't label al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Jemaah Islamiyah and Mahdi Army murderers (to name just a few of the groups I have seen in action) Muslim holy warriors; they did. We didn't call their savage suicidal bombing campaign an Islamic jihad; they did.

The Department of Homeland Security document insists that "Islam and secular democracy are fully compatible -- in fact, they can make each other stronger. Senior officials should emphasize this positive fact." That "positive fact" simply isn't. Save for Iraq and Afghanistan, where U.S. troops have become the protectors of Muslim women and nascent representative political institutions, there is no Islamic majority country where "secular democracy" flourishes. We didn't create these realities; Muslim leaders did.

Reality has little to do with this new wave of political correctness, and it goes well beyond this new DHS policy document. Muneer Fareed of the Islamic Society of North America told The Washington Times that he has contacted Sen. John McCain's office to urge him to "rethink word usage that is more acceptable to the Muslim community." Fareed is upset that McCain consistently refers to "radical Islamic extremism."

Click for full text... (http://www.gopusa.com/commentary/onorth/2008/on_0516p.shtml)

05-18-2008, 11:16 AM
In recent weeks, the vocabulary police opened a new front in the war on terror by issuing a list of do's and don'ts for terrorism terminology. In an effort to fight a kinder, gentler war on Islamic radicals, the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with unnamed Islamic interest groups, has issued a paper titled "Terminology to Define the Terrorists: Recommendations From American Muslims."

This policy document warns U.S. government officials against "using theological terms, particularly those in Arabic, even if such usage is benign or overtly positive. Islamic law and terms come with a particular context, which may not always be apparent." The paper goes on to counsel: "It is one thing for a Muslim leader to use a particular term; an American official may simply not have the religious authority to be taken seriously, even when using terms appropriately." In other words, we infidels have no street cred in the Islamic world.

The governemnt knows who the enemy is and even understands them. Unfortunately our government is a bunch of chickenshit mother fuckers who would rather "make love to their faces" than do what needs to be done.

05-18-2008, 11:37 AM
The media wing of Al Qaeda says Usama Bin Laden soon will issue a new message addressed to the Islamic world.


I am waiting with bated breath for this latest installment of horseshit. Yet Islam the religion of peace knows where he is and yet does nothing about it.

05-18-2008, 12:17 PM
Fighting international terrorism today is akin to fighting the KKK on a global scale. It will take enormous cooperation, calling Muslims names will not lead to that cooperation. Jurgen Habermas takes on the issue of the nation state in a world were sectarian violence, globalization, and income disparities make peace more difficult. The man we had at the head of our nation during these changing times turned out to be a greater mistake than most could ever imagine.


"I consider Bush's decision to call for a war against terrorism a serious mistake. He is elevating these criminals to the status of war enemies, and one cannot lead a war against a network if the term war is to retain any definite meaning."

"I do not know whether the U.S. government was slightly paranoid or merely shunning responsibility. The repeated and utterly nonspecific announcements of possible new terror attacks and the senseless calls to be alert further stirred a vague feeling of angst." [and helped elect a fool]

"Disappointment over nationalistic authoritarian regimes may have contributed to the fact that today religion offers a new and subjectively more convincing language for old political orientations."

05-18-2008, 01:01 PM
. It will take enormous cooperation, calling Muslims names will not lead to that cooperation.

We are told that we should no longer use words and phrases such as "jihadist," "Islamic terrorist" or "Islamist." Using the word "Islamic," the experts have advised us, may "concede the terrorists' claim that they are legitimate adherents of Islam."

How is using these words "calling Muslims names"????

If Christians were joining as a group to blow people up I would extect the media to call them Christian terrorists, since that is exactly what they are.

Islamic terrorists are using their religion as justification for the terror they are inflicting.

05-18-2008, 04:30 PM
Calling it radical islam is redundant.

North hit it on the head. We need to know and name our enemy. It is a war. And if they are not stopped soon it will become a big war, one that will eventually be waged right in your neighborhood.

05-19-2008, 03:37 PM
Fighting international terrorism today is akin to fighting the KKK on a global scale. It will take enormous cooperation, calling Muslims names will not lead to that cooperation.

Nonsense, "fighting" terrorism takes actual FIGHTING, not "cooperation."

We have no clue who our enemies are: we keep calling them our bestest newest friends. They, however, view us correctly as invaders and failed invaders and occupiers at that.

No one can fight a war if they are unaware there is actually an enemy to fight against! But our soldiers seem clueless ----------- they're just there to help.

To help.........I'm pretty sure "helping" isn't how anyone ever successfully fought a war.

Certainly we never fought a successful war by "helping," for example helping the Vietnamese.

Fight or stay home, one or the other.

The Muslims are going to win because they know the enemy is us. We are likely to lose because we have no clue that there even IS an enemy. We're all hung up over how to treat them more and more politely by constantly appeasing and giving in to them.