View Full Version : Iron Man
05-03-2008, 09:55 AM
Hands-down best superhero movie and a fine "general" action movie to boot. Robert Downey Jr. owns Tony Stark in a way that makes him quite believable. There are so many good things in the movie to mention but the storyline is perhaps the best.
The filmmakers chose to emphasize a story from decades past where Stark discovers the weapons he's designed are being used to hurt innocents and embarks on a personal crusade to stop the traitors in his company and the foreign terrorists using them.
The characters are all relatively richly detailed and interesting. Even the "suit" itself is given a life of its own through the middle third of the movie as Stark designs it in stages and goes through various amusing trial and error episodes made more humorous by the silent comic relief of the robots he's created in the past.
The coolest surprise I found was that the movie was astonishingly kid-friendly throughout except one 5 second bit where he's bedding a Vanity Fair reporter. Clear consequences are shown for his actions as well as those of his enemies. His motivations are honorable yet reflective of his personal flaws, and make for a more realistic portrayal of good, evil and in-between to inspire a bit of reflection on even the adult enjoying what is still a relatively mature action film.
Just a stunning, wonderful surprise from Hollywood. We needed an American hero again. We've got one in Tony Stark... Iron Man.
05-03-2008, 09:59 AM
Sounds like one I might want to see. There have been very few lately.
05-03-2008, 10:06 AM
Sounds like one I might want to see. There have been very few lately.
Yes, there has been crap all year except Juno and a few documentaries. Even the foreign films have been subpar....
Hopefully the "Dark Knight" lives up to the hype and then we have a good war movie at the end of the year and the new Bond.
I really hope you enjoy Iron Man. It has been years since I wanted to stand up and clap and cheer in the theater (might have been last for Saving Private Ryan or perhaps Hotel Rwanda).
Glad to hear it's so good, I'm a big Downey, Jr. fan, so I was really rooting for this one. I'll definitely check it out now.
I'm surprised that you were a fan of Juno, NATO, it doesn't seem like your kind of thing. I do like the plot, actually, I think it handles teen pregnancy pretty well, but all the "Juno-talk" really drove me nuts, especially her friend. I wanted to kick her in the face by the end of the movie.
05-03-2008, 11:36 AM
Yes, there has been crap all year except Juno and a few documentaries. Even the foreign films have been subpar....
Hopefully the "Dark Knight" lives up to the hype and then we have a good war movie at the end of the year and the new Bond.
I really hope you enjoy Iron Man. It has been years since I wanted to stand up and clap and cheer in the theater (might have been last for Saving Private Ryan or perhaps Hotel Rwanda).
you thought Juno wasnt crap? yikes.
As for Iron Man. Ill let you guys know what I th ink when i get back. Im leaving in about 10-20 mins.
05-03-2008, 11:39 AM
Glad to hear it's so good, I'm a big Downey, Jr. fan, so I was really rooting for this one. I'll definitely check it out now.
I'm surprised that you were a fan of Juno, NATO, it doesn't seem like your kind of thing. I do like the plot, actually, I think it handles teen pregnancy pretty well, but all the "Juno-talk" really drove me nuts, especially her friend. I wanted to kick her in the face by the end of the movie.
I thought Juno was hilarious, especially her parents.
It was endearing as well, focusing on inanities where most films overlook them (the part about the unborn babies having fingernails and that driving her nuts in the abortion clinic was priceless) and I respected a movie that treated teenagers with a modicum of restraint as well as not employing stock characters... everyone played well in a variety of roles.
The Juno talk did get sort of annoying but jargon is a part of any movie or TV show that captures well a co-culture or sub-culture. Otherwise it would seem a tad vanilla I think.
05-03-2008, 11:42 AM
you thought Juno wasnt crap? yikes.
As for Iron Man. Ill let you guys know what I th ink when i get back. Im leaving in about 10-20 mins.
Crap? I don't believe so. Overrated? Yes. She did deserve the best actress nomination though. The movie didn't deserve anything else.
For her parents alone I would watch the movie multiple times. That was the most believable set of parents in any movie that looked at teenagers in decades! The stepmother was priceless especially.
05-03-2008, 11:48 AM
Crap? I don't believe so. Overrated? Yes. She did deserve the best actress nomination though. The movie didn't deserve anything else.
For her parents alone I would watch the movie multiple times. That was the most believable set of parents in any movie that looked at teenagers in decades! The stepmother was priceless especially.
The scene where Allison Janney tells off the ultrasound tech, priceless.
I'mm heading out in a couple of hours to see Iron Man, I've been looking forward to it for about nine months now. I'm glad to see the good reviews, not just here but in the papers as well.
05-03-2008, 11:53 AM
The scene where Allison Jannney tells off the ultrasound tech, priceless.
Yes! Ha, the mothers in the audience had a fit and rightfully so with that scene.
Have fun watching Iron Man.
05-03-2008, 02:43 PM
Just read Debbie Schlussel's review on the movie. She liked it. The terrorists are actually muslims for a change though the real bad guy is....a defense contractor. Imagine that? Sounds like it will be worth renting when it comes out on DVD. I don't go to theaters.
05-03-2008, 03:09 PM
Just read Debbie Schlussel's review on the movie. She liked it. The terrorists are actually muslims for a change though the real bad guy is....a defense contractor. Imagine that? Sounds like it will be worth renting when it comes out on DVD. I don't go to theaters.
Given the role greed in our defense industry has played in foreign powers gaining access to our greatest weapons secrets (just look at the JSF controversy now), its not a terrible jump. The character in question though is motivated more by jealousy of Tony Stark.... also an ancient vice.
05-03-2008, 03:17 PM
I saw this movie Friday, and it was awesome. This is a hero I can really root for, and as an engineer, I find that suit all kinds of awesome.
05-03-2008, 03:27 PM
I saw this movie Friday, and it was awesome. This is a hero I can really root for, and as an engineer, I find that suit all kinds of awesome.
The technology stuff was sweet! Do you forsee engineering and drafting problems like that in the near future or?
05-03-2008, 04:45 PM
just got back. i loved it. Funny. good plot. awkward romance. The outfit is awesome.
The only thing i really didnt like is seeing Samuel L Jackson in it.
05-03-2008, 07:58 PM
just got back. i loved it. Funny. good plot. awkward romance. The outfit is awesome.
The only thing i really didnt like is seeing Samuel L Jackson in it.
At least you stayed until the credits finished rolling. Half the people in the theatre I was in got up and walked out when the credits started. I'm not sure why you didn't like SLJ, I thought it was great and set up a sequel quite nicely. Not so long ago, Marvel reinvented the character of Nick Fury and when they did, they used SLJ's likeness. Besides, he was only in it for about two and a half minutes.
As for the movie itself, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I thought they did a very good job with developing the Tony Stark character in the beginning as well as re-establishing the back story for how he sustained his life changing injury. Robert Downey Jr. was perfect for the part. Gwyneth Paltrow was flat and lacked personality, but that could, I suppose, be attributed to the whole unrequited love thing. The Jeff Bridges character, Obadiah Stane, was delightfully wicked.
With any luck, future films will flesh out the Terrence Howard character, Jim Rhodes, and his relationship with Tony Stark and Iron Man.
05-03-2008, 08:08 PM
im just tired of SLJ. He just rubs me the wrong way.
05-03-2008, 08:10 PM
im just tired of SLJ. He just rubs me the wrong way.
LOL. He does like to work. But, there really is no-one else they could have cast as Fury. They did use his face for the comic books afetr all.
Pale Rider
05-04-2008, 08:00 AM
Son saw it in the theater... called on his way home and said it was real good.
Of course I'll wait until it comes out on Blu-ray and then buy it.
05-14-2008, 11:56 AM
I saw it last week, it was really good. Ten times better than the Spider-Man films.
05-14-2008, 04:10 PM
The wife and I are dropping the kids off at the neighbors and going to see it tonight. Will let you know what I think of it when I get home.
05-14-2008, 09:53 PM
im just tired of SLJ. He just rubs me the wrong way.
would you rather have David Hasselhoff reprise his role as Nick Fury?:laugh2:
I was not sure about SLJ as Fury too. I didn't realize the revamped the character and made him black. I am looking forward to the second movie. If they do it correctly, the Avengers woul be amazing. Look at who they would have to bring in. Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp, the Hulk! This would be and awesome movie.
05-14-2008, 09:55 PM
They're supposed to be making a Thor movie already. Or at least I thought so.
05-14-2008, 10:08 PM
They're supposed to be making a Thor movie already. Or at least I thought so.
No one cast yet, but it looks like a 2010 release:
05-14-2008, 10:22 PM
I didn't realize the revamped the character and made him black.
In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, General Nick Fury is African-American, with his look and personality tailored after actor Samuel L. Jackson. This was done with the actor's explicit permission.
05-15-2008, 02:57 PM
Saw it last night. Really a good movie. I wasnt a fan of RDJr. as Tony Stark, but I have to admit, he pulled it off for the most part. The plot is interesting and the graphics are great. Definaltey a must see. I wouldnt say you have to see it in the movie theater though...but definately see it.
05-17-2008, 03:01 AM
Just got back from seeing it. Great movie with a good plot. My favorite part was when he was learning how to fly. That was good for a laugh. Simultaneously targeting six terrorists was a close runner up.
Hagbard Celine
05-17-2008, 11:50 AM
This movie was totally rad. I could've watched an entire movie just about Rob Downey Jr. womanizing and being a smartass. The Iron Man stuff was icing on the cake!
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