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Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 02:08 PM
no. that is ridiculous! you did not prove any such thing. the only thing you proved was that you are a racist who feels superior to people with black skin.
Yes, I did prove it, quite conclusively I'll add. The fact that you chose to ignore the mountains of statistics and facts is you're fault, not mine. But, you've been ignoring much in this thread. It's appalling.

I ask you again: if you took a caucasian baby and a black baby - orphans - and had them raised as siblings by a family in remote Mongolia, are you suggesting that, BY NATURE - GENETICALLY - INHERENTLY, the black baby would grow up to be more violent than the caucasian baby?
Since I can't find an example of that ever happening, I'll use another example that is the same thing. Take black people out of Mongolia and bring them up in white America and yes, they turn out more violent. That we know is a fact. You've been shown these facts. Yet you deny them as if they didn't exist. Quite amazing.

I also am a member of a UCC church. There certainly have been times that I have disagreed with what has been preached from the pulpit at my church. Why didn't I leave? Because it is my church. The churches of the UCC are congregational in nature. That means that the church is not defined by the minister but by the congregation itself. I would never leave my church because my faith journey has been undertaken alongside the members of my church. It would be easy for you to understand if you were a member of a congregational church, but clearly you are not and, therefore, your "beliefs" are based in ignorance.
So you follow a church that preaches things you don't agree with, just because of the congregation. Well, you're right. I don't get it. You sound like sheeple.

And thank you so much mister holier than thou for telling me my Christian beliefs are "IGONRANT."

I'll tell ya what mfm... you just turn into a bigger shit wad with every coming post. What is your problem? The fact that your candidate was exposed as to belonging to a racist church with a racist preacher. You feel you have to strike out and hit back at anyone who dares talk about it? You're out of your skull on this mfm. I think you've lost a lot of ground here on the board as far as people taking you seriously. You've been a complete joke and sarcastic monster in this thread, and you are the epitome of antipathy.

03-25-2008, 02:20 PM
Yes, I did prove it, quite conclusively I'll add. The fact that you chose to ignore the mountains of statistics and facts is you're fault, not mine. But, you've been ignoring much in this thread. It's appalling.

Since I can't find an example of that ever happening, I'll use another example that is the same thing. Take black people out of Mongolia and bring them up in white America and yes, they turn out more violent. That we know is a fact. BULLSHIT!You've been shown these facts. Yet you deny them as if they didn't exist. Quite amazing.

So you follow a church that preaches things you don't agree with, just because of the congregation. Well, you're right. I don't get it. You sound like sheeple.

And thank you so much mister holier than thou for telling me my Christian beliefs are "IGONRANT."

I'll tell ya what mfm... you just turn into a bigger shit wad with every coming post. What is your problem? The fact that your candidate was exposed as to belonging to a racist church with a racist preacher. You feel you have to strike out and hit back at anyone who dares talk about it? You're out of your skull on this mfm. I think you've lost a lot of ground here on the board as far as people taking you seriously. You've been a complete joke and sarcastic monster in this thread, and you are the epitome of antipathy.

black people don't live in Mongolia. MORON. So clearly, you cannot know any such "fact", you fucking idiot. Do you even have a fucking clue where Mongolia is, you ignorant buffoon?:lol:

YOu haven't proven anything other than the fact that society impacts the level of violence of human beings.

I belong to a congregational church because the congregation is what is important. And if the minister my church hired preached values that I disagreed with every single Sunday, I would work with my fellow parishioners to get him replaced. If the minister nine times out of ten preached sermons that inspired and uplifted me and once every ten weeks, it rankled me and I disagreed with it, that would not be a reason to leave my church. I am not about to judge Jeremiah Wright's three decades in the pulpit based upon a handful of soundbites...but I fully understand how a racist thug like you would jump at such an opportunity.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 02:39 PM
black people don't live in Mongolia. MORON. So clearly, you cannot know any such "fact", you fucking idiot. Do you even have a fucking clue where Mongolia is, you ignorant buffoon?:lol:

YOu haven't proven anything other than the fact that society impacts the level of violence of human beings.
Doesn't make any difference where jug head. You dodge my example to revel in irrelevant criticism. You're a fucking real winner mfm. I hope you enjoy going down in flames, because you've been owned like the little liberal, excuse making, spinning, lying craw dad you are about fifteen times from eternity in this thread.

I belong to a congregational church because the congregation is what is important. And if the minister my church hired preached values that I disagreed with every single Sunday, I would work with my fellow parishioners to get him replaced. If the minister nine times out of ten preached sermons that inspired and uplifted me and once every ten weeks, it rankled me and I disagreed with it, that would not be a reason to leave my church. I am not about to judge Jeremiah Wright's three decades in the pulpit based upon a handful of soundbites...but I fully understand how a racist thug like you would jump at such an opportunity.
Ya know what I see here mfm.... I see... "blah, blah, blah, rev wright gets a pass from me for being a racist because he's black... blah, blah, blah, but since you called him a racist for commenting on his racist rants, I'm going to call you a racist... blah, blah, blah, because I need to deflect away from rev wright because he can sink my messiah hussein's chances at the white house." That's exactly what's going on this thread mfm. Don't think people here aren't smart enough to figure it out you arrogant, liberal, boob.

03-25-2008, 02:41 PM
For you to just blithely dismiss Ronald Reagan's unconditional commitment to Israel - which was political and financial and military in nature and quite substantive overall, and get your undies in a bunch over the symbolic and spiritual commitment to African culture of a black church in Chicago is hypocritical in the extreme...and another example of the self righteous faux outrage that you use to attempt to disguise your own racism.

when are you going to apologize for calling me a kike, which is calling me a jewish nigger....

i didn't blithely dismiss anything, i gave you sound reasoning, you are free to reject logic.....

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 02:46 PM
And by the way mfm... you with your pitch black hair and pitch black mustache, I don't believe for one second you have one iota of Irish in you, let alone HALF! No freagin' way.

03-25-2008, 03:11 PM
Doesn't make any difference where jug head. You dodge my example to revel in irrelevant criticism. You're a fucking real winner mfm. I hope you enjoy going down in flames, because you've been owned like the little liberal, excuse making, spinning, lying craw dad you are about fifteen times from eternity in this thread.

Ya know what I see here mfm.... I see... "blah, blah, blah, rev wright gets a pass from me for being a racist because he's black... blah, blah, blah, but since you called him a racist for commenting on his racist rants, I'm going to call you a racist... blah, blah, blah, because I need to deflect away from rev wright because he can sink my messiah hussein's chances at the white house." That's exactly what's going on this thread mfm. Don't think people here aren't smart enough to figure it out you arrogant, liberal, boob.

I am not going down in flames by pointing out the profound prejudice of your "blacks are inherently more violent than whites" diatribe. That is a sick and hateful point of view and I will call you on it every time.

03-25-2008, 03:15 PM
when are you going to apologize for calling me a kike, which is calling me a jewish nigger....

i didn't blithely dismiss anything, i gave you sound reasoning, you are free to reject logic.....

yurt. I apologized for calling you a kike.

yurt. the statement by TUCC was symbolic and spiritual. Reagan's statement was anything but. Reagan's commitment to Israel has the potential for real, costly and bloody consequences for America. TUCC's statement does not. I wonder why you give Reagan a free pass about Israel on commitments of substance whereas you pillory TUCC and Obama for commitments of symbolism and spirituality?

03-25-2008, 03:19 PM
And by the way mfm... you with your pitch black hair and pitch black mustache, I don't believe for one second you have one iota of Irish in you, let alone HALF! No freagin' way.

my hair is brown, not black. And I am 1/4 Irish. My one grandmother came from Ireland. I have two grandmothers....And two grandfathers. I thought everyone did. But again, I suppose you might not... I suppose, given your intellect, your family tree might very well resemble a wreath!

Abbey Marie
03-25-2008, 03:28 PM
For you to just blithely dismiss Ronald Reagan's unconditional commitment to Israel - which was political and financial and military in nature and quite substantive overall, and get your undies in a bunch over the symbolic and spiritual commitment to African culture of a black church in Chicago is hypocritical in the extreme...and another example of the self righteous faux outrage that you use to attempt to disguise your own racism.

Hmm, for starters, Reagan did not place Israel above the United States, call himself Israeli-American, or base his entire philosophy of life on Israel. He did not put silhouettes of Israel on White House stationery. He did not say "God Damn America". Etc. Symbols and words and where your heart is spiritually count more than politics, anyway, as they go to the character or lack thereof, of the man.

03-25-2008, 03:44 PM
Hmm, for starters, Reagan did not place Israel above the United States, call himself Israeli-American, or base his entire philosophy of life on Israel. He did not put silhouettes of Israel on White House stationery. He did not say "God Damn America". Etc. Symbols and words and where your heart is spiritually count more than politics, anyway, as they go to the character or lack thereof, of the man.

Obama certainly has never placed Africa above the United States...and Obama had strongly condemned the intemperate remarks of reverend Wright.

But go ahead Abbey...if you want to believe that Barack Obama cares more about Africa than America, go right ahead. You were never gonna vote for him anyway. If this gives you a better excuse, that's great.:laugh2:

03-25-2008, 04:57 PM
yurt. I apologized for calling you a kike.

yurt. the statement by TUCC was symbolic and spiritual. Reagan's statement was anything but. Reagan's commitment to Israel has the potential for real, costly and bloody consequences for America. TUCC's statement does not. I wonder why you give Reagan a free pass about Israel on commitments of substance whereas you pillory TUCC and Obama for commitments of symbolism and spirituality?

thank you.

1. i don't believe it is merely symbolism. it of course is wrapped up partly in so-called spirituality, however, i do not know the exact bounds of their non-negotiable commitment.

2. as i said before, apple and oranges with reagan, for he did not swear loyalty to israel above all else. his commitment was merely political, just like we are allies of britain, unlike obama who has pledged loyalty regardless to an entire continent, the motherland. why do you feel it necessary to mention only israel? further, if obama becomes president, one could argue that he will take this beyond any "symbolism" and so-called spirituality.

i see you mentioned to abby once again your insistence that if someone is not going to vote for obama, then they should not concern themselves with discussing him. nonsense and you know it.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 05:28 PM
I am not going down in flames by pointing out the profound prejudice of your "blacks are inherently more violent than whites" diatribe. That is a sick and hateful point of view and I will call you on it every time.
Please do. Because if you don't, I will. I've proved it conclusively, over and over. You are the only here in denial of the facts. Deal with it.

my hair is brown, not black. And I am 1/4 Irish. My one grandmother came from Ireland. I have two grandmothers....And two grandfathers. I thought everyone did. But again, I suppose you might not... I suppose, given your intellect, your family tree might very well resemble a wreath!
I still don't believe it. I believe the story is convenient for you to tell here, so you've made it up. And do you know why I believe that? Because as of late, you have displayed to me and everyone else here, you are capable of incredibly ignorant and deceptive behavior to further your agenda.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 05:33 PM
Obama certainly has never placed Africa above the United States...and Obama had strongly condemned the intemperate remarks of reverend Wright.

But go ahead Abbey...if you want to believe that Barack Obama cares more about Africa than America, go right ahead. You were never gonna vote for him anyway. If this gives you a better excuse, that's great.:laugh2:

His church and uncle racist preacher reverend wright put africa ahead of the "KKK of America," as he puts it, and hussein is STILL a MEMBER of that church. Now you excuse that away 'till the hogs come home, but the rest of us know hussein MUST be in agreement with the church and the racist preacher, otherwise he'd LEAVE THE CHURCH!

You're man is going down in flames mfm.... and I love it. It infuriates you to no end, because you've been acting like a complete jack ass here lately defending this racist church, the racist preacher, and the racist hussein.

03-25-2008, 05:33 PM
thank you.

1. i don't believe it is merely symbolism. it of course is wrapped up partly in so-called spirituality, however, i do not know the exact bounds of their non-negotiable commitment.

2. as i said before, apple and oranges with reagan, for he did not swear loyalty to israel above all else. his commitment was merely political, just like we are allies of britain, unlike obama who has pledged loyalty regardless to an entire continent, the motherland. why do you feel it necessary to mention only israel? further, if obama becomes president, one could argue that he will take this beyond any "symbolism" and so-called spirituality.

i see you mentioned to abby once again your insistence that if someone is not going to vote for obama, then they should not concern themselves with discussing him. nonsense and you know it.

where does ANYONE in TUCC say that they swear loyalty to Africa ABOVE ALL ELSE... Do you honestly think that Obama has a greater degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa where his absent father was born than he does to the United States? Honestly????

and I have no problem with republicans talking about Obama's policy isues and how they differ with him. Spinning this guilt by association issue with his church into the be-all end-all most important fucking issue on the planet 24/7 is clearly just a rather shoddy ploy.

03-25-2008, 05:33 PM
Please do. Because you don't, I will. I've proved it conclusively, over and over. You are the only here in denial of the facts. Deal with it.

I still don't believe it. I believe the story is convenient for you to tell here, so you've made it up. And do you know why I believe that? Because as of late, you have displayed to me and everyone else here, you are capable of incredibly ignorant and deceptive behavior to further your agenda.

Im not even sure he remembers what his agenda is. The OP was about Obama dropping in the polls --and he is.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 05:37 PM
Im not even sure he remembers what his agenda is. The OP was about Obama dropping in the polls --and he is.

Like a lead balloon... and mfm is furious... to the point of ludicrousness... :laugh:

03-25-2008, 05:40 PM
Please do. Because if you don't, I will. I've proved it conclusively, over and over. You are the only here in denial of the facts. Deal with it.

I still don't believe it. I believe the story is convenient for you to tell here, so you've made it up. And do you know why I believe that? Because as of late, you have displayed to me and everyone else here, you are capable of incredibly ignorant and deceptive behavior to further your agenda.

1. you can SAY you proved anything you want...that does not make it true. You have proved that society causes violence in poor neighborhoos...you have NEVER provent that blacks are inherently more violent than other races and the only thing you HAVE proven by your constant fallacious logic is that you are a fucking racist yourself. period.

2. I really don't give a fuck whether you believe that my grandmother was from Ireland. really. I. personally don't believe you are anyone but a pimply faced teenager masquerading as a tough guy biker. Do you care about that belief of mine? I would imagine not.

03-25-2008, 05:42 PM
where does ANYONE in TUCC say that they swear loyalty to Africa ABOVE ALL ELSE... Do you honestly think that Obama has a greater degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa where his absent father was born than he does to the United States? Honestly????

and I have no problem with republicans talking about Obama's policy isues and how they differ with him. Spinning this guilt by association issue with his church into the be-all end-all most important fucking issue on the planet 24/7 is clearly just a rather shoddy ploy.

Unless one wishes to conclude that the people of TUCC are idiots, they don't have to add, ABOVE ALL ELSE, it's implied:


...We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization....

03-25-2008, 05:43 PM
Im not even sure he remembers what his agenda is. The OP was about Obama dropping in the polls --and he is.

what the fuck are you talking about.

Gallup had Hillary leading Obama 49-41 on the 18th after the Wright sermons went viral.

Gallup has Obama leading Hillary 47-45 today.

Math hard for you???

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 05:44 PM
1. you can SAY you proved anything you want...that does not make it true. You have proved that society causes violence in poor neighborhoos...you have NEVER provent that blacks are inherently more violent than other races and the only thing you HAVE proven by your constant fallacious logic is that you are a fucking racist yourself. period.

2. I really don't give a fuck whether you believe that my grandmother was from Ireland. really. I. personally don't believe you are anyone but a pimply faced teenager masquerading as a tough guy biker. Do you care about that belief of mine? I would imagine not.

Well fuck, fuck, fucking fuck... now we really got you pissed don't we.... :laugh:

I've proven that black people are far more violent than any other race. I believe this violence is born into them. This socio-blah, blah, blah, it's all whitey's fault mentality you excuse it away as is pure bull shit.

Now take a time out... you're losing it... even more so than you already have.

And here's who I hung out and rolled with Friday. The Vagos MC, Bordertown, NV. My Harley is the white one sitting directly in line with the door to Sidelines. Masquerade? I invite you to come and *masquerade* with me anytime you feel you're man enough.


03-25-2008, 05:46 PM
Unless one wishes to conclude that the people of TUCC are idiots, they don't have to add, ABOVE ALL ELSE, it's implied:


implied by YOU, perhaps...I don't see that implication. Rev. John Thomas, the President of the UCC doesn't see that implication.. but like I told Abbey and Yurt...go ahead and work this thing for all its worth Kath...we both know that you weren't voting for him anyway.

Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama holds a higher degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States? REALLY?

03-25-2008, 05:48 PM
implied by YOU, perhaps...I don't see that implication. Rev. John Thomas, the President of the UCC doesn't see that implication.. but like I told Abbey and Yurt...go ahead and work this thing for all its worth Kath...we both know that you weren't voting for him anyway.

Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama holds a higher degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States? REALLY?

Hard to tell what BO really holds dear. All we really have are his campaign speeches, which add nothing and his books where we have to figure out what is true and what isn't, the Tribune helped with that.

03-25-2008, 05:48 PM
implied by YOU, perhaps...I don't see that implication. Rev. John Thomas, the President of the UCC doesn't see that implication.. but like I told Abbey and Yurt...go ahead and work this thing for all its worth Kath...we both know that you weren't voting for him anyway.

Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama holds a higher degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States? REALLY?

hell no--he's a liar.

03-25-2008, 05:49 PM
implied by YOU, perhaps...I don't see that implication. Rev. John Thomas, the President of the UCC doesn't see that implication.. but like I told Abbey and Yurt...go ahead and work this thing for all its worth Kath...we both know that you weren't voting for him anyway.

Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama holds a higher degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States? REALLY?

We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent.....

so he belongs to a church but does not believe in their mission statement.....

03-25-2008, 05:55 PM
We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent.....

so he belongs to a church but does not believe in their mission statement.....

That's correct. He's having to lie to walk the tightrope -- I think he would love to tell Wright to kiss off but he would piss off too many black voters . ( but don't mistake his type of racism for the typical white racism ) :laugh2:

03-25-2008, 06:01 PM
no. that is ridiculous! you did not prove any such thing. the only thing you proved was that you are a racist who feels superior to people with black skin.

I ask you again: if you took a caucasian baby and a black baby - orphans - and had them raised as siblings by a family in remote Mongolia, are you suggesting that, BY NATURE - GENETICALLY - INHERENTLY, the black baby would grow up to be more violent than the caucasian baby?

I also am a member of a UCC church. There certainly have been times that I have disagreed with what has been preached from the pulpit at my church. Why didn't I leave? Because it is my church. The churches of the UCC are congregational in nature. That means that the church is not defined by the minister but by the congregation itself. I would never leave my church because my faith journey has been undertaken alongside the members of my church. It would be easy for you to understand if you were a member of a congregational church, but clearly you are not and, therefore, your "beliefs" are based in ignorance.

Odd. I always thought the Christian Church was defined by... well... Christ Jesus. Which kinda belies the whole "congregational" church deal as being apostate. But then, the apostates like to pretend that they are really "of Christ" but while that thinking might assuage their own consciences, the reality is that they are still apostate. But this might be a topic best pursued in its own thread.

03-25-2008, 06:04 PM
Odd. I always thought the Christian Church was defined by... well... Christ Jesus. Which kinda belies the whole "congregational" church deal as being apostate. But then, the apostates like to pretend that they are really "of Christ" but while that thinking might assuage their own consciences, the reality is that they are still apostate. But this might be a topic best pursued in its own thread.

good point but I think black churches have their own rules--except it's NOT because they are black---I don't think---or is it ?? :laugh2:

03-25-2008, 06:05 PM
implied by YOU, perhaps...I don't see that implication. Rev. John Thomas, the President of the UCC doesn't see that implication.. but like I told Abbey and Yurt...go ahead and work this thing for all its worth Kath...we both know that you weren't voting for him anyway.

Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama holds a higher degree of loyalty to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States? REALLY?

Obama has shown through his own actions he has loyalty to himself and his pursuit of power. He has shown loyalty to someone who preaches Black Liberation Theology as the only true form of Christianity.

03-25-2008, 06:07 PM
good point but I think black churches have their own rules--except it's NOT because they are black---I don't think---or is it ?? :laugh2:

Read up on Black Liberation Theology - it's an eye-opener. Just keep in mind that BLT is taught in a minority of black churches, and is considered fringe para-theology rather than a religion.

03-25-2008, 06:08 PM
That's correct. He's having to lie to walk the tightrope -- I think he would love to tell Wright to kiss off but he would piss off too many black voters . ( but don't mistake his type of racism for the typical white racism ) :laugh2:

so would this be "nationalisim" or "jingoisim".....

03-25-2008, 06:10 PM
Read up on Black Liberation Theology - it's an eye-opener. Just keep in mind that BLT is taught in a minority of black churches, and is considered fringe para-theology rather than a religion.

well here's where I sorta lose it---just what IS a black church anyway? One that whites won't go to?

03-25-2008, 06:11 PM
well here's where I sorta lose it---just what IS a black church anyway? One that whites won't go to?

it is a church that focuses on the black culture and the black way of life to help people deal with black issues....

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 06:13 PM
it is a church that focuses on the black culture and the black way of life to help people deal with black issues....

Issues like, "it's all whitey's fault"...

03-25-2008, 07:31 PM

please explain your "democrat" comment....how did you JUMP from mfm using gook and kike to .....you thinking this is why he is a Democrat?

What does politica;l party have to do with someone calling someone a "name"? gees? names and labling people is rampant around here on both sides of the aisle from some people and some never use names, but what does calling someone a kike have to do with being a Democrat in your head??

His use of the word is a sign of internal issues of race that he feels will be dealt with by giving away stuff to others. It is a very Democrat thing. Guilt brings many to that fold.

03-25-2008, 07:39 PM
I see that TUCC has added a prayer before their old About Us statement that mentions "all races" in it now. They also removed a portion of the website that was particularly racist. "The Black Value System" was too much to show to the public, before only members visited the site, now that they are in the limelight changes have been made so now they moved it where few people will find it. The portions that were removed are gone and I can't find them yet. Maybe they moved them to other Easter Eggs on the site.

03-25-2008, 07:59 PM
Obama certainly has never placed Africa above the United States...and Obama had strongly condemned the intemperate remarks of reverend Wright.


I would love for you to prove the bolded part, do you know the man personally, or are you simply speculating based on speeches you have heard??????????????????

I listened to and read the speech Obama gave on Wright, I also listened to his Fox interview on the subject. IMO he did not condemn Wrights remarks as much as he made excuses for them. He called Wright an uncle who he can not disown.

Hillary, as much as I dislike her, was correct when she said. You cannot pick your family, but you can pick your church.

Obama continues to stand by Wright and, to many, including Dem's, that is as good as agreeing with him.

03-25-2008, 08:11 PM
I would love for you to prove the bolded part, do you know the man personally, or are you simply speculating based on speeches you have heard??????????????????

I listened to and read the speech Obama gave on Wright, I also listened to his Fox interview on the subject. IMO he did not condemn Wrights remarks as much as he made excuses for them. He called Wright an uncle who he can not disown.

Hillary, as much as I dislike her, was correct when she said. You cannot pick your family, but you can pick your church.

Obama continues to stand by Wright and, to many, including Dem's, that is as good as agreeing with him.

so trigg.... do you honestly believe that a United States Senator and candidate for the Presidency actually has more loyalty to the African continent than he does to the United States? honestly?

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 08:19 PM
so trigg.... do you honestly believe that a United States Senator and candidate for the Presidency actually has more loyalty to the African continent than he does to the United States? honestly?

Kind of telling how people have given up responding to you isn't it mfm. They know a nut case when they see one, and this isn't what they want to do... :bang3:

03-25-2008, 08:29 PM
Kind of telling how people have given up responding to you isn't it mfm. They know a nut case when they see one, and this isn't what they want to do... :bang3:

it's nice to know I can always get the tough cyber biker to lay a few smilies on me though!

tough guy!

and fyi....trigg left three minutes before I posted that. moron.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 08:41 PM
it's nice to know I can always get the tough cyber biker to lay a few smilies on me though!

tough guy!

and fyi....trigg left three minutes before I posted that. moron.

Cyber biker? Kind of funny how not many posts ago in this thread I posted this... http://debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=222129&postcount=270

Makes you look pretty stupid... but, I guess that's why you ignored it.

03-25-2008, 08:49 PM
Cyber biker? Kind of funny how not many posts ago in this thread I posted this... http://debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=222129&postcount=270

Makes you look pretty stupid... but, I guess that's why you ignored it.

"this photo is currently unavailable".

and why should I believe that any picture of some guy on a harley is YOU?

I can find lots of pictures of guys on harleys all over the internet.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:12 PM
"this photo is currently unavailable".

and why should I believe that any picture of some guy on a harley is YOU?

I can find lots of pictures of guys on harleys all over the internet.

Here ya go son. Want a close up of my bike in that group? How about one of me sitting on my bike? How about one of me uncrating my bike when it came into the dealer?

Now see if you can make yourself look any dumber... K? You're doing a slam up job as is.... :laugh:


03-25-2008, 09:15 PM
again...how the fuck do I know that that is YOU? For all I know, you could be a 15 year old lesbian. Anybody can post pictures, moron!:laugh2:

03-25-2008, 09:18 PM
again...how the fuck do I know that that is YOU? For all I know, you could be a 15 year old lesbian. Anybody can post pictures, moron!:laugh2:

can you bury you head any further in the sand ?

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:19 PM
again...how the fuck do I know that that is YOU? For all I know, you could be a 15 year old lesbian. Anybody can post pictures, moron!:laugh2:

Good God man.... you're one dense mother fucker.

03-25-2008, 09:19 PM
can you bury you head any further in the sand ?

are you in that picture too?:laugh2:

03-25-2008, 09:23 PM
Good God man.... you're one dense mother fucker.

how so? because I doubt the validity of a photo posted on the internet?

really. how do I know you are not some tough biker guy's daughter?

because you SAY so? YOU call me a liar and say that there is no way that my grandmother is Irish and that is perfectly ok to do, but I question your biker credentials and I am somehow one dense motherfucker? really?

I really think you are a dumb ass teenage bitch.... an adult male could not be as blatantly moronic!

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:26 PM
are you in that picture too?:laugh2:

Your incredible ingonrance is on glowing display. You must take pleasure in looking like such an idiot.

03-25-2008, 09:26 PM
so trigg.... do you honestly believe that a United States Senator and candidate for the Presidency actually has more loyalty to the African continent than he does to the United States? honestly?

why is such an idea impossible?

03-25-2008, 09:27 PM
how so? because I doubt the validity of a photo posted on the internet?

really. how do I know you are not some tough biker guy's daughter?

because you SAY so? YOU call me a liar and say that there is no way that my grandmother is Irish and that is perfectly ok to do, but I question your biker credentials and I am somehow one dense motherfucker? really?

I really think you are a dumb ass teenage bitch.... an adult male could not be as blatantly moronic!

Oh I get it---being intentionally ignorant again to prove your point.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:30 PM
how so? because I doubt the validity of a photo posted on the internet?

really. how do I know you are not some tough biker guy's daughter?

because you SAY so? YOU call me a liar and say that there is no way that my grandmother is Irish and that is perfectly ok to do, but I question your biker credentials and I am somehow one dense motherfucker? really?

I really think you are a dumb ass teenage bitch.... an adult male could not be as blatantly moronic!

Here's my bike sitting next the orange one in the above picture...

Here's my bike sitting in front of my garage...

Here's my bike sitting IN my garage...

OK fool... now go take a shit and write on the wall with it like you were doing earlier in your cell...

03-25-2008, 09:30 PM
why is such an idea impossible?

stupid question from a stupid lawyer.

I never said such an idea was impossible, I asked him if he believed it.

03-25-2008, 09:31 PM
"this photo is currently unavailable".

and why should I believe that any picture of some guy on a harley is YOU?

I can find lots of pictures of guys on harleys all over the internet.

Should I believe any a statement you make about your Irish lineage?

I take it you understand what I'm getting at here.

03-25-2008, 09:32 PM
OK fool... now go play with take a shit and write on the wall with it like you were doing earlier in your cell...

and we know those are YOUR bikes and not your dad's....how, little girl?

03-25-2008, 09:34 PM
Should I believe any a statement you make about your Irish lineage?

I take it you understand what I'm getting at here.

Oh, I do....and if you question my irish heritage, am I supposed to forget that fact and believe everything YOU say about YOUR heritage or life?

I take it you understand what I'm getting at here.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:34 PM
and we know those are YOUR bikes and not your dad's....how, little girl?

You've been had. Games over jingle nuts.

03-25-2008, 09:35 PM
why? because the teenaged girl can post photos on harleys?

sorry little girl.... that don't mean shit.

03-25-2008, 09:36 PM
why? because the teenaged girl can post photos on harleys?

sorry little girl.... that don't mean shit.

Yo mama wears Army boots !! :laugh2:

03-25-2008, 09:37 PM
stupid question from a stupid lawyer.

I never said such an idea was impossible, I asked him if he believed it.

whats wrong with you? it was a reasonable inference given you have asked the question no less than 3 times in this thread. you seem to imply that such an idea is impossible by continuing to ask it.

and yes, i believe it. and please, don't bring your daddy back into the converstation.....

03-25-2008, 09:39 PM
again...how the fuck do I know that that is YOU? For all I know, you could be a 15 year old lesbian. Anybody can post pictures, moron!:laugh2:
Whose word would you take? It really is him. Just like you and that Flag are really you and that Flag in front of the pyramid.

03-25-2008, 09:40 PM
you believe that Barack Obama has a higher allegiance to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States?


my dad's been dead a year and he's STILL a smarter lawyer than you are! ;)

03-25-2008, 09:40 PM
Oh, I do....and if you question my irish heritage, am I supposed to forget that fact and believe everything YOU say about YOUR heritage or life?

I take it you understand what I'm getting at here.

Exactly so. Claims on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt the size of Texas. I'm glad to see that some of your brain cells are still firing on their own.

03-25-2008, 09:41 PM
Whose word would you take? It really is him. Just like you and that Flag are really you and that Flag in front of the pyramid.

I'd be inclined to take the word or someone who didn't question mine.

03-25-2008, 09:41 PM
Guys, I really don't care what you believe. There are young men and women dying, to keep you connected to the internet 24/7 and let you buy gasoline and groceries to your hearts content. I really don't give a f if you realize the sacrifice of the current generation, but I do.


Sept 11, 2002, 8:25 a.m.

“I Will Never Forget”
Lee Greenwood, Ted Nugent, Spencer Abraham, Bill Simon, William McGurn, Victoria Toensing, Lucianne Goldberg, and Anita Blair on 9/11/01.

Spencer Abraham
U.S. Energy Secretary

Like many members of the Bush administration — and employees of government at every level all across the country — my chief memory of September 11, after recovering from shock and disbelief at the attacks themselves, is of hard and purposeful work...

Victoria Toensing
Attorney, former Justice Department official, and senior fellow of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

I have lost friends to death before — brain tumor, lung cancer, car wreck, the usual. But nothing prepared me for my reaction to September 11 and the death of my friend Barbara Olson.

For some reason, a year later, I am incapable of saying her name without the lips quivering, the throat catching, and the mist forming in my eyes. I know that part of the emotion is sadness because I recall the fun we had politicking, like the morning we met on the Hill with mutual friend Barbara Comstock to plan what needed to be done to ensure husband Ted's confirmation as solicitor general. "It's up to the women," we chorused and laughed throughout our planning session. I also feel cheated out of the many events she and Ted, and my spouse, Joe diGenova, were planning to enjoy together, from bike riding in Italy to fighting over which was the best California Merlot.

But there is another emotion, one that I feel to my core each time I think of the terrorists crashing Barbara's American Airlines plane into the Pentagon. I feel anger. And I don't know how to get rid of it nor do I think I want to...

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:44 PM
why? because the teenaged girl can post photos on harleys?

sorry little girl.... that don't mean shit.

Were you saying that in your little immature sissie singing voice? :laugh:

What a moron. Whatever respect people here "might" have had for you, it's gone man. You have destroyed it lock, stock and barrel. You've dumped yourself into the toilet with the rest of the turds, which IS where you belong.

03-25-2008, 09:44 PM
I'd be inclined to take the word or someone who didn't question mine.
I see. I don't see why it is important to either of you whether or not you believe it is his bike or him in photographs. At least he has good taste in bikes.

He is a Harley mechanic by trade and owns the bike he keeps picturing on the thread.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:47 PM
I'd be inclined to take the word or someone who didn't question mine.

That's not you holding that flag. You're not Irish. You're not even employed. You're some scummy old, pissy pants, street bum using the computer in the Gospel Rescue Mission. Do you wear tinfoil hats like your faggot brother doniston does?

03-25-2008, 09:50 PM
That's not you holding that flag. You're not Irish. You're not even employed. You're some scummy old, pissy pants, street bum using the computer in the Gospel Rescue Mission. Do you wear tinfoil hats like your faggot brother doniston does?

there ya go, no1.... why in the world should I believe this asshole?

"He"'s a teenaged bitch who stole her daddy's logon.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:51 PM
I see. I don't see why it is important to either of you whether or not you believe it is his bike or him in photographs. At least he has good taste in bikes.

He is a Harley mechanic by trade and owns the bike he keeps picturing on the thread.

He knows it's me No1. He knows it's my bike. I'll admit that in my ire I took the bait and posted more pictures of it, and that is why I have also removed them. Everyone here has been aware of me all the way from going to Motorcycle Mechanics Institute, to the day I posted pictures of me on that bike when I bought it. Well I guess he hasn't. He is a cherry compared to us that have been here for years.

But the gigs up. He's a fucking a-hole and now he's simply into pissing everyone off to the best of his ability. Well, I'm done. This cock sucker isn't worth the time it would take to kick his ass. He's just mad because he's been beaten into dust defending his racist preacher and racist church and his precious racist hussein.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 09:55 PM
there ya go, no1.... why in the world should I believe this asshole?

"He"'s a teenaged bitch who stole her daddy's logon.

Didn't figure you could take your own medicine. You've been pwned here from sun up to sun down. What a consummate fool.

03-25-2008, 09:58 PM
Didn't figure you could take your own medicine. You've been pwned here from sun up to sun down. What a consummate fool.

I am a consummate fool for questioning your biker credentials, but somehow you are a cool hip guy for questioning MY credentials? Have I got that right?

and "consummate" is a pretty big fucking word for a guy who thinks it's a fact that blacks live in mongolia! :lol:

03-25-2008, 10:03 PM
I'm pretty tired of the smack. Here's what I see as the bottom line:


03-25-2008, 10:09 PM
this thread has degenerated and reminds me of this;


Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 10:10 PM
I am a consummate fool for questioning your biker credentials, but somehow you are a cool hip guy for questioning MY credentials? Have I got that right?

and "consummate" is a pretty big fucking word for a guy who thinks it's a fact that blacks live in mongolia! :lol:

You can't take your own medicine... admit it. You've lost the argument in here, so now you're just talking shit. OK... have at it jerk off.

03-25-2008, 10:19 PM
You can't take your own medicine... admit it. You've lost the argument in here, so now you're just talking shit. OK... have at it jerk off.

I have not lost the argument and you cannot explain how my questioning your credentials is any different than you questioning mine.

care to try?

03-25-2008, 10:21 PM
Ok, so none of you checked out my link. Your lose, along with all of ours.

03-25-2008, 10:22 PM
Ok, so none of you checked out my link. Your lose, along with all of ours.

Five for Fighting - Freedom Never Cries

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 10:23 PM
I have not lost the argument and you cannot explain how my questioning your credentials is any different than you questioning mine.

care to try?

You've relegated yourself down to the status of pool toy in my book gas bag. I don't care to have anything more to do with you. You're a liar, a racist, and a joke.

03-25-2008, 10:23 PM
Five for Fighting - Freedom Never Cries

I knew you would get it, but not those that hate, from both ends of spectrum.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 10:24 PM
Ok, so none of you checked out my link. Your lose, along with all of ours.

Yes I did Kath. Thank you.

03-25-2008, 10:24 PM
Ok, so none of you checked out my link. Your lose, along with all of ours.

Watching a link that is provided by you is supposed to alter the course of the universe?

03-25-2008, 10:25 PM
Watching a link that is provided by you is supposed to alter the course of the universe?


03-25-2008, 10:25 PM
I knew you would get it, but not those that hate, from both ends of spectrum.

But we hold out hope, don't we?

03-25-2008, 10:26 PM
But we hold out hope, don't we?


03-25-2008, 10:27 PM

That's the ticket---look how quickly you got down to our level ! Better watch your link again !

03-25-2008, 10:30 PM
this thread has degenerated and reminds me of this;


you know, there are people out there that have won gold medals in the Special Olympics and to them, it will be the the triumph of their life.

i would not belittle such an accomplishment.

03-25-2008, 10:32 PM
you know, there are people out there that have won gold medals in the Special Olympics and to them, it will be the the triumph of their life.

i would not belittle such an accomplishment.

Nor would I. Personally, I dislike that particular graphic as much as I dislike racism. It makes fun of someone for something beyond their control. Morally reprehensible in my book....

03-25-2008, 10:38 PM
you know, there are people out there that have won gold medals in the Special Olympics and to them, it will be the the triumph of their life.

i would not belittle such an accomplishment.

My sister won a bronze, like 15 years ago. She's now dead, over 6 years. For some reason I don't find that poster funny, though I do see why some would find it so.

03-25-2008, 10:39 PM
Nor would I. Personally, I dislike that particular graphic as much as I dislike racism. It makes fun of someone for something beyond their control. Morally reprehensible in my book....

...........and why i continue to educate. unlike racism, people with mental disabilities are widely grouped with no real definition, hence, why people widely misuse the term "retard."

03-25-2008, 10:40 PM
My sister won a bronze, like 15 years ago. She's now dead, over 6 years. For some reason I don't find that poster funny, though I do see why some would find it so.

its not funny. my brother ran in many such races.

03-25-2008, 10:41 PM
its not funny. my brother ran in many such races.

I said I understood, not agreed. Not everyone has our experiences.

03-25-2008, 10:43 PM
I said I understood, not agreed. Not everyone has our experiences.

see lounge

03-25-2008, 10:46 PM
you believe that Barack Obama has a higher allegiance to the continent of Africa than he does to the United States?


my dad's been dead a year and he's STILL a smarter lawyer than you are! ;)

i see you still need daddy, though dead for a year, to fight your battles for you.

really? of course, i said so............

are you going to ask me again in hopes of proving your point?

03-25-2008, 11:00 PM
then political discourse between us is really quite impossible. How can we possibly discuss presidential politics in any rational manner when you believe that the democratic candidate is a traitor?

Whatever will you do if a man you are convinced is a traitor wins the election? assassinate him?

03-25-2008, 11:13 PM
then political discourse between us is really quite impossible. How can we possibly discuss presidential politics in any rational manner when you believe that the democratic candidate is a traitor?

Whatever will you do if a man you are convinced is a traitor wins the election? assassinate him?

quite wrong, i have given you discourse on my reasons, you however, seem unwilling to engage and therefore dismiss any such "debate" as impossible.

you seem so keen on debasing me as a lawyer (you have brought it up approx. 3 times in the past day), while referring to the greatness of your late father, yet, you debase yourself by such an argument and because you cannot engage in such discussion.

if your father was a true lawyer, you would not debase and insult me as you have done. i have never questioned your career or education....your logic...but not your purported profession. i don't think your dad would be proud.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 11:25 PM
quite wrong, i have given you discourse on my reasons, you however, seem unwilling to engage and therefore dismiss any such "debate" as impossible.

you seem so keen on debasing me as a lawyer (you have brought it up approx. 3 times in the past day), while referring to the greatness of your late father, yet, you debase yourself by such an argument and because you cannot engage in such discussion.

if your father was a true lawyer, you would not debase and insult me as you have done. i have never questioned your career or education....your logic...but not your purported profession. i don't think your dad would be proud.

I'll tell ya Yurt... I've gotten the impression from all his ranting, lying and antipathy in this thread, that he can't be believed on a great many levels, about a great many things. I think he's entirely capable of lying about just about anything. He can ridicule, question, insinuate and belittle anyone here, but the moment you do it to him, he blows up in some mock outrage and calls you whatever name is convenient to his rant. It's two faced, cheap and low life. So don't take any offense from this little turd. Just consider the source and shot back the same kind of shit he hands out. That pisses him off the most, and since that's what he's been doing to everyone in this thread, among others, make him take his own medicine.

03-25-2008, 11:29 PM
I'll tell ya Yurt... I've gotten the impression from all his ranting, lying and antipathy in this thread, that he can't be believed on a great many levels, about a great many things. I think he's entirely capable of lying about just about anything. He can ridicule, question, insinuate and belittle anyone here, but the moment you do it to him, he blows up in some mock outrage and calls you whatever name is convenient to his rant. It's two faced, cheap and low life. So don't take any offense from this little turd. Just consider the source and shot back the same kind of shit he hands out. That pisses him off the most, and since that's what he's been doing to everyone in this thread, among others, make him take his own medicine.

you have a point, but i don't know him personally, so i give him face value. if he feels lying about his life makes him more qualified to debate, ok, but it has no effect on the debate. IMO. he is fun to rant with, no doubt.

Pale Rider
03-25-2008, 11:36 PM
you have a point, but i don't know him personally, so i give him face value. if he feels lying about his life makes him more qualified to debate, ok, but it has no effect on the debate. IMO. he is fun to rant with, no doubt.

Oh he's demonstrated he won't take a back seat to anyone in the rant department... :laugh:

I'll have to admit... I've had fun in this thread myself. 99% of the argument with mfm has been all too easy to whip him. He's been trying to defend the indefensible... makes it pretty easy to splash him.

Pale Rider
03-26-2008, 12:31 AM
Rasmussen poll, March 24, 2008, Obama Slipping In Polls, Wright Speech Impact

March 24, 2008 · No Comments

The impact of pastor Jeremiah Wright and his racist and hate sermons coupled with the 20 year association with Barack Obama is taking a toll on Obama’s election campaign. Here are the Rasmussen poll results for March 24, 2008:

“Nationally, Hillary Clinton now holds a very slight advantage over Barack Obama, 46% to 44%.”

John McCain leads Barack Obama 50% to 41% and Hillary Clinton 49% to 42%.

In North Carolina John McCain leads Hillary Clinton 50% to 34%. McCain leads Barack Obama 51% to 42%. McCain is viewed favorably by 62% of NC voters. Obama is viewed favorably by 48%, Clinton is viewed favorably by 38%.


03-26-2008, 06:33 AM
quite wrong, i have given you discourse on my reasons, you however, seem unwilling to engage and therefore dismiss any such "debate" as impossible.

you seem so keen on debasing me as a lawyer (you have brought it up approx. 3 times in the past day), while referring to the greatness of your late father, yet, you debase yourself by such an argument and because you cannot engage in such discussion.

if your father was a true lawyer, you would not debase and insult me as you have done. i have never questioned your career or education....your logic...but not your purported profession. i don't think your dad would be proud.

your reasons for thinking that a US Senator and Presidential candidate would betray his country for Africa are based upon the symbolic and spiritual connection affirmation written by his church. It seems to me that either you are irrationally and hatefully partisan, or you are purposely argumentative on issues that you inappropriately magnify in proportion. Either way, I think we're done talkin' about this issue.

03-26-2008, 06:39 AM
Rasmussen poll, March 24, 2008, Obama Slipping In Polls, Wright Speech Impact

March 24, 2008 · No Comments

The impact of pastor Jeremiah Wright and his racist and hate sermons coupled with the 20 year association with Barack Obama is taking a toll on Obama’s election campaign. Here are the Rasmussen poll results for March 24, 2008:

“Nationally, Hillary Clinton now holds a very slight advantage over Barack Obama, 46% to 44%.”

John McCain leads Barack Obama 50% to 41% and Hillary Clinton 49% to 42%.

In North Carolina John McCain leads Hillary Clinton 50% to 34%. McCain leads Barack Obama 51% to 42%. McCain is viewed favorably by 62% of NC voters. Obama is viewed favorably by 48%, Clinton is viewed favorably by 38%.


Gallup Poll daily tracking. Three-day rolling average. N=approx. 1,200 Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.

Clinton: 45
Obama: 47
Other: 2
Unsure: 6
Edwards: n/a
Survey end date: 3/24/08

03-26-2008, 12:28 PM
your reasons for thinking that a US Senator and Presidential candidate would betray his country for Africa are based upon the symbolic and spiritual connection affirmation written by his church. It seems to me that either you are irrationally and hatefully partisan, or you are purposely argumentative on issues that you inappropriately magnify in proportion. Either way, I think we're done talkin' about this issue.

thats because, once again, yurt made good points, and you can't handle it.

no worries, i accept you're finished.


03-26-2008, 12:36 PM
thats because, once again, yurt made good points, and you can't handle it.

no worries, i accept you're finished.


whatver you need to tell yourself.

I honestly think that yurt's beliefs are sad and disheartening at their very best, and terribly frightening at worst.

03-26-2008, 12:37 PM
whatver you need to tell yourself.

I honestly think that yurt's beliefs are sad and disheartening at their very best, and terribly frightening at worst.

i thought you were finished with this....

Pale Rider
03-26-2008, 01:42 PM
i thought you were finished with this....

He is, he was pwned long ago, he just doesn't seem to be able to accept it. His messiah's bubble has been popped. He's despondent.

03-26-2008, 02:34 PM
He is, he was pwned long ago, he just doesn't seem to be able to accept it. His messiah's bubble has been popped. He's despondent.

despondent? hardly. I just got back from a walk along the river with my dogs. We had great fun and saw all sorts of neat wildlife including seven osprey and two bald eagles!

My messiah rose from the tomb a long time ago.

Barack Obama, who is my choice between the remaining two democratic candidates, is doing just fine. He's got the lead in delegates and popular vote and should capture our nomination. He has gained five points in the Gallup poll since his speech and Hillary has lost five - which sort of blows a hole in the premise of THIS thread! :lol:

03-26-2008, 04:21 PM
so trigg.... do you honestly believe that a United States Senator and candidate for the Presidency actually has more loyalty to the African continent than he does to the United States? honestly?

You are the one who stated that he does not. My question to you is. Are you certain? Do you know the man personally?

Answer my question, I'll answer yours.

03-26-2008, 05:31 PM
You are the one who stated that he does not. My question to you is. Are you certain? Do you know the man personally?

Answer my question, I'll answer yours.

Do I know for certain? No...
No more so than I know for certain that John McCain was not really brainwashed during his stay in the Hanoi Hilton and is actually a 21st century version of the Manchurian candidate. But I feel pretty confident about it. I think John McCain is an honorable naval academy graduate, retired naval officer, and long serving member of congress. I think that Obama is a fine young Senator with a long track record of public service and a documented history of good judgment. I think they both love America and both want the best for this country.

03-26-2008, 07:16 PM
Do I know for certain? No...
No more so than I know for certain that John McCain was not really brainwashed during his stay in the Hanoi Hilton and is actually a 21st century version of the Manchurian candidate. But I feel pretty confident about it. I think John McCain is an honorable naval academy graduate, retired naval officer, and long serving member of congress. I think that Obama is a fine young Senator with a long track record of public service and a documented history of good judgment. I think they both love America and both want the best for this country.

oh ya--Rezko and Wright were a couple of great judgements. Right up there with using "typical white people".

03-26-2008, 07:26 PM
oh ya--Rezko and Wright were a couple of great judgements. Right up there with using "typical white people".

You are certainly entitled to your judgment as to Obama's judgment. But again, you weren't planning on voting for him anyway.

03-26-2008, 07:34 PM
You are certainly entitled to your judgment as to Obama's judgment. But again, you weren't planning on voting for him anyway.

there you go again.... what is it to you? so we can't talk about a candidate we are not voting for? you have answered that of course we can, but you still put out this sentence over and over as if....well, since you are voting for him your opinion doesn't matter.

you're being disenguous at best

so you think Obama made GOOD judgment by choosing his racist pastor and slum lord for friends?

03-26-2008, 07:34 PM
You are certainly entitled to your judgment as to Obama's judgment. But again, you weren't planning on voting for him anyway.

We will never know. I might have if he wasn't such a racist.

03-26-2008, 07:48 PM
We will never know. I might have if he wasn't such a racist.

we'll never know...and I, for one, will never care.

03-26-2008, 07:53 PM
there you go again.... what is it to you? so we can't talk about a candidate we are not voting for? you have answered that of course we can, but you still put out this sentence over and over as if....well, since you are voting for him your opinion doesn't matter.

you're being disenguous at best

so you think Obama made GOOD judgment by choosing his racist pastor and slum lord for friends?

talk all you want. ANd yeah... I have absolutely NO problem with Obama being a member of TUCC. NONE. Do I have a problem with a handful of his pastor's sermons? yep. Did I have a problem with some of my recently departed pastor's sermons? many of them, but I would never use that as an excuse to leave my church. Do I have a problem with the guy who is currently preaching at my church? no. because it is ME! ;)

I think that the vote for the war in Iraq is such poor judgment that I could NEVER vote for anyone who had not repented for it. That rules out McCain.

03-26-2008, 08:15 PM
talk all you want. ANd yeah... I have absolutely NO problem with Obama being a member of TUCC. NONE. Do I have a problem with a handful of his pastor's sermons? yep. Did I have a problem with some of my recently departed pastor's sermons? many of them, but I would never use that as an excuse to leave my church. Do I have a problem with the guy who is currently preaching at my church? no. because it is ME! ;)

I think that the vote for the war in Iraq is such poor judgment that I could NEVER vote for anyone who had not repented for it. That rules out McCain.

Like you would have voted for him anyway !! :laugh2:

03-26-2008, 08:45 PM
Like you would have voted for him anyway !! :laugh2:


03-26-2008, 08:52 PM
Like you would have voted for him anyway !! :laugh2:

actually... in 2000, I hoped that I would have the opportunity to chose between two smart honorable guys - John McCain and Bill Bradley. I would have probably voted for Bradley over McCain, but I would have voted for McCain over Gore - easy.

McCain has fallen in my estimation since 2000 for two reasons: 1. bending over and letting Bush boarhog him after Bush's nasty low blows during the South Carolina primary and 2. his unrepentant pompom waving for the war in Iraq.

Pale Rider
03-27-2008, 10:33 AM
At the end of the day, the fact remains, hussein o belongs to a racist church with a racist and hate spewing preacher. He doesn't seem to think leaving the racist church is necessary. I hope he does get the dem nod, because he'll lose the general election against mccain by a massive landslide. There are few whites like mfm that are willing to just look the other way ignore hussein's racism.

03-27-2008, 11:02 AM
actually, there are many whites like me - and blacks as well - that don't see the racism in Barack Obama that you do.

Have you read Obama's books? Have you listened to his speeches? Nothing the man has ever said or written would give any indication that he is a racist.

Have you listened to thirty years worth of Wright sermons? Have you read the sermon about hope from which Obama got his book title? There is nothing racist about that sermon at ALL.

Do you understand that a church - especially a congregational UCC church - is SO much more than its minister or sermons? Mission, outreach, Christian education, empowerment, stewardship, fellowship.... all very real and important aspects of the life of a UCC church, and all are powerful reasons why church members stay members.

But go ahead and judge TUCC from the outside. I will continue to believe that TUCC is a lively and effective congregation of Christians. And I am sure that they pray for the likes of you every day. I only wish I could say that I was a good enough Christian to do the same thing.

Pale Rider
03-27-2008, 11:10 AM
actually, there are many whites like me - and blacks as well - that don't see the racism in Barack Obama that you do.

Have you read Obama's books? Have you listened to his speeches? Nothing the man has ever said or written would give any indication that he is a racist.

Have you listened to thirty years worth of Wright sermons? Have you read the sermon about hope from which Obama got his book title? There is nothing racist about that sermon at ALL.

Do you understand that a church - especially a congregational UCC church - is SO much more than its minister or sermons? Mission, outreach, Christian education, empowerment, stewardship, fellowship.... all very real and important aspects of the life of a UCC church, and all are powerful reasons why church members stay members.

But go ahead and judge TUCC from the outside. I will continue to believe that TUCC is a lively and effective congregation of Christians. And I am sure that they pray for the likes of you every day. I only wish I could say that I was a good enough Christian to do the same thing.

Deny, deny, deny.... keep your head buried mfm.... just keep it buried. Myself, I'll pay attention to the obvious.

03-27-2008, 11:12 AM
Deny, deny, deny.... keep your head buried mfm.... just keep it buried. Myself, I'll pay attention to the obvious.

Why do you refuse to answer any of my questions?:laugh2:

Pale Rider
03-27-2008, 12:34 PM
Why do you refuse to answer any of my questions?:laugh2:

Why do you refuse to acknowledge the rev wright and his church's racism and hatred?

03-27-2008, 01:43 PM
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the rev wright and his church's racism and hatred?

why do you answer a question with a question?

I do not think that reverend wright IS a racist and I don't think he preaches hatred.

Their is a difference between anger and hatred.

03-27-2008, 02:36 PM
why do you answer a question with a question?

I do not think that reverend wright IS a racist and I don't think he preaches hatred.

Their is a difference between anger and hatred.

black people created a deadly disease to kill white people

don't say gdbless america, day gddamn the blackpanthers of america

Pale Rider
03-27-2008, 02:45 PM
why do you answer a question with a question?

I do not think that reverend wright IS a racist and I don't think he preaches hatred.

Their is a difference between anger and hatred.

That's where you're all fucked up mfm.... right there. You're simply in denial and lying to yourself, and in turn trying to convince those of us who aren't.

Ain't workin' though pal. You just look ignorant.

03-27-2008, 03:14 PM
That's where you're all fucked up mfm.... right there. You're simply in denial and lying to yourself, and in turn trying to convince those of us who aren't.

Ain't workin' though pal. You just look ignorant.

people in denial are afraid to confront facts that might change their viewpoint....like YOU are afraid to go read the statement of the president of the United Church of Christ....the denomination that traces itself further back in American history than ANY denomination. Why are you so afraid and disguising your fear by calling me names instead? I am not ignorant. I am quite well versed in UCC theology. I have learned a great deal about Black Liberation Theology in the past month... I have sought to understand Rev. Wright and where he was coming from. You only condemn and demand that other "understand" the same way you do. Seek first to understand others, only then, seek to be understood.

Pale Rider
03-27-2008, 03:35 PM
people in denial are afraid to confront facts that might change their viewpoint....like YOU are afraid to go read the statement of the president of the United Church of Christ....the denomination that traces itself further back in American history than ANY denomination. Why are you so afraid and disguising your fear by calling me names instead? I am not ignorant. I am quite well versed in UCC theology. I have learned a great deal about Black Liberation Theology in the past month... I have sought to understand Rev. Wright and where he was coming from. You only condemn and demand that other "understand" the same way you do. Seek first to understand others, only then, seek to be understood.

I call you names because you call me names... see how that works?

Now... I don't need a sermon. I'm a very analytical person mfm. I see things in black and white, yes and no, positive and negative, dead or alive. Very left brained. I see and hear a man screaming the hateful and racist things like a heard the rev wright, I don't need to see or hear any more. I know he's a racist.

If you were to hand me a plate of shit and said taste it, I wouldn't need to taste it twice to know it was shit. I just don't understand why you spend so much time and energy defending such open and blatant hatred and racism. You're the ONLY person here doing so... the ONLY one. What does that tell you?

03-27-2008, 03:40 PM
I call you names because you call me names... see how that works?

Now... I don't need a sermon. I'm a very analytical person mfm. I see things in black and white, yes and no, positive and negative, dead or alive. Very left brained. I see and hear a man screaming the hateful and racist things like a heard the rev wright, I don't need to see or hear any more. I know he's a racist.

If you were to hand me a plate of shit and said taste it, I wouldn't need to taste it twice to know it was shit. I just don't understand why you spend so much time and energy defending such open and blatant hatred and racism. You're the ONLY person here doing so... the ONLY one. What does that tell you?

I am asking you to read a statement from the president of my denomination concerning reverend wright. why are you so afraid to at least read it?

Oh... and it tells me what I have known for a long time... I am one of only a small handful of liberals who dares to even come into this den of conservatives. :lol:

Pale Rider
03-27-2008, 04:37 PM
I am asking you to read a statement from the president of my denomination concerning reverend wright. why are you so afraid to at least read it?
Don't even want to glance at it, because it's no doubt more apologetic B.S. like you been peddling here.

Oh... and it tells me what I have known for a long time... I am one of only a small handful of liberals who dares to even come into this den of conservatives.
What is SHOULD do is make you stop and think, maybe you're wrong.

03-27-2008, 05:51 PM
people in denial are afraid to confront facts that might change their viewpoint....like YOU are afraid to go read the statement of the president of the United Church of Christ....the denomination that traces itself further back in American history than ANY denomination. Why are you so afraid and disguising your fear by calling me names instead? I am not ignorant. I am quite well versed in UCC theology. I have learned a great deal about Black Liberation Theology in the past month... I have sought to understand Rev. Wright and where he was coming from. You only condemn and demand that other "understand" the same way you do. Seek first to understand others, only then, seek to be understood.

1. You fail to address your own biases, so you going after Pale is the pot calling the kettle black.

2. The United Church of Christ does NOT trace its origins back to the founding of the USA. The UCC was a split from the Church of Christ which WAS one of the earliest denominations to hit the USA in colonial times. But even the Church of Christ was not the earliest. In fact, the Church of Christ was a splinter from the Presbyterians who came over. The UCC was formed in 1957 and the CC was formed in 1832. The Episcopalians and Presbyterians both pre-date the Church of Christ by a couple of centuries in the USA.

3. Hypocrite, thy name is manfromamine. Try understanding others first, before you seek to understand. And you REALLY need to try harder.

03-27-2008, 08:18 PM
1. You fail to address your own biases, so you going after Pale is the pot calling the kettle black.

2. The United Church of Christ does NOT trace its origins back to the founding of the USA. The UCC was a split from the Church of Christ which WAS one of the earliest denominations to hit the USA in colonial times. But even the Church of Christ was not the earliest. In fact, the Church of Christ was a splinter from the Presbyterians who came over. The UCC was formed in 1957 and the CC was formed in 1832. The Episcopalians and Presbyterians both pre-date the Church of Christ by a couple of centuries in the USA.

3. Hypocrite, thy name is manfromamine. Try understanding others first, before you seek to understand. And you REALLY need to try harder.

Bullshit. you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.The UCC was not split from the Church of Christ.

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a mainline Protestant Christian denomination principally in the United States, generally considered within the Reformed tradition, and formed in 1957 by the union of two denominations, the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches.

And the Congregational Church was established by settlers in present-day New England fleeing religious persecution in their native England, the Congregational churches were identified with the Puritan theological and political perspective within Anglo-Saxon Protestantism during the 17th century. Many American historians have viewed their semi-democratic practices as laying the foundation for the representative nature of the U.S. political tradition. Although the dominant Calvinism of the 18th century often created aristocratic attitudes and hostility toward other religious groups on the part of many clergy and lay leaders, eventually, by the time of the American Revolution, Congregationalists had accepted their peculiar vocation in U.S. religious life, maintaining a broadly orthodox faith while cultivating a passion for freedom, equality, and justice.

My particular congregational church predated Maine statehood by thirty years.

03-27-2008, 09:32 PM
I am asking you to read a statement from the president of my denomination concerning reverend wright. why are you so afraid to at least read it?

Oh... and it tells me what I have known for a long time... I am one of only a small handful of liberals who dares to even come into this den of conservatives. :lol:

link up.... but remember, you have opened the door to others challenging you to read statements from sources you probably don't agree with.

03-27-2008, 10:28 PM
link up.... but remember, you have opened the door to others challenging you to read statements from sources you probably don't agree with.

already provided the link...twice. either keep up or shut up.

03-27-2008, 10:57 PM
already provided the link...twice. either keep up or shut up.

we know you're a "nice" guy, but you don't have to prove it so often..... i went to the top of the page, didn't see it.... is it that hard for you to provide another, especially when someone says they will read it?

eh preacher?


03-27-2008, 10:59 PM
we know you're a "nice" guy, but you don't have to prove it so often..... i went to the top of the page, didn't see it.... is it that hard for you to provide another, especially when someone says they will read it?

if my memory serves me correctly, you already have, and disagreed about Thomas's comments about Mormons...but here is the link in any case....

enjoy it again, and watch the video as well....


03-27-2008, 11:11 PM
if my memory serves me correctly, you already have, and disagreed about Thomas's comments about Mormons...but here is the link in any case....

enjoy it again, and watch the video as well....


i never agreed to the video......

edit -- you're right, i saw this and dismissed it....so now i must say why

03-27-2008, 11:15 PM
if my memory serves me correctly, you already have, and disagreed about Thomas's comments about Mormons...but here is the link in any case....

enjoy it again, and watch the video as well....


Funny, when you get past the political crap from this ripoff you get down to the comment section and find most disagree with your President Money Man....

Here's one.....

President Thomas,
As a life long UCC member, I am ashamed of your leadership and feel you are more politically motivated and a "false prophet" and should resign your post. You have lost touch with most UCC members that sit in the pews and have offerings filtered through to Cleveland to pay for your service. Why has our denomination lost so many members under your "leadership"?


03-27-2008, 11:17 PM
i never agreed to the video......

edit -- you're right, i saw this and dismissed it....so now i must say why

you owe me no explanations. read and or watch whatever the hell you want to.

03-27-2008, 11:28 PM
These video clips, and news stories about them, have been served up with frenzied and heated commentary by media personalities expressing shock that such language and sentiments could be uttered from the pulpit.

biased in the beginning. he refers to "reaction" as "shock." bull, it was a reaction. when black people "rise up" over a white person's racist remark, is that "shock?" of course not, it is "righteous indignation." I call BS already.

One is tempted to ask whether these commentators ever listen to the overcharged rhetoric of their own opinion shows.

shows? is he talking about politics or a preacher teaching God's word? and explain exactly the underlined.

Black church prophetic tradition

Jesus of Nazareth, not Africa. And you know Jesus was born the proverbial hood. and so was the lady at the well He spoke with.

The Biblical Jeremiah was coarse and provocative. Faithfulness, not respectability was the order of the day then. And now?

i call BS....play on the name game.... ARE YOU going to tell me that obama's pastor is JUST LIKE jeremiah of the bible?

Many of us would prefer to avoid the stark and startling language Pastor Wright used in these clips. But what was his real crime? He is condemned for using a mild "obscenity" in reference to the United States.

would you or your pastor consider this "mildly" offensive -- united nigger states of america

Significant progress has been made. A black man is a legitimate candidate for President of the United States. A black woman serves as Secretary of State. The accomplishments are profound. But on the gritty streets of Chicago's south side where Trinity has planted itself, race continues to play favorites in failing urban school systems, unresponsive health care systems, crumbling infrastructure, and meager economic development.

contradicting point. you can find white, mexican.... places like that, i call bullshit.

How ironic that a pastor and congregation which, for forty-five years, has cast its lot with a predominantly white denomination, participating fully in its wider church life and contributing generously to it, would be accused of racial exclusion and a failure to reach for racial reconciliation.

so rev wright presides over a WHITE dominent church? i call BS again.

In the United Church of Christ we honor diversity.

BS again, TUCC has a non-negotiable commitment to ONE continent. that is NOT diversity.

the rest is bull and a pander to support your church.

i read MFM. and don't forget, you have opened that door......

Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 03:07 AM
Funny, when you get past the political crap from this ripoff you get down to the comment section and find most disagree with your President Money Man....

Here's one.....

President Thomas,
As a life long UCC member, I am ashamed of your leadership and feel you are more politically motivated and a "false prophet" and should resign your post. You have lost touch with most UCC members that sit in the pews and have offerings filtered through to Cleveland to pay for your service. Why has our denomination lost so many members under your "leadership"?


Sooooo aaaaaahh.... where's mfm to comment on this? :smoke:

I mean he's had excuses for all the hatred and racism venom so far, he may as well brew up some excuse for the above too... so like he says... "I'll wait"... :popcorn:

03-28-2008, 03:26 AM
Sooooo aaaaaahh.... where's mfm to comment on this? :smoke:

I mean he's had excuses for all the hatred and racism venom so far, he may as well brew up some excuse for the above too... so like he says... "I'll wait"... :popcorn:

He's going to say that he doesn't believe the many that wrote against their club President aren't actual members of the club.... err I mean church.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 03:35 AM
He's going to say that he doesn't believe the many that wrote against their club President aren't actual members of the club.... err I mean church.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:11 AM

Hey guys, I decided to take a look at what was going on and I am not surprised to see who is supporting the black raxisr, and who are holign him accountable

PR, I know full well MFM will pimp himself out to anyone with a (D) at the end of their name. Like all the Obama supporters, he checks the standards he holds Republicans to at the door, as he enters the church and kneels at the alter of Obama

I honestly believe that Obama could look MFM in the eye and say "Thanks for the vote honky" MFM would tell himself 'well he has every right to be angry - America stinks when it come to race relations'

Obama does not have this thing won yet. Hillary will pull every low down, dirty, and underhaneed trick to take the nomination

This war is going all the way to Denver, and I am looking forward to the decisive battle to come to a head. No matter who wins, there will be a huge number of Dems who will be pissed off their candidate did not get the nomination. It will be great to watch

Well I am off for another medical check. Have a great day guys,

And thanks again to all of you for your kind waord and prayers

03-28-2008, 09:05 AM
Sooooo aaaaaahh.... where's mfm to comment on this? :smoke:

I mean he's had excuses for all the hatred and racism venom so far, he may as well brew up some excuse for the above too... so like he says... "I'll wait"... :popcorn:

the comments that follow Reverend Thomas's remarks run the gamut from condemnation to support. It is exactly the sort of lively debate about issues that characterizes the congregational church.

Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 12:41 PM
the comments that follow Reverend Thomas's remarks run the gamut from condemnation to support. It is exactly the sort of lively debate about issues that characterizes the congregational church.

*What rsr said.*

Abbey Marie
03-28-2008, 03:04 PM
Hey guys, I decided to take a look at what was going on and I am not surprised to see who is supporting the black raxisr, and who are holign him accountable

PR, I know full well MFM will pimp himself out to anyone with a (D) at the end of their name. Like all the Obama supporters, he checks the standards he holds Republicans to at the door, as he enters the church and kneels at the alter of Obama

I honestly believe that Obama could look MFM in the eye and say "Thanks for the vote honky" MFM would tell himself 'well he has every right to be angry - America stinks when it come to race relations'

Obama does not have this thing won yet. Hillary will pull every low down, dirty, and underhaneed trick to take the nomination

This war is going all the way to Denver, and I am looking forward to the decisive battle to come to a head. No matter who wins, there will be a huge number of Dems who will be pissed off their candidate did not get the nomination. It will be great to watch

Well I am off for another medical check. Have a great day guys,

And thanks again to all of you for your kind waord and prayers

Great to see you, and great post. :clap:

03-28-2008, 03:19 PM
*What rsr said.*
like I said: this board is a giant conservative club and I would not expect anyone to do anything BUT kiss RSR's ass and fawn over his cut and paste oneliner talking points brainless approach. I know that I face overwhelming odds every time I step into this coven... but, it's kinda fun.

From my perspective, when Obama wins in November, I will rub every conservative's nose in it and have a hell of good time doing so....or, if McCain wins, I will rub every conservative's nose in it and have a hell of a good time doing so. McCain-Feingold....McCain-Kennedy... he IS the manchurian candidate and if we have to have a republican president, having one that just pisses the shit out of conservatives here and elsewhere is not the worst thing that could happen.

And given the fact that my wife and I are headed to Mexico the minute our daughter graduates from college, which will be in June of 2011, I really don't much care anywhere near as much as I used to.:laugh2:

Abbey Marie
03-28-2008, 03:23 PM
Actually, RSR's post sounded quite original.

03-28-2008, 03:30 PM
Actually, RSR's post sounded quite original.

Why? because he called me a pimp and insulted me? yeah...that is so fucking original we ought to give him a fucking Pulitzer! But instead, you give him positive reps, no doubt! LOL

You can count on one hand the number of RSR posts that have any original thought. And, like all the rest of the conservatives on here, you kiss his ass and jump on liberals like me without hesitation. I knew that when I came here.
I think it is really quite hilarious how you all are this mutual admiration club. A good indication is the number of liberals who are in the top ten for reputations...ZERO. You all go around patting each other on the back for your wisdom day in and day out...and the results are pretty evident, aren't they?

Abbey Marie
03-28-2008, 03:48 PM
Why? because he called me a pimp and insulted me? yeah...that is so fucking original we ought to give him a fucking Pulitzer! But instead, you give him positive reps, no doubt! LOL

You can count on one hand the number of RSR posts that have any original thought. And, like all the rest of the conservatives on here, you kiss his ass and jump on liberals like me without hesitation. I knew that when I came here.
I think it is really quite hilarious how you all are this mutual admiration club. A good indication is the number of liberals who are in the top ten for reputations...ZERO. You all go around patting each other on the back for your wisdom day in and day out...and the results are pretty evident, aren't they?

Another stellar and mature post from MFM- Mr. Foul Mouth. :rolleyes:

03-28-2008, 03:52 PM
Another stellar and mature post from MFM- Mr. Foul Mouth. :rolleyes:

run away from the truth, that's fine with me, Abbey...you've done little else

I am a sailor.... I DO have a salty vocabulary, and, I actually do a pretty good job of keeping it under wraps in public...

but certainly, I would expect you to concentrate on the profanity and avoid the substance of my posts. And, you certainly did not disappoint me!

red states rule
03-28-2008, 04:01 PM
Another stellar and mature post from MFM- Mr. Foul Mouth. :rolleyes:

It is one of his more intelligent and articulate posts Abbey. Perhaps if was not as an arrogant, rude, obnoxious, and belligerent he would have a better reputation

Bottom line is, MFM is defending hate filled racism strictly for politcal reasons

03-28-2008, 04:15 PM
Why? because he called me a pimp and insulted me? yeah...that is so fucking original we ought to give him a fucking Pulitzer! But instead, you give him positive reps, no doubt! LOL

You can count on one hand the number of RSR posts that have any original thought. And, like all the rest of the conservatives on here, you kiss his ass and jump on liberals like me without hesitation. I knew that when I came here.
I think it is really quite hilarious how you all are this mutual admiration club. A good indication is the number of liberals who are in the top ten for reputations...ZERO. You all go around patting each other on the back for your wisdom day in and day out...and the results are pretty evident, aren't they?

wat up pimp

i've given you rep when it is deserved, same as everyone else.

03-28-2008, 04:48 PM
fawn over his cut and paste

lol, where on earth would he have cut it FROM?......

03-28-2008, 05:55 PM
wat up pimp

i've given you rep when it is deserved, same as everyone else.

so ... your explanation for the top ten reputation folks all being conservatives is simply because they are the top ten best posters? really?:laugh2:

red states rule
03-28-2008, 05:56 PM
so ... your explanation for the top ten reputation folks all being conservatives is simply because they are the top ten best posters? really?:laugh2:

I have yet to see any conservative hoping to piss on a liberals grave, or telling a liberal they should be shot as an enemy of the state

03-28-2008, 05:58 PM
I have yet to see any conservative hoping to piss on a liberals grave, or telling a liberal they should be shot as an enemy of the state

I have yet to see any liberals state that they ARE domestic enemies of the constitution the way you do.

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:00 PM
I have yet to see any liberals state that they ARE domestic enemies of the constitution the way you do.

You used the enemy of the state crap. Or are you going to lie about that as you do everything else?

03-28-2008, 06:03 PM
You used the enemy of the state crap. Or are you going to lie about that as you do everything else?

you are a domestic enemy of our constitution. You have repeatedly stated your complete willingness to piss on the constitution whenever you see fit. I have never changed that opinion at all. YOU are a domestic enemy of this nation. You have ZERO respect for our most sacred document.

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:05 PM
you are a domestic enemy of our constitution. You have repeatedly stated your complete willingness to piss on the constitution whenever you see fit. I have never changed that opinion at all. YOU are a domestic enemy of this nation. You have ZERO respect for our most sacred document.

Well at least you did not lie about you tossing out the enemy of the state BS. You appear to be the biggest supporter of the terrorists on the board.


03-28-2008, 06:08 PM
Well at least you did not lie about you tossing out the enemy of the state BS. You appear to be the biggest supporter of the terrorists on the board.


I am a bigger supporter of the constitution than you are, that is clear. Anyone who would piss on our constitution the way you do IS an enemy of it.

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:13 PM
I am a bigger supporter of the constitution than you are, that is clear. Anyone who would piss on our constitution the way you do IS an enemy of it.

Temper, temper

You support the US Constituton about as much as you support the troops. You would sell both out if it attained more political power for the Dems

Oh, you already have

03-28-2008, 06:20 PM
Temper, temper

You support the US Constituton about as much as you support the troops. You would sell both out if it attained more political power for the Dems

Oh, you already have

you are the one who has expressed disdain for our constitution. you are the one who is a domestic enemy of it...not me.

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:24 PM
you are the one who has expressed disdain for our constitution. you are the one who is a domestic enemy of it...not me.

You support the terrorists MM. You would rather have a successful attack then preventing it

To you dead bodies means more votes for Dems. In your book that is an acceptable loss

03-28-2008, 06:28 PM
so ... your explanation for the top ten reputation folks all being conservatives is simply because they are the top ten best posters? really?:laugh2:

your point...other than being jealous and a mean bitchy repper.....

lets see, the words you know best and swing like a sword:

fuck you

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:30 PM
your point...other than being jealous and a mean bitchy repper.....

lets see, the words you know best and swing like a sword:

fuck you

He is a proud graduate of the Maine Institute of Snobbery

03-28-2008, 06:34 PM
He is a proud graduate of the Maine Institute of Snobbery
actually, I am a proud graduate of the same exact school your party's presidential nominee graduated from..:lol:

and you are a graduate of the Walmart shelf stocking institute? congratulations! Do you ever get to stand at the front door and offer carts to those that need them?

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:37 PM
actually, I am a proud graduate of the same exact school your party's presidential nominee graduated from..:lol:

and you are a graduate of the Walmart shelf stocking institute? congratulations! Do you ever get to stand at the front door and offer carts to those that need them?

What graduate? You were the guy cleaning the toilet - after you crawled out of it

03-28-2008, 06:43 PM
actually, I am a proud graduate of the same exact school your party's presidential nominee graduated from..:lol:

and you are a graduate of the Walmart shelf stocking institute? congratulations! Do you ever get to stand at the front door and offer carts to those that need them?

there you go again, knocking down someone's "alleged" profession.

you must love being the son of a dead lawyer...makes you feel entitled? does it? those in my law class that had fathers as lawyers were always at the top, they knew the game. i didn't. so played it the best i could. never thought i would run into someone that would whip his father's profession around like a billy club.....

fuck you <-- your words btw....

03-28-2008, 06:43 PM
What graduate? You were the guy cleaning the toilet - after you crawled out of it

no. I actually graduated from the same school that McCain did. and I served my country long and well.

and your insulting me is typical of how you are willing to insult any veteran who does not agree with you politically.

really despicable.

03-28-2008, 06:47 PM
no. I actually graduated from the same school that McCain did. and I served my country long and well.

and your insulting me is typical of how you are willing to insult any veteran who does not agree with you politically.

really despicable.


03-28-2008, 06:56 PM
Your words are insulting just like they are insulting to any vet who disagrees with you...but personally, I consider the source...YOU... a fucking pathetic loser who lives in a trailer park and works at Walmart and has no real life not any expectancy of any...and I really don't feel insulted at all. I think you are a worm... a traitorous worm who puts party above country.

yes preacher of UCC, what is our next sermon?

03-28-2008, 06:58 PM
yes preacher of UCC, what is our next sermon?

Sunday... it's about doubting Thomas.

you should try to fly out and hear it. It should be a good one!

oh...but I forgot...you're a jew so you don't believe in the story of doubting Thomas

03-28-2008, 07:03 PM
Sunday... it's about doubting Thomas.

you should try to fly out and hear it. It should be a good one!

oh...but I forgot...you're a jew so you don't believe in the story of doubting Thomas

LOL, don't forget facts preacher man.... i already told you i am only a jew by father, and not by maternal, thus, i am a jew by FAITH. got a problem with that? what, abraham is a liar?

and don't forget your favorite words:

fuck you

03-28-2008, 07:05 PM
LOL, don't forget facts preacher man.... i already told you i am only a jew by father, and not by maternal, thus, i am a jew by FAITH. got a problem with that? what, abraham is a liar?

and don't forget your favorite words:

fuck you

you don't believe in doubting Thomas do you?

If you did, you should consider flying on out for it.... I give kick ass sermons.

03-28-2008, 07:05 PM
you don't believe in doubting Thomas do you?

If you did, you should consider flying on out for it.... I give kick ass sermons.

how do the words "fuck you" fit in your sermons?

03-28-2008, 07:06 PM
how do the words "fuck you" fit in your sermons?

not at all. they never show up, actually.

03-28-2008, 08:45 PM
not at all. they never show up, actually.

so do the words end up on this board?

03-28-2008, 08:47 PM
Sunday... it's about doubting Thomas.

you should try to fly out and hear it. It should be a good one!

oh...but I forgot...you're a jew so you don't believe in the story of doubting Thomas

yea i know the story....he didn't belive the lib programs would fix his life.....and he was right.....he is an enabeler now.....

03-28-2008, 08:47 PM
not at all. they never show up, actually.

are you a jew by faith? is abraham your father?

03-28-2008, 09:37 PM
are you a jew by faith? is abraham your father?

I am a Christian by faith... and Abraham is the spiritual forebearer of all Muslims, Christians AND Jews.... so I guess we are related.

03-28-2008, 09:41 PM
yea i know the story....he didn't belive the lib programs would fix his life.....and he was right.....he is an enabeler now.....

obviously, you don't know the story. Thomas disbelieved in the risen Jesus, but, when confronted with the physical presence of the risen Christ, wounds and all, Thomas expressed h is belief and went on to be a very productive disciple... and the 3+ million St. Thomas Christians on the Malabar coast of India are a lasting testament to his far reaching diligence.

Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 09:57 PM
so ... your explanation for the top ten reputation folks all being conservatives is simply because they are the top ten best posters? really?:laugh2:

No... it's your lying, antipathy and making excuses for filthy racist and America hating behavior and rhetoric why you're reputation sucks.

Don't blame everyone else here for your short comings.

03-28-2008, 10:01 PM
Why? because he called me a pimp and insulted me? yeah...that is so fucking original we ought to give him a fucking Pulitzer! But instead, you give him positive reps, no doubt! LOL

You can count on one hand the number of RSR posts that have any original thought. And, like all the rest of the conservatives on here, you kiss his ass and jump on liberals like me without hesitation. I knew that when I came here.
I think it is really quite hilarious how you all are this mutual admiration club. A good indication is the number of liberals who are in the top ten for reputations...ZERO. You all go around patting each other on the back for your wisdom day in and day out...and the results are pretty evident, aren't they?

Really? I've recently risen to those glorious heights. I've been unfair to you? Not repped you? Negged you repeatedly, based on 'conservativism'? Give me a break. I'm quite sure I've given you more rep than RSR, I know way more than NM or some others. Even when you've made me angry, with your partisanship.

Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 10:13 PM
Really? I've recently risen to those glorious heights. I've been unfair to you? Not repped you? Negged you repeatedly, based on 'conservativism'? Give me a break. I'm quite sure I've given you more rep than RSR, I know way more than NM or some others. Even when you've made me angry, with your partisanship.

I've pos repped mfm also Kath... more than once. I'll pos rep anybody when they deserve it. But I've dinged him to... 'when he deserved it.' But just for the record, I've pos repped him more than negged.

He's got nothing to complain about.

03-28-2008, 10:23 PM
I've pos repped mfm also Kath... more than once. I'll pos rep anybody when they deserve it. But I've dinged him to... 'when he deserved it.' But just for the record, I've pos repped him more than negged.

He's got nothing to complain about.
Yep, he positive rep shows that. It's quite obvious that he's been repped by those with 'power' repeatedly, since the 'conservative' nature of the board would not lead to his 'rep.'

red states rule
03-29-2008, 05:15 AM

He's got nothing to complain about.

That has never stopped him before from whining

Abbey Marie
03-29-2008, 06:24 PM
run away from the truth, that's fine with me, Abbey...you've done little else

I am a sailor.... I DO have a salty vocabulary, and, I actually do a pretty good job of keeping it under wraps in public...

but certainly, I would expect you to concentrate on the profanity and avoid the substance of my posts. And, you certainly did not disappoint me!

Actually, I have debated Obama over and over in many threads. It's your fault that you always get overwrought, and sink to foul language when you have no argument.

As for the time lag in my responding, I would tell you that I haven't been feeling well lately, but you would probably just wish death on me.

03-29-2008, 06:55 PM
Actually, I have debated Obama over and over in many threads. It's your fault that you always get overwrought, and sink to foul language when you have no argument.

As for the time lag in my responding, I would tell you that I haven't been feeling well lately, but you would probably just wish death on me.

actually, I hope you feel better.

and just because I sometimes use salty language never means I don't have an argument!

03-29-2008, 09:42 PM
and just because I sometimes use salty language never means I don't have an argument!

Very true. We just have to read the content of your posts to know you don't have an argument - at least one with any real merit.

03-30-2008, 07:11 AM
my sermon today is on doubting Thomas. I think it will be well received. :)

03-30-2008, 07:46 AM
my sermon today is on doubting Thomas. I think it will be well received. :)

Should be easy---I already don't believe ya !! :coffee:

Pale Rider
03-30-2008, 08:04 AM
my sermon today is on doubting Thomas. I think it will be well received. :)

Use yourself as an example.

03-30-2008, 12:39 PM
Use yourself as an example.

I did. It went very well.

I preached about how doubt, faith, and belief can and do exist in every Christian. I pointed out that just because Thomas did doubt Jesus did not stop him from travelling all over the east - all the way to India - converting people. I also pointed out that even Jesus himself, the night before He was crucified, questioned His father's plans for his life.

03-30-2008, 02:19 PM
my sermon today is on doubting Thomas. I think it will be well received. :)

Wasn't it more like doubting Uncle Thomas?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

03-30-2008, 02:21 PM
Wasn't it more like doubting Uncle Thomas?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

no. Thomas, the twin. one of the twelve.... you should read up on him.... quite a guy.