View Full Version : U.S. court upholds same-sex teaching to children
02-24-2007, 07:40 PM
I see the point. If your religion banned the teaching of science (evolution)(earth is billions of years old not thousands) the school is still going to teach it. Your religious are not violated and if you feel that they are you could always home school your kids.;_ylt=AsR8WXVOv.Z.rjKTWCIvBKoDW7oF
BOSTON (Reuters) - A federal judge in Boston has dismissed a suit by two families who wanted to stop a Massachusetts town and its public school system from teaching their children about gay marriage, court documents show.
The families last year filed the suit asserting that the reading of a gay-themed book and handing out to elementary school students of other children's books that discussed homosexuality without first notifying parents was a violation of their religious rights.
Federal Judge Mark Wolf ruled on Friday that public schools are "entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy."
"Diversity is a hallmark of our nation. It is increasingly evident that our diversity includes differences in sexual orientation," he said.
He said the courts had decided in other cases that parents' rights to exercise their religious beliefs were not violated when their children were exposed to contrary ideas in school.
The complaint filed against the town of Lexington, about 12 miles west of Boston, had said the school had "begun a process of intentionally indoctrinating very young children to affirm the notion that homosexuality is right and normal in direct denigration of the plaintiffs' deeply held faith."
The book that sparked the case was "King & King" which tells the story of a crown prince who rejects a bevy of beautiful princesses, rebuffing each suitor until falling in love with a prince. The two marry, sealing the union with a kiss, and live happily ever after.
The Lexington school system had said reading the book was not intended as sex education but as a way to educate children about the world in which they live, especially in Massachusetts, the only U.S. state where gays and lesbians can legally wed.
A lawyer for the families said they would appeal the ruling, the Boston Globe reported on Saturday. [/QUOTE]
02-24-2007, 07:51 PM
Oh is that how it works now...
Because most parents don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle and these parents would rather they be taught about this subject at home, than in a school.......
It's now come down your words...
Fuck you, if you don't like it....
02-24-2007, 07:52 PM
I see the point. If your religion banned the teaching of science (evolution)(earth is billions of years old not thousands) the school is still going to teach it. Your religious are not violated and if you feel that they are you could always home school your kids.;_ylt=AsR8WXVOv.Z.rjKTWCIvBKoDW7oF
BOSTON (Reuters) - A federal judge in Boston has dismissed a suit by two families who wanted to stop a Massachusetts town and its public school system from teaching their children about gay marriage, court documents show.
The families last year filed the suit asserting that the reading of a gay-themed book and handing out to elementary school students of other children's books that discussed homosexuality without first notifying parents was a violation of their religious rights.
Federal Judge Mark Wolf ruled on Friday that public schools are "entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy."
"Diversity is a hallmark of our nation. It is increasingly evident that our diversity includes differences in sexual orientation," he said.
He said the courts had decided in other cases that parents' rights to exercise their religious beliefs were not violated when their children were exposed to contrary ideas in school.
The complaint filed against the town of Lexington, about 12 miles west of Boston, had said the school had "begun a process of intentionally indoctrinating very young children to affirm the notion that homosexuality is right and normal in direct denigration of the plaintiffs' deeply held faith."
The book that sparked the case was "King & King" which tells the story of a crown prince who rejects a bevy of beautiful princesses, rebuffing each suitor until falling in love with a prince. The two marry, sealing the union with a kiss, and live happily ever after.
The Lexington school system had said reading the book was not intended as sex education but as a way to educate children about the world in which they live, especially in Massachusetts, the only U.S. state where gays and lesbians can legally wed.
A lawyer for the families said they would appeal the ruling, the Boston Globe reported on Saturday. [/QUOTE]
"Diversity is a hallmark of our nation. It is increasingly evident that our diversity includes differences in sexual orientation,"
Oh crap--here we go again. :fu:
02-25-2007, 12:55 AM
What's your problem with diversity.
02-25-2007, 02:10 AM
What's your problem with diversity.
Maybe it's the fact that diversity divides us. Maybe it's the fact that diversity is determined to divide everyone into broad groups and then define which one needs to most laws made about it. Maybe it's the fact that diversity weakens this country. Maybe it's the fact that diversity has converted us from one, strong, cohesive whole into a bunch of squabbling little parts.
Remember, an alloy only works when all of the materials melt together. Diversity takes the fire from the forge and tells everybody that there's nothing wrong with them continuing to divide themselves. Diversity blows, and passing it off as a strength is like passing of dog excrement as gormet food.
02-25-2007, 11:56 AM
What's your problem with diversity.
The mere fact that Im sick and tired of people trying to divide us. Diversity is not a strength. Unity is. We are after all the United States of America. The whole point of this nation was not to be diverse but that despite our differences in background we are united in the cause of freedom in the world.
Sadly our nation is no longer that nation.
02-25-2007, 12:21 PM
I see the point. If your religion banned the teaching of science (evolution)(earth is billions of years old not thousands) the school is still going to teach it. Your religious are not violated and if you feel that they are you could always home school your kids.;_ylt=AsR8WXVOv.Z.rjKTWCIvBKoDW7oF
BOSTON (Reuters) - A federal judge in Boston has dismissed a suit by two families who wanted to stop a Massachusetts town and its public school system from teaching their children about gay marriage, court documents show.
The families last year filed the suit asserting that the reading of a gay-themed book and handing out to elementary school students of other children's books that discussed homosexuality without first notifying parents was a violation of their religious rights.
Federal Judge Mark Wolf ruled on Friday that public schools are "entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy."
"Diversity is a hallmark of our nation. It is increasingly evident that our diversity includes differences in sexual orientation," he said.
He said the courts had decided in other cases that parents' rights to exercise their religious beliefs were not violated when their children were exposed to contrary ideas in school.
The complaint filed against the town of Lexington, about 12 miles west of Boston, had said the school had "begun a process of intentionally indoctrinating very young children to affirm the notion that homosexuality is right and normal in direct denigration of the plaintiffs' deeply held faith."
The book that sparked the case was "King & King" which tells the story of a crown prince who rejects a bevy of beautiful princesses, rebuffing each suitor until falling in love with a prince. The two marry, sealing the union with a kiss, and live happily ever after.
The Lexington school system had said reading the book was not intended as sex education but as a way to educate children about the world in which they live, especially in Massachusetts, the only U.S. state where gays and lesbians can legally wed.
A lawyer for the families said they would appeal the ruling, the Boston Globe reported on Saturday. [/QUOTE]
Now what was that question the pro-homo crowd keeps asking? How does homosexuality affect me?
Here's your answer. Teaching my children that something that is wrong/abnormal is right/normal.
02-25-2007, 12:23 PM
What's your problem with diversity.
This isn't diversity. It's perversion catering to the sensitivities of an aberrant minority, and it's teaching this society's children that something that is wrong, unnatural and abnormal is perfectly fine and healthy.
What crap.
02-25-2007, 04:09 PM
Diversity is division. It breaks down a whole into its smallest denomonator. It creates a seperate but equal society aka aparthide.
02-25-2007, 05:16 PM
What's next? Are pedophiles going to want special treatment? Are they going to want their "diversity" taught in public schools? Homosexuality doesn't effect people until it's forced upon them. Teaching about it in school is that force. Another reason to home school your children people. What a shame.
02-25-2007, 05:27 PM
What's your problem with diversity.
i don't know...what is wrong with diversity?.....oh and tollerance......
But some gay and lesbian residents of the Castro are worried that the culture and history of their world-famous neighborhood could be lost in the process, and they have started a campaign to preserve its character. The city, meanwhile, is spending $100,000 on a plan aimed at keeping the area's gay identity intact.
Heterosexuals "are welcome as long as they understand this is our community," said Adam Light, a leader in the Castro Coalition, a group formed eight months ago to address the shifts in the neighborhood in recent years.
Black Lance
03-09-2007, 12:50 AM
He said the courts had decided in other cases that parents' rights to exercise their religious beliefs were not violated when their children were exposed to contrary ideas in school.
Yet when a religious idea is taught in the school, even as theory, the atheists sue the school and win on the exact same basis.
Black Lance
03-09-2007, 12:54 AM
The mere fact that Im sick and tired of people trying to divide us. Diversity is not a strength. Unity is. We are after all the United States of America. The whole point of this nation was not to be diverse but that despite our differences in background we are united in the cause of freedom in the world.
Sadly our nation is no longer that nation.
Well let's be fair, America has always been a "diverse" society in terms of race and politics. Diversity can be a strength for our society by providing us with a broad array of cultures and ideas to draw from as needed, but ultimately all these diverse groups have to support the collective nation. And that last part is what the left doesn't seem to understand when it uses "diversity" as a code word for any minority group whose interests they want to promote.
03-09-2007, 09:42 AM
What's your problem with diversity. Brilliant strategy of The Left. What they have done is change the definition of homosexuality from reality: abnormal, unhealthy, an obvious choice, sinful behavior, into an alternate reality: normal, healthy, unchosen lifestyle, sin is meaningless. They even forced the APA to take homosexuality off its list of mental disorders.
Now the gay lobby can ague that being intolerant of teaching YOUR KIDS about deviant faggot sex AGAINST DIVERSITY.
As I said, positively brilliant strategy.
03-09-2007, 04:41 PM
Because most parents don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle and these parents would rather they be taught about this subject at home, than in a school.......
When was the last time a fundy parent taught their kids about homosexuality? They prefer to hide them under the rock of ignorance. Which is why we have highly educated kids who are socially retarded. They are taught to hate and fear everyone who is not white and middle/upper class.
Creationism is not taught in schools because it is not science. It is a religious belief. That is why we have division of church and state.
Or, to quote the late great Bill Hicks:
"If you believe in creationism and that the world is 6,000 years old, I have a one-word question for you: Dinosaurs"
03-09-2007, 05:25 PM
When was the last time a fundy parent taught their kids about homosexuality? .....
Its done every day.
03-09-2007, 05:57 PM
Because most parents don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle and these parents would rather they be taught about this subject at home, than in a school.......
When was the last time a fundy parent taught their kids about homosexuality? They prefer to hide them under the rock of ignorance. Which is why we have highly educated kids who are socially retarded. They are taught to hate and fear everyone who is not white and middle/upper class.
Creationism is not taught in schools because it is not science. It is a religious belief. That is why we have division of church and state.
Or, to quote the late great Bill Hicks:
"If you believe in creationism and that the world is 6,000 years old, I have a one-word question for you: Dinosaurs"
I tell you what gabby go read book, we "dont have a division of church and state" the only thing the constitution states is that the government will not establish a religion. There is a very big difference. If you dont understand that simple concept you are a complete idiot....
Now to the topic at hand. I dont go to work and talk about the great night my wife and I had last night or all the wild shit that goes on behind closed doors. Why then should we have to hear about all the wild shit that goes on in a homosexual relationship. Suffice it say they should only say it is a "relationship" they (the school) should not be elaborating on the subject. They do not tell my children what is right and wrong that is up to me.
I am a very tolerant person when it comes to this topic I have friends who are gay and they know I dont want to hear about any of thier sexual experiences.
The schools need to get out of the moral issues and ohh!!! I dont know maybe start teaching the basics again. Give up on these stupid failed social experiments and stick to educating our children. I for one am getting sick and tired of paying taxes just to have go over everything the teacher said and sift out what is irrelevant and against my familys personal beliefs and dont even get me started on the failed education.
If you dont like the fact that people dont want the homosexualy lifestyle crammed down thier childrens throat crawl back to whatever hole you came out of. Ohh and FUCK OFF!!!!
If we make homosexuality the norm what will be next bestiality (you know that is legal in the netherlands do you want it leagl here) Hell lets let NAMBLA run the boy scouts after all they cant help they are just born that way or how about the WNBA running the girl scouts because you know all the women in there are gay and it is just normal.
Children are born innocent for a reason and that reason was not so some stupid person can jam an alternative lifestyle down thier throat. It is so thier parents can mold them and bring them up the way they see fit not the state....
03-09-2007, 05:59 PM
Its done every day.
I agree but most of us are telling our children its NOT OKAY and there in lies the problem. They dont want us telling them its wrong.... As I am sure you are telling your children its not normal..
03-09-2007, 06:16 PM
I agree but most of us are telling our children its NOT OKAY and there in lies the problem. They dont want us telling them its wrong.... As I am sure you are telling your children its not normal..
I tell my kids the truth. I also demonstrate the lies that the Damnocrat-controlled teacher's union tell us every day.
03-09-2007, 06:20 PM
I tell my kids the truth. I also demonstrate the lies that the Damnocrat-controlled teacher's union tell us every day.
Same here brother!!!! Its a uphill battle everyday, but deffintely worth it when you see that lightbulb go off in your childrens head....
03-10-2007, 10:56 AM
Because most parents don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle and these parents would rather they be taught about this subject at home, than in a school.......
When was the last time a fundy parent taught their kids about homosexuality? They prefer to hide them under the rock of ignorance. Which is why we have highly educated kids who are socially retarded. They are taught to hate and fear everyone who is not white and middle/upper class.
Creationism is not taught in schools because it is not science. It is a religious belief. That is why we have division of church and state.
Or, to quote the late great Bill Hicks:
"If you believe in creationism and that the world is 6,000 years old, I have a one-word question for you: Dinosaurs"
How is not teaching my child that abnormal is normal hiding my child in ignorance?
There's no hate and fear nor religioous belief involved in that. Abnormal is abnormal. No emotion required to figure out that simple little fact.
03-10-2007, 07:17 PM
Abnormal is abnormal. No emotion required to figure out that simple little fact.
That is what I intend to teach my child about conservative Republicans.
03-10-2007, 07:35 PM
When was the last time a fundy parent taught their kids about homosexuality? They prefer to hide them under the rock of ignorance. Which is why we have highly educated kids who are socially retarded. They are taught to hate and fear everyone who is not white and middle/upper class.
Is that what happened to you???
Grow up, Please..
03-10-2007, 07:53 PM
It HAS to be true. How else would all of you develop the views that you did?
Not that I care. As a future school counselor, your kids will keep my job secure for years. :laugh2:
03-10-2007, 08:23 PM
It HAS to be true. How else would all of you develop the views that you did?
Not that I care. As a future school counselor, your kids will keep my job secure for years. :laugh2:
You're such a jack-off.
03-10-2007, 09:38 PM
Because most parents don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle and these parents would rather they be taught about this subject at home, than in a school.......
When was the last time a fundy parent taught their kids about homosexuality? They prefer to hide them under the rock of ignorance. Which is why we have highly educated kids who are socially retarded. They are taught to hate and fear everyone who is not white and middle/upper class.
Creationism is not taught in schools because it is not science. It is a religious belief. That is why we have division of church and state.
Or, to quote the late great Bill Hicks:
"If you believe in creationism and that the world is 6,000 years old, I have a one-word question for you: Dinosaurs"
Well, I didn't really have to "teach" my 13 y/o daughter much about homosexuality. We were watching a TV show where two girls kissed. She and my wife simultaneously said "Eww, gross!" Looks like she understands homosexuality perfectly well - although we have discussed how homosexual behavior is against God's will, just as pre-marital sex is.
03-11-2007, 12:55 PM
Well, I didn't really have to "teach" my 13 y/o daughter much about homosexuality. We were watching a TV show where two girls kissed. She and my wife simultaneously said "Eww, gross!" Looks like she understands homosexuality perfectly well - although we have discussed how homosexual behavior is against God's will, just as pre-marital sex is.
It is easy to tell 13 year old girls that pre-marital sex is wrong. Their hormones haven't kicked in yet.
Just wait a few years. When she doesn't tell you that she is having sex.
03-11-2007, 01:09 PM
Abnormal is abnormal. No emotion required to figure out that simple little fact.
That is what I intend to teach my child about conservative Republicans.
03-11-2007, 01:12 PM
It HAS to be true. How else would all of you develop the views that you did?
Not that I care. As a future school counselor, your kids will keep my job secure for years. :laugh2:
What views would that be? That homosexuality is abnormal? Nobody has to teach that. It's a rather obvious fact you loony lefties keep trying to confuse with smoke-and-mirrrors parlor tricks.
No amount of attempted liberal indoctrination on your part is going to convince anyone capable of rational, logical thought that homosexuality is anything other than aberrant sexual behavior.
03-11-2007, 01:14 PM
It is easy to tell 13 year old girls that pre-marital sex is wrong. Their hormones haven't kicked in yet.
Just wait a few years. When she doesn't tell you that she is having sex.
It's also easy to tell 13 yearsl old girls to think logically and rationally, but it didn't work for YOUR parents, obviously.
03-11-2007, 07:54 PM
Like I said, hormones and temptation will always speak louder than your parents. Some cute guy will come along promising hearts and flowers, and convince you how much fun it is to do nasty naked things. And your kid will take the bait. Just like it happened when you were in school, offering girls hearts and flowers.
03-11-2007, 07:58 PM
Like I said, hormones and temptation will always speak louder than your parents. Some cute guy will come along promising hearts and flowers, and convince you how much fun it is to do nasty naked things. And your kid will take the bait. Just like it happened when you were in school, offering girls hearts and flowers.
It didn't happen to me. I've never done the act, and not for a lack of opportunity, either. It can and has worked if you'll just let it work rather than giving up before you even try.
03-11-2007, 10:26 PM
Like I said, hormones and temptation will always speak louder than your parents. Some cute guy will come along promising hearts and flowers, and convince you how much fun it is to do nasty naked things. And your kid will take the bait. Just like it happened when you were in school, offering girls hearts and flowers.
So? Who cares if some cute guy offers my daughter hearts and flowers? Kind of normal, if you ask me.
03-12-2007, 10:11 PM
So? Who cares if some cute guy offers my daughter hearts and flowers? Kind of normal, if you ask me.
Wait til he offers to take her to a cock fight. That will be the interesting part.
03-12-2007, 10:15 PM
Like I said, hormones and temptation will always speak louder than your parents. Some cute guy will come along promising hearts and flowers, and convince you how much fun it is to do nasty naked things. And your kid will take the bait. Just like it happened when you were in school, offering girls hearts and flowers.
With your kid, it probably would - you teach tolerance.
If it were my kid, it probably wouldn't - I teach "if you don't fly right, you get your ass kicked" until said child is old enough to make that decision for themself, and suffer any consequences.
03-12-2007, 10:17 PM
or old enough to kick your ass right back if you try.
03-13-2007, 12:41 AM
I am going to be a horrible mother. I will teach tolerance, respect and equality for all people. Which is, in fact, one of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
"I am the God of all people."
I will leave the teaching of hate, fear, bigotry and racism to fundies.
03-13-2007, 01:41 AM
I am going to be a horrible mother. I will teach tolerance, respect and equality for all people. Which is, in fact, one of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
"I am the God of all people."
I will leave the teaching of hate, fear, bigotry and racism to fundies.
And of course you'll be teaching your children to become apostates by embracing a bastardized version of Christianity.
03-13-2007, 02:03 AM
There is a wrong version of Christianity? Or is any version wrong that you don't endorse?
03-13-2007, 08:46 AM
I am going to be a horrible mother. I will teach tolerance, respect and equality for all people. Which is, in fact, one of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
"I am the God of all people."
I will leave the teaching of hate, fear, bigotry and racism to fundies.
I love how Liberals try to preach about Jesus.
So what's your stance on abortion, fetal stem cell research, and homosexuality?
03-13-2007, 11:13 AM
I am going to be a horrible mother. I will teach tolerance, respect and equality for all people. Which is, in fact, one of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
"I am the God of all people."
I will leave the teaching of hate, fear, bigotry and racism to fundies.
Will you also teach your children to "Go and sin no more," as Jesus commanded?
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