01-11-2007, 06:05 AM
Anyone hear of this incident??
By Andrew P. Thomas | View comments
For the first time in history, American troops fled from armed gunmen illegally crossing the Mexican-Arizona border. This is a terrible precedent for national security.
Today, Maricopa County County Attorney Andrew Thomas called for an inquiry by Congress and the Arizona legislature into the circumstances surrounding last week's reported retreat by National Guard troops along the Mexican border after they were confronted by four armed gunmen from Mexico. This development was troubling given that Valley streets increasingly are being flooded with crime, drugs and violence flowing from the open border with Mexico.
The Border Patrol acknowledged last week that National Guard troops abandoned a post along the Arizona border after being threatened by armed men entering from Mexico. This confrontation occurred along a porous border where drug lords and their gangs operate freely.
Thomas stated, "This incident cries out for an official inquiry. I am unaware of any other occasion in which American soldiers along the Mexican border were compelled to retreat from armed intruders."
He added, "This incident was a deep embarrassment for our state and nation, and a wake-up call. It needs to be recognized as such."
He called for Congress and the state legislature to inquire into the rules of engagement for National Guard troops, the chain of command, whether they were carrying bullets, and whether their job duties and security arrangements are appropriate. "We are counting on these troops to defend the border. They need to be given the tools to do so."
Thomas noted that the security situation along the Mexican border remains chaotic and Valley streets are being filled with crime, drugs and violence due to the semi-open border. Recent events along the border have highlighted the fact that the illegal immigration problem is only one facet of a broader crisis involving what he called "border security."
Last week, the Arizona Republic reported that Arizona has become the drug gateway to the nation, with record seizures of marijuana (more seizures occurred in Arizona than occurred in the other three border states combined) and massive amounts of meth, cocaine and heroin entering the country. Mexico supplies an estimated 90 percent of the meth entering Arizona, and Phoenix has become the nation's hub for meth distribution and related identity theft. Mexican border cities have become centers of murder and violence.
Although Thomas was not aware of a terrorist entering the nation illegally across the Mexican border and committing a terrorist act, he pointed out that could change at any time given the large number of illegal crossings occurring annually.
Thomas also questioned why Governor Janet Napolitano devoted only a small fraction of the tail end of her State of the State address yesterday to the border crisis. This was despite the fact that the issue figured prominently in last November's elections and four initiatives cracking down on illegal immigration passed overwhelmingly. "This issue requires continued leadership and commitment," he noted.
By Andrew P. Thomas | View comments
For the first time in history, American troops fled from armed gunmen illegally crossing the Mexican-Arizona border. This is a terrible precedent for national security.
Today, Maricopa County County Attorney Andrew Thomas called for an inquiry by Congress and the Arizona legislature into the circumstances surrounding last week's reported retreat by National Guard troops along the Mexican border after they were confronted by four armed gunmen from Mexico. This development was troubling given that Valley streets increasingly are being flooded with crime, drugs and violence flowing from the open border with Mexico.
The Border Patrol acknowledged last week that National Guard troops abandoned a post along the Arizona border after being threatened by armed men entering from Mexico. This confrontation occurred along a porous border where drug lords and their gangs operate freely.
Thomas stated, "This incident cries out for an official inquiry. I am unaware of any other occasion in which American soldiers along the Mexican border were compelled to retreat from armed intruders."
He added, "This incident was a deep embarrassment for our state and nation, and a wake-up call. It needs to be recognized as such."
He called for Congress and the state legislature to inquire into the rules of engagement for National Guard troops, the chain of command, whether they were carrying bullets, and whether their job duties and security arrangements are appropriate. "We are counting on these troops to defend the border. They need to be given the tools to do so."
Thomas noted that the security situation along the Mexican border remains chaotic and Valley streets are being filled with crime, drugs and violence due to the semi-open border. Recent events along the border have highlighted the fact that the illegal immigration problem is only one facet of a broader crisis involving what he called "border security."
Last week, the Arizona Republic reported that Arizona has become the drug gateway to the nation, with record seizures of marijuana (more seizures occurred in Arizona than occurred in the other three border states combined) and massive amounts of meth, cocaine and heroin entering the country. Mexico supplies an estimated 90 percent of the meth entering Arizona, and Phoenix has become the nation's hub for meth distribution and related identity theft. Mexican border cities have become centers of murder and violence.
Although Thomas was not aware of a terrorist entering the nation illegally across the Mexican border and committing a terrorist act, he pointed out that could change at any time given the large number of illegal crossings occurring annually.
Thomas also questioned why Governor Janet Napolitano devoted only a small fraction of the tail end of her State of the State address yesterday to the border crisis. This was despite the fact that the issue figured prominently in last November's elections and four initiatives cracking down on illegal immigration passed overwhelmingly. "This issue requires continued leadership and commitment," he noted.