View Full Version : Fyi

01-10-2007, 09:12 PM
User options (for members) will not be change at this board without due cause and proper notification.

That is all.

Mr. P
01-10-2007, 09:29 PM
User options (for members) will not be change at this board without due cause and proper notification.

That is all.

I was a target for elimination by harassment MB, everything else was tried to get me to blow-up on 'it'..It was an obvious set-up..I called em on it. Someone, 'it' I won't name, doesn't like me very well..and so it goes. :)

01-11-2007, 12:24 PM
I was a target for elimination by harassment MB, everything else was tried to get me to blow-up on 'it'..It was an obvious set-up..I called em on it. Someone, 'it' I won't name, doesn't like me very well..and so it goes. :)

I'll repeat what MB said, there will NEVER be manipulation of accounts here in any way. If anyone ever suspects as much, please PM me immediately.

Not sure of the story, Mr. P, but just read the thread in question. Didn't seem that bad at all, and you were banned?

Regardless, let's keep our issues here and others elsewhere.

Mr. P
01-11-2007, 12:27 PM
I'll repeat what MB said, there will NEVER be manipulation of accounts here in any way. If anyone ever suspects as much, please PM me immediately.

Not sure of the story, Mr. P, but just read the thread in question. Didn't seem that bad at all, and you were banned?

Regardless, let's keep our issues here and others elsewhere.
