View Full Version : So Much For Hillary's Biggest Asset

red states rule
01-28-2008, 07:18 AM
It would sem Bill has lost his "magic" on the campaign trail, and is not the political god the left told us he was

Hillary's biggest asset? Now Bill is looking like a liability

The interventions of former president Clinton are turning Democrats off his wife and raising constitutional questions

Michael Tomasky in Washington
Monday January 28, 2008
The Guardian

Just three weeks ago, it was an article of faith that was beyond questioning: Bill Clinton was his wife's greatest asset in her presidential campaign. The former president was loved by all Democrats. Practically all he had to do was walk into any roomful of Democratic voters, remind them of the prosperity of the 1990s, and the deal would be closed. All but the most truculent would leave the room committed Hillaryites.

Today? Consider this exit-poll data point from Saturday's voting in South Carolina, where Barack Obama romped to a two-to-one victory over Hillary Clinton. Voters were asked to rate the importance of Bill Clinton's campaigning as a factor in determining how they voted. A majority, 58%, said that the former president's campaigning - he spent last week in the state lobbing volley after boorish volley at Obama (and at the media), while his wife was mostly elsewhere - was important. And guess what? Those 58% voted for Obama, 48% to 37%.

Granted, Obama won by far more among the 39% who said that Bill Clinton's role wasn't an important factor. But the fact that Obama carried the day among the 58% is staggering. As we move to the 22-state primary-palooza of February 5, the key question for the Clinton campaign - in a way for Obama's team as well - is what to do about this.

for the complete article


red states rule
01-28-2008, 08:22 AM
Oh, now the Clinton camp has new and improved role for Bill

Will anyone buy it is the question

After Obama Victory, Clinton’s Camp Seeks Gentler Role for Ex-President

Published: January 28, 2008
Democrats inside and outside the Clinton campaign on Sunday debated and in some cases bemoaned the degree to which former President Bill Clinton’s criticism of Senator Barack Obama last week had inflicted lasting damage on his wife’s presidential candidacy.

“I think his harsh style hurt Senator Clinton — it polarized the campaign and polarized the electorate, and it also made it harder for Senator Clinton’s positive message to break through,” said Celinda Lake, a Democratic strategist and pollster who is not affiliated with any of the candidates.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign team, seeking to readjust after her lopsided defeat in South Carolina and amid a sense among many Democrats that Mr. Clinton had injected himself clumsily into the race, will try to shift the former president back into the sunnier, supportive-spouse role that he played before Mrs. Clinton’s loss in the Iowa caucuses, Clinton advisers said.

But Democrats said it was not clear whether the effects of Mr. Clinton’s high profile could be brushed away by having him modulate his campaign style. They said Mr. Clinton had upset some of the central themes of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, including her appeal to women and her assertions that her time in the White House during the 1990s amounted to vital experience rather than a link to a presidency defined as much by scandal and partisan divisions as by its successes on fronts like the economy.

for the complete article


01-28-2008, 10:07 AM
There was a theory postulated last week that Bill was the hit man in SC to purposedly raise up the black vote for BHO, thus causing a backlash from white Democrats to vote for Hillary on Super Tuesday.

The theory is based on prior Clinton tactics along with the known fact that many Democrats are racist or have racist tendancies that can be brought into action.

The first part came true. Now we wait to see if their strategy works.

red states rule
01-28-2008, 10:11 AM
There was a theory postulated last week that Bill was the hit man in SC to purposedly raise up the black vote for BHO, thus causing a backlash from white Democrats to vote for Hillary on Super Tuesday.

The theory is based on prior Clinton tactics along with the known fact that many Democrats are racist or have racist tendancies that can be brought into action.

The first part came true. Now we wait to see if their strategy works.

It will work only for those who are dumb enough to believe it

01-28-2008, 10:21 AM
It will work only for those who are dumb enough to believe it
We are talking about Democrats here.

red states rule
01-28-2008, 10:22 AM
We are talking about Democrats here.

I feel I described them perfectly