View Full Version : McCain Immigration 'Adviser' Believes in 'Mexico First'

red states rule
01-27-2008, 08:13 AM
How much more proof do peope need that McCain is the worst possible choice Republicans could make for President?

Well, here is more - and let the MCain folks start spinning

McCain Immigration 'Adviser' Believes in 'Mexico First'

One of GOP presidential candidate John McCain's greatest potential weaknesses is his view(s) on immigration. He supported an amnesty program in 2003, and most recently "comprehensive immigration reform" which many (especially on the right) considered just another form of amnesty. Now, in the thick of the primary season, McCain has said he "gets it," and "now understands that we need to secure the border" before any sort of immigration reform is enacted.

But how has John demonstrated that he "gets it"? By hiring open borders advocate Juan Hernandez as one of his advisors! I have watched Hernandez numerous times on pundit shows (like "The O'Reilly Factor") and Juan comes across as a genial fellow. (He has a habit of referring to debate opponents as "my friend.") However, his views on [Mexican] immigration are far from the mainstream, especially so from the conservative point-of-view. As Michelle Malkin and Bryan at Hot Air have shown, for example, Hernandez stated in 2001 that Mexican immigrants (presumably legal and illegal) “will think Mexico first…”I want ‘em all to think Mexico first.” In addition, Hernandez related to Rep. Tom Tancredo that the United States and Mexico "are not two separate countries, but 'just a region.'” Then there's Juan's defense of Mexican bus drivers who transport illegals across the border and his promotion of letting illegals open bank accounts.

As expected, no one (yet) in the MSM has picked up on this story, especially the important angle of how the revelation of having Hernandez as a campaign adviser will impact (further) McCain's image with conservatives.




01-27-2008, 08:42 AM
The mainstream media is out of touch with what the people want. The people, the American people want illegals to go away but it is taboo on the news... Look at McCain, Clinton and how Bloomberg would legalize illegal Mexicans... http://www.citymayors.com/society/us-immigration.html

red states rule
01-27-2008, 08:44 AM
The mainstream media is out of touch with what the people want. The people, the American people want illegals to go away but it is taboo on the news... Look at McCain, Clinton and how Bloomberg would legalize illegal Mexicans... http://www.citymayors.com/society/us-immigration.html

The liberal media (like the Dems and RINO's like McCain) see illegals as an untapped voting block

If they get their way and amnesity is given to them, it will be only a matter of time until the illegals are given the right to vote. Which will ensure Dems have total power and a lock on that power for years to come

Which is ahat the liberal media wants and dreams of

Pale Rider
01-27-2008, 02:13 PM
Maaaaaaan........... this mccain is an absolute sell out to this country when it comes to illegal aliens. How in the hell does he think he has any room to talk about "national security" when he wants to make 20 million foreign criminals "legal citizens?"

He is UNIVERSALLY HATED by "true conservatives," and I wouldn't vote for this steaming pile of dog shit if hell froze over, which is where I wish he'd go.

Hugh Lincoln
01-27-2008, 02:52 PM
If they get their way and amnesity is given to them, it will be only a matter of time until the illegals are given the right to vote. Which will ensure Dems have total power and a lock on that power for years to come

Yes. So it's unfathomable why Republicans like McCain, Rove, Bush, etc. want 20-30 million illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans lining up to vote, but there ya go.

America: A First-World Country With Third-World Aspirations

01-27-2008, 03:08 PM
How much more proof do peope need that McCain is the worst possible choice Republicans could make for President?

Well, here is more - and let the MCain folks start spinning

McCain Immigration 'Adviser' Believes in 'Mexico First'

One of GOP presidential candidate John McCain's greatest potential weaknesses is his view(s) on immigration. He supported an amnesty program in 2003, and most recently "comprehensive immigration reform" which many (especially on the right) considered just another form of amnesty. Now, in the thick of the primary season, McCain has said he "gets it," and "now understands that we need to secure the border" before any sort of immigration reform is enacted.

But how has John demonstrated that he "gets it"? By hiring open borders advocate Juan Hernandez as one of his advisors! I have watched Hernandez numerous times on pundit shows (like "The O'Reilly Factor") and Juan comes across as a genial fellow. (He has a habit of referring to debate opponents as "my friend.") However, his views on [Mexican] immigration are far from the mainstream, especially so from the conservative point-of-view. As Michelle Malkin and Bryan at Hot Air have shown, for example, Hernandez stated in 2001 that Mexican immigrants (presumably legal and illegal) “will think Mexico first…”I want ‘em all to think Mexico first.” In addition, Hernandez related to Rep. Tom Tancredo that the United States and Mexico "are not two separate countries, but 'just a region.'” Then there's Juan's defense of Mexican bus drivers who transport illegals across the border and his promotion of letting illegals open bank accounts.

As expected, no one (yet) in the MSM has picked up on this story, especially the important angle of how the revelation of having Hernandez as a campaign adviser will impact (further) McCain's image with conservatives.




Great minds, but mine was 2 days ago:



Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 04:40 AM
Great minds, but mine was 2 days ago:



And his views, other than his, "I get it," concerning building a fence, is still the same. If he was President, he'd sign that same old mccain/kennedy amnesty bill letting them all stay here forever. This is the number one reason I do NOT like him, and would NEVER vote for him.