View Full Version : Arizona straw poll results

01-21-2008, 05:42 PM

Romney beat McCain big time

Overall Votes (662 Votes):
#1 - Mitt Romney - 28.4% (188)
#2 - Fred Thomson - 18.3% (121)
#3 - Ron Paul - 17.4% (115)
#4 - Duncan Hunter - 14.0% (93)
#5 - John McCain - 12.1% (80)
#6 - Rudy Giuliani - 5.0% (33)
#7 - Mike Huckabee - 4.8% (32)

Most Acceptable (1781 Votes):
#1 - Fred Thompson - 20.8% (370)
#2 - Duncan Hunter - 20.1% (358)
#3 - Mitt Romney - 20.0% (356)
#4 - Rudy Giuliani - 13.2% (235)
#5 - Mike Huckabee - 11.6% (207)
#6 - John McCain - 7.6% (135)
#7 - Ron Paul - 6.7% (120)

Most Unacceptable (1949 votes):
#1 - John McCain - 21.9% (427)
#2 - Ron Paul - 20.3% (396)
#3 - Rudy Giuliani - 18.3% (357)
#4 - Mike Huckabee - 17.4% (340)
#5 - Duncan Hunter - 8.0% (156)
#6 - Fred Thompson - 7.8% (152)
#7 - Mitt Romney - 6.2% (121 )

Pale Rider
01-21-2008, 06:00 PM

Romney beat McCain big time

Overall Votes (662 Votes):
#1 - Mitt Romney - 28.4% (188)
#2 - Fred Thomson - 18.3% (121)
#3 - Ron Paul - 17.4% (115)
#4 - Duncan Hunter - 14.0% (93)
#5 - John McCain - 12.1% (80)
#6 - Rudy Giuliani - 5.0% (33)
#7 - Mike Huckabee - 4.8% (32)

Most Acceptable (1781 Votes):
#1 - Fred Thompson - 20.8% (370)
#2 - Duncan Hunter - 20.1% (358)
#3 - Mitt Romney - 20.0% (356)
#4 - Rudy Giuliani - 13.2% (235)
#5 - Mike Huckabee - 11.6% (207)
#6 - John McCain - 7.6% (135)
#7 - Ron Paul - 6.7% (120)

Most Unacceptable (1949 votes):
#1 - John McCain - 21.9% (427)
#2 - Ron Paul - 20.3% (396)
#3 - Rudy Giuliani - 18.3% (357)
#4 - Mike Huckabee - 17.4% (340)
#5 - Duncan Hunter - 8.0% (156)
#6 - Fred Thompson - 7.8% (152)
#7 - Mitt Romney - 6.2% (121 )

What, pray tell, is "most acceptable" and "most unacceptable?"

01-21-2008, 06:06 PM
What, pray tell, is "most acceptable" and "most unacceptable?"

i suppose that would be the candidates they would find most acceptable as President even if they arent supporting them.

01-21-2008, 06:12 PM
Isn't Arizona McCains home state??????????

01-21-2008, 06:16 PM
Isn't Arizona McCains home state??????????

Yeah. it is. He lost it to Bush in 2000 too.

And Romney does have a Mormon population that will likely have less qualms about supporting Romney some non-mormons

01-21-2008, 06:25 PM
Yeah. it is. He lost it to Bush in 2000 too.

And Romney does have a Mormon population that will likely have less qualms about supporting Romney some non-mormons
So even the people he claims to represent can't stand him..... That in itself should tell others on this board *cough* Nevadamedic *cough* that he is NOT the man for the job. Lets be real here his OWN people in HIS HOME STATE don't even want him. They know how he governs and DONT want him in the Oval Office...:poke:

Pale Rider
01-21-2008, 07:20 PM
So even the people he claims to represent can't stand him..... That in itself should tell others on this board *cough* Nevadamedic *cough* that he is NOT the man for the job. Lets be real here his OWN people in HIS HOME STATE don't even want him. They know how he governs and DONT want him in the Oval Office...:poke:

They haven't forgotten the sons a bitch trying to sell them down the river with his and kennedy's massive amnesty bill, coupled with the fact that he's STILL soft on illegal aliens. Arizona is a border state, and they hate the mother fucker for it.

He not only won't be the next President, but he'll more than likely lose his senatorial seat as well.

01-21-2008, 10:14 PM
They haven't forgotten the sons a bitch trying to sell them down the river with his and kennedy's massive amnesty bill, coupled with the fact that he's STILL soft on illegal aliens. Arizona is a border state, and they hate the mother fucker for it.

He not only won't be the next President, he'll more than likely lose his senatorial seat as well. NOW that would be justice :laugh2:

01-21-2008, 11:39 PM
hmmm... Nevada is no where to be found.

BTW Nevada, who won Nevada again?

01-22-2008, 12:19 AM
sorry, but I am having a hard time believing that Romeny is going to get twice as many votes in Arizona than McCain......where is Maricopa county in Arizona?.....that's where all 622 who voted in this straw poll were from.....

hmmm...pheonix.....biggest town in Arizona and only 622 participated in the straw poll?......where was this straw poll held....Romney headquarters?......